path: root/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
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1 files changed, 1341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/ b/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
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+//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
+package org.kde.koala;
+import org.kde.qt.Qt;
+import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
+import org.kde.qt.QUrlInterface;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import org.kde.qt.QUrl;
+ @brief Represents and parses a URL
+ A prototypical URL looks like:
+ @code
+ protocol://user:password@hostname:port/path/to/file.ext#reference
+ @endcode
+ KURL handles escaping of URLs. This means that the specification
+ of a full URL will differ from the corresponding string that would specify a
+ local file or directory in file-operations like fopen. This is because an URL
+ doesn't allow certain characters and escapes them.
+ For examle:
+ - '#' . "%23"
+ (In a URL the hash-character @c '#' is used to specify a "reference", i.e.
+ the position within a document)
+ - space . "%20"
+ The constructor KURL(String) expects a string properly escaped,
+ or at least non-ambiguous.
+ For instance a local file or directory <tt>"/bar/#foo#"</tt> would have the
+ URL <tt>"file:///bar/%23foo%23"</tt>.
+ If you have the absolute path and need the URL-escaping you should create
+ KURL via the default-constructor and then call setPath(String):
+ @code
+ KURL kurl;
+ kurl.setPath( "/bar/#foo#" );
+ String url = kurl.url(); // . "file:///bar/%23foo%23"
+ @endcode
+ If you have the URL of a local file or directory and need the absolute path,
+ you would use path().
+ @code
+ KURL url( "file:///bar/%23foo%23" );
+ ...
+ if ( url.isLocalFile() )
+ String path = url.path(); // . "/bar/#foo#"
+ @endcode
+ The other way round: if the user can enter a string, that can be either a
+ path or a URL, then you need to use KURL.fromPathOrURL() to build a KURL.
+ This must also be considered, when you have separated directory and file
+ strings and need to put them together.
+ While you can simply concatenate normal path strings, you must take care if
+ the directory-part is already an escaped URL.
+ (This might be needed if the user specifies a relative path, and your
+ program supplies the rest from elsewhere.)
+ Wrong:
+ @code
+ String dirUrl = "file:///bar/";
+ String fileName = "#foo#";
+ String invalidURL = dirUrl + fileName; // . "file:///bar/#foo#" won't behave like you would expect.
+ @endcode
+ Instead you should use addPath().
+ Right:
+ @code
+ KURL url( "file:///bar/" );
+ String fileName = "#foo#";
+ url.addPath( fileName );
+ String validURL = url.url(); // . "file:///bar/%23foo%23"
+ @endcode
+ Also consider that some URLs contain the password, but this shouldn't be
+ visible. Your program should use prettyURL() every time it displays a
+ URL, whether in the GUI or in debug output or...
+ @code
+ KURL url( "");
+ String visibleURL = url.prettyURL(); // . ""
+ @endcode
+ Note that prettyURL() doesn't change the character escapes (like <tt>"%23"</tt>).
+ Otherwise the URL would be invalid and the user wouldn't be able to use it in another
+ context.
+ KURL has some restrictions regarding the path
+ encoding. KURL works internally with the decoded path and
+ and encoded query. For example,
+ @code
+ http://localhost/cgi-bin/
+ @endcode
+ would result in a decoded path <tt>"/cgi-bin/test"</tt>
+ and in the encoded query <tt>"?cmd=Hello%20you"</tt>.
+ Since path is internally always encoded you may <b>not</b> use
+ <tt>"%00"</tt> in the path, although this is OK for the query.
+ @author Torben Weis <>
+ @short @brief Represents and parses a URL
+public class KURL implements QtSupport {
+ private long _qt;
+ private boolean _allocatedInJavaWorld = true;
+ protected KURL(Class dummy){}
+ /**
+ Flags to choose how file: URLs are treated when creating their String
+ representation with prettyURL(int,AdjustementFlags)
+ However it is recommended to use pathOrURL() instead of this variant of prettyURL()
+ @short Flags to choose how file: URLs are treated when creating their String representation with prettyURL(int,AdjustementFlags)
+ */
+ public static final int NoAdjustements = 0;
+ public static final int StripFileProtocol = 1;
+ /**
+ Defines the type of URI we are processing.
+ @short Defines the type of URI we are processing.
+ */
+ public static final int Auto = 0;
+ public static final int Invalid = 1;
+ public static final int RawURI = 2;
+ public static final int URL = 3;
+ public static final int Mailto = 4;
+ /**
+ Options for queryItems()
+ @short Options for queryItems()
+ */
+ public static final int CaseInsensitiveKeys = 1;
+ /**
+ @brief Constructs an empty URL
+ The created instance will also be invalid, see isValid()
+ @short @brief Constructs an empty URL
+ */
+ public KURL() {
+ newKURL();
+ }
+ private native void newKURL();
+ /**
+ @brief Usual constructor, to construct from a string
+ @warning It is dangerous to feed UNIX filenames into this function,
+ this will work most of the time but not always.
+ For example <tt>"/home/Torben%20Weis"</tt> will be considered a URL
+ pointing to the file <tt>"/home/Torben Weis"</tt> instead
+ of to the file <tt>"/home/Torben%20Weis"</tt>.
+ This means that if you have a usual UNIX like path you should not use
+ this constructor. Instead use fromPathOrURL()
+ @param url a URL, not a filename. If the URL does not have a protocol
+ part, @c "file:" is assumed
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of original encoding of URL.
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @short @brief Usual constructor, to construct from a string
+ @see #fromPathOrURL
+ */
+ public KURL(String url, int encoding_hint) {
+ newKURL(url,encoding_hint);
+ }
+ private native void newKURL(String url, int encoding_hint);
+ public KURL(String url) {
+ newKURL(url);
+ }
+ private native void newKURL(String url);
+ /**
+ @brief Copy constructor
+ @param u the KURL to copy
+ @short @brief Copy constructor
+ */
+ public KURL(KURL u) {
+ newKURL(u);
+ }
+ private native void newKURL(KURL u);
+ /**
+ @brief Constructor taking a Qt URL
+ Converts from a Qt URL.
