path: root/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
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1 files changed, 544 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/ b/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
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+//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
+package org.kde.koala;
+import org.kde.qt.Qt;
+import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
+import org.kde.qt.QObject;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import org.kde.qt.QWidget;
+ Convenience methods to access all standard KDE actions.
+ These actions should be used instead of hardcoding menubar and
+ toolbar items. Using these actions helps your application easily
+ conform to the KDE UI Style Guide
+ All of the documentation for KAction holds for KStdAction
+ also. When in doubt on how things work, check the KAction
+ documention first.
+ <li><b>Simple Example:</b></li>
+ In general, using standard actions should be a drop in replacement
+ for regular actions. For example, if you previously had:
+ <pre>
+ KAction newAct = new KAction(i18n("&New"), QIconSet(BarIcon("filenew")),
+ KStdAccel.shortcut(KStdAccel.New), this,
+ SLOT("fileNew()"), actionCollection());
+ </pre>
+ You could drop that and replace it with:
+ <pre>
+ KAction newAct = KStdAction.openNew(this, SLOT("fileNew()"),
+ actionCollection());
+ </pre>
+ <li><b>Non-standard Usages</b></li>
+ It is possible to use the standard actions in various
+ non-recommended ways. Say, for instance, you wanted to have a
+ standard action (with the associated correct text and icon and
+ accelerator, etc) but you didn't want it to go in the standard
+ place (this is not recommended, by the way). One way to do this is
+ to simply not use the XML UI framework and plug it into wherever
+ you want. If you do want to use the XML UI framework (good!), then
+ it is still possible.
+ Basically, the XML building code matches names in the XML code with
+ the internal names of the actions. You can find out the internal
+ names of each of the standard actions by using the stdName
+ action like so: KStdAction.stdName(KStdAction.Cut) would return
+ 'edit_cut'. The XML building code will match 'edit_cut' to the
+ attribute in the global XML file and place your action there.
+ However, you can change the internal name. In this example, just
+ do something like:
+ <pre>
+ KStdAction.cut(this, SLOT("editCut()"), actionCollection(), "my_cut");
+ </pre>
+ Now, in your local XML resource file (e.g., yourappui.rc), simply
+ put 'my_cut' where you want it to go.
+ Another non-standard usage concerns getting a pointer to an
+ existing action if, say, you want to enable or disable the action.
+ You could do it the recommended way and just grab a pointer when
+ you instantiate it as in the the 'openNew' example above... or you
+ could do it the hard way:
+ <pre>
+ KAction cut = actionCollection().action(KStdAction.stdName(KStdAction.Cut));
+ </pre>
+ Another non-standard usage concerns instantiating the action in the
+ first place. Usually, you would use the member functions as
+ shown above (e.g., KStdAction.cut(this, SLOT, parent)). You
+ may, however, do this using the enums provided. This author can't
+ think of a reason why you would want to, but, hey, if you do,
+ here's how:
+ <pre>
+ KStdAction.action(KStdAction.New, this, SLOT("fileNew()"), actionCollection());
+ KStdAction.action(KStdAction.Cut, this, SLOT("editCut()"), actionCollection());
+ </pre>
+ @author Kurt Granroth <>
+ @short Convenience methods to access all standard KDE actions.
+ @see #http://developer#kde#org/documentation/standards/kde/style/basics/index#html
+public class KStdAction {
+ /**
+ The standard menubar and toolbar actions.
+ @short The standard menubar and toolbar actions.
+ */
+ public static final int ActionNone = 0;
+ public static final int New = 1;
+ public static final int Open = 2;
+ public static final int OpenRecent = 3;
+ public static final int Save = 4;
+ public static final int SaveAs = 5;
+ public static final int Revert = 6;
+ public static final int Close = 7;
+ public static final int Print = 8;
+ public static final int PrintPreview = 9;
+ public static final int Mail = 10;
+ public static final int Quit = 11;
+ public static final int Undo = 12;
+ public static final int Redo = 13;
+ public static final int Cut = 14;
+ public static final int Copy = 15;
+ public static final int Paste = 16;
+ public static final int SelectAll = 17;
+ public static final int Deselect = 18;
+ public static final int Find = 19;
+ public static final int FindNext = 20;
+ public static final int FindPrev = 21;
+ public static final int Replace = 22;
+ public static final int ActualSize = 23;
+ public static final int FitToPage = 24;
+ public static final int FitToWidth = 25;
+ public static final int FitToHeight = 26;
+ public static final int ZoomIn = 27;
+ public static final int ZoomOut = 28;
+ public static final int Zoom = 29;
+ public static final int Redisplay = 30;
+ public static final int Up = 31;
+ public static final int Back = 32;
+ public static final int Forward = 33;
+ public static final int Home = 34;
+ public static final int Prior = 35;
+ public static final int Next = 36;
+ public static final int Goto = 37;
+ public static final int GotoPage = 38;
+ public static final int GotoLine = 39;
+ public static final int FirstPage = 40;
+ public static final int LastPage = 41;
+ public static final int AddBookmark = 42;
+ public static final int EditBookmarks = 43;
+ public static final int Spelling = 44;
+ public static final int ShowMenubar = 45;
+ public static final int ShowToolbar = 46;
+ public static final int ShowStatusbar = 47;
+ public static final int SaveOptions = 48;
+ public static final int KeyBindings = 49;
+ public static final int Preferences = 50;
+ public static final int ConfigureToolbars = 51;
+ public static final int Help = 52;
+ public static final int HelpContents = 53;
+ public static final int WhatsThis = 54;
+ public static final int ReportBug = 55;
+ public static final int AboutApp = 56;
+ public static final int AboutKDE = 57;
+ public static final int TipofDay = 58;
+ public static final int ConfigureNotifications = 59;
+ public static final int FullScreen = 60;
+ public static final int Clear = 61;
+ public static final int PasteText = 62;
+ /**
+ Creates an action corresponding to the
+ KStdAction.StdAction enum.
