//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Class Name : KFI::CKioFonts // Author : Craig Drummond // Project : K Font Installer // Creation Date : 05/03/2003 // Version : $Revision$ $Date$ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // (C) Craig Drummond, 2003, 2004 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*************************************************************************** NOTE: Large sections of this code are copied from tdeio_file -- can't just inherit from tdeio_file as tdeio_file uses "error(...); return;" So there is no way to know if an error occured! ***************************************************************************/ #include "KioFonts.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KfiConstants.h" #include "FcEngine.h" #include "Misc.h" #include #include #include //#define KFI_FORCE_DEBUG_TO_STDERR #ifdef KFI_FORCE_DEBUG_TO_STDERR #include TQTextOStream ostr(stderr); #define KFI_DBUG ostr << "[" << (int)(getpid()) << "] " #else #define KFI_DBUG kdDebug() << "[" << (int)(getpid()) << "] " #endif #define MAX_IPC_SIZE (1024*32) #define TIMEOUT 2 // Time between last mod and writing files... #define MAX_NEW_FONTS 50 // #fonts that can be installed before automatically configuring (related to above) #define FC_CACHE_CMD "fc-cache" static const char * constMultipleExtension=".fonts.tar.gz"; // Fonts that have multiple files are returned as a .tar.gz! static const int constMaxLastDestTime=5; static const int constMaxFcCheckTime=10; extern "C" { KDE_EXPORT int kdemain(int argc, char **argv); } int kdemain(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: tdeio_" KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL " protocol domain-socket1 domain-socket2\n"); exit(-1); } KLocale::setMainCatalogue(KFI_CATALOGUE); TDEInstance instance("tdeio_" KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL); KFI::CKioFonts slave(argv[2], argv[3]); slave.dispatchLoop(); return 0; } namespace KFI { inline bool isSysFolder(const TQString §) { return i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS)==sect || KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS==sect; } inline bool isUserFolder(const TQString §) { return i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_USER)==sect || KFI_KIO_FONTS_USER==sect; } static TQString removeMultipleExtension(const KURL &url) { TQString fname(url.fileName()); int pos; if(-1!=(pos=fname.findRev(TQString::fromLatin1(constMultipleExtension)))) fname=fname.left(pos); return fname; } static TQString modifyName(const TQString &fname) { static const char constSymbols[]={ '-', ' ', ':', 0 }; TQString rv(fname); int dotPos=rv.findRev('.'); if(-1!=dotPos) { unsigned int rvLen=rv.length(); for(unsigned int i=dotPos+1; i-1) size+=s; } return size; } static int getSize(TQValueList &patterns) { TQValueList::Iterator it, end=patterns.end(); int size=0; for(it=patterns.begin(); it!=end; ++it) size+=getFontSize(CFcEngine::getFcString(*it, FC_FILE)); return size; } static void addAtom(TDEIO::UDSEntry &entry, unsigned int ID, long l, const TQString &s=TQString::null) { TDEIO::UDSAtom atom; atom.m_uds = ID; atom.m_long = l; atom.m_str = s; entry.append(atom); } static bool createFolderUDSEntry(TDEIO::UDSEntry &entry, const TQString &name, const TQString &path, bool sys) { KFI_DBUG << "createFolderUDSEntry " << name << ' ' << path << ' ' << sys << ' ' << endl; KDE_struct_stat buff; TQCString cPath(TQFile::encodeName(path)); entry.clear(); if(-1!=KDE_lstat(cPath, &buff)) { addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_NAME, 0, name); if (S_ISLNK(buff.st_mode)) { KFI_DBUG << path << " is a link" << endl; char buffer2[1000]; int n=readlink(cPath, buffer2, 1000); if(n!= -1) buffer2[n]='\0'; addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_LINK_DEST, 0, TQString::fromLocal8Bit(buffer2)); if(-1==KDE_stat(cPath, &buff)) { // It is a link pointing to nowhere addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE, S_IFMT - 1); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_ACCESS, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_SIZE, 0); goto notype; } } addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE, buff.st_mode&S_IFMT); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_ACCESS, buff.st_mode&07777); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_SIZE, buff.st_size); notype: addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME, buff.st_mtime); struct passwd *user = getpwuid(buff.st_uid); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_USER, 0, user ? user->pw_name : TQString::number(buff.st_uid).latin1()); struct group *grp = getgrgid(buff.st_gid); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_GROUP, 0, grp ? grp->gr_name : TQString::number(buff.st_gid).latin1()); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_ACCESS_TIME, buff.st_atime); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_MIME_TYPE, 0, sys ? KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL"/system-folder" : KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL"/folder"); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_GUESSED_MIME_TYPE, 0, "application/octet-stream"); TQString url(KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL+TQString::fromLatin1(":/")); return true; } else if (sys && !Misc::root()) // Default system fonts folder does not actually exist yet! { KFI_DBUG << "Default system folder (" << path << ") does not yet exist, so create dummy entry" << endl; addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_NAME, 0, name); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE, S_IFDIR); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_ACCESS, 0744); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_USER, 0, "root"); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_GROUP, 0, "root"); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_MIME_TYPE, 0, KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL"/system-folder"); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_GUESSED_MIME_TYPE, 0, "application/octet-stream"); return true; } return false; } static bool createFontUDSEntry(TDEIO::UDSEntry &entry, const TQString &name, TQValueList &patterns, bool sys) { KFI_DBUG << "createFontUDSEntry " << name << ' ' << patterns.count() << endl; bool multiple=true; if(1==patterns.count()) // Only one font file, but are there any .pfm or .afm files? { KURL::List urls; Misc::getAssociatedUrls(KURL(CFcEngine::getFcString(patterns.first(), FC_FILE)), urls); if(0==urls.count()) multiple=false; } // // In case of mixed bitmap/scalable - prefer scalable TQValueList sortedPatterns; TQValueList::Iterator it, end(patterns.end()); FcBool b=FcFalse; for(it=patterns.begin(); it!=end; ++it) if(FcResultMatch==FcPatternGetBool(*it, FC_SCALABLE, 0, &b) && b) sortedPatterns.prepend(*it); else sortedPatterns.append(*it); end=sortedPatterns.end(); entry.clear(); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_SIZE, getSize(patterns)); for(it=sortedPatterns.begin(); it!