path: root/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
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Diffstat (limited to 'kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/ b/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a94f052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
+package org.kde.koala;
+import org.kde.qt.Qt;
+import org.kde.qt.QMetaObject;
+import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
+import org.kde.qt.QObject;
+import java.util.Calendar;
+import org.kde.qt.QObject;
+ Watch directories and files for changes.
+ The watched directories or files don't have to exist yet.
+ When a watched directory is changed, i.e. when files therein are
+ created or deleted, KDirWatch will emit the signal dirty().
+ When a watched, but previously not existing directory gets created,
+ KDirWatch will emit the signal created().
+ When a watched directory gets deleted, KDirWatch will emit the
+ signal deleted(). The directory is still watched for new
+ creation.
+ When a watched file is changed, i.e. attributes changed or written
+ to, KDirWatch will emit the signal dirty().
+ Scanning of particular directories or files can be stopped temporarily
+ and restarted. The whole class can be stopped and restarted.
+ Directories and files can be added/removed from the list in any state.
+ The implementation uses the FAM service when available;
+ if FAM is not available, the DNOTIFY functionality is used on LINUX.
+ As a last resort, a regular polling for change of modification times
+ is done; the polling interval is a global config option:
+ DirWatch/PollInterval and DirWatch/NFSPollInterval for NFS mounted
+ directories.
+ See {@link KDirWatchSignals} for signals emitted by KDirWatch
+ @author Sven Radej <>
+ @short Class for watching directory and file changes.
+ @see #self
+public class KDirWatch extends QObject {
+ protected KDirWatch(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
+ public static final int FAM = 0;
+ public static final int DNotify = 1;
+ public static final int Stat = 2;
+ public native QMetaObject metaObject();
+ public native String className();
+ /**
+ Constructor.
+ Scanning begins immediately when a dir/file watch
+ is added.
+ @param parent the parent of the QObject (or 0 for parent-less KDataTools)
+ @param name the name of the QObject, can be 0
+ @short Constructor.
+ */
+ public KDirWatch(QObject parent, String name) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newKDirWatch(parent,name);
+ }
+ private native void newKDirWatch(QObject parent, String name);
+ public KDirWatch(QObject parent) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newKDirWatch(parent);
+ }
+ private native void newKDirWatch(QObject parent);
+ public KDirWatch() {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newKDirWatch();
+ }
+ private native void newKDirWatch();
+ /**
+ Adds a directory to be watched.
+ The directory does not have to exist. When <code>watchFiles</code> is
+ false (the default), the signals dirty(), created(), deleted()
+ can be emitted, all for the watched directory.
+ When <code>watchFiles</code> is true, all files in the watched directory
+ are watched for changes, too. Thus, the signals dirty(),
+ created(), deleted() can be emitted.
+ @param path the path to watch
+ @param watchFiles if true, the KDirWatch will also watch files - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
+ @param recursive if true, all sub directories are also watched - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
+ @short Adds a directory to be watched.
+ */
+ public native void addDir(String path, boolean watchFiles, boolean recursive);
+ public native void addDir(String path, boolean watchFiles);
+ public native void addDir(String path);
+ /**
+ Adds a file to be watched.
+ @param file the file to watch
+ @short Adds a file to be watched.
+ */
+ public native void addFile(String file);
+ /**
+ Returns the time the directory/file was last changed.
+ @param path the file to check
+ @return the date of the last modification
+ @short Returns the time the directory/file was last changed.
+ */
+ public native Calendar ctime(String path);
+ /**
+ Removes a directory from the list of scanned directories.
+ If specified path is not in the list this does nothing.
+ @param path the path of the dir to be removed from the list
+ @short Removes a directory from the list of scanned directories.
+ */
+ public native void removeDir(String path);
+ /**
+ Removes a file from the list of watched files.
+ If specified path is not in the list this does nothing.
+ @param file the file to be removed from the list
+ @short Removes a file from the list of watched files.
+ */
+ public native void removeFile(String file);
+ /**
+ Stops scanning the specified path.