+ @short Creates an action corresponding to the KStdAction.StdAction enum.
+ */
+ public static native KAction create(int id, String name, QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ public static native KAction create(int id, QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ This will return the internal name of a given standard action.
+ @short This will return the internal name of a given standard action.
+ */
+ public static native String name(int id);
+ public static native String stdName(int act_enum);
+ /**
+ Returns a list of all standard names. Used by KAccelManager
+ to give those heigher weight.
+ @short Returns a list of all standard names.
+ */
+ public static native ArrayList stdNames();
+ /**
+ Create a new document or window.
+ @short Create a new document or window.
+ */
+ public static native KAction openNew(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction openNew(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Open an existing file.
+ @short Open an existing file.
+ */
+ public static native KAction open(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction open(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Open a recently used document. The signature of the slot being called
+ is of the form slotURLSelected( KURL ).
+ @param recvr object to receive slot
+ @param slot The SLOT to invoke when a URL is selected. The slot's
+ signature is slotURLSelected( KURL ).
+ @param parent parent widget
+ @param name name of widget
+ @short Open a recently used document.
+ */
+ public static native KRecentFilesAction openRecent(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KRecentFilesAction openRecent(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Save the current document.
+ @short Save the current document.
+ */
+ public static native KAction save(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction save(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Save the current document under a different name.
+ @short Save the current document under a different name.
+ */
+ public static native KAction saveAs(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction saveAs(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Revert the current document to the last saved version
+ (essentially will undo all changes).
+ @short Revert the current document to the last saved version (essentially will undo all changes).
+ */
+ public static native KAction revert(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction revert(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Close the current document.
+ @short Close the current document.
+ */
+ public static native KAction close(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction close(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Print the current document.
+ @short Print the current document.
+ */
+ public static native KAction print(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction print(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Show a print preview of the current document.
+ @short Show a print preview of the current document.
+ */
+ public static native KAction printPreview(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction printPreview(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Mail this document.
+ @short Mail this document.
+ */
+ public static native KAction mail(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction mail(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Quit the program.
+ @short Quit the program.
+ */
+ public static native KAction quit(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction quit(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Undo the last operation.
+ @short Undo the last operation.
+ */
+ public static native KAction undo(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction undo(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Redo the last operation.
+ @short Redo the last operation.
+ */
+ public static native KAction redo(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction redo(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Cut selected area and store it in the clipboard.
+ @short Cut selected area and store it in the clipboard.
+ */
+ public static native KAction cut(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction cut(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Copy the selected area into the clipboard.
+ @short Copy the selected area into the clipboard.
+ */
+ public static native KAction copy(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction copy(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Paste the contents of clipboard at the current mouse or cursor
+ position.
+ @short Paste the contents of clipboard at the current mouse or cursor position.
+ */
+ public static native KAction paste(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction paste(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Paste the contents of clipboard at the current mouse or cursor
+ position. Provide a button on the toolbar with the clipboard history
+ menu if Klipper is running.
+ @short Paste the contents of clipboard at the current mouse or cursor position.
+ */
+ public static native KAction pasteText(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction pasteText(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Clear the content of the focus widget
+ @short Clear the content of the focus widget
+ */
+ public static native KAction clear(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction clear(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Select all elements in the current document.
+ @short Select all elements in the current document.
+ */
+ public static native KAction selectAll(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction selectAll(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Deselect any selected elements in the current document.
+ @short Deselect any selected elements in the current document.
+ */
+ public static native KAction deselect(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction deselect(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Initiate a 'find' request in the current document.
+ @short Initiate a 'find' request in the current document.
+ */
+ public static native KAction find(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction find(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Find the next instance of a stored 'find'.
+ @short Find the next instance of a stored 'find'.
+ */
+ public static native KAction findNext(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction findNext(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Find a previous instance of a stored 'find'.
+ @short Find a previous instance of a stored 'find'.
+ */
+ public static native KAction findPrev(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction findPrev(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Find and replace matches.
+ @short Find and replace matches.
+ */
+ public static native KAction replace(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction replace(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ View the document at its actual size.
+ @short View the document at its actual size.
+ */
+ public static native KAction actualSize(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction actualSize(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Fit the document view to the size of the current window.
+ @short Fit the document view to the size of the current window.