+ @param u the QUrl
+ @short @brief Constructor taking a Qt URL
+ */
+ public KURL(QUrlInterface u) {
+ newKURL(u);
+ }
+ private native void newKURL(QUrlInterface u);
+ /**
+ @brief Constructor allowing relative URLs
+ @warning It is dangerous to feed UNIX filenames into this function,
+ this will work most of the time but not always.
+ For example <tt>"/home/Torben%20Weis"</tt> will be considered a URL
+ pointing to the file <tt>"/home/Torben Weis"</tt> instead
+ of to the file <tt>"/home/Torben%20Weis"</tt>.
+ This means that if you have a usual UNIX like path you should not use
+ this constructor. Instead use fromPathOrURL()
+ @param _baseurl The base url.
+ @param _rel_url A relative or absolute URL.
+ If this is an absolute URL then <code>_baseurl</code> will be ignored.
+ If this is a relative URL it will be combined with <code>_baseurl.</code>
+ Note that <code>_rel_url</code> should be encoded too, in any case.
+ So do NOT pass a path here (use setPath() or addPath() or
+ fromPathOrURL() instead)
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of original encoding of URL.
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @short @brief Constructor allowing relative URLs
+ @see #fromPathOrURL
+ */
+ public KURL(KURL _baseurl, String _rel_url, int encoding_hint) {
+ newKURL(_baseurl,_rel_url,encoding_hint);
+ }
+ private native void newKURL(KURL _baseurl, String _rel_url, int encoding_hint);
+ public KURL(KURL _baseurl, String _rel_url) {
+ newKURL(_baseurl,_rel_url);
+ }
+ private native void newKURL(KURL _baseurl, String _rel_url);
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the protocol for the URL
+ Examples for a protocol string are @c "file", @c "http", etc. but also
+ @c "mailto:" and other pseudo protocols.
+ @return the protocol of the URL, does not include the colon. If the
+ URL is malformed, @c null will be returned
+ @short @brief Returns the protocol for the URL
+ @see #setProtocol
+ @see #isValid
+ */
+ public native String protocol();
+ /**
+ @brief Sets the protocol for the URL
+ Examples for a protocol string are @c "file", @c "http", etc. but also
+ @c "mailto:" and other pseudo protocols.
+ @param _txt the new protocol of the URL (without colon)
+ @short @brief Sets the protocol for the URL
+ @see #protocol
+ */
+ public native void setProtocol(String _txt);
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the URI processing mode for the URL
+ @return the URI processing mode set for this URL
+ @short @brief Returns the URI processing mode for the URL
+ @see URIMode
+ @see #uriModeForProtocol
+ */
+ public native int uriMode();
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the decoded user name (login, user id, etc) included in
+ the URL
+ @return the user name or @c null if there is no user name
+ @short @brief Returns the decoded user name (login, user id, etc) included in the URL
+ @see #setUser
+ @see #hasUser
+ */
+ public native String user();
+ /**
+ @brief Sets the user name (login, user id, etc) to include in the URL
+ Special characters in the user name will appear encoded in the URL.
+ If there is a password associated with the user, it can be set using
+ setPass().
+ @param _txt the name of the user or <code>null</code> to remove the user
+ @short @brief Sets the user name (login, user id, etc) to include in the URL
+ @see #user
+ @see #hasUser
+ @see #hasPass
+ */
+ public native void setUser(String _txt);
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if this URL has a user name included in it
+ @return @c true if the URL has an non-empty user name
+ @short @brief Tests if this URL has a user name included in it
+ @see #user
+ @see #setUser
+ @see #hasPass
+ */
+ public native boolean hasUser();
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the decoded password (corresponding to user()) included
+ in the URL
+ @note a password can only appear in a URL string if you also set
+ a user, see setUser().
+ @return the password or @c null if it does not exist
+ @short @brief Returns the decoded password (corresponding to user()) included in the URL
+ @see #setPass
+ @see #hasPass
+ @see #hasUser
+ */
+ public native String pass();
+ /**
+ @brief Sets the password (corresponding to user()) to include in the URL
+ Special characters in the password will appear encoded in the URL.
+ @note a password can only appear in a URL string if you also set
+ a user, see setUser().
+ @param _txt the password to set or <code>null</code> to remove the password
+ @short @brief Sets the password (corresponding to user()) to include in the URL
+ @see #pass
+ @see #hasPass
+ @see #hasUser
+ */
+ public native void setPass(String _txt);
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if this URL has a password included in it
+ @note a password can only appear in a URL string if you also set
+ a user, see setUser().
+ @return @c true if there is a non-empty password set
+ @short @brief Tests if this URL has a password included in it
+ @see #pass
+ @see #setPass
+ @see #hasUser
+ */
+ public native boolean hasPass();
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the decoded hostname included in the URL
+ @return the name of the host or @c null if no host is set
+ @short @brief Returns the decoded hostname included in the URL
+ @see #setHost
+ @see #hasHost
+ */
+ public native String host();
+ /**
+ @brief Sets the hostname to include in the URL
+ Special characters in the hostname will appear encoded in the URL.
+ @param _txt the new name of the host or null to remove the host
+ @short @brief Sets the hostname to include in the URL
+ @see #host
+ @see #hasHost
+ */
+ public native void setHost(String _txt);
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if this URL has a hostname included in it
+ @return @c true if the URL has a non-empty host
+ @short @brief Tests if this URL has a hostname included in it
+ @see #host
+ @see #setHost
+ */
+ public native boolean hasHost();
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the port number included in the URL
+ @return the port number or @c 0 if there is no port number specified in
+ the URL
+ @short @brief Returns the port number included in the URL
+ @see #setPort
+ @see #host
+ */
+ public native short port();
+ /**
+ @brief Sets the port number to include in the URL
+ @param _p the new port number or <code>0</code> to have no port number
+ @short @brief Sets the port number to include in the URL
+ @see #port
+ @see #setHost
+ */
+ public native void setPort(short _p);
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the current decoded path
+ This does <b>not</b> include the query.
+ @return the path of the URL (without query), or @c null if no
+ path is set
+ @short @brief Returns the current decoded path
+ @see #path(int)
+ @see #setPath
+ @see #hasPath
+ */
+ public native String path();
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the current decoded path
+ This does <b>not</b> include the query, see query() for accessing it.