=end; ++it) { TQString path(CFcEngine::getFcString(*it, FC_FILE)); TQCString cPath(TQFile::encodeName(path)); KDE_struct_stat buff; if(-1!=KDE_lstat(cPath, &buff)) { addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_NAME, 0, name); if (S_ISLNK(buff.st_mode)) { KFI_DBUG << path << " is a link" << endl; char buffer2[1000]; int n=readlink(cPath, buffer2, 1000); if(n!= -1) buffer2[n]='\0'; addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_LINK_DEST, 0, TQString::fromLocal8Bit(buffer2)); if(-1==KDE_stat(cPath, &buff)) { // It is a link pointing to nowhere addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE, S_IFMT - 1); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_ACCESS, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); goto notype; } } addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE, buff.st_mode&S_IFMT); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_ACCESS, buff.st_mode&07777); notype: addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME, buff.st_mtime); struct passwd *user = getpwuid(buff.st_uid); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_USER, 0, user ? user->pw_name : TQString::number(buff.st_uid).latin1()); struct group *grp = getgrgid(buff.st_gid); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_GROUP, 0, grp ? grp->gr_name : TQString::number(buff.st_gid).latin1()); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_ACCESS_TIME, buff.st_atime); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_MIME_TYPE, 0, KMimeType::findByPath(path, 0, true)->name()); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_GUESSED_MIME_TYPE, 0, "application/octet-stream"); TQString url(KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL+TQString::fromLatin1(":/")); if(!Misc::root()) { url+=sys ? i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS) : i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_USER); url+=TQString::fromLatin1("/"); } if(multiple) url+=name+TQString::fromLatin1(constMultipleExtension); else url+=Misc::getFile(path); addAtom(entry, TDEIO::UDS_URL, 0, url); return true; // This file was OK, so use its values... } } return false; } enum EUrlStatus { BAD_URL, URL_OK, REDIRECT_URL }; static KURL getRedirect(const KURL &u) { // Go from fonts:/System to fonts:/ KURL redirect(u); TQString path(u.path()), sect(CKioFonts::getSect(path)); path.remove(sect); path.replace("//", "/"); redirect.setPath(path); KFI_DBUG << "Redirect from " << u.path() << " to " << redirect.path() << endl; return redirect; } static bool nonRootSys(const KURL &u) { return !Misc::root() && isSysFolder(CKioFonts::getSect(u.path())); } static TQString getFontFolder(const TQString &defaultDir, const TQString &root, TQStringList &dirs) { if(dirs.contains(defaultDir)) return defaultDir; else { TQStringList::Iterator it, end=dirs.end(); bool found=false; for(it=dirs.begin(); it!=end && !found; ++it) if(0==(*it).find(root)) return *it; } return TQString::null; } static bool writeAll(int fd, const char *buf, size_t len) { while(len>0) { ssize_t written=write(fd, buf, len); if (written<0 && EINTR!=errno) return false; buf+=written; len-=written; } return true; } static bool checkExt(const char *fname, const char *ext) { unsigned int len=strlen(fname); return len>4 ? (fname[len-4]=='.' && tolower(fname[len-3])==ext[0] && tolower(fname[len-2])==ext[1] && tolower(fname[len-1])==ext[2]) : false; } static bool isAAfm(const TQString &fname) { if(checkExt(TQFile::encodeName(fname), "afm")) // CPD? Is this a necessary check? { TQFile file(fname); if(file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { TQTextStream stream(&file); TQString line; for(int lc=0; lc<30 && !stream.atEnd(); ++lc) { line=stream.readLine(); if(line.contains("StartFontMetrics")) { file.close(); return true; } } file.close(); } } return false; } static bool isAPfm(const TQString &fname) { bool ok=false; // I know extension checking is bad, but Ghostscript's pf2afm requires the pfm file to // have the .pfm extension... if(checkExt(TQFile::encodeName(fname), "pfm")) { // // OK, the extension matches, so perform a little contents checking... FILE *f=fopen(TQFile::encodeName(fname).data(), "r"); if(f) { static const unsigned long constCopyrightLen = 60; static const unsigned long constTypeToExt = 49; static const unsigned long constExtToFname = 20; static const unsigned long constExtLen = 30; static const unsigned long constFontnameMin = 75; static const unsigned long constFontnameMax = 512; unsigned short version=0, type=0, extlen=0; unsigned long length=0, fontname=0, fLength=0; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); fLength=ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); if(2==fread(&version, 1, 2, f) && // Read version 4==fread(&length, 1, 4, f) && // length... length==fLength && 0==fseek(f, constCopyrightLen, SEEK_CUR) && // Skip copyright notice... 2==fread(&type, 1, 2, f) && 0==fseek(f, constTypeToExt, SEEK_CUR) && 2==fread(&extlen, 1, 2, f) && extlen==constExtLen && 0==fseek(f, constExtToFname, SEEK_CUR) && 4==fread(&fontname, 1, 4, f) && fontname>constFontnameMin && fontname paths; bool operator==(const FontList &f) const { return f.name==name; } }; // // This function returns a set of maping of from -> to for copy/move operations static bool getFontList(const TQStringList &files, TQMap &map) { // // First of all create a list of font files, and their paths TQStringList::ConstIterator it=files.begin(), end=files.end(); TQValueList list; for(;it!=end; ++it) { TQString name(Misc::getFile(*it)), path(Misc::getDir(*it)); TQValueList::Iterator entry=list.find(FontList(name)); if(entry!=list.end()) { if(!(*entry).paths.contains(path)) (*entry).paths.append(path); } else list.append(FontList(name, path)); } TQValueList::Iterator fIt(list.begin()), fEnd(list.end()); for(; fIt!=fEnd; ++fIt) { TQValueList::Iterator pBegin((*fIt).paths.begin()), pIt(++pBegin), pEnd((*fIt).paths.end()); --pBegin; if((*fIt).paths.count()>1) { // There's more than 1 file with the same name, but in a different locations // therefore, take the unique part of the path, and replace / with _ // e.g. // /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/times.pcf.gz // /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/times.pcf.gz // // Will produce: // 75dpi_times.pcf.gz // 100dpi_times.pcf.gz unsigned int beginLen((*pBegin).orig.length()); for(; pIt!=pEnd; ++pIt) { unsigned int len=TQMIN((*pIt).orig.length(), beginLen); for(unsigned int i=0; i0) for(int path=0; path >::Iterator it=itsFolders[folder].fontMap.begin(), end=itsFolders[folder].fontMap.