+ The <code>path</code> is not deleted from the interal just, it is just skipped.
+ Call this function when you perform an huge operation
+ on this directory (copy/move big files or many files). When finished,
+ call restartDirScan(path).
+ @param path the path to skip
+ @return true if the <code>path</code> is being watched, otherwise false
+ @short Stops scanning the specified path.
+ @see #restartDirScanning
+ */
+ public native boolean stopDirScan(String path);
+ /**
+ Restarts scanning for specified path.
+ Resets ctime. It doesn't notify
+ the change (by emitted a signal), since the ctime value is reset.
+ Call it when you are finished with big operations on that path,
+ <b>and</b> when <b>you</b> have refreshed that path.
+ @param path the path to restart scanning
+ @return true if the <code>path</code> is being watched, otherwise false
+ @short Restarts scanning for specified path.
+ @see #stopDirScanning
+ */
+ public native boolean restartDirScan(String path);
+ /**
+ Starts scanning of all dirs in list.
+ @param notify If true, all changed directories (since
+ stopScan() call) will be notified for refresh. If notify is
+ false, all ctimes will be reset (except those who are stopped,
+ but only if <code>skippedToo</code> is false) and changed dirs won't be
+ notified. You can start scanning even if the list is
+ empty. First call should be called with <code>false</code> or else all
+ directories
+ in list will be notified.
+ @param skippedToo if true, the skipped directoris (scanning of which was
+ stopped with stopDirScan() ) will be reset and notified
+ for change. Otherwise, stopped directories will continue to be
+ unnotified.
+ @short Starts scanning of all dirs in list.
+ */
+ public native void startScan(boolean notify, boolean skippedToo);
+ public native void startScan(boolean notify);
+ public native void startScan();
+ /**
+ Stops scanning of all directories in internal list.
+ The timer is stopped, but the list is not cleared.
+ @short Stops scanning of all directories in internal list.
+ */
+ public native void stopScan();
+ /**
+ Is scanning stopped?
+ After creation of a KDirWatch instance, this is false.
+ @return true when scanning stopped
+ @short Is scanning stopped? After creation of a KDirWatch instance, this is false.
+ */
+ public native boolean isStopped();
+ /**
+ Check if a directory is being watched by this KDirWatch instance
+ @param path the directory to check
+ @return true if the directory is being watched
+ @short Check if a directory is being watched by this KDirWatch instance
+ */
+ public native boolean contains(String path);
+ /**
+ Emits created().
+ @param path the path of the file or directory
+ @short Emits created().
+ */
+ public native void setCreated(String path);
+ /**
+ Emits dirty().
+ @param path the path of the file or directory
+ @short Emits dirty().
+ */
+ public native void setDirty(String path);
+ /**
+ Emits deleted().
+ @param path the path of the file or directory
+ @short Emits deleted().
+ */
+ public native void setDeleted(String path);
+ /**
+ Returns the preferred internal method to
+ watch for changes.
+ @short Returns the preferred internal method to watch for changes.
+ */
+ public native int internalMethod();
+ /**
+ Dump statistic information about all KDirWatch instances.
+ This checks for consistency, too.
+ @short Dump statistic information about all KDirWatch instances.
+ */
+ public static native void statistics();
+ /**
+ The KDirWatch instance usually globally used in an application.
+ It is automatically deleted when the application exits.
+ However, you can create an arbitrary number of KDirWatch instances
+ aside from this one - for those you have to take care of memory management.
+ This function returns an instance of KDirWatch. If there is none, it
+ will be created.
+ @return a KDirWatch instance
+ @short The KDirWatch instance usually globally used in an application.
+ */
+ public static native KDirWatch self();
+ /**
+ Returns true if there is an instance of KDirWatch.
+ @return true if there is an instance of KDirWatch.
+ @short Returns true if there is an instance of KDirWatch.
+ @see KDirWatch#self
+ */
+ public static native boolean exists();
+ /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
+ protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
+ /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
+ public native void dispose();
+ /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
+ public native boolean isDisposed();