+ The <code>_trailing</code> parameter allows to ensure the existance or absence of
+ the last (trailing) @c '/' character in the path.
+ If the URL has no path, then no @c '/' is added anyway.
+ And on the other side: if the path is just @c "/", then this character
+ won't be stripped.
+ Reason: <tt>"ftp://weis@host"</tt> means something completely different
+ than <tt>"ftp://weis@host/"</tt>.
+ So adding or stripping the '/' would really alter the URL, while
+ <tt>"ftp://host/path"</tt> and <tt>"ftp://host/path/"</tt> mean the same
+ directory.
+ @param _trailing May be ( @c -1, <code>0</code>, @c +1 ). @c -1 strips a trailing
+ @c '/', @c +1 adds a trailing @c '/' if there is none yet
+ and <code>0</code> returns the path unchanged
+ @return the path of the URL (without query), or @c null if no
+ path is set
+ @short @brief Returns the current decoded path
+ @see #path
+ @see #setPath
+ @see #hasPath
+ @see #adjustPath
+ */
+ public native String path(int _trailing);
+ /**
+ @brief Sets the decoded path of the URL
+ This does <b>not</b> changed the query, see setQuery() for that.
+ The <code>path</code> is considered to be decoded, i.e. characters not allowed in
+ path, for example @c '?' will be encoded and does not indicate the
+ beginning of the query part. Something that might look encoded,
+ like @c "%3f" will not become decoded.
+ @param path the new, decoded, path or <code>null</code> to remove the path
+ @short @brief Sets the decoded path of the URL
+ @see #path
+ @see #path(int)
+ @see #hasPath
+ */
+ public native void setPath(String path);
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if this URL has a path included in it
+ @return @c true if there is a non-empty path
+ @short @brief Tests if this URL has a path included in it
+ @see #path
+ @see #setPath
+ */
+ public native boolean hasPath();
+ /**
+ @brief Resolves @c "." and @c ".." components in path
+ Some servers seem not to like the removal of extra @c '/'
+ even though it is against the specification in RFC 2396.
+ @param cleanDirSeparator if <code>true</code>, occurrences of consecutive
+ directory separators (e.g. <tt>"/foo//bar"</tt>) are cleaned up as
+ well
+ @short @brief Resolves @c ".
+ @see #hasPath
+ @see #adjustPath
+ */
+ public native void cleanPath(boolean cleanDirSeparator);
+ public native void cleanPath();
+ /**
+ @brief Adds or removes a trailing slash to/from the path
+ The <code>_trailing</code> parameter allows to ensure the existance or absence of
+ the last (trailing) @c '/' character in the path.
+ If the URL has no path, then no @c '/' is added anyway.
+ And on the other side: if the path is just @c "/", then this character
+ won't be stripped.
+ Reason: <tt>"ftp://weis@host"</tt> means something completely different
+ than <tt>"ftp://weis@host/"</tt>.
+ So adding or stripping the '/' would really alter the URL, while
+ <tt>"ftp://host/path"</tt> and <tt>"ftp://host/path/"</tt> mean the same
+ directory.
+ @param _trailing May be ( @c -1, <code>0</code>, @c +1 ). @c -1 strips a trailing
+ @c '/', @c +1 adds a trailing @c '/' if there is none yet
+ and <code>0</code> returns the path unchanged
+ @short @brief Adds or removes a trailing slash to/from the path
+ @see #hasPath
+ @see #cleanPath
+ */
+ public native void adjustPath(int _trailing);
+ /**
+ @brief Sets both path and query of the URL in their encoded form
+ This is useful for HTTP. It looks first for @c '?' and decodes then,
+ see setEncodedPath().
+ The encoded path is the concatenation of the current path and the query.
+ @param _txt the new encoded path and encoded query
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of original encoding of <code>_txt</code> .
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @short @brief Sets both path and query of the URL in their encoded form
+ @see #encodedPathAndQuery
+ @see #setPath
+ @see #setQuery
+ */
+ public native void setEncodedPathAndQuery(String _txt, int encoding_hint);
+ public native void setEncodedPathAndQuery(String _txt);
+ /**
+ @brief Sets the (already encoded) path of the URL
+ @param _txt the new encoded path
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of original encoding of <code>_txt</code> .
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @short @brief Sets the (already encoded) path of the URL
+ @see #setEncodedPathAndQuery
+ @see #setPath
+ */
+ public native void setEncodedPath(String _txt, int encoding_hint);
+ public native void setEncodedPath(String _txt);
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the encoded path and the query
+ The <code>_trailing</code> parameter allows to ensure the existance or absence of
+ the last (trailing) @c '/' character in the path.
+ If the URL has no path, then no @c '/' is added anyway.
+ And on the other side: if the path is just @c "/", then this character
+ won't be stripped.
+ Reason: <tt>"ftp://weis@host"</tt> means something completely different
+ than <tt>"ftp://weis@host/"</tt>.
+ So adding or stripping the '/' would really alter the URL, while
+ <tt>"ftp://host/path"</tt> and <tt>"ftp://host/path/"</tt> mean the same
+ directory.
+ @param _trailing May be ( @c -1, <code>0</code>, @c +1 ). @c -1 strips a trailing
+ @c '/', @c +1 adds a trailing @c '/' if there is none yet
+ and <code>0</code> returns the path unchanged
+ @param _no_empty_path if set to <code>true</code> then an empty path is substituted
+ by @c "/"
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of desired encoding of URL.
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @return the concatenation of the encoded path , @c '?' and the
+ encoded query
+ @short @brief Returns the encoded path and the query
+ @see #setEncodedPathAndQuery
+ @see #path
+ @see #query
+ */
+ public native String encodedPathAndQuery(int _trailing, boolean _no_empty_path, int encoding_hint);
+ public native String encodedPathAndQuery(int _trailing, boolean _no_empty_path);
+ public native String encodedPathAndQuery(int _trailing);
+ public native String encodedPathAndQuery();
+ /**
+ @brief Sets the encoded query of the URL
+ The query should start with a @c '?'. If it doesn't @c '?' is prepended.