+ */
+ public static native KAction fitToPage(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction fitToPage(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Fit the document view to the width of the current window.
+ @short Fit the document view to the width of the current window.
+ */
+ public static native KAction fitToWidth(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction fitToWidth(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Fit the document view to the height of the current window.
+ @short Fit the document view to the height of the current window.
+ */
+ public static native KAction fitToHeight(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction fitToHeight(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Zoom in.
+ @short Zoom in.
+ */
+ public static native KAction zoomIn(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction zoomIn(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Zoom out.
+ @short Zoom out.
+ */
+ public static native KAction zoomOut(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction zoomOut(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Popup a zoom dialog.
+ @short Popup a zoom dialog.
+ */
+ public static native KAction zoom(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction zoom(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Redisplay or redraw the document.
+ @short Redisplay or redraw the document.
+ */
+ public static native KAction redisplay(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction redisplay(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Move up (web style menu).
+ @short Move up (web style menu).
+ */
+ public static native KAction up(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction up(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Move back (web style menu).
+ @short Move back (web style menu).
+ */
+ public static native KAction back(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction back(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Move forward (web style menu).
+ @short Move forward (web style menu).
+ */
+ public static native KAction forward(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction forward(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Go to the "Home" position or document.
+ @short Go to the "Home" position or document.
+ */
+ public static native KAction home(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction home(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Scroll up one page.
+ @short Scroll up one page.
+ */
+ public static native KAction prior(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction prior(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Scroll down one page.
+ @short Scroll down one page.
+ */
+ public static native KAction next(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction next(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Go to somewhere in general.
+ @short Go to somewhere in general.
+ */
+ public static native KAction goTo(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction goTo(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Go to a specific page (dialog).
+ @short Go to a specific page (dialog).
+ */
+ public static native KAction gotoPage(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction gotoPage(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Go to a specific line (dialog).
+ @short Go to a specific line (dialog).
+ */
+ public static native KAction gotoLine(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction gotoLine(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Jump to the first page.
+ @short Jump to the first page.
+ */
+ public static native KAction firstPage(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction firstPage(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Jump to the last page.
+ @short Jump to the last page.
+ */
+ public static native KAction lastPage(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction lastPage(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Add the current page to the bookmarks tree.
+ @short Add the current page to the bookmarks tree.
+ */
+ public static native KAction addBookmark(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction addBookmark(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Edit the application bookmarks.
+ @short Edit the application bookmarks.
+ */
+ public static native KAction editBookmarks(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction editBookmarks(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Pop up the spell checker.
+ @short Pop up the spell checker.
+ */
+ public static native KAction spelling(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction spelling(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Show/Hide the menubar.
+ @short Show/Hide the menubar.
+ */
+ public static native KToggleAction showMenubar(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KToggleAction showMenubar(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Show/Hide the statusbar.
+ @short Show/Hide the statusbar.
+ */
+ public static native KToggleAction showStatusbar(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KToggleAction showStatusbar(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Switch to/from full screen mode
+ @short Switch to/from full screen mode
+ */
+ public static native KToggleFullScreenAction fullScreen(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, QWidget window, String name);
+ public static native KToggleFullScreenAction fullScreen(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, QWidget window);
+ /**
+ Display the save options dialog.
+ @short Display the save options dialog.
+ */
+ public static native KAction saveOptions(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction saveOptions(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Display the configure key bindings dialog.
+ Note that you might be able to use the pre-built KXMLGUIFactory's fuction:
+ KStdAction.keyBindings(guiFactory(), SLOT("configureShortcuts()"), actionCollection());
+ @short Display the configure key bindings dialog.
+ */
+ public static native KAction keyBindings(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction keyBindings(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Display the preferences/options dialog.
+ @short Display the preferences/options dialog.
+ */
+ public static native KAction preferences(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction preferences(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ The Customize Toolbar dialog.
+ @short The Customize Toolbar dialog.
+ */
+ public static native KAction configureToolbars(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction configureToolbars(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ The Configure Notifications dialog.
+ @short The Configure Notifications dialog.
+ */
+ public static native KAction configureNotifications(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction configureNotifications(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Display the help.
+ @short Display the help.
+ */
+ public static native KAction help(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction help(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Display the help contents.
+ @short Display the help contents.
+ */
+ public static native KAction helpContents(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction helpContents(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Trigger the What's This cursor.
+ @short Trigger the What's This cursor.
+ */
+ public static native KAction whatsThis(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction whatsThis(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Display "Tip of the Day"
+ @short Display "Tip of the Day"
+ */
+ public static native KAction tipOfDay(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction tipOfDay(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Open up the Report Bug dialog.
+ @short Open up the Report Bug dialog.
+ */
+ public static native KAction reportBug(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction reportBug(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Display the application's About box.
+ @short Display the application's About box.
+ */
+ public static native KAction aboutApp(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction aboutApp(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);
+ /**
+ Display the About KDE dialog.
+ @short Display the About KDE dialog.
+ */
+ public static native KAction aboutKDE(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent, String name);
+ public static native KAction aboutKDE(QObject recvr, String slot, KActionCollection parent);