/***************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1996-2000 the kicker authors. See file AUTHORS. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "global.h" #include "kicker.h" #include "kickerSettings.h" #include "menumanager.h" #include "popupmenutitle.h" #include "panelbutton.h" #include "recentapps.h" #include "service_mnu.h" #include "service_mnu.moc" PanelServiceMenu::PanelServiceMenu(const TQString & label, const TQString & relPath, TQWidget * parent, const char * name, bool addmenumode, const TQString & insertInlineHeader) : KPanelMenu(label, parent, name), relPath_(relPath), insertInlineHeader_( insertInlineHeader ), clearOnClose_(false), addmenumode_(addmenumode), popupMenu_(0) { excludeNoDisplay_=true; connect(KSycoca::self(), TQT_SIGNAL(databaseChanged()), TQT_SLOT(slotClearOnClose())); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotClose())); } PanelServiceMenu::~PanelServiceMenu() { clearSubmenus(); } void PanelServiceMenu::setExcludeNoDisplay( bool flag ) { excludeNoDisplay_=flag; } void PanelServiceMenu::showMenu() { activateParent(TQString::null); } // the initialization is split in initialize() and // doInitialize() so that a subclass does not have to // redo all the service parsing (see e.g. kicker/menuext/prefmenu) void PanelServiceMenu::initialize() { if (initialized()) return; setInitialized(true); entryMap_.clear(); clear(); clearSubmenus(); searchSubMenuIDs.clear(); searchMenuItems.clear(); doInitialize(); } void PanelServiceMenu::fillMenu(KServiceGroup::Ptr& _root, KServiceGroup::List& _list, const TQString& /* _relPath */, int& id) { TQStringList suppressGenericNames = _root->suppressGenericNames(); KServiceGroup::List::ConstIterator it = _list.begin(); KSortableValueList,TQCString> slist; KSortableValueList,TQCString> glist; TQMap specialTitle; TQMap categoryIcon; bool separatorNeeded = false; for (; it != _list.end(); ++it) { KSycocaEntry * e = *it; if (e->isType(KST_KServiceGroup)) { KServiceGroup::Ptr g(static_cast(e)); if ( KickerSettings::reduceMenuDepth() && g->SuSEshortMenu() ){ KServiceGroup::List l = g->entries(true, excludeNoDisplay_ ); if ( l.count() == 1 ) { // the special case, we want to short the menu. // TOFIX? : this works only for one level KServiceGroup::List::ConstIterator _it=l.begin(); KSycocaEntry *_e = *_it; if (_e->isType(KST_KService)) { KService::Ptr s(static_cast(_e)); TQString key; if ( g->SuSEgeneralDescription() ) { // we use the application name key = s->name(); if( !s->genericName().isEmpty()) { if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::NameAndDescription) key = s->name() + " (" + s->genericName() + ")"; else if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionAndName) key = s->genericName() + " (" + s->name() + ")"; else if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionOnly) key = s->genericName(); } } else { // we use the normal menu description key = s->name(); if( !s->genericName().isEmpty()) { if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::NameAndDescription) key = s->name() + " (" + g->caption() + ")"; else if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionAndName) key = g->caption() + " (" + s->name() + ")"; else if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionOnly) key = g->caption(); } } specialTitle.insert( _e->name(), key ); categoryIcon.insert( _e->name(), g->icon() ); slist.insert( key.local8Bit(), _e ); // and escape from here continue; } } } glist.insert( g->caption().local8Bit(), e ); }else if( e->isType(KST_KService)) { KService::Ptr s(static_cast(e)); TQString name = s->name(); if( !s->genericName().isEmpty()) { if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::NameAndDescription) name = s->name() + " (" + s->genericName() + ")"; else if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionAndName) name = s->genericName() + " (" + s->name() + ")"; else if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionOnly) name = s->genericName(); } slist.insert( name.local8Bit(), e ); } else slist.insert( e->name().local8Bit(), e ); } _list = _root->SuSEsortEntries( slist, glist, excludeNoDisplay_, true ); it = _list.begin(); for (; it != _list.end(); ++it) { KSycocaEntry * e = *it; if (e->isType(KST_KServiceGroup)) { KServiceGroup::Ptr g(static_cast(e)); if ( KickerSettings::reduceMenuDepth() && g->SuSEshortMenu() ){ KServiceGroup::List l = g->entries(true, excludeNoDisplay_ ); if ( l.count() == 1 ) { /* // the special case, we want to short the menu. // TOFIX? : this works only for one level KServiceGroup::List::ConstIterator _it=l.begin(); KSycocaEntry *_e = *_it; if (_e->isType(KST_KService)) { KService::Ptr s(static_cast(_e)); if ( g->SuSEgeneralDescription() ) // we use the application name insertMenuItem(s, id++, -1, 0, TQString::null, TQString::null, g->icon() ); else // we use the normal menu description insertMenuItem(s, id++, -1, 0, TQString::null, g->caption(), g->icon() ); // and escape from here */ continue; // } } } // standard sub menu TQString groupCaption = g->caption(); // Avoid adding empty groups. KServiceGroup::Ptr subMenuRoot = KServiceGroup::group(g->relPath()); int nbChildCount = subMenuRoot->childCount(); if (nbChildCount == 0 && !g->showEmptyMenu()) { continue; } TQString inlineHeaderName = g->showInlineHeader() ? groupCaption : ""; // Item names may contain ampersands. To avoid them being converted // to accelerators, replace them with two ampersands. groupCaption.replace("&", "&&"); if ( nbChildCount == 1 && g->allowInline() && g->inlineAlias()) { KServiceGroup::Ptr element = KServiceGroup::group(g->relPath()); if ( element ) { //just one element KServiceGroup::List listElement = element->entries(true, excludeNoDisplay_, true, KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionAndName || KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionOnly); KSycocaEntry * e1 = *( listElement.begin() ); if ( e1->isType( KST_KService ) ) { if (separatorNeeded) { insertSeparator(); separatorNeeded = false; } KService::Ptr s(static_cast(e1)); // insertMenuItem(s, id++, -1, &suppressGenericNames); insertMenuItem(s, id++, -1, &suppressGenericNames, TQString::null, specialTitle[s->name()], categoryIcon[s->name()] ); continue; } } } if (g->allowInline() && ((nbChildCount <= g->inlineValue() ) || (g->inlineValue() == 0))) { //inline all entries KServiceGroup::Ptr rootElement = KServiceGroup::group(g->relPath()); if (!rootElement || !rootElement->isValid()) { break; } KServiceGroup::List listElement = rootElement->entries(true, excludeNoDisplay_, true, KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionAndName || KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionOnly); if ( !g->inlineAlias() && !inlineHeaderName.isEmpty() ) { int mid = insertItem(new PopupMenuTitle(inlineHeaderName, font()), id + 1, id); id++; setItemEnabled( mid, false ); } fillMenu( rootElement, listElement, g->relPath(), id ); continue; } // Ignore dotfiles. if ((g->name().at(0) == '.')) { continue; } PanelServiceMenu * m = newSubMenu(g->name(), g->relPath(), this, g->name().utf8(), inlineHeaderName); m->setCaption(groupCaption); TQIconSet iconset = KickerLib::menuIconSet(g->icon()); if (separatorNeeded) { insertSeparator(); separatorNeeded = false; } int newId = insertItem(iconset, groupCaption, m, id++); entryMap_.insert(newId, static_cast(g)); // This submenu will be searched when applying a search string searchSubMenuIDs[m] = newId; // Also search the submenu name itself searchMenuItems.insert(newId); // We have to delete the sub menu our selves! (See Qt docs.) subMenus.append(m); } else if (e->isType(KST_KService)) { if (separatorNeeded) { insertSeparator(); separatorNeeded = false; } KService::Ptr s(static_cast(e)); searchMenuItems.insert(id); // insertMenuItem(s, id++, -1, &suppressGenericNames); insertMenuItem(s, id++, -1, &suppressGenericNames, TQString::null, specialTitle[s->name()], categoryIcon[s->name()] ); } else if (e->isType(KST_KServiceSeparator)) { separatorNeeded = true; } } #if 0 // WABA: tear off handles don't work together with dynamically updated // menus. We can't update the menu while torn off, and we don't