+ @param _txt this is considered to be encoded. This has a good reason:
+ the query may contain the @c '0' character
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of the encoding. Reserved, should be <code>0</code> .
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @short @brief Sets the encoded query of the URL
+ @see #query
+ */
+ public native void setQuery(String _txt, int encoding_hint);
+ public native void setQuery(String _txt);
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the encoded query of the URL
+ The query may contain the @c '0' character.
+ If a query is present it always starts with a @c '?'.
+ A single @c '?' means an empty query.
+ An empty string means no query.
+ @return the encoded query or @c null if there is none
+ @short @brief Returns the encoded query of the URL
+ @see #setQuery
+ */
+ public native String query();
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the encoded reference of the URL
+ The reference is <b>never</b> decoded automatically.
+ @return the undecoded reference, or @c null if there is none
+ @short @brief Returns the encoded reference of the URL
+ @see #setRef
+ @see #hasRef
+ @see #htmlRef
+ */
+ public native String ref();
+ /**
+ @brief Sets the encoded reference part (everything after @c '#')
+ This is considered to be encoded, i.e. characters that are not allowed
+ as part of the reference will <b>not</b> be encoded.
+ @param _txt the encoded reference or <code>null</code> to remove it
+ @short @brief Sets the encoded reference part (everything after @c '#')
+ @see #ref
+ @see #hasRef
+ */
+ public native void setRef(String _txt);
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if the URL has a reference part
+ @return @c true if the URL has a reference part. In a URL like
+ <tt>""</tt> it would
+ return @c true as well
+ @short @brief Tests if the URL has a reference part
+ @see #ref
+ @see #setRef
+ */
+ public native boolean hasRef();
+ /**
+ @brief Returns decoded the HTML-style reference
+ (the part of the URL after @c '#')
+ @return the HTML-style reference
+ @short @brief Returns decoded the HTML-style reference (the part of the URL after @c '#')
+ @see #encodedHtmlRef
+ @see #setHTMLRef
+ @see #hasHTMLRef
+ @see #split
+ @see #hasSubURL
+ @see #ref
+ */
+ public native String htmlRef();
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the encoded HTML-style reference
+ (the part of the URL after @c '#')
+ @return the HTML-style reference in its original, encoded, form
+ @short @brief Returns the encoded HTML-style reference (the part of the URL after @c '#')
+ @see #htmlRef
+ @see #setHTMLRef
+ @see #hasHTMLRef
+ */
+ public native String encodedHtmlRef();
+ /**
+ @brief Sets the decoded HTML-style reference
+ @param _ref the new reference. This is considered to be <b>not</b> encoded in
+ contrast to setRef(). Use <code>null</code> to remove it
+ @short @brief Sets the decoded HTML-style reference
+ @see #htmlRef
+ @see #hasHTMLRef
+ */
+ public native void setHTMLRef(String _ref);
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if there is an HTML-style reference
+ @return @c true if the URL has an HTML-style reference
+ @short @brief Tests if there is an HTML-style reference
+ @see #htmlRef
+ @see #encodedHtmlRef
+ @see #setHTMLRef
+ @see #hasRef
+ */
+ public native boolean hasHTMLRef();
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if the URL is well formed
+ @return @c false if the URL is malformed. This function does @em not test
+ whether sub URLs are well-formed as well
+ @short @brief Tests if the URL is well formed
+ */
+ public native boolean isValid();
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if the file is local
+ @return @c true if the file is a plain local file and has no filter
+ protocols attached to it
+ @short @brief Tests if the file is local
+ */
+ public native boolean isLocalFile();
+ /**
+ @brief Adds file encoding information
+ Adds encoding information to the URL by adding a @c "charset" parameter.
+ If there is already a charset parameter, it will be replaced.
+ @param encoding the encoding to add or <code>null</code> to remove the
+ encoding
+ @short @brief Adds file encoding information
+ @see #fileEncoding
+ @see org.kde.qt.QTextCodec#codecForName
+ */
+ public native void setFileEncoding(String encoding);
+ /**
+ @brief Returns encoding information of the URL
+ The encoding information is the content of the @c "charset" parameter.
+ @return an encoding suitable for QTextCodec.codecForName()
+ or @c null if not encoding was specified
+ @short @brief Returns encoding information of the URL
+ */
+ public native String fileEncoding();
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if the URL has any sub URLs
+ See split() for examples for sub URLs.
+ @return @c true if the file has at least one sub URL
+ @short @brief Tests if the URL has any sub URLs
+ @see #split
+ */
+ public native boolean hasSubURL();
+ /**
+ @brief Adds to the current path
+ Assumes that the current path is a directory. <code>_txt</code> is appended to the
+ current path. The function adds @c '/' if needed while concatenating.
+ This means it does not matter whether the current path has a trailing
+ @c '/' or not. If there is none, it becomes appended. If <code>_txt</code>
+ has a leading @c '/' then this one is stripped.
+ @param txt the text to add. It is considered to be decoded
+ @short @brief Adds to the current path
+ @see #setPath
+ @see #hasPath
+ */
+ public native void addPath(String txt);
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the value of a certain query item
+ @param item item whose value we want
+ @return the value of the given query item name or @c null if the
+ specified item does not exist
+ @short @brief Returns the value of a certain query item
+ @see #addQueryItem
+ @see #removeQueryItem
+ @see #queryItems
+ @see #query
+ */
+ public native String queryItem(String item);
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the value of a certain query item
+ @param item item whose value we want
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of encoding of query.
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @return the value of the given query item name or @c null if the
+ specified item does not exist
+ @short @brief Returns the value of a certain query item
+ @see #addQueryItem
+ @see #removeQueryItem
+ @see #queryItems
+ @see #query
+ */
+ public native String queryItem(String item, int encoding_hint);
+ /**
+ @short
+ */
+ // QMap<QString, QString> queryItems(int arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
+ // QMap<QString, QString> queryItems(); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the list of query items as a map mapping keys to values
+ @param options any of QueryItemsOptions <em>OR</em>ed together
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of encoding of query.
