KRefinePageDlg KRefinePageDlg 0 0 555 452 unnamed TextLabel11 1 1 0 0 <h3>Finished</h3> <p>After closing this dialog you can always restart this Wizard by choosing the entry <b>Desktop Settings Wizard</b> from the Settings menu.</p> WordBreak|AlignVCenter|AlignLeft Frame3 Box Raised unnamed px_kcontrol 0 0 0 0 TextLabel1 1 1 0 0 You can refine the settings you made by starting the KDE Control Center by choosing the entry <b>Control Center</b> in the K menu. WordBreak|AlignTop|AlignLeft px_finishSidebar 0 0 0 0 170 430 Panel Sunken true 0 lb_kcontrol 1 1 0 0 You can also start the KDE Control Center using the button below. WordBreak|AlignCenter Spacer5 Vertical Fixed 30 16 Spacer5_3 Vertical Fixed 20 16 Layout5 unnamed Spacer5_2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 pb_kcontrol &Launch KDE Control Center Spacer10 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 Spacer11 Vertical Expanding 20 20 kdialog.h