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it) { entry.clear(); if(createFontUDSEntry(entry, it.key(), it.data(), FOLDER_SYS==folder)) listEntry(entry, false); } } } else { size=2; totalSize(size); createFolderUDSEntry(entry, i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_USER), itsFolders[FOLDER_USER].location, false); listEntry(entry, false); createFolderUDSEntry(entry, i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS), itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].location, true); listEntry(entry, false); } listEntry(size ? entry : TDEIO::UDSEntry(), true); finished(); } KFI_DBUG << "listDir - finished!" << endl; } void CKioFonts::stat(const KURL &url) { KFI_DBUG << "stat " << url.prettyURL() << endl; if(updateFontList() && checkUrl(url, true)) { TQString path(url.path(-1)); if(path.isEmpty()) { error(TDEIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_STAT, url.prettyURL()); return; } TQStringList pathList(TQStringList::split('/', path, false)); TDEIO::UDSEntry entry; bool err=false; switch(pathList.count()) { case 0: err=!createFolderUDSEntry(entry, i18n("Fonts"), itsFolders[itsRoot ? FOLDER_SYS : FOLDER_USER].location, false); break; case 1: if(itsRoot) err=!createStatEntry(entry, url, FOLDER_SYS); else if(isUserFolder(pathList[0])) err=!createFolderUDSEntry(entry, i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_USER), itsFolders[FOLDER_USER].location, false); else if(isSysFolder(pathList[0])) err=!createFolderUDSEntry(entry, i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS), itsFolders[FOLDER_USER].location, true); else { error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Please specify \"%1\" or \"%2\".").arg(i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_USER)).arg(i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS))); return; } break; default: err=!createStatEntry(entry, url, getFolder(url)); } if(err) { error(TDEIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, url.prettyURL()); return; } statEntry(entry); finished(); } } bool CKioFonts::createStatEntry(TDEIO::UDSEntry &entry, const KURL &url, EFolder folder) { KFI_DBUG << "createStatEntry " << url.path() << endl; TQMap >::Iterator it=getMap(url); if(it!=itsFolders[folder].fontMap.end()) return createFontUDSEntry(entry, it.key(), it.data(), FOLDER_SYS==folder); return false; } void CKioFonts::get(const KURL &url) { KFI_DBUG << "get " << url.path() << " query:" << url.query() << endl; bool thumb="1"==metaData("thumbnail"); TQStringList srcFiles; if(updateFontList() && checkUrl(url) && getSourceFiles(url, srcFiles)) // Any error will be logged in getSourceFiles { // // The thumbnail job always donwloads non-local files to /tmp/... and passes this file name to the thumbnail // creator. However, in the case of fonts which are split among many files, this wont work. Therefore, when the // thumbnail code asks for the font to donwload, just return the URL used. This way the font-thumbnail creator can // read this and just ask Xft/fontconfig for the font data. if(thumb) { TQByteArray array; TQTextOStream stream(array); emit mimeType("text/plain"); KFI_DBUG << "hasMetaData(\"thumbnail\"), so return: " << url.prettyURL() << endl; stream << url.prettyURL(); totalSize(array.size()); data(array); processedSize(array.size()); data(TQByteArray()); processedSize(array.size()); finished(); return; } TQString realPath, useMime; KDE_struct_stat buff; bool multiple=false; if(1==srcFiles.count()) realPath=srcFiles.first(); else // Font is made up of multiple files - so create .tar.gz of them all! { KTempFile tmpFile; KTar tar(tmpFile.name(), "application/x-gzip"); tmpFile.setAutoDelete(false); realPath=tmpFile.name(); if(tar.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { TQMap map; getFontList(srcFiles, map); TQMap::Iterator fIt(map.begin()), fEnd(map.end()); // // Iterate through created list, and add to tar archive for(; fIt!=fEnd; ++fIt) tar.addLocalFile(fIt.key(), fIt.data()); multiple=true; tar.close(); } } TQCString realPathC(TQFile::encodeName(realPath)); KFI_DBUG << "real: " << realPathC << endl; if (-2==KDE_stat(realPathC.data(), &buff)) error(EACCES==errno ? TDEIO::ERR_ACCESS_DENIED : TDEIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, url.prettyURL()); else if (S_ISDIR(buff.st_mode)) error(TDEIO::ERR_IS_DIRECTORY, url.prettyURL()); else if (!S_ISREG(buff.st_mode)) error(TDEIO::ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READING, url.prettyURL()); else { int fd = KDE_open(realPathC.data(), O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) error(TDEIO::ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READING, url.prettyURL()); else { // Determine the mimetype of the file to be retrieved, and emit it. // This is mandatory in all slaves (for KRun/BrowserRun to work). emit mimeType(useMime.isEmpty() ? KMimeType::findByPath(realPathC, buff.st_mode, true)->name() : useMime); totalSize(buff.st_size); TDEIO::filesize_t processed=0; char buffer[MAX_IPC_SIZE]; TQByteArray array; while(1) { int n=::read(fd, buffer, MAX_IPC_SIZE); if (-1==n) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; error(TDEIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_READ, url.prettyURL()); close(fd); if(multiple) ::unlink(realPathC); return; } if (0==n) break; // Finished array.setRawData(buffer, n); data(array); array.resetRawData(buffer, n); processed+=n; processedSize(processed); } data(TQByteArray()); close(fd); processedSize(buff.st_size); finished(); } } if(multiple) ::unlink(realPathC); } } void CKioFonts::put(const KURL &u, int mode, bool overwrite, bool resume) { KFI_DBUG << "put " << u.path() << endl; if(isHidden(u)) { error(TDEIO::ERR_WRITE_ACCESS_DENIED, u.prettyURL()); return; } // updateFontList(); // CPD: dont update font list upon a put - is too slow. Just stat on filename! //checkUrl(u) // CPD: Don't need to check URL, as the call to "confirmUrl()" below will sort out any probs! KURL url(u); bool changed=confirmUrl(url), nrs=nonRootSys(url); EFolder destFolder(getFolder(url)); TQString dest=itsFolders[destFolder].location+modifyName(url.fileName()), passwd; TQCString destC=TQFile::encodeName(dest); KDE_struct_stat buffDest; bool destExists=(KDE_lstat(destC.data(), &buffDest)!= -1); if (destExists && !overwrite && !resume) { error(TDEIO::ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST, url.prettyURL()); return; } if(nrs) // Need to check can get root passwd before start download... { passwd=getRootPasswd(); if(passwd.isEmpty()) { error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not access \"%1\" folder.").arg(i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS))); return; } } // // As we don't get passed a mime-type the following needs to happen: // // 1. Download to a temporary file // 2. Check with FreeType that the file is a font, or that it is // an AFM or PFM file // 3. If its OK, then get the fonts "name" from KTempFile tmpFile; TQCString tmpFileC(TQFile::encodeName(tmpFile.name())); tmpFile.setAutoDelete(true); if(putReal(tmpFile.name(), tmpFileC, destExists, mode, resume)) { if(!checkFile(tmpFile.name())) // error logged in checkFile return; if(nrs) // Ask root to copy the font... { TQCString cmd; if(!Misc::dExists(itsFolders[destFolder].location)) { cmd+="mkdir "; cmd+=TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(itsFolders[destFolder].location)); cmd+=" && chmod 0755 "; cmd+=TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(itsFolders[destFolder].location)); cmd+=" && "; } cmd+="cp -f "; cmd+=TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(tmpFileC)); cmd+=" "; cmd+=TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(destC)); cmd+=" && chmod 0644 "; cmd+=destC; if(!itsCanStorePasswd) createRootRefreshCmd(cmd); // Get root to move this to fonts folder... if(doRootCmd(cmd, passwd)) { modified(FOLDER_SYS); createAfm(dest, true, passwd); } else { error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not access \"%1\" folder.").arg(i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS))); return; } } else // Move it to our font folder... { tmpFile.setAutoDelete(false); if(Misc::doCmd("mv", "-f", tmpFileC, destC)) { ::chmod(destC.data(), Misc::FILE_PERMS); modified(FOLDER_USER); createAfm(dest); } else { error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not access \"%1\" folder.").arg(i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_USER))); return; } } finished(); if(changed) itsLastDestTime=time(NULL); } } bool CKioFonts::putReal(const TQString &destOrig, const TQCString &destOrigC, bool origExists, int mode, bool resume) { bool markPartial=config()->readBoolEntry("MarkPartial", true); TQString dest; if (markPartial) { TQString destPart(destOrig+TQString::fromLatin1(".part")); TQCString destPartC(TQFile::encodeName(destPart)); dest = destPart; KDE_struct_stat buffPart; bool partExists=(-1!=KDE_stat(destPartC.data(), &buffPart)); if (partExists && !resume && buffPart.st_size>0) { // Maybe we can use this partial file for resuming // Tell about the size we have, and the app will tell us // if it's ok to resume or not. resume=canResume(buffPart.st_size); if (!resume) if (!::remove(destPartC.data())) partExists = false; else { error(TDEIO::ERR_CANNOT_DELETE_PARTIAL, destPart); return false; } } } else { dest = destOrig; if (origExists && !resume) ::remove(destOrigC.data()); // Catch errors when we try to open the file. } TQCString destC(TQFile::encodeName(dest)); int fd; if (resume) { fd = KDE_open(destC.data(), O_RDWR); // append if resuming KDE_lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); // Seek to end } else { // WABA: Make sure that we keep writing permissions ourselves, // otherwise we can be in for a surprise on NFS. fd = KDE_open(destC.data(), O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, -1==mode ? 0666 : mode | S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR); } if (fd < 0) { error(EACCES==errno ? TDEIO::ERR_WRITE_ACCESS_DENIED : TDEIO::ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_WRITING, dest); return false; } int result; // Loop until we got 0 (end of data) do { TQByteArray buffer; dataReq(); // Request for data result = readData(buffer); if(result > 0 && !writeAll(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())) { if(ENOSPC==errno) // disk full { error(TDEIO::ERR_DISK_FULL, destOrig); result = -2; // means: remove dest file } else { error(TDEIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE, destOrig); result = -1; } } } while(result>0); if (result<0) { close(fd); if (-1==result) ::remove(destC.data()); else if (markPartial) { KDE_struct_stat buff; if ((-1==KDE_stat(destC.data(), &buff)) || (buff.st_sizereadNumEntry("MinimumKeepSize", DEFAULT_MINIMUM_KEEP_SIZE))) ::remove(destC.data()); } ::exit(255); } if (-1==fd) // we got nothing to write out, so we never opened the file { finished(); return false; } if (close(fd)) { error(TDEIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE, destOrig); return false; } // after full download rename the file back to original name if (markPartial && ::rename(destC.data(), destOrigC.data())) { error(TDEIO::ERR_CANNOT_RENAME_PARTIAL, destOrig); return false; } return true; } void CKioFonts::copy(const KURL &src, const KURL &d, int mode, bool overwrite) { // // Support: // Copying to fonts:/ // Copying from fonts:/ and file:/ // KFI_DBUG << "copy " << src.prettyURL() << " - " << d.prettyURL() << endl; if(isHidden(d)) { error(TDEIO::ERR_WRITE_ACCESS_DENIED, d.prettyURL()); return; } bool fromFonts=KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL==src.protocol(); if((!fromFonts || updateFontList()) // CPD: dont update font list upon a copy from file - is too slow. Just stat on filename! && checkUrl(src) && checkAllowed(src)) { //checkUrl(u) // CPD as per comment in ::put() TQStringList srcFiles; if(getSourceFiles(src, srcFiles)) // Any error will be logged in getSourceFiles { KURL dest(d); bool changed=confirmUrl(dest); EFolder destFolder(getFolder(dest)); TQMap map; if(!fromFonts) map[src.path()]=src.fileName(); // As above, if copying from file, then only stat on dest filename, but if from fonts to fonts need to // get the list of possible source files, etc. if(fromFonts ? confirmMultiple(src, srcFiles, FOLDER_SYS==destFolder ? FOLDER_USER : FOLDER_SYS, OP_COPY) && getFontList(srcFiles, map) && checkDestFiles(src, map, dest, destFolder, overwrite) : checkDestFile(src, dest, destFolder, overwrite) ) { if(nonRootSys(dest)) { TQCString cmd; int size=0; if(!Misc::dExists(itsFolders[destFolder].location)) { cmd+="mkdir "; cmd+=TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(itsFolders[destFolder].location)); cmd+=" && chmod 0755 "; cmd+=TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(itsFolders[destFolder].location)); cmd+=" && "; } TQMap::Iterator fIt(map.begin()), fEnd(map.end()); for(; fIt!=fEnd; ++fIt) { cmd+="cp -f "; cmd+=TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(fIt.key())); cmd+=" "; cmd+=TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(itsFolders[destFolder].location+modifyName(fIt.data()))); int s=getSize(TQFile::encodeName(fIt.key())); if(s>0) size+=s; if(++fIt!=fEnd) cmd+=" && "; --fIt; } if(!itsCanStorePasswd) createRootRefreshCmd(cmd); totalSize(size); TQString passwd=getRootPasswd(); if(doRootCmd(cmd, passwd)) { modified(destFolder); processedSize(size); if(src.isLocalFile() && 1==srcFiles.count()) createAfm(itsFolders[destFolder].location+modifyName(map.begin().data()), true, passwd); } else { error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not access \"%1\" folder.").arg(i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS))); return; } } else { TQMap::Iterator fIt(map.begin()), fEnd(map.end()); for(; fIt!=fEnd; ++fIt) { TQCString realSrc(TQFile::encodeName(fIt.key())), realDest(TQFile::encodeName(itsFolders[destFolder].location+modifyName(fIt.data()))); KDE_struct_stat buffSrc; if(-1==KDE_stat(realSrc.data(), &buffSrc)) { error(EACCES==errno ? TDEIO::ERR_ACCESS_DENIED : TDEIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, src.prettyURL()); return; } int srcFd=KDE_open(realSrc.data(), O_RDONLY); if (srcFd<0) { error(TDEIO::ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READING, src.prettyURL()); return; } if(!Misc::dExists(itsFolders[destFolder].location)) Misc::createDir(itsFolders[destFolder].location); // WABA: Make sure that we keep writing permissions ourselves, // otherwise we can be in for a surprise on NFS. int destFd=KDE_open(realDest.data(), O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, -1==mode ? 