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @return the map of query items or the empty map if the URL has no
+ query items
+ @short @brief Returns the list of query items as a map mapping keys to values
+ @see #queryItem
+ @see #addQueryItem
+ @see #removeQueryItem
+ @see #query
+ */
+ // QMap<QString, QString> queryItems(int arg1,int arg2); >>>> NOT CONVERTED
+ /**
+ @brief Adds an additional query item
+ To replace an existing query item, the item should first be
+ removed with removeQueryItem()
+ @param _item name of item to add
+ @param _value value of item to add
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of encoding to use for _value.
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @short @brief Adds an additional query item
+ @see #queryItem
+ @see #queryItems
+ @see #query
+ */
+ public native void addQueryItem(String _item, String _value, int encoding_hint);
+ public native void addQueryItem(String _item, String _value);
+ /**
+ @brief Removea an item from the query
+ @param _item name of item to remove
+ @short @brief Removea an item from the query
+ @see #addQueryItem
+ @see #queryItem
+ @see #queryItems
+ @see #query
+ */
+ public native void removeQueryItem(String _item);
+ /**
+ @brief Sets the filename of the path
+ In comparison to addPath() this function does not assume that the current
+ path is a directory. This is only assumed if the current path ends
+ with @c '/'.
+ If the current path ends with @c '/' then <code>_txt</code> is just appended,
+ otherwise all text behind the last @c '/' in the current path is erased
+ and <code>_txt</code> is appended then. It does not matter whether <code>_txt</code> starts
+ with @c '/' or not.
+ Any reference is reset.
+ @param _txt the filename to be set. It is considered to be decoded
+ @short @brief Sets the filename of the path
+ @see #fileName
+ @see #setDirectory
+ @see #setPath
+ */
+ public native void setFileName(String _txt);
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the filename of the path
+ <code>_ignore_trailing_slash_in_path</code> tells whether a trailing @c '/' should
+ be ignored. This means that the function would return @c "torben" for
+ <tt>"file:///hallo/torben/"</tt> and <tt>"file:///hallo/torben"</tt>.
+ @param _ignore_trailing_slash_in_path if set to <code>false</code>, then everything
+ behind the last @c '/' is considered to be the filename
+ @return the filename of the current path. The returned string is decoded.
+ @c null if there is no file (and thus no path)
+ @short @brief Returns the filename of the path
+ @see #setFileName
+ @see #directory
+ @see #path
+ */
+ public native String fileName(boolean _ignore_trailing_slash_in_path);
+ public native String fileName();
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the directory of the path
+ The directory is everything between the last and the second last @c '/'
+ is returned. For example <tt>"file:///hallo/torben/"</tt> would return
+ <tt>"/hallo/torben/"</tt> while <tt>"file:///hallo/torben"</tt> would
+ return <tt>"hallo/"</tt>.
+ <code>_ignore_trailing_slash_in_path</code> tells whether a trailing @c '/' should
+ be ignored. This means that the function would return @c "/hallo"
+ (or @c "/hallo" depending on <code>_strip_trailing_slash_from_result</code>) for
+ <tt>"file:///hallo/torben/"</tt> and <tt>"file:///hallo/torben"</tt>.
+ @param _strip_trailing_slash_from_result tells whether the returned result
+ should end with @c '/' or not. If the path is empty or just @c "/"
+ then this flag has no effect
+ @param _ignore_trailing_slash_in_path if set to <code>false</code>, then everything
+ behind the last @c '/' is considered to be the filename
+ @return the directory part of the current path or @c null when
+ there is no path. The returned string is decoded
+ @short @brief Returns the directory of the path
+ @see #setDirectory
+ @see #fileName
+ @see #path
+ */
+ public native String directory(boolean _strip_trailing_slash_from_result, boolean _ignore_trailing_slash_in_path);
+ public native String directory(boolean _strip_trailing_slash_from_result);
+ public native String directory();
+ /**
+ @brief Sets the directory of the path, leaving the filename empty
+ @param dir the decoded directory to set
+ @short @brief Sets the directory of the path, leaving the filename empty
+ @see #directory
+ @see #setFileName
+ @see #setPath
+ */
+ public native void setDirectory(String dir);
+ /**
+ @brief Changes the directory by descending into the given directory
+ It is assumed the current URL represents a directory.
+ If <code>_dir</code> starts with a @c '/' the current URL will be
+ <tt>"protocol://host/dir"</tt> otherwise <code>_dir</code> will be appended to the
+ path. <code>_dir</code> can be @c ".."
+ This function won't strip protocols. That means that when you are in
+ <tt>"file:///dir/dir2/my.tgz#tar:/"</tt> and you do <tt>cd("..")</tt> you
+ will still be in <tt>"file:///dir/dir2/my.tgz#tar:/"</tt>
+ @param _dir the directory to change to
+ @return @c true if successful
+ @short @brief Changes the directory by descending into the given directory
+ @see #directory
+ @see #path
+ */
+ public native boolean cd(String _dir);
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the URL as string, with all escape sequences intact,
+ encoded in a given charset
+ This is used in particular for encoding URLs in UTF-8 before using them
+ in a drag and drop operation.
+ @note that the string returned by url() will include the password of the
+ URL. If you want to show the URL to the user, use prettyURL().
+ The <code>_trailing</code> parameter allows to ensure the existance or absence of
+ the last (trailing) @c '/' character in the path.
+ If the URL has no path, then no @c '/' is added anyway.
+ And on the other side: if the path is just @c "/", then this character
+ won't be stripped.
+ Reason: <tt>"ftp://weis@host"</tt> means something completely different
+ than <tt>"ftp://weis@host/"</tt>.
+ So adding or stripping the '/' would really alter the URL, while
+ <tt>"ftp://host/path"</tt> and <tt>"ftp://host/path/"</tt> mean the same
+ directory.
+ @param _trailing May be ( @c -1, <code>0</code>, @c +1 ). @c -1 strips a trailing
+ @c '/', @c +1 adds a trailing @c '/' if there is none yet
+ and <code>0</code> returns the path unchanged
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of encoding to use.
