Freqeuently Asked Questions, last updated for kio_fish 1.1 Q: Typing fish:/ does not work A: It is fish:// (double slash) Q: How can I use a different port? A: Use regular URL syntax: fish:// Q: Something isn't working. I get strange/no displays A: Could be a bug, could be a problem with the remote tools. Try having perl somewhere in the PATH on the remote machine, that should work reliably. Shell- only mode is prone to different tool's opinion about parameters and what they mean. Shell-only mode is thouroughly tested only on GNU tools, and has superficial testing on BSD and Digital Unix. Solaris seems to have problems. Any reports for shell mode on non-GNU machines welcome (BTW, if you see a file in your remote home directory, fish did use perl mode) Q: The connection stays open. How do I disconnect? A: Just wait. The system default idle timeout is used. (about a minute or so) Q: Why are there no icons? A: With this release, you should have icons almost always, but best results are obtained if you install a recent version of the 'file' utility that supports the '-i' option. Q: How do I specify which program to use for SSH? A: Not at all, sorry. After evaluating other programs (rsh, rlogin, telnet) I came to the conclusion it was way too complex to support these, as only ssh supports both, password authentication and automatic execution.