#!/bin/sh # # A script to open/autostart the dialog showing the licenses # under which TDE components are provided. # The dialog will be shown once for each TDE minor releases (R14.x.0) # As this script is run as a global TDE autostart app, all # environment variables should already be set. if [ "$TDEDIR" = "" ] || [ "$TDEHOME" = "" ]; then exit 1 fi RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION="$( ${TDEDIR}/bin/tde-config --version | sed -n 's|^TDE: \(R[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\)\.[0-9]\+[^0-9]*|\1|p' )" LICENSE_INFO="$( ${TDEDIR}/bin/kreadconfig --file ${TDEHOME}/share/config/kdeglobals --group "License Info" --key "${RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION}" )" if [ "$LICENSE_INFO" = "" ] || [ "$LICENSE_INFO" != "true" ]; then echo "[tde_license_info] Release minor version: $RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION" echo "[tde_license_info] License info: $LICENSE_INFO" ${TDEDIR}/bin/tde_license_info ${TDEDIR}/bin/kwriteconfig --file ${TDEHOME}/share/config/kdeglobals --group "License Info" --key "$RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION" --type bool "true" LICENSE_INFO="$( ${TDEDIR}/bin/kreadconfig --file ${TDEHOME}/share/config/kdeglobals --group "License Info" --key "$RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION" )" echo "[tde_license_info] License info: $LICENSE_INFO" fi unset LICENSE_INFO RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION exit 0