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @return the complete URL, with all escape sequences intact, encoded
+ in a given charset
+ @short @brief Returns the URL as string, with all escape sequences intact, encoded in a given charset
+ @see #prettyURL
+ @see #pathOrURL
+ @see #htmlURL
+ */
+ public native String url(int _trailing, int encoding_hint);
+ public native String url(int _trailing);
+ public native String url();
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the URL as string in human-friendly format
+ Example:
+ @code
+ http://localhost:8080/test.cgi?test=hello world&name=fred
+ @endcode
+ Does <b>not</b> contain the password if the URL has one, use url() if you
+ need to have it in the string.
+ The <code>_trailing</code> parameter allows to ensure the existance or absence of
+ the last (trailing) @c '/' character in the path.
+ If the URL has no path, then no @c '/' is added anyway.
+ And on the other side: if the path is just @c "/", then this character
+ won't be stripped.
+ Reason: <tt>"ftp://weis@host"</tt> means something completely different
+ than <tt>"ftp://weis@host/"</tt>.
+ So adding or stripping the '/' would really alter the URL, while
+ <tt>"ftp://host/path"</tt> and <tt>"ftp://host/path/"</tt> mean the same
+ directory.
+ @param _trailing May be ( @c -1, <code>0</code>, @c +1 ). @c -1 strips a trailing
+ @c '/', @c +1 adds a trailing @c '/' if there is none yet
+ and <code>0</code> returns the path unchanged
+ @return a human readable URL, with no non-necessary encodings/escaped
+ characters. Password will not be shown
+ @short @brief Returns the URL as string in human-friendly format
+ @see #url
+ @see #pathOrURL
+ */
+ public native String prettyURL(int _trailing);
+ public native String prettyURL();
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the URL as string in human-friendly format
+ Example:
+ @code
+ http://localhost:8080/test.cgi?test=hello world&name=fred
+ @endcode
+ Does <b>not</b> contain the password if the URL has one, use url() if you
+ need to have it in the string.
+ The <code>_trailing</code> parameter allows to ensure the existance or absence of
+ the last (trailing) @c '/' character in the path.
+ If the URL has no path, then no @c '/' is added anyway.
+ And on the other side: if the path is just @c "/", then this character
+ won't be stripped.
+ Reason: <tt>"ftp://weis@host"</tt> means something completely different
+ than <tt>"ftp://weis@host/"</tt>.
+ So adding or stripping the '/' would really alter the URL, while
+ <tt>"ftp://host/path"</tt> and <tt>"ftp://host/path/"</tt> mean the same
+ directory.
+ @param _trailing May be ( @c -1, <code>0</code>, @c +1 ). @c -1 strips a trailing
+ @c '/', @c +1 adds a trailing @c '/' if there is none yet
+ and <code>0</code> returns the path unchanged
+ @param _flags if StripFileProtocol, @c "file://" will be stripped.
+ The use of this method is now discouraged, better use pathOrURL().
+ @return a human readable URL, with no non-necessary encodings/escaped
+ characters. Password will not be shown
+ @short @brief Returns the URL as string in human-friendly format Example: @code http://localhost:8080/test.
+ @see #prettyURL
+ @see #url
+ @see #pathOrURL
+ */
+ public native String prettyURL(int _trailing, int _flags);
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the URL as a string depending if it is a local file
+ It will be either the URL (as prettyURL() would return) or, when the URL
+ is a local file without query or ref, the path().
+ Use this method, together with its opposite, fromPathOrURL(),
+ to display and even let the user edit URLs.
+ @return the path or URL string depending on its properties
+ @short @brief Returns the URL as a string depending if it is a local file
+ @see #prettyURL
+ @see #path
+ @see #url
+ @see #isLocalFile
+ */
+ public native String pathOrURL();
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the URL as string, escaped for HTML
+ @return a human readable URL, with no non-necessary encodings/escaped
+ characters which is HTML encoded for safe inclusion in HTML or
+ rich text. Password will not be shown.
+ @short @brief Returns the URL as string, escaped for HTML
+ @see #prettyURL
+ @see #url
+ @see #pathOrURL
+ */
+ public native String htmlURL();
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if the KURL is empty
+ An empty URL has neither path nor protocol set.
+ @return @c true if the URL is empty
+ @short @brief Tests if the KURL is empty
+ @see #hasPath
+ @see #protocol
+ @see #isValid
+ */
+ public native boolean isEmpty();
+ /**
+ @brief Returns the URL that is the best possible candidate for on level
+ higher in the path hierachy
+ This function is useful to implement the "Up" button in a file manager for
+ example.
+ cd() never strips a sub-protocol. That means that if you are in
+ <tt>"file:///home/x.tgz#gzip:/#tar:/"</tt> and hit the up button you
+ expect to see <tt>"file:///home"</tt>. The algorithm tries to go up on the
+ right-most URL. If that is not possible it strips the right most URL. It
+ continues stripping URLs until it can go up.
+ @return a URL that is a level higher
+ @short @brief Returns the URL that is the best possible candidate for on level higher in the path hierachy
+ @see #cd
+ @see #split
+ @see #hasSubURL
+ @see #path
+ */
+ public native KURL upURL();
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if this URL is less than the given URL
+ The current URL is consideres <tt>"less than"</tt> then <code>_u</code> if
+ (tested in this order):
+ - it is not valid but <code>_u</code> is. See isValid()
+ - its protocol is "less than" <code>_u</code>'s protocol. See protocol()
+ - its host is "less than" <code>_u</code>'s host. See host()
+ - its port is "less than" <code>_u</code>'s port. See port()
+ - its path is "less than" <code>_u</code>'s path. See path()
+ - its encoded query is "less than" <code>_u</code>'s encoded query. See query()
+ - its endoded reference is "less than" <code>_u</code>'s encoded reference.
