/***************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (c) 2003, Karol Szwed You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. ******************************************************************/ #include "geometrytip.h" namespace KWinInternal { GeometryTip::GeometryTip( const XSizeHints* xSizeHints, bool save_under ): TQLabel(NULL, "kwingeometry" ) { setMargin(1); setIndent(0); setLineWidth(1); setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Raised | TQFrame::StyledPanel ); tqsetAlignment( AlignCenter | AlignTop ); sizeHints = xSizeHints; if( save_under ) { XSetWindowAttributes attr; attr.save_under = True; // use saveunder if possible to avoid weird effects in transparent mode XChangeWindowAttributes( qt_xdisplay(), winId(), CWSaveUnder, &attr ); } } GeometryTip::~GeometryTip() { } void GeometryTip::setGeometry( const TQRect& geom ) { int w = geom.width(); int h = geom.height(); if (sizeHints) { if (sizeHints->flags & PResizeInc) { w = ( w - sizeHints->base_width ) / sizeHints->width_inc; h = ( h - sizeHints->base_height ) / sizeHints->height_inc; } } h = QMAX( h, 0 ); // in case of isShade() and PBaseSize TQString pos; pos.sprintf( "%+d,%+d
(%d x %d)", geom.x(), geom.y(), w, h ); setText( pos ); adjustSize(); move( geom.x() + ((geom.width() - width()) / 2), geom.y() + ((geom.height() - height()) / 2) ); } } // namespace #include "geometrytip.moc"