0666 : mode | S_IWUSR); if (destFd<0) { error(EACCES==errno ? TDEIO::ERR_WRITE_ACCESS_DENIED : TDEIO::ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_WRITING, dest.prettyURL()); close(srcFd); return; } totalSize(buffSrc.st_size); TDEIO::filesize_t processed = 0; char buffer[MAX_IPC_SIZE]; TQByteArray array; while(1) { int n=::read(srcFd, buffer, MAX_IPC_SIZE); if(-1==n) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; error(TDEIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_READ, src.prettyURL()); close(srcFd); close(destFd); return; } if(0==n) break; // Finished if(!writeAll(destFd, buffer, n)) { close(srcFd); close(destFd); if (ENOSPC==errno) // disk full { error(TDEIO::ERR_DISK_FULL, dest.prettyURL()); remove(realDest.data()); } else error(TDEIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE, dest.prettyURL()); return; } processed += n; processedSize(processed); } close(srcFd); if(close(destFd)) { error(TDEIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE, dest.prettyURL()); return; } ::chmod(realDest.data(), Misc::FILE_PERMS); // copy access and modification time struct utimbuf ut; ut.actime = buffSrc.st_atime; ut.modtime = buffSrc.st_mtime; ::utime(realDest.data(), &ut); processedSize(buffSrc.st_size); modified(destFolder); } if(src.isLocalFile() && 1==srcFiles.count()) createAfm(itsFolders[destFolder].location+modifyName(map.begin().data())); } finished(); if(changed) itsLastDestTime=time(NULL); } } } } void CKioFonts::rename(const KURL &src, const KURL &d, bool overwrite) { KFI_DBUG << "rename " << src.prettyURL() << " - " << d.prettyURL() << ", " << overwrite << endl; if(src.directory()==d.directory()) error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Sorry, fonts cannot be renamed.")); else if(itsRoot) // Should never happen... error(TDEIO::ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, unsupportedActionErrorString(mProtocol, TDEIO::CMD_RENAME)); else { // // Can't rename from/to file:/ -> therefore rename can only be from fonts:/System to fonts:/Personal, // or vice versa. TQStringList srcFiles; if(getSourceFiles(src, srcFiles)) // Any error will be logged in getSourceFiles { KURL dest(d); bool changed=confirmUrl(dest); EFolder destFolder(getFolder(dest)); TQMap map; if(confirmMultiple(src, srcFiles, FOLDER_SYS==destFolder ? FOLDER_USER : FOLDER_SYS, OP_MOVE) && getFontList(srcFiles, map) && checkDestFiles(src, map, dest, destFolder, overwrite)) { TQMap::Iterator fIt(map.begin()), fEnd(map.end()); bool askPasswd=true, toSys=FOLDER_SYS==destFolder; TQCString userId, groupId, destDir(TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(itsFolders[destFolder].location))); userId.setNum(toSys ? 0 : getuid()); groupId.setNum(toSys ? 0 : getgid()); for(; fIt!=fEnd; ++fIt) { TQCString cmd, destFile(TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(itsFolders[destFolder].location+fIt.data()))); if(toSys && !Misc::dExists(itsFolders[destFolder].location)) { cmd+="mkdir "; cmd+=destDir; cmd+=" && "; } cmd+="mv -f "; cmd+=TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(fIt.key())); cmd+=" "; cmd+=destFile; cmd+=" && chmod -f 0644 "; cmd+=destFile; cmd+=" && chown -f "; cmd+=userId; cmd+=":"; cmd+=groupId; cmd+=" "; cmd+=destFile; TQString sysDir, userDir; if(FOLDER_SYS==destFolder) { sysDir=itsFolders[destFolder].location; userDir=Misc::getDir(fIt.key()); } else { userDir=itsFolders[destFolder].location; sysDir=Misc::getDir(fIt.key()); } if(!itsCanStorePasswd) createRootRefreshCmd(cmd, sysDir); if(doRootCmd(cmd, askPasswd)) { modified(FOLDER_SYS, true, sysDir); modified(FOLDER_USER, true, userDir); askPasswd=false; // Don't keep on asking for password... } else { error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not access \"%1\" folder.").arg(i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS))); return; } } if(changed) itsLastDestTime=time(NULL); } } } } void CKioFonts::del(const KURL &url, bool) { KFI_DBUG << "del " << url.path() << endl; TQValueList *entries; if(checkUrl(url) && checkAllowed(url) && updateFontList() && (entries=getEntries(url)) && entries->count() && confirmMultiple(url, entries, getFolder(url), OP_DELETE)) { TQValueList::Iterator it, end=entries->end(); CDirList modifiedDirs; bool clearList=KFI_KIO_NO_CLEAR!=url.query(); if(nonRootSys(url)) { TQCString cmd("rm -f"); for(it=entries->begin(); it!=end; ++it) { TQString file(CFcEngine::getFcString(*it, FC_FILE)); modifiedDirs.add(Misc::getDir(file)); cmd+=" "; cmd+=TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(file)); KURL::List urls; Misc::getAssociatedUrls(KURL(file), urls); if(urls.count()) { KURL::List::Iterator uIt, uEnd=urls.end(); for(uIt=urls.begin(); uIt!=uEnd; ++uIt) { cmd+=" "; cmd+=TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote((*uIt).path())); } } } if(!itsCanStorePasswd) createRootRefreshCmd(cmd, modifiedDirs); if(doRootCmd(cmd)) modified(FOLDER_SYS, clearList, modifiedDirs); else error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not access \"%1\" folder.").arg(i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS))); } else { for(it=entries->begin(); it!=end; ++it) { TQString file(CFcEngine::getFcString(*it, FC_FILE)); if (0!=unlink(TQFile::encodeName(file).data())) error(EACCES==errno || EPERM==errno ? TDEIO::ERR_ACCESS_DENIED : EISDIR==errno ? TDEIO::ERR_IS_DIRECTORY : TDEIO::ERR_CANNOT_DELETE, file); else { modifiedDirs.add(Misc::getDir(file)); KURL::List urls; Misc::getAssociatedUrls(KURL(file), urls); if(urls.count()) { KURL::List::Iterator uIt, uEnd=urls.end(); for(uIt=urls.begin(); uIt!=uEnd; ++uIt) unlink(TQFile::encodeName((*uIt).path()).data()); } } } modified(itsRoot ? FOLDER_SYS : FOLDER_USER, clearList, modifiedDirs); } finished(); } } void CKioFonts::modified(EFolder folder, bool clearList, const CDirList &dirs) { KFI_DBUG << "modified(" << (int)folder << ")\n"; if(FOLDER_SYS!=folder || itsCanStorePasswd || itsRoot) { if(dirs.count()) { CDirList::ConstIterator it(dirs.begin()), end(dirs.end()); for(; it!=end; ++it) itsFolders[folder].modified.add(*it); } else itsFolders[folder].modified.add(itsFolders[folder].location); if(++itsFontChanges>MAX_NEW_FONTS) { setTimeoutSpecialCommand(0); // Cancel timer doModified(); } else setTimeoutSpecialCommand(TIMEOUT); } if(FOLDER_SYS==folder && !itsRoot && !itsCanStorePasswd) { // If we modified sys, we're not root, and couldn't store the passwd, then kfontinst has already been called // so no need to ask it to add folder to fontconfig and X's config files... itsHasSys=true; itsAddToSysFc=false; } if(clearList) clearFontList(); // List of fonts has changed.../ } void CKioFonts::special(const TQByteArray &a) { KFI_DBUG << "special" << endl; if(a.size()) { TQDataStream stream(a, IO_ReadOnly); int cmd; stream >> cmd; switch (cmd) { case SPECIAL_RESCAN: clearFontList(); updateFontList(); finished(); break; case SPECIAL_RECONFIG: // Only itended to be called from kcmfontinst - when a user has re-enabled doX or doGs if(itsRoot && !itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].modified.contains(itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].location)) itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].modified.add(itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].location); else if(!itsRoot && !itsFolders[FOLDER_USER].modified.contains(itsFolders[FOLDER_USER].location)) itsFolders[FOLDER_USER].modified.add(itsFolders[FOLDER_USER].location); doModified(); finished(); break; default: error( TDEIO::ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, TQString::number(cmd)); } } else doModified(); } void CKioFonts::createRootRefreshCmd(TQCString &cmd, const CDirList &dirs, bool reparseCfg) { if(reparseCfg) reparseConfig(); if(!cmd.isEmpty()) cmd+=" && "; cmd+=FC_CACHE_CMD; if(dirs.count()) { CDirList::ConstIterator it(dirs.begin()), end(dirs.end()); for(; it!