SmartcardBase SmartcardBase 0 0 519 356 unnamed TabWidget2 true tab Smartcard Support unnamed enableSupport &Enable smartcard support Layout2 unnamed enablePolling false Enable &polling to autodetect card events In most cases you should have this enabled. It allows KDE to automatically detect card insertion and reader hotplug events. Spacer3 Horizontal Fixed 15 20 launchManager false Automatically &launch card manager if inserted card is unclaimed When you insert a smartcard, KDE can automatically launch a management tool if no other application attempts to use the card. beepOnInsert false &Beep on card insert and removal Spacer4 Vertical Expanding 20 20 tab Readers unnamed Layout3 unnamed Reader true true Type true true Subtype true true SubSubtype true true _readerHostsListView true Line1 HLine Sunken Horizontal GroupBox3 1 0 0 0 PCSCLite Configuration TextLabel2 10 20 380 40 1 0 0 0 To add new readers you have to modify /etc/readers.conf file and re-start pcscd WordBreak|AlignVCenter enableSupport toggled(bool) enablePolling setEnabled(bool) enableSupport toggled(bool) beepOnInsert setEnabled(bool) enableSupport toggled(bool) launchManager setEnabled(bool) enableSupport toggled(bool) SmartcardBase enableSupport_toggled(bool) enablePolling toggled(bool) SmartcardBase enablePolling_toggled(bool) smartcardbase.ui.h slotTestReader() enableSupport_toggled(bool) enablePolling_toggled(bool) kdialog.h