D_GenCert D_GenCert 0 0 539 367 Certificate Creation Wizard TextLabel2 10 40 70 21 NoFrame Plain Passphrase: TextLabel3 10 100 90 21 Country code: TextLabel4 10 130 150 21 State or province (in full): T_CertType 10 10 100 21 Certificate type: TextLabel2_2 10 70 120 21 Passphrase (verify): TextLabel5 10 160 30 21 City: TextLabel6 10 190 141 21 Organization name: TextLabel7 10 220 150 21 Organizational unit/group: TextLabel8 10 250 170 21 Full hostname of the server: L_CertType 180 10 130 21 LineEdit3 180 100 41 22 2 TextLabel9 10 280 111 21 Email address: LineEdit4_2_2_2 180 220 121 22 200 LineEdit4_2_2_2_2 180 250 121 22 200 LineEdit4_2_2_2_3 180 280 121 22 200 E_Passphrase 180 40 130 22 500 Password E_Passphrase_2 180 70 131 22 500 Password TextLabel10 10 310 121 21 Days valid: SpinBox1 180 310 81 21 365 1 365 TextLabel11 320 40 60 21 Digest: CheckBox1 320 10 80 21 Self sign true TextLabel12 320 70 50 21 Alias: LineEdit19 380 70 131 22 LineEdit4_2_2 180 190 121 22 200 LineEdit4_2 180 160 121 22 200 ComboBox2 380 40 130 21 CheckBox2 320 100 161 21 Use DSA instead of RSA TextLabel13 320 130 71 21 Bit strength: ComboBox5 400 130 111 21 LineEdit4 180 130 121 22 200 kdialog.h