DesktopBehaviorBase DesktopBehaviorBase 0 0 791 501 unnamed 0 0 behaviorTab tab General unnamed iconsEnabledBox 7 0 0 0 &Show icons on desktop Uncheck this option if you do not want to have icons on the desktop. Without icons the desktop will be somewhat faster but you will no longer be able to drag files to the desktop. tqlayout1 unnamed spacer3 Horizontal Fixed 20 0 vrootBox false Allow pro&grams in desktop window Check this option if you want to run X11 programs that draw into the desktop such as xsnow, xpenguin or xmountain. If you have problems with applications like netscape that check the root window for running instances, disable this option. toolTipBox Show &tooltips desktopMenuGroup Menu Bar at Top of Screen unnamed radioButton1 &None If this option is selected, there is no menu bar at the top of the screen. radioButton1_2 &Desktop menu bar If this option is selected, there is one menu bar at the top of the screen which shows the desktop menus. radioButton1_3 &Current application's menu bar (Mac OS-style) If this option is selected, applications will not have their menu bar attached to their own window anymore. Instead, there is one menu bar at the top of the screen which shows the menus of the currently active application. You might recognize this behavior from Mac OS. groupBox3 Mouse Button Actions unnamed middleLabel Middle button: leftLabel Left button: rightLabel Right button: rightComboBox 1 0 0 0 leftComboBox 1 0 0 0 leftEditButton false Edit... middleComboBox 1 0 0 0 middleEditButton false Edit... rightEditButton false Edit... spacer5 Horizontal Expanding 191 80 spacer8 Vertical Expanding 20 16 tab File Icons unnamed autoLineupIconsBox Automatically &line up icons Check this option if you want to see your icons automatically aligned to the grid when you move them. showHiddenBox Show &hidden files <p>If you check this option, any files in your desktop directory that begin with a period (.) will be shown. Usually, such files contain configuration information, and remain hidden from view.</p> <p>For example, files which are named ".directory" are plain text files which contain information for Konqueror, such as the icon to use in displaying a directory, the order in which files should be sorted, etc. You should not change or delete these files unless you know what you are doing.</p> Show Icon Previews For false false previewListView true Select for which types of files you want to enable preview images. tab Device Icons unnamed enableMediaBox &Show device icons: Device Types to Display false false mediaListView true true Deselect the device types which you do not want to see on the desktop. autoLineupIconsBox showHiddenBox previewListView enableMediaBox mediaListView klistview.h klistview.h