=end; ++it) { TQCString tmpCmd; if(*it==itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].location) { if(0!=itsNrsKfiParams[0]) tmpCmd+=itsNrsKfiParams; } else if(0!=itsNrsNonMainKfiParams[0]) tmpCmd+=itsNrsNonMainKfiParams; if(!tmpCmd.isEmpty()) { cmd+=" && kfontinst "; cmd+=tmpCmd; cmd+=" "; cmd+=TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(*it)); } } } else if (0!=itsNrsKfiParams[0]) { cmd+=" && kfontinst "; cmd+=itsNrsKfiParams; cmd+=" "; cmd+=TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].location)); } } void CKioFonts::doModified() { KFI_DBUG << "doModified" << endl; if(itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].modified.count() || itsFolders[FOLDER_USER].modified.count()) reparseConfig(); itsFontChanges=0; if(itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].modified.count()) { if(itsRoot) { Misc::doCmd(FC_CACHE_CMD); KFI_DBUG << "RUN(root): " << FC_CACHE_CMD << endl; // // If a non-default folder has been modified, always configure X if(NULL==strchr(itsKfiParams, 'x') && (itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].modified.count()>1 || !itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].modified.contains(itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].location))) { if(0==itsKfiParams[0]) strcpy(itsKfiParams, "-x"); else strcat(itsKfiParams, "x"); } if(0!=itsKfiParams[0]) { CDirList::ConstIterator it(itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].modified.begin()), end(itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].modified.end()); for(; it!=end; ++it) { Misc::doCmd("kfontinst", itsKfiParams, TQFile::encodeName(*it)); KFI_DBUG << "RUN(root): kfontinst " << itsKfiParams << ' ' << *it << endl; } if(itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].modified.contains(itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].location)) { itsHasSys=true; itsAddToSysFc=false; } } } else { TQCString cmd; createRootRefreshCmd(cmd, itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].modified, false); if(doRootCmd(cmd, false) && itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].modified.contains(itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].location)) { itsHasSys=true; itsAddToSysFc=false; } if(NULL==strstr(itsNrsKfiParams, "s")) Misc::doCmd("xset", "fp", "rehash"); // doRootCmd can only refresh if xfs is being used, so try here anyway... } itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].modified.clear(); } if(!itsRoot && itsFolders[FOLDER_USER].modified.count()) { Misc::doCmd(FC_CACHE_CMD); KFI_DBUG << "RUN(non-root): " << FC_CACHE_CMD << endl; if(0!=itsKfiParams[0]) { CDirList::ConstIterator it(itsFolders[FOLDER_USER].modified.begin()), end(itsFolders[FOLDER_USER].modified.end()); for(; it!=end; ++it) { Misc::doCmd("kfontinst", itsKfiParams, TQFile::encodeName(*it)); KFI_DBUG << "RUN(non-root): kfontinst " << itsKfiParams << ' ' << *it << endl; } } itsFolders[FOLDER_USER].modified.clear(); } KFI_DBUG << "finished ModifiedDirs" << endl; } #define SYS_USER "root" TQString CKioFonts::getRootPasswd(bool askPasswd) { KFI_DBUG << "getRootPasswd" << endl; TDEIO::AuthInfo authInfo; SuProcess proc(SYS_USER); bool error=false; int attempts=0; TQString errorMsg; authInfo.url=KURL(KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL ":///"); authInfo.username=SYS_USER; authInfo.keepPassword=true; if(!checkCachedAuthentication(authInfo) && !askPasswd) authInfo.password=itsPasswd; if(askPasswd) while(!error && 0!=proc.checkInstall(authInfo.password.local8Bit())) { KFI_DBUG << "ATTEMPT : " << attempts << endl; if(1==attempts) errorMsg=i18n("Incorrect password.\n"); if((!openPassDlg(authInfo, errorMsg) && attempts) || ++attempts>4 || SYS_USER!=authInfo.username) error=true; } else error=proc.checkInstall(authInfo.password.local8Bit()) ? true : false; return error ? TQString::null : authInfo.password; } bool CKioFonts::doRootCmd(const char *cmd, const TQString &passwd) { KFI_DBUG << "doRootCmd " << cmd << endl; if(!passwd.isEmpty()) { SuProcess proc(SYS_USER); if(itsCanStorePasswd) itsPasswd=passwd; KFI_DBUG << "Try to run command" << endl; proc.setCommand(cmd); return proc.exec(passwd.local8Bit()) ? false : true; } return false; } bool CKioFonts::confirmUrl(KURL &url) { KFI_DBUG << "confirmUrl " << url.path() << endl; if(!itsRoot) { TQString sect(getSect(url.path())); if(!isSysFolder(sect) && !isUserFolder(sect)) { bool changeToSystem=false; if(DEST_UNCHANGED!=itsLastDest && itsLastDestTime && (abs(time(NULL)-itsLastDestTime) < constMaxLastDestTime)) changeToSystem=DEST_SYS==itsLastDest; else changeToSystem=KMessageBox::No==messageBox(QuestionYesNo, i18n("Do you wish to install the font into \"%1\" (in which " "case the font will only be usable by you), or \"%2\" (" "the font will be usable by all users - but you will " "need to know the administrator's password)?") .arg(i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_USER)).arg(i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS)), i18n("Where to Install"), i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_USER), i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS)); if(changeToSystem) { itsLastDest=DEST_SYS; url.setPath(TQChar('/')+i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS)+TQChar('/')+url.fileName()); } else { itsLastDest=DEST_USER; url.setPath(TQChar('/')+i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_USER)+TQChar('/')+url.fileName()); } KFI_DBUG << "Changed URL to:" << url.path() << endl; return true; } } return false; } void CKioFonts::clearFontList() { KFI_DBUG << "clearFontList" << endl; if(itsFontList) FcFontSetDestroy(itsFontList); itsFontList=NULL; itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].fontMap.clear(); itsFolders[FOLDER_USER].fontMap.clear(); } bool CKioFonts::updateFontList() { KFI_DBUG << "updateFontList" << endl; if(!itsFontList || !FcConfigUptoDate(0) || // For some reason just the "!FcConfigUptoDate(0)" check does not always work :-( (abs(time(NULL)-itsLastFcCheckTime)>constMaxFcCheckTime)) { FcInitReinitialize(); clearFontList(); } if(!itsFontList) { KFI_DBUG << "updateFontList - update list of fonts " << endl; itsLastFcCheckTime=time(NULL); FcPattern *pat = FcPatternCreate(); FcObjectSet *os = FcObjectSetBuild(FC_FILE, FC_FAMILY, FC_WEIGHT, FC_SCALABLE, #ifdef KFI_FC_HAS_WIDTHS FC_WIDTH, #endif FC_SLANT, (void*)0); itsFontList=FcFontList(0, pat, os); FcPatternDestroy(pat); FcObjectSetDestroy(os); if (itsFontList) { TQString home(Misc::dirSyntax(TQDir::homeDirPath())); for (int i = 0; i < itsFontList->nfont; i++) { EFolder folder=FOLDER_SYS; TQString file(Misc::fileSyntax(CFcEngine::getFcString(itsFontList->fonts[i], FC_FILE))); if(!file.isEmpty()) { if(!itsRoot && 0==file.find(home)) folder=FOLDER_USER; TQValueList &patterns= itsFolders[folder].fontMap[CFcEngine::createName(itsFontList->fonts[i])]; bool use=true; if(patterns.count()) // Check for duplicates... { TQValueList::Iterator it, end=patterns.end(); for(it=patterns.begin(); use && it!