+ See ref()
+ - its username is "less than" <code>_u</code>'s username. See user()
+ - its password is "less than" <code>_u</code>'s password. See pass()
+ Examples:
+ @code
+ KURL url1;
+ KURL url2;
+ boolean lessThan = url1 < url2; // false. Both invalid, no protocols
+ url2.setProtocol( null );
+ lessThan = url1 < url2; // true. url2 is valid because of setProtocol()
+ url1.setProtocol( null );
+ lessThan = url1 < url2; // false. Both valid and everything empty
+ url1.setProtocol( "http" );
+ url2.setProtocol( "https" );
+ lessThan = url1 < url2; // true. "http" < "https"
+ url2.setHost( "" );
+ url2.setProtocol( "http" );
+ url2.setProtocol( "" );
+ lessThan = url1 < url2; // true. protocols equal and "api" < "www"
+ url1.setProtocol( "https" );
+ url2.setProtocol( "http" );
+ lessThan = url1 < url2; // false. "https" > "http". host doesn't matter yet
+ @endcode
+ @param _u the URL to compare to
+ @return @c true if the URL is less than <code>_u.</code> Otherwise @c false
+ (equal or greater than)
+ @short @brief Tests if this URL is less than the given URL
+ @see #operator==
+ */
+ public native boolean op_lt(KURL _u);
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if this URL is equal to the given one
+ Tests each member for equality unless one of the URLs is invalid
+ in which case they are not considered equal (even if both are invalid).
+ Same as equals() when used with <code>ignore_trailing</code> set to
+ <code>false</code> (default)
+ @param _u the URL to compare to
+ @return @c true if equal and neither this URL nor <code>_u</code> is malformed.
+ Otherwise @c false
+ @short @brief Tests if this URL is equal to the given one
+ @see #equals
+ @see #isValid
+ @see #operator!=
+ @see #operator<
+ */
+ public native boolean op_equals(KURL _u);
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if this URL is equal to the one given as a string
+ Creates a KURL instance for <code>_u</code> and compares with that using
+ the equality operator for two KURLs.
+ See the respective constructor for known limitations.
+ @param _u the string to compare to
+ @return @c true if equal and neither this URL nor <code>_u</code> is malformed.
+ Otherwise @c false
+ @short @brief Tests if this URL is equal to the one given as a string
+ @see KURL(const
+ @see #int)
+ @see #operator==(const
+ @see KURL
+ @see #equals
+ @see #isValid
+ @see #operator!=
+ @see #operator<
+ */
+ public native boolean op_equals(String _u);
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if this URL is different from the given one
+ Tests by negating the result of operator==()
+ @param _u the URL to compare to
+ @return the negated result of operator==()
+ @short @brief Tests if this URL is different from the given one
+ @see #operator==
+ @see #operator<
+ */
+ public native boolean op_not_equals(KURL _u);
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if this URL is different from the one given as a string
+ Tests by negating the result of operator==(String)
+ @param _u the URL to compare to
+ @return the negated result of operator==(String)
+ @short @brief Tests if this URL is different from the one given as a string
+ @see #operator==(const
+ @see #operator<
+ */
+ public native boolean op_not_equals(String _u);
+ /**
+ @brief Compares this URL with another one
+ @param u the URL to compare this one with
+ @param ignore_trailing set to <code>true</code> to ignore trailing @c '/' characters
+ @return @c true if both urls are the same
+ @short @brief Compares this URL with another one
+ @see #operator==#
+ @see This
+ @see #function
+ @see #should
+ @see #be
+ @see #used
+ @see #if
+ @see #you
+ @see #want
+ @see #to
+ @see #ignore
+ @see #trailing
+ @see @c
+ @see #characters
+ */
+ public native boolean equals(KURL u, boolean ignore_trailing);
+ public native boolean equals(KURL u);
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if the given URL is parent of this URL
+ For instance, <tt>"ftp://host/dir/"</tt> is a parent of
+ <tt>"ftp://host/dir/subdir/subsubdir/"</tt>.
+ @return @c true if this URL is a parent of <code>u</code> (or the same URL as <code>u</code>)
+ @short @brief Tests if the given URL is parent of this URL
+ @see #equals
+ @see #cd
+ */
+ public native boolean isParentOf(KURL u);
+ /**
+ @brief Splits nested URLs into a list of URLs
+ Example for a nested URL:
+ @code
+ file:///home/weis/kde.tgz#gzip:/#tar:/kdebase
+ @endcode
+ A URL like <tt>""</tt> will be
+ split in <tt>""</tt> and
+ <tt>"tar:/kde/README.html#ref1"</tt>.
+ That means in turn that @c "#ref1" is an HTML-style reference and not a
+ new sub URL. Since HTML-style references mark a certain position in a
+ document this reference is appended to every URL.
+ The idea behind this is that browsers, for example, only look at the first
+ URL while the rest is not of interest to them.
+ @param _url the URL that has to be split
+ @return an empty list on error or the list of split URLs
+ @short @brief Splits nested URLs into a list of URLs
+ @see #hasSubURL
+ @see KURL(const
+ @see #int)
+ @see #join
+ */
+ public static native ArrayList split(String _url);
+ /**
+ @brief Splits nested URLs into a list of URLs
+ Example for a nested URL:
+ @code
+ file:///home/weis/kde.tgz#gzip:/#tar:/kdebase
+ @endcode
+ A URL like <tt>""</tt> will be
+ split in <tt>""</tt> and
+ <tt>"tar:/kde/README.html#ref1"</tt>.
+ That means in turn that @c "#ref1" is an HTML-style reference and not a
+ new sub URL. Since HTML-style references mark a certain position in a
+ document this reference is appended to every URL.
+ The idea behind this is that browsers, for example, only look at the first
+ URL while the rest is not of interest to them.
+ @param _url the URL that has to be split
+ @return an empty list on error or the list of split URLs
+ @short @brief Splits nested URLs into a list of URLs
+ @see #hasSubURL
+ @see #join
+ */
+ public static native ArrayList split(KURL _url);
+ /**
+ @brief Joins a list of URLs into a single URL with sub URLs
+ Reverses split(). Only the first URL may have a reference. This reference
+ is considered to be HTML-like and is appended at the end of the resulting
+ joined URL.
+ @param _list the list to join
+ @return the joined URL or an invalid URL if the list is empty
+ @short @brief Joins a list of URLs into a single URL with sub URLs
+ @see #split
+ */
+ public static native KURL join(ArrayList _list);
+ /**
+ @brief Creates a KURL object from a String representing either an
+ absolute path or a real URL
+ Use this method instead of
+ @code
+ String someDir = ...
+ KURL url = someDir;
+ @endcode
+ Otherwise some characters (e.g. the '#') won't be encoded properly.
