#include "modifiers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define XK_MISCELLANY #define XK_XKB_KEYS #include #include #include #include #include #undef NONE /*Modifier Scheme PC: Shift/Ctrl/Alt/Win Mac: Shift/Command/Apple/Alt Custom X11 Modifier XMod Label Shift Shift [Shift] Ctrl Control [Ctrl] Ctrl|Apple Alt [Mod1] [Alt] Alt|Command Win [Mod4] [Win] Win|Alt|Meta|Super|Hyper Extra1 [] [] User definable Shift Lock Caps_Lock Control Control_L, Control_R Mod1 Alt_L, Alt_R Mod2 Num_Lock Mod3 Mode_switch Mod4 Super_L, Super_R Mod5 Scroll_Lock */ //For Mac keyboards: //1) labels: Shift | Ctrl | Option | Command //2) swap Ctrl & Command ModifiersModule::ModifiersModule( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ) { initGUI(); load( false ); } void ModifiersModule::load( bool useDefaults ) { KConfig *c = KGlobal::config(); c->setReadDefaults( useDefaults ); c->setGroup( "Keyboard" ); m_sLabelCtrlOrig = c->readEntry( "Label Ctrl", "Ctrl" ); m_sLabelAltOrig = c->readEntry( "Label Alt", "Alt" ); m_sLabelWinOrig = c->readEntry( "Label Win", "Win" ); m_bMacKeyboardOrig = c->readBoolEntry( "Mac Keyboard", false ); m_bMacSwapOrig = m_bMacKeyboardOrig && c->readBoolEntry( "Mac Modifier Swap", false ); updateWidgetData(); } // When [Apply] or [OK] are clicked. void ModifiersModule::save() { kdDebug(125) << "ModifiersModule::save()" << endl; KConfigGroupSaver cgs( KGlobal::config(), "Keyboard" ); if( m_plblCtrl->text() != "Ctrl" ) KGlobal::config()->writeEntry( "Label Ctrl", m_plblCtrl->text(), true, true ); else KGlobal::config()->deleteEntry( "Label Ctrl", false, true ); if( m_plblAlt->text() != "Alt" ) KGlobal::config()->writeEntry( "Label Alt", m_plblAlt->text(), true, true ); else KGlobal::config()->deleteEntry( "Label Alt", false, true ); if( m_plblWin->text() != "Win" ) KGlobal::config()->writeEntry( "Label Win", m_plblWin->text(), true, true ); else KGlobal::config()->deleteEntry( "Label Win", false, true ); if( m_pchkMacKeyboard->isChecked() ) KGlobal::config()->writeEntry( "Mac Keyboard", true, true, true ); else KGlobal::config()->deleteEntry( "Mac Keyboard", false, true ); bool bMacSwap = m_pchkMacKeyboard->isChecked() && m_pchkMacSwap->isChecked(); if( bMacSwap ) KGlobal::config()->writeEntry( "Mac Modifier Swap", true, true, true ); else KGlobal::config()->deleteEntry( "Mac Modifier Swap", false, true ); KGlobal::config()->sync(); if( m_bMacSwapOrig != bMacSwap ) { if( bMacSwap ) setupMacModifierKeys(); else kapp->kdeinitExec("kxkb"); m_bMacSwapOrig = bMacSwap; updateWidgets(); } } void ModifiersModule::defaults() { load( true ); } #define SET_CODE_SYM( iCode, sym ) \ if( iCode >= keyCodeMin && iCode <= keyCodeMax ) \ rgKeySyms[(iCode-keyCodeMin) * nSymsPerCode] = sym; #define SET_MOD_CODE( iMod, code1, code2 ) \ xmk->modifiermap[iMod * xmk->max_keypermod + 0] = code1; \ xmk->modifiermap[iMod * xmk->max_keypermod + 1] = code2; void ModifiersModule::setupMacModifierKeys() { const int CODE_Ctrl_L = 0x25, CODE_Ctrl_R = 0x6d; const int CODE_Win_L = 0x73, CODE_Win_R = 0x74; //const int CODE_Alt_L = 0x40, CODE_Alt_R = 0x71; int keyCodeMin, keyCodeMax, nKeyCodes, nSymsPerCode; XDisplayKeycodes( qt_xdisplay(), &keyCodeMin, &keyCodeMax ); nKeyCodes = keyCodeMax - keyCodeMin + 1; KeySym* rgKeySyms = XGetKeyboardMapping( qt_xdisplay(), keyCodeMin, nKeyCodes, &nSymsPerCode ); XModifierKeymap* xmk = XGetModifierMapping( qt_xdisplay() ); SET_CODE_SYM( CODE_Ctrl_L, XK_Super_L ) SET_CODE_SYM( CODE_Ctrl_R, XK_Super_R ) SET_CODE_SYM( CODE_Win_L, XK_Control_L ) SET_CODE_SYM( CODE_Win_R, XK_Control_R ) //SET_CODE_SYM( CODE_Win_L, XK_Alt_L ) //SET_CODE_SYM( CODE_Win_R, XK_Alt_R ) //SET_CODE_SYM( CODE_Alt_L, XK_Control_L ) //SET_CODE_SYM( CODE_Alt_R, XK_Control_R ) SET_MOD_CODE( ControlMapIndex, CODE_Win_L, CODE_Win_R ); SET_MOD_CODE( Mod4MapIndex, CODE_Ctrl_L, CODE_Ctrl_R ); //SET_MOD_CODE( ControlMapIndex, CODE_Alt_L, CODE_Alt_R ); //SET_MOD_CODE( Mod1MapIndex, CODE_Win_L, CODE_Win_R ); //SET_MOD_CODE( Mod4MapIndex, CODE_Ctrl_L, CODE_Ctrl_R ); XSetModifierMapping( qt_xdisplay(), xmk ); XChangeKeyboardMapping( qt_xdisplay(), keyCodeMin, nSymsPerCode, rgKeySyms, nKeyCodes ); XFree( rgKeySyms ); XFreeModifiermap( xmk ); } #undef SET_CODE_SYM void ModifiersModule::initGUI() { QGridLayout* pLayoutTop = new QGridLayout( this, 6, 2, KDialog::marginHint() ); pLayoutTop->setColStretch( 1, 1 ); QGroupBox* pGroup = new QGroupBox( 2, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("KDE Modifiers"), this ); pLayoutTop->addWidget( pGroup, 0, 0 ); QLabel* plbl = new QLabel( i18n("Modifier"), pGroup ); QFont font = plbl->font(); font.setUnderline( true ); font.setWeight( QFont::Bold ); plbl->setFont( font ); plbl = new QLabel( i18n("X11-Mod"), pGroup ); plbl->setFont( font ); new QLabel( i18n("QAccel", "Shift"), pGroup ); new QLabel( "shift", pGroup ); m_plblCtrl = new QLabel( i18n("QAccel", "Ctrl"), pGroup ); new QLabel( "control", pGroup ); m_plblAlt = new QLabel( i18n("QAccel", "Alt"), pGroup ); new QLabel( "mod1", pGroup ); m_plblWin = new QLabel( i18n("Win"), pGroup ); m_plblWinModX = new QLabel( "", pGroup ); /*m_pcbWinX = newModXComboBox( pGroup ); int i; switch( KKeyNative::modX(KKey::WIN) ) { case Mod2Mask: i = 1; break; case Mod3Mask: i = 2; break; case Mod4Mask: i = 3; break; case Mod5Mask: i = 5; break; default: i = 0; } m_pcbWinX->setCurrentItem( i );*/ m_pchkMacKeyboard = new QCheckBox( i18n("Macintosh keyboard"), this ); m_pchkMacKeyboard->setChecked( m_bMacKeyboardOrig ); connect( m_pchkMacKeyboard, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotMacKeyboardClicked()) ); pLayoutTop->addWidget( m_pchkMacKeyboard, 1, 0 ); m_pchkMacSwap = new QCheckBox( i18n("MacOS-style modifier usage"), this ); m_pchkMacSwap->setChecked( m_bMacSwapOrig ); QWhatsThis::add( m_pchkMacSwap, i18n("Checking this box will change your X Modifier Mapping to " "better reflect the standard MacOS modifier key usage. " "It allows you to use Command+C for Copy, for instance, " "instead of the PC standard of Ctrl+C. " "Command will be used for application and console commands, " "Option as a command modifier and for navigating menus and dialogs, " "and Control for window manager commands.") ); connect( m_pchkMacSwap, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotMacSwapClicked()) ); pLayoutTop->addWidget( m_pchkMacSwap, 2, 0 ); //------------------ pLayoutTop->addRowSpacing( 3, KDialog::spacingHint() * 3 ); pGroup = new QGroupBox( 1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("X Modifier Mapping"), this ); pLayoutTop->addWidget( pGroup, 4, 0 ); m_plstXMods = new KListView( pGroup ); m_plstXMods->setSorting( -1 ); m_plstXMods->setSelectionMode( QListView::NoSelection ); m_plstXMods->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true ); m_plstXMods->addColumn( i18n("X11-Mod") ); new KListViewItem( m_plstXMods, "mod5" ); new