=end; ++it) if(file==(Misc::fileSyntax(CFcEngine::getFcString(*it, FC_FILE)))) use=false; } if(use) patterns.append(itsFontList->fonts[i]); } } } } if(NULL==itsFontList) { error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Internal fontconfig error.")); return false; } return true; } CKioFonts::EFolder CKioFonts::getFolder(const KURL &url) { return itsRoot || isSysFolder(getSect(url.path())) ? FOLDER_SYS : FOLDER_USER; } TQMap >::Iterator CKioFonts::getMap(const KURL &url) { EFolder folder(getFolder(url)); TQMap >::Iterator it=itsFolders[folder].fontMap.find(removeMultipleExtension(url)); if(it==itsFolders[folder].fontMap.end()) // Perhaps it was fonts:/System/times.ttf ??? { FcPattern *pat=getEntry(folder, url.fileName(), false); if(pat) it=itsFolders[folder].fontMap.find(CFcEngine::createName(pat)); } return it; } TQValueList * CKioFonts::getEntries(const KURL &url) { TQMap >::Iterator it=getMap(url); if(it!=itsFolders[getFolder(url)].fontMap.end()) return &(it.data()); error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not access \"%1\".").arg(url.prettyURL())); return NULL; } FcPattern * CKioFonts::getEntry(EFolder folder, const TQString &file, bool full) { TQMap >::Iterator it, end=itsFolders[folder].fontMap.end(); for(it=itsFolders[folder].fontMap.begin(); it!=end; ++it) { TQValueList::Iterator patIt, patEnd=it.data().end(); for(patIt=it.data().begin(); patIt!=patEnd; ++patIt) if( (full && CFcEngine::getFcString(*patIt, FC_FILE)==file) || (!full && Misc::getFile(CFcEngine::getFcString(*patIt, FC_FILE))==file)) return *patIt; } return NULL; } bool CKioFonts::checkFile(const TQString &file) { TQCString cFile(TQFile::encodeName(file)); // // To speed things up, check the files extension 1st... if(checkExt(cFile, "ttf") || checkExt(cFile, "otf") || checkExt(cFile, "ttc") || checkExt(cFile, "pfa") || checkExt(cFile, "pfb") || isAAfm(file) || isAPfm(file)) return true; // // No exension match, so try querying with FreeType... int count=0; FcPattern *pat=FcFreeTypeQuery((const FcChar8 *)(TQFile::encodeName(file).data()), 0, NULL, &count); if(pat) { FcPatternDestroy(pat); return true; } error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("

Only fonts may be installed.

If installing a fonts package (*%1), then " "extract the components, and install individually.

").arg(constMultipleExtension)); return false; } bool CKioFonts::getSourceFiles(const KURL &src, TQStringList &files) { if(KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL==src.protocol()) { TQValueList *entries=getEntries(src); if(entries && entries->count()) { TQValueList::Iterator it, end=entries->end(); for(it=entries->begin(); it!=end; ++it) files.append(CFcEngine::getFcString(*it, FC_FILE)); } if(files.count()) { TQStringList::Iterator sIt, sEnd=files.end(); for(sIt=files.begin(); sIt!=sEnd; ++sIt) { KURL::List urls; Misc::getAssociatedUrls(KURL(*sIt), urls); if(urls.count()) { KURL::List::Iterator uIt, uEnd=urls.end(); for(uIt=urls.begin(); uIt!=uEnd; ++uIt) if(-1==files.findIndex((*uIt).path())) files.append((*uIt).path()); } } } } else if(src.isLocalFile()) if(checkFile(src.path())) files.append(src.path()); else return false; // error logged in checkFile... if(files.count()) { TQStringList::Iterator it, end=files.end(); for(it=files.begin(); it!=end; ++it) { TQCString realSrc=TQFile::encodeName(*it); KDE_struct_stat buffSrc; if (-1==KDE_stat(realSrc.data(), &buffSrc)) { error(EACCES==errno ? TDEIO::ERR_ACCESS_DENIED : TDEIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, src.prettyURL()); return false; } if(S_ISDIR(buffSrc.st_mode)) { error(TDEIO::ERR_IS_DIRECTORY, src.prettyURL()); return false; } if(S_ISFIFO(buffSrc.st_mode) || S_ISSOCK(buffSrc.st_mode)) { error(TDEIO::ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READING, src.prettyURL()); return false; } } } else { error(TDEIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, src.prettyURL()); return false; } return true; } bool CKioFonts::checkDestFile(const KURL &src, const KURL &dest, EFolder destFolder, bool overwrite) { if(!overwrite && (Misc::fExists(itsFolders[destFolder].location+src.fileName()) || Misc::fExists(itsFolders[destFolder].location+modifyName(src.fileName())) ) ) { error(TDEIO::ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST, dest.prettyURL()); return false; } return true; } bool CKioFonts::checkDestFiles(const KURL &src, TQMap &map, const KURL &dest, EFolder destFolder, bool overwrite) { // // Check whether files exist at destination... // if(dest.protocol()==src.protocol() && dest.directory()==src.directory()) // Check whether confirmUrl changed a "cp fonts:/System fonts:/" // to "cp fonts:/System fonts:/System" { error(TDEIO::ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST, dest.prettyURL()); return false; } if(!overwrite) { TQMap::Iterator fIt(map.begin()), fEnd(map.end()); for(; fIt!=fEnd; ++fIt) if(NULL!=getEntry(destFolder, fIt.data()) || NULL!=getEntry(destFolder, modifyName(fIt.data()))) { error(TDEIO::ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST, dest.prettyURL()); return false; } } return true; } // // Gather the number and names of the font faces located in "files". If there is more than 1 face // (such as there would be for a TTC font), then ask the user for confirmation of the action. bool CKioFonts::confirmMultiple(const KURL &url, const TQStringList &files, EFolder folder, EOp op) { if(KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL!=url.protocol()) return true; TQStringList::ConstIterator it, end=files.end(); TQStringList fonts; for(it=files.begin(); it!=files.end(); ++it) { FcPattern *pat=getEntry(folder, *it, false); if(pat) { TQString name(CFcEngine::createName(pat)); if(-1==fonts.findIndex(name)) fonts.append(name); } } if(fonts.count()>1) { TQString out; TQStringList::Iterator it, end=fonts.end(); for(it=fonts.begin(); it!=end; ++it) out+=TQString("
  • ")+*it+TQString("
  • "); if(KMessageBox::No==messageBox(QuestionYesNo, OP_MOVE==op ? i18n("

    This font is located in a file alongside other fonts; in order " "to proceed with the moving they will all have to be moved. " "The other affected fonts are:


    \n Do you wish to " "move all of these?

