/** * kcmhtmlsearch.cpp * * Copyright (c) 2000 Matthias Hölzer-Klüpfel * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "htmlsearchconfig.h" #include "htmlsearchconfig.moc" namespace KHC { HtmlSearchConfig::HtmlSearchConfig(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent, name) { QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout(this, 5); QGroupBox *gb = new QGroupBox(i18n("ht://dig"), this); vbox->addWidget(gb); QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(gb, 3,2, 6,6); grid->addRowSpacing(0, gb->fontMetrics().lineSpacing()); QLabel *l = new QLabel(i18n("The fulltext search feature makes use of the " "ht://dig HTML search engine. " "You can get ht://dig at the"), gb); l->setAlignment(QLabel::WordBreak); l->setMinimumSize(l->sizeHint()); grid->addMultiCellWidget(l, 1, 1, 0, 1); QWhatsThis::add( gb, i18n( "Information about where to get the ht://dig package." ) ); KURLLabel *url = new KURLLabel(gb); url->setURL("http://www.htdig.org"); url->setText(i18n("ht://dig home page")); url->setAlignment(QLabel::AlignHCenter); grid->addMultiCellWidget(url, 2,2, 0, 1); connect(url, SIGNAL(leftClickedURL(const QString&)), this, SLOT(urlClicked(const QString&))); gb = new QGroupBox(i18n("Program Locations"), this); vbox->addWidget(gb); grid = new QGridLayout(gb, 4,2, 6,6); grid->addRowSpacing(0, gb->fontMetrics().lineSpacing()); mHtsearchUrl = new KURLRequester(gb); l = new QLabel(mHtsearchUrl, i18n("htsearch:"), gb); l->setBuddy( mHtsearchUrl ); grid->addWidget(l, 1,0); grid->addWidget(mHtsearchUrl, 1,1); connect( mHtsearchUrl->lineEdit(), SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), SIGNAL( changed() ) ); QString wtstr = i18n( "Enter the URL of the htsearch CGI program." ); QWhatsThis::add( mHtsearchUrl, wtstr ); QWhatsThis::add( l, wtstr ); mIndexerBin = new KURLRequester(gb); l = new QLabel(mIndexerBin, i18n("Indexer:"), gb); l->setBuddy( mIndexerBin ); grid->addWidget(l, 2,0); grid->addWidget(mIndexerBin, 2,1); connect( mIndexerBin->lineEdit(), SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), SIGNAL( changed() ) ); wtstr = i18n( "Enter the path to your htdig indexer program here." ); QWhatsThis::add( mIndexerBin, wtstr ); QWhatsThis::add( l, wtstr ); mDbDir = new KURLRequester(gb); mDbDir->setMode( KFile::Directory | KFile::LocalOnly ); l = new QLabel(mDbDir, i18n("htdig database:"), gb); l->setBuddy( mDbDir ); grid->addWidget(l, 3,0); grid->addWidget(mDbDir, 3,1); connect( mDbDir->lineEdit(), SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), SIGNAL( changed() ) ); wtstr = i18n( "Enter the path to the htdig database folder." ); QWhatsThis::add( mDbDir, wtstr ); QWhatsThis::add( l, wtstr ); } HtmlSearchConfig::~HtmlSearchConfig() { kdDebug() << "~HtmlSearchConfig()" << endl; } void HtmlSearchConfig::makeReadOnly() { mHtsearchUrl->setEnabled( false ); mIndexerBin->setEnabled( false ); mDbDir->setEnabled( false ); } void HtmlSearchConfig::load( KConfig *config ) { config->setGroup("htdig"); mHtsearchUrl->lineEdit()->setText(config->readPathEntry("htsearch", kapp->dirs()->findExe("htsearch"))); mIndexerBin->lineEdit()->setText(config->readPathEntry("indexer")); mDbDir->lineEdit()->setText(config->readPathEntry("dbdir", "/opt/www/htdig/db/" ) ); } void HtmlSearchConfig::save( KConfig *config ) { config->setGroup("htdig"); config->writePathEntry("htsearch", mHtsearchUrl->lineEdit()->text()); config->writePathEntry("indexer", mIndexerBin->lineEdit()->text()); config->writePathEntry("dbdir", mDbDir->lineEdit()->text()); } void HtmlSearchConfig::defaults() { mHtsearchUrl->lineEdit()->setText(kapp->dirs()->findExe("htsearch")); mIndexerBin->lineEdit()->setText(""); mDbDir->lineEdit()->setText("/opt/www/htdig/db/" ); } void HtmlSearchConfig::urlClicked(const QString &url) { kapp->invokeBrowser(url); } } // End namespace KHC // vim:ts=2:sw=2:et