KOSPageDlg KOSPageDlg 0 0 561 460 unnamed textview_ospage px_osSidebar 0 0 0 0 170 430 Panel Sunken true 0 TextLabel9 Description: bg_ospage Select Preferred System Behavior unnamed rb_kde KDE (TM) true rb_unix UNIX (R) rb_windows Microsoft Windows (R) rb_mac Apple MacOS (R) TextLabel1 1 1 0 0 <b>System Behavior</b><br> Graphical User Interfaces behave differently on various Operating Systems. KDE allows you to customize its behavior according to your needs. Spacer2 Vertical Fixed 22 10 Spacer2 Vertical Fixed 22 16 TextLabel2 For motion impaired users, KDE provides keyboard gestures to activate special keyboard settings. WordBreak|AlignVCenter cb_gestures Enable accessibility related keyboard gestures rb_kde clicked() KOSPageDlg slotKDEDescription() rb_unix clicked() KOSPageDlg slotUnixDescription() rb_windows clicked() KOSPageDlg slotWindowsDescription() rb_mac clicked() KOSPageDlg slotMacDescription() slotWindowsDescription() slotKDEDescription() slotMacDescription() slotUnixDescription() kdialog.h