    ").arg(out) : OP_COPY==op ? i18n("

    This font is located in a file alongside other fonts; in order " "to proceed with the copying they will all have to be copied. " "The other affected fonts are:


    \n Do you wish to " "copy all of these?

    ").arg(out) : i18n("

    This font is located in a file alongside other fonts; in order " "to proceed with the deleting they will all have to be deleted. " "The other affected fonts are:


    \n Do you wish to " "delete all of these?

    ").arg(out))) { error(TDEIO::ERR_USER_CANCELED, url.prettyURL()); return false; } } return true; } bool CKioFonts::confirmMultiple(const KURL &url, TQValueList *patterns, EFolder folder, EOp op) { if(KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL!=url.protocol()) return true; TQStringList files; if(patterns && patterns->count()) { TQValueList::Iterator it, end=patterns->end(); for(it=patterns->begin(); it!=end; ++it) files.append(CFcEngine::getFcString(*it, FC_FILE)); } return confirmMultiple(url, files, folder, op); } bool CKioFonts::checkUrl(const KURL &u, bool rootOk) { if(KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL==u.protocol() && (!rootOk || (rootOk && "/"!=u.path()))) { TQString sect(getSect(u.path())); if(itsRoot) { if((isSysFolder(sect) || isUserFolder(sect)) && (itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].fontMap.end()==itsFolders[FOLDER_SYS].fontMap.find(sect))) //CPD: TODO: || it has a font specified! e.g. fonts:/System/Times -> even in have a fonts:/System font, redirect //should still happen { redirection(getRedirect(u)); finished(); return false; } } else if(!isSysFolder(sect) && !isUserFolder(sect)) { error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Please specify \"%1\" or \"%2\".") .arg(i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_USER)).arg(i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS))); return false; } } return true; } bool CKioFonts::checkAllowed(const KURL &u) { if (KFI_KIO_FONTS_PROTOCOL==u.protocol()) { TQString ds(Misc::dirSyntax(u.path())); if(ds==TQString(TQChar('/')+i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_USER)+TQChar('/')) || ds==TQString(TQChar('/')+i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS)+TQChar('/')) || ds==TQString(TQChar('/')+TQString::fromLatin1(KFI_KIO_FONTS_USER)+TQChar('/')) || ds==TQString(TQChar('/')+TQString::fromLatin1(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS)+TQChar('/'))) { error(TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Sorry, you cannot rename, move, copy, or delete either \"%1\" or \"%2\".") .arg(i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_USER)).arg(i18n(KFI_KIO_FONTS_SYS))); \ return false; } } return true; } // // Create an AFM from a Type 1 (pfa/pfb) font and its PFM file... void CKioFonts::createAfm(const TQString &file, bool nrs, const TQString &passwd) { if(nrs && passwd.isEmpty()) return; bool type1=isAType1(file), pfm=!type1 && isAPfm(file); // No point checking if is pfm if its a type1 if(type1 || pfm) { TQString afm=getMatch(file, "afm"); // pf2afm wants files with lowercase extension, so just check for lowercase! // -- when a font is installed, the extensio is converted to lowercase anyway... if(afm.isEmpty()) // No point creating if AFM already exists! { TQString pfm, t1; if(type1) // Its a Type1, so look for existing PFM { pfm=getMatch(file, "pfm"); t1=file; } else // Its a PFM, so look for existing Type1 { t1=getMatch(file, "pfa"); if(t1.isEmpty()) t1=getMatch(file, "pfb"); pfm=file; } if(!t1.isEmpty() && !pfm.isEmpty()) // Do we have both Type1 and PFM? { TQString name(t1.left(t1.length()-4)); // pf2afm wants name without extension... if(nrs) { TQCString cmd("pf2afm "); cmd+=TQFile::encodeName(TDEProcess::quote(name)); doRootCmd(cmd, passwd); } else Misc::doCmd("pf2afm", TQFile::encodeName(name)); } } } } void CKioFonts::reparseConfig() { KFI_DBUG << "reparseConfig" << endl; itsKfiParams[0]=0; if(!itsRoot) { itsNrsKfiParams[0]=0; itsNrsNonMainKfiParams[0]=0; } if(itsRoot) { TDEConfig cfg(KFI_ROOT_CFG_FILE); bool doX=cfg.readBoolEntry(KFI_CFG_X_KEY, KFI_DEFAULT_CFG_X), doGs=cfg.readBoolEntry(KFI_CFG_GS_KEY, KFI_DEFAULT_CFG_GS); if(doX || !doGs) { strcpy(itsKfiParams, doGs ? "-g" : "-"); if(doX) { if(!itsUsingXfsFpe) strcat(itsKfiParams, "r"); if(!itsUsingFcFpe) { strcat(itsKfiParams, itsUsingXfsFpe ? "sx" : "x"); if(!itsHasSys) strcat(itsKfiParams, "a"); } } } } else { TDEConfig rootCfg(KFI_ROOT_CFG_FILE); bool rootDoX=rootCfg.readBoolEntry(KFI_CFG_X_KEY, KFI_DEFAULT_CFG_X), rootDoGs=rootCfg.readBoolEntry(KFI_CFG_GS_KEY, KFI_DEFAULT_CFG_GS); strcpy(itsNrsKfiParams, "-"); if(rootDoX || rootDoGs) { strcpy(itsNrsKfiParams, "-"); strcpy(itsNrsNonMainKfiParams, "-"); if(rootDoGs) { strcpy(itsNrsKfiParams, "g"); strcpy(itsNrsNonMainKfiParams, "g"); } if(rootDoX && !itsUsingFcFpe) { strcat(itsNrsKfiParams, itsUsingXfsFpe ? "sx" : "x"); // Can't get root to refresh X, only xfs! strcat(itsNrsNonMainKfiParams, itsUsingXfsFpe ? "sx" : "x"); if(!itsHasSys) strcat(itsNrsKfiParams, "a"); } if(0==itsNrsNonMainKfiParams[1]) itsNrsNonMainKfiParams[0]=0; } if(itsAddToSysFc) strcpy(itsNrsKfiParams, "f"); if(0==itsNrsKfiParams[1]) itsNrsKfiParams[0]=0; TDEConfig cfg(KFI_CFG_FILE); bool doX=cfg.readBoolEntry(KFI_CFG_X_KEY, KFI_DEFAULT_CFG_X), doGs=cfg.readBoolEntry(KFI_CFG_GS_KEY, KFI_DEFAULT_CFG_GS); strcpy(itsKfiParams, doGs ? "-g" : "-"); if(doX) strcat(itsKfiParams, itsUsingFcFpe ? "r" : "rx"); } if(0==itsKfiParams[1]) itsKfiParams[0]=0; } }