know // when it is torn off. if ( count() > 0 && !relPath_.isEmpty() ) if (TDEGlobalSettings::insertTearOffHandle()) insertTearOffHandle(); #endif } void PanelServiceMenu::clearSubmenus() { for (PopupMenuList::const_iterator it = subMenus.constBegin(); it != subMenus.constEnd(); ++it) { delete *it; } subMenus.clear(); } void PanelServiceMenu::doInitialize() { // Set the startposition outside the panel, so there is no drag initiated // when we use drag and click to select items. A drag is only initiated when // you click to open the menu, and then press and drag an item. startPos_ = TQPoint(-1,-1); // We ask KSycoca to give us all services (sorted). KServiceGroup::Ptr root = KServiceGroup::group(relPath_); if (!root || !root->isValid()) return; KServiceGroup::List list = root->entries(true, excludeNoDisplay_, true, KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionAndName || KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionOnly); if (list.isEmpty()) { setItemEnabled(insertItem(i18n("No Entries")), false); return; } int id = serviceMenuStartId(); if (addmenumode_) { int mid = insertItem(KickerLib::menuIconSet("ok"), i18n("Add This Menu"), id++); entryMap_.insert(mid, static_cast(root)); if (relPath_ == "") { insertItem(KickerLib::menuIconSet("exec"), i18n("Add Non-TDE Application"), this, TQT_SLOT(addNonKDEApp())); } if (list.count() > 0) { insertSeparator(); id++; } } if ( !insertInlineHeader_.isEmpty() ) { int mid = insertItem(new PopupMenuTitle(insertInlineHeader_, font()), -1, 0); setItemEnabled( mid, false ); } fillMenu( root, list, relPath_, id ); } void PanelServiceMenu::configChanged() { deinitialize(); } void PanelServiceMenu::insertMenuItem(KService::Ptr & s, int nId, int nIndex/*= -1*/, const TQStringList *suppressGenericNames /* = 0 */, const TQString & aliasname, const TQString & label /*=TQString::NULL*/, const TQString & categoryIcon /*=TQString::null*/) { TQString serviceName = (aliasname.isEmpty() ? s->name() : aliasname).simplifyWhiteSpace(); TQString comment = s->genericName().simplifyWhiteSpace(); if (!comment.isEmpty()) { if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::NameAndDescription) { if ((!suppressGenericNames || !suppressGenericNames->contains(s->untranslatedGenericName())) && serviceName.find(comment, 0, true) == -1) { if (comment.find(serviceName, 0, true) == -1) { serviceName = i18n("Entries in K-menu: %1 app name, %2 description", "%1 - %2").arg(serviceName, comment); } else { serviceName = comment; } } } else if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionAndName) { serviceName = i18n("Entries in K-menu: %1 description, %2 app name", "%1 (%2)").arg(comment, serviceName); } else if (KickerSettings::menuEntryFormat() == KickerSettings::DescriptionOnly) { serviceName = comment; } } // restrict menu entries to a sane length if ( serviceName.length() > 60 ) { serviceName.truncate( 57 ); serviceName += "..."; } // check for NoDisplay if (s->noDisplay()) return; // ignore dotfiles. if ((serviceName.at(0) == '.')) return; // item names may contain ampersands. To avoid them being converted // to accelerators, replace them with two ampersands. serviceName.replace("&", "&&"); TQString icon = s->icon(); if (icon=="unknown") icon = categoryIcon; int newId; if ( label.isEmpty() ) newId = insertItem(KickerLib::menuIconSet(s->icon()), serviceName, nId, nIndex); else newId = insertItem(KickerLib::menuIconSet(s->icon()), label, nId, nIndex); entryMap_.insert(newId, static_cast(s)); } void PanelServiceMenu::activateParent(const TQString &child) { PanelServiceMenu *parentMenu = dynamic_cast(parent()); if (parentMenu) { parentMenu->activateParent(relPath_); } else { PanelPopupButton *kButton = MenuManager::the()->findKButtonFor(this); if (kButton) { adjustSize(); kButton->showMenu(); } else { show(); } } if (!child.isEmpty()) { EntryMap::Iterator mapIt; for ( mapIt = entryMap_.begin(); mapIt != entryMap_.end(); ++mapIt ) { KServiceGroup *g = dynamic_cast(static_cast(mapIt.data())); // if the dynamic_cast fails, we are looking at a KService entry if (g && (g->relPath() == child)) { activateItemAt(indexOf(mapIt.key())); return; } } } } bool PanelServiceMenu::highlightMenuItem( const TQString &menuItemId ) { initialize(); // Check menu itself EntryMap::Iterator mapIt; for ( mapIt = entryMap_.begin(); mapIt != entryMap_.end(); ++mapIt ) { // Skip recent files menu if (mapIt.key() >= serviceMenuEndId()) { continue; } KService *s = dynamic_cast( static_cast(mapIt.data())); if (s && (s->menuId() == menuItemId)) { activateParent(TQString::null); int index = indexOf(mapIt.key()); setActiveItem(index); // Warp mouse pointer to location of active item TQRect r = itemGeometry(index); TQCursor::setPos(mapToGlobal(TQPoint(r.x()+ r.width() - 15, r.y() + r.height() - 5))); return true; } } for(PopupMenuList::iterator it = subMenus.begin(); it != subMenus.end(); ++it) { PanelServiceMenu *serviceMenu = dynamic_cast(*it); if (serviceMenu && serviceMenu->highlightMenuItem(menuItemId)) return true; } return false; } void PanelServiceMenu::slotExec(int id) { if (!entryMap_.contains(id)) { return; } KSycocaEntry * e = entryMap_[id]; kapp->propagateSessionManager(); KService::Ptr service = static_cast(e); TDEApplication::startServiceByDesktopPath(service->desktopEntryPath(), TQStringList(), 0, 0, 0, "", true); updateRecentlyUsedApps(service); startPos_ = TQPoint(-1,-1); } void PanelServiceMenu::mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent * ev) { startPos_ = ev->pos(); KPanelMenu::mousePressEvent(ev); } void PanelServiceMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent * ev) { if (ev->button() == Qt::RightButton && !Kicker::the()->isKioskImmutable()) { int id = idAt( ev->pos() ); if (id < serviceMenuStartId()) { return; } if (!entryMap_.contains(id)) { kdDebug(1210) << "Cannot find service with menu id " << id << endl; return; } contextKSycocaEntry_ = entryMap_[id]; delete popupMenu_; popupMenu_ = new KPopupMenu(this); connect(popupMenu_, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotContextMenu(int))); bool hasEntries = false; switch (contextKSycocaEntry_->sycocaType()) { case KST_KService: if (kapp->authorize("editable_desktop_icons")) { hasEntries = true; popupMenu_->insertItem(SmallIconSet("desktop"), i18n("Add Item to Desktop"), AddItemToDesktop); } if (kapp->authorizeKAction("kicker_rmb") && !Kicker::the()->isImmutable()) { hasEntries = true; popupMenu_->insertItem(SmallIconSet("kicker"), i18n("Add Item to Main Panel"), AddItemToPanel); } if (kapp->authorizeKAction("menuedit")) { hasEntries = true; popupMenu_->insertItem(SmallIconSet("kmenuedit"), i18n("Edit Item"), EditItem); } if (kapp->authorize("run_command")) { hasEntries = true; popupMenu_->insertItem(SmallIconSet("run"), i18n("Put Into Run Dialog"), PutIntoRunDialog); } break; case KST_KServiceGroup: if (kapp->authorize("editable_desktop_icons")) { hasEntries = true; popupMenu_->insertItem(SmallIconSet("desktop"), i18n("Add Menu to Desktop"), AddMenuToDesktop); } if (kapp->authorizeKAction("kicker_rmb") && !Kicker::the()->isImmutable()) { hasEntries = true; popupMenu_->insertItem(SmallIconSet("kicker"), i18n("Add Menu to Main Panel"), AddMenuToPanel); } if (kapp->authorizeKAction("menuedit")) { hasEntries = true; popupMenu_->insertItem(SmallIconSet("kmenuedit"), i18n("Edit Menu"), EditMenu); } break; default: break; } if (hasEntries) { popupMenu_->popup(this->mapToGlobal(ev->pos())); return; } } delete popupMenu_; popupMenu_ = 0; KPanelMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(ev); } extern int kicker_screen_number; void PanelServiceMenu::slotContextMenu(int selected) { TDEProcess *proc; KService::Ptr service; KServiceGroup::Ptr g; TQByteArray ba; TQDataStream ds(ba, IO_WriteOnly); KURL src,dest; KIO::CopyJob *job; KDesktopFile *df; switch (selected) { case AddItemToDesktop: service = static_cast(contextKSycocaEntry_); src.setPath( TDEGlobal::dirs()->findResource( "apps", service->desktopEntryPath() ) ); dest.setPath( TDEGlobalSettings::desktopPath() ); dest.setFileName( src.fileName() ); job = KIO::copyAs( src, dest ); job->setDefaultPermissions( true ); break; case