KListViewItem( m_plstXMods, "mod4" ); new KListViewItem( m_plstXMods, "mod3" ); new KListViewItem( m_plstXMods, "mod2" ); new KListViewItem( m_plstXMods, "mod1" ); new KListViewItem( m_plstXMods, "control" ); new KListViewItem( m_plstXMods, "lock" ); new KListViewItem( m_plstXMods, "shift" ); //------------------ pLayoutTop->setRowStretch( 5, 1 ); updateWidgets(); } /*KComboBox* ModifiersModule::newModXComboBox( QWidget* parent ) { KComboBox* pcb = new KComboBox( parent ); pcb->insertItem( "" ); pcb->insertItem( "mod2" ); pcb->insertItem( "mod3" ); pcb->insertItem( "mod4" ); pcb->insertItem( "mod5" ); return pcb; }*/ void ModifiersModule::updateWidgetData() { m_plblCtrl->setText( m_sLabelCtrlOrig ); m_plblAlt->setText( m_sLabelAltOrig ); m_plblWin->setText( m_sLabelWinOrig ); m_pchkMacKeyboard->setChecked( m_bMacKeyboardOrig ); m_pchkMacSwap->setChecked( m_bMacSwapOrig ); m_pchkMacSwap->setEnabled( m_bMacKeyboardOrig ); } void ModifiersModule::updateWidgets() { if( m_pchkMacKeyboard->isChecked() ) { // If keys are swapped around to reflect MacOS norms: if( m_pchkMacSwap->isChecked() ) { m_plblCtrl->setText( i18n("Command") ); // Ctrl in Alt's place m_plblAlt->setText( i18n("Option") ); // Alt in Win's place m_plblWin->setText( i18n("Control") ); // Win in Ctrl's place } else { m_plblCtrl->setText( i18n("Control") ); // Ctrl labeled Control m_plblAlt->setText( i18n("Option") ); // Alt labeled Command m_plblWin->setText( i18n("Command") ); // Win labeled Option } m_pchkMacSwap->setEnabled( true ); } else { m_plblCtrl->setText( i18n("QAccel", "Ctrl") ); m_plblAlt->setText( i18n("QAccel", "Alt") ); m_plblWin->setText( i18n("Win") ); m_pchkMacSwap->setEnabled( false ); } XModifierKeymap* xmk = XGetModifierMapping( qt_xdisplay() ); for( int iKey = m_plstXMods->columns()-1; iKey < xmk->max_keypermod; iKey++ ) m_plstXMods->addColumn( i18n("Key %1").arg(iKey+1) ); //int iModWinDef = -1; for( int iMod = 0; iMod < 8; iMod++ ) { // Find the default modifier index for the Win key. /*if( iMod > Mod2Index ) { uint symX = XKeycodeToKeysym( qt_xdisplay(), xmk->modifiermap[xmk->max_keypermod * iMod], 0 ); if( symX == XK_Super_L || symX == XK_Super_R ) iModWinDef = iMod; else if( iModWinDef == -1 && (symX == XK_Meta_L || symX == XK_Meta_R) ) iModWinDef = iMod; }*/ // Insert items into X modifier map list for( int iKey = 0; iKey < xmk->max_keypermod; iKey++ ) { uint symX = XKeycodeToKeysym( qt_xdisplay(), xmk->modifiermap[xmk->max_keypermod * iMod + iKey], 0 ); m_plstXMods->itemAtIndex( iMod )->setText( 1 + iKey, XKeysymToString( symX ) ); } } XFreeModifiermap( xmk ); int i; switch( KKeyNative::modX(KKey::WIN) ) { case Mod2Mask: i = 2; break; case Mod3Mask: i = 3; break; case Mod4Mask: i = 4; break; case Mod5Mask: i = 5; break; default: i = 0; } if( i != 0 ) m_plblWinModX->setText( "mod" + QString::number(i) ); else m_plblWinModX->setText( "<" + i18n("None") + ">" ); } void ModifiersModule::slotMacKeyboardClicked() { updateWidgets(); emit changed( true ); } void ModifiersModule::slotMacSwapClicked() { if( m_pchkMacKeyboard->isChecked() && !KKeyNative::keyboardHasWinKey() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("You can only activate this option if your " "X keyboard layout has the 'Super' or 'Meta' keys " "properly configured as modifier keys."), "Incompatibility" ); m_pchkMacSwap->setChecked( false ); } else { updateWidgets(); emit changed( true ); } } #include "modifiers.moc"