+ @param text the string representation of the URL to convert
+ @return the new KURL
+ @short @brief Creates a KURL object from a String representing either an absolute path or a real URL
+ @see #pathOrURL
+ @see KURL(const
+ @see #int)
+ */
+ public static native KURL fromPathOrURL(String text);
+ /**
+ @brief Encodes a string for use in URLs
+ Convenience function.
+ Convert unicoded string to local encoding and use %%-style
+ encoding for all common delimiters / non-ascii characters.
+ @param str the string to encode (can be <code>null</code>)
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of encoding to use.
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @return the encoded string
+ @short @brief Encodes a string for use in URLs
+ @see #encode_string_no_slash
+ @see #decode_string
+ */
+ public static native String encode_string(String str, int encoding_hint);
+ public static native String encode_string(String str);
+ /**
+ @brief Encodes a string for use in URLs
+ Convenience function.
+ Convert unicoded string to local encoding and use %%-style
+ encoding for all common delimiters and non-ascii characters
+ as well as the slash @c '/'.
+ @param str the string to encode (can be <code>null</code>)
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of encoding to use.
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @short @brief Encodes a string for use in URLs
+ @see #encode_string
+ @see #decode_string
+ */
+ public static native String encode_string_no_slash(String str, int encoding_hint);
+ public static native String encode_string_no_slash(String str);
+ /**
+ @brief Decodes a string as used in URLs
+ Convenience function.
+ Decode %-style encoding and convert from local encoding to unicode.
+ Reverse of encode_string()
+ @param str the string to decode (can be <code>null</code>)
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of original encoding of <code>str</code> .
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @return the decoded string
+ @short @brief Decodes a string as used in URLs
+ @see #encode_string
+ @see #encode_string_no_slash
+ */
+ public static native String decode_string(String str, int encoding_hint);
+ public static native String decode_string(String str);
+ /**
+ @brief Tests if a given URL is a relative as opposed to an absolute URL
+ Convenience function.
+ Returns whether <code>_url</code> is likely to be a "relative" URL instead of
+ an "absolute" URL.
+ @param _url the URL to examine
+ @return @c true when the URL is likely to be "relative",
+ @c false otherwise
+ @short @brief Tests if a given URL is a relative as opposed to an absolute URL
+ @see #relativeURL
+ */
+ public static native boolean isRelativeURL(String _url);
+ /**
+ @brief Creates an URL relative to a base URL for a given input URL
+ Convenience function
+ Returns a "relative URL" based on <code>base_url</code> that points to <code>url.</code>
+ If no "relative URL" can be created, e.g. because the protocol
+ and/or hostname differ between <code>base_url</code> and <code>url</code> an absolute
+ URL is returned.
+ @note if <code>base_url</code> represents a directory, it should contain
+ a trailing slash
+ @param base_url the URL to derive from
+ @param url the URL to point to relatively from <code>base_url</code>
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of original encoding of <code>str</code> .
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @short @brief Creates an URL relative to a base URL for a given input URL
+ @see #isRelativeURL
+ @see #relativePath
+ @see #adjustPath
+ */
+ public static native String relativeURL(KURL base_url, KURL url, int encoding_hint);
+ public static native String relativeURL(KURL base_url, KURL url);
+ /**
+ @brief Creates a path relative to a base path for a given input path
+ Convenience function
+ Returns a relative path based on <code>base_dir</code> that points to <code>path.</code>
+ @param base_dir the base directory to derive from
+ @param path the new target directory
+ @param isParent an optional pointer to a booleanean which, if provided, will
+ be set to reflect whether <code>path</code> has <code>base_dir</code> as a parent dir
+ @short @brief Creates a path relative to a base path for a given input path
+ @see #relativeURL
+ */
+ public static native String relativePath(String base_dir, String path, boolean[] isParent);
+ public static native String relativePath(String base_dir, String path);
+ /**
+ @brief Determines which URI mode is suitable for processing URIs of a
+ given protocol
+ @param protocol the protocol name. See protocol()
+ @return the URIMode suitable for the given protocol
+ @short @brief Determines which URI mode is suitable for processing URIs of a given protocol
+ @see #uriMode
+ */
+ public static native int uriModeForProtocol(String protocol);
+ /**
+ @brief Resets the members to their "null" state
+ All String members get reset to <code>null</code>, the port to <code>0</code>
+ the URIMode to <code>Auto</code> and the URL becomes invalid.
+ This is like assigning a null URL, but more efficient as it doesn't
+ require the temporary object.
+ Called by constructors, assignment operators and the parse methods in case
+ of a parsing error.
+ @short @brief Resets the members to their "null" state
+ @see #isValid
+ @see #isEmpty
+ */
+ protected native void reset();
+ /**
+ @brief Parses the given string and fills the URL's values on success
+ Treats the string as an URL.
+ @param _url the string to parse
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of original encoding of <code>str</code> .
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @short @brief Parses the given string and fills the URL's values on success
+ */
+ protected native void parseURL(String _url, int encoding_hint);
+ protected native void parseURL(String _url);
+ /**
+ @brief Parses the given string and fills the URL's values on success
+ Treats the string as a generic URI.
+ @param _url the string to parse
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of original encoding of <code>str</code> .
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @short @brief Parses the given string and fills the URL's values on success
+ */
+ protected native void parseRawURI(String _url, int encoding_hint);
+ protected native void parseRawURI(String _url);
+ /**
+ @brief Parses the given string and fills the URL's values on success
+ Treats the string as a @c "mailto:" URI.
+ @param _url the string to parse
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of original encoding of <code>str</code> .
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @short @brief Parses the given string and fills the URL's values on success
+ */
+ protected native void parseMailto(String _url, int encoding_hint);
+ protected native void parseMailto(String _url);
+ /**
+ @brief Parses the given string and fills the URL's values on success
+ @param _url the string to parse
+ @param encoding_hint MIB of original encoding of <code>str</code> .
+ See QTextCodec.mibEnum()
+ @short @brief Parses the given string and fills the URL's values on success
+ */
+ protected native void parse(String _url, int encoding_hint);
+ protected native void parse(String _url);
+ /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
+ protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
+ /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
+ public native void dispose();
+ /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
+ public native boolean isDisposed();