AddItemToPanel: { TQCString appname = "kicker"; if ( kicker_screen_number ) appname.sprintf("kicker-screen-%d", kicker_screen_number); service = static_cast(contextKSycocaEntry_); kapp->dcopClient()->send(appname, "Panel", "addServiceButton(TQString)", service->desktopEntryPath()); break; } case EditItem: proc = new TDEProcess(TQT_TQOBJECT(this)); *proc << KStandardDirs::findExe(TQString::fromLatin1("kmenuedit")); *proc << "/"+relPath_ << static_cast(contextKSycocaEntry_)->menuId(); proc->start(); break; case PutIntoRunDialog: { close(); TQCString appname = "kdesktop"; if ( kicker_screen_number ) appname.sprintf("kdesktop-screen-%d", kicker_screen_number); service = static_cast(contextKSycocaEntry_); kapp->updateRemoteUserTimestamp( appname ); kapp->dcopClient()->send(appname, "default", "popupExecuteCommand(TQString)", service->exec()); break; } case AddMenuToDesktop: g = static_cast(contextKSycocaEntry_); dest.setPath( TDEGlobalSettings::desktopPath() ); dest.setFileName( g->caption() ); df = new KDesktopFile( dest.path() ); df->writeEntry( "Icon", g->icon() ); df->writePathEntry( "URL", "programs:/"+g->name() ); df->writeEntry( "Name", g->caption() ); df->writeEntry( "Type", "Link" ); df->sync(); delete df; break; case AddMenuToPanel: { TQCString appname = "kicker"; if ( kicker_screen_number ) appname.sprintf("kicker-screen-%d", kicker_screen_number); g = static_cast(contextKSycocaEntry_); ds << "foo" << g->relPath(); kapp->dcopClient()->send("kicker", "Panel", "addServiceMenuButton(TQString,TQString)", ba); break; } case EditMenu: proc = new TDEProcess(TQT_TQOBJECT(this)); *proc << KStandardDirs::findExe(TQString::fromLatin1("kmenuedit")); *proc << "/"+static_cast(contextKSycocaEntry_)->relPath(); proc->start(); break; default: break; } } void PanelServiceMenu::mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent * ev) { KPanelMenu::mouseMoveEvent(ev); if (Kicker::the()->isKioskImmutable()) return; if ( (ev->state() & Qt::LeftButton ) != Qt::LeftButton ) return; TQPoint p = ev->pos() - startPos_; if (p.manhattanLength() <= TQApplication::startDragDistance() ) return; int id = idAt(startPos_); // Don't drag items we didn't create. if (id < serviceMenuStartId()) return; if (!entryMap_.contains(id)) { kdDebug(1210) << "Cannot find service with menu id " << id << endl; return; } KSycocaEntry * e = entryMap_[id]; TQPixmap icon; KURL url; switch (e->sycocaType()) { case KST_KService: { icon = static_cast(e)->pixmap(KIcon::Small); TQString filePath = static_cast(e)->desktopEntryPath(); if (filePath[0] != '/') { filePath = locate("apps", filePath); } url.setPath(filePath); break; } case KST_KServiceGroup: { icon = TDEGlobal::iconLoader() ->loadIcon(static_cast(e)->icon(), KIcon::Small); url = "programs:/" + static_cast(e)->relPath(); break; } default: { return; break; } } // If the path to the desktop file is relative, try to get the full // path from KStdDirs. KURLDrag *d = new KURLDrag(KURL::List(url), this); connect(d, TQT_SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotDragObjectDestroyed())); d->setPixmap(icon); d->dragCopy(); // Set the startposition outside the panel, so there is no drag initiated // when we use drag and click to select items. A drag is only initiated when // you click to open the menu, and then press and drag an item. startPos_ = TQPoint(-1,-1); } void PanelServiceMenu::dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *event) { // Set the DragObject's target to this widget. This is needed because the // widget doesn't accept drops, but we want to determine if the drag object // is dropped on it. This avoids closing on accidental drags. If this // widget accepts drops in the future, these lines can be removed. if (event->source() == this) { KURLDrag::setTarget(this); } event->ignore(); } void PanelServiceMenu::dragLeaveEvent(TQDragLeaveEvent *) { // see PanelServiceMenu::dragEnterEvent why this is nescessary if (!TQT_TQRECT_OBJECT(frameGeometry()).contains(TQCursor::pos())) { KURLDrag::setTarget(0); } } void PanelServiceMenu::slotDragObjectDestroyed() { if (KURLDrag::target() != this) { // we need to re-enter the event loop before calling close() here // this gets called _before_ the drag object is destroyed, so we are // still in its event loop. closing the menu before that event loop is // exited may result in getting hung up in it which in turn prevents // the execution of any code after the original exec() statement // though the panels themselves continue on otherwise normally // (we just have some sort of nested event loop) TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(close())); } } PanelServiceMenu *PanelServiceMenu::newSubMenu(const TQString & label, const TQString & relPath, TQWidget * parent, const char * name, const TQString& _inlineHeader) { return new PanelServiceMenu(label, relPath, parent, name, false,_inlineHeader); } void PanelServiceMenu::slotClearOnClose() { if (!initialized()) return; if (!isVisible()){ clearOnClose_ = false; slotClear(); } else { clearOnClose_ = true; } } void PanelServiceMenu::slotClose() { if (clearOnClose_) { clearOnClose_ = false; slotClear(); } delete popupMenu_; popupMenu_ = 0; } void PanelServiceMenu::slotClear() { if (isVisible()) { // QPopupMenu's aboutToHide() is emitted before the popup is really hidden, // and also before a click in the menu is handled, so do the clearing // only after that has been handled TQTimer::singleShot(100, this, TQT_SLOT(slotClear())); return; } entryMap_.clear(); KPanelMenu::slotClear(); for (PopupMenuList::iterator it = subMenus.begin(); it != subMenus.end(); ++it) { delete *it; } subMenus.clear(); searchSubMenuIDs.clear(); searchMenuItems.clear(); } void PanelServiceMenu::selectFirstItem() { setActiveItem(indexOf(serviceMenuStartId())); } void PanelServiceMenu::setSearchString(const TQString &searchString) { // We must initialize the menu, because it might have not been opened before initialize(); bool foundSomething = false; std::set nonemptyMenus; std::set::const_iterator menuItemIt(searchMenuItems.begin()); // Apply the filter on this menu for (; menuItemIt != searchMenuItems.end(); ++menuItemIt) { int id = *menuItemIt; KService* s = dynamic_cast< KService* >( static_cast< KSycocaEntry* >( entryMap_[ id ])); TQString menuText = text(id); if (menuText.contains(searchString, false) > 0 || ( s != NULL && ( s->name().contains(searchString, false) > 0 || s->exec().contains(searchString, false) > 0 || s->comment().contains(searchString, false) > 0 || s->genericName().contains(searchString, false) > 0 || s->exec().contains(searchString, false) > 0 ) )) { setItemEnabled(id, true); foundSomething = true; nonemptyMenus.insert(id); } else { setItemEnabled(id, false); } } // Apply the filter on this menu /*for (int i=count()-1; i>=0; --i) { int id = idAt(i); TQString menuText = text(id); if (menuText.contains(searchString, false) > 0) { setItemEnabled(id, true); foundSomething = true; nonemptyMenus.insert(id); } else { setItemEnabled(id, false); } }*/ PanelServiceMenuMap::iterator it(searchSubMenuIDs.begin()); // Apply the search filter on submenus for (; it != searchSubMenuIDs.end(); ++it) { it.key()->setSearchString(searchString); if (nonemptyMenus.find(it.data()) != nonemptyMenus.end()) { // if the current menu is a match already, we don't // block access to the contained items setItemEnabled(it.data(), true); it.key()->setSearchString(TQString()); foundSomething = true; } else if (it.key()->hasSearchResults()) { setItemEnabled(it.data(), true); foundSomething = true; } else { setItemEnabled(it.data(), false); } } hasSearchResults_ = foundSomething; } bool PanelServiceMenu::hasSearchResults() { return hasSearchResults_; } // updates "recent" section of KMenu void PanelServiceMenu::updateRecentlyUsedApps(KService::Ptr &service) { TQString strItem(service->desktopEntryPath()); // don't add an item from root kmenu level if (!strItem.contains('/')) { return; } // add it into recent apps list RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().appLaunched(strItem); RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().save(); RecentlyLaunchedApps::the().m_bNeedToUpdate = true; }