path: root/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
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1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/ b/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
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+++ b/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
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+//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
+package org.kde.koala;
+import org.kde.qt.Qt;
+import org.kde.qt.QMetaObject;
+import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
+import org.kde.qt.QObject;
+import org.kde.qt.QPoint;
+import org.kde.qt.QCustomEvent;
+import org.kde.qt.QWidget;
+import org.kde.qt.QObject;
+ Base class for parts.
+ A "part" is a GUI component, featuring:
+ <li>
+ A widget embeddedable in any application.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ GUI elements that will be merged in the "host" user interface
+ (menubars, toolbars... ).
+ </li>
+ <li><b>About the widget:</b></li>
+ Note that KParts.Part does not inherit QWidget.
+ This is due to the fact that the "visual representation"
+ will probably not be a mere QWidget, but an elaborate one.
+ That's why when implementing your KParts.Part (or derived)
+ you should call KParts.Part.setWidget() in your constructor.
+ <li><b>About the GUI elements:</b></li>
+ Those elements trigger actions, defined by the part (action()).
+ The layout of the actions in the GUI is defined by an XML file (setXMLFile()).
+ See also ReadOnlyPart and ReadWritePart, which define the
+ framework for a "viewer" part and for an "editor"-like part.
+ Use Part directly only if your part doesn't fit into those.
+ See {@link PartSignals} for signals emitted by Part
+ @short Base class for parts.
+public class Part extends QObject implements PartBaseInterface {
+ protected Part(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
+ public native QMetaObject metaObject();
+ public native String className();
+ /**
+ Constructor.
+ @param parent Parent object of the part.
+ @param name QT-internal name of the part.
+ @short Constructor.
+ */
+ public Part(QObject parent, String name) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newPart(parent,name);
+ }
+ private native void newPart(QObject parent, String name);
+ public Part(QObject parent) {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newPart(parent);
+ }
+ private native void newPart(QObject parent);
+ public Part() {
+ super((Class) null);
+ newPart();
+ }
+ private native void newPart();
+ /**
+ Embed this part into a host widget.
+ You don't need to do this if you created the widget with the
+ correct parent widget - this is just a QWidget.reparent().
+ Note that the Part is still the holder
+ of the QWidget, meaning that if you delete the Part,
+ then the widget gets destroyed as well, and vice-versa.
+ This method is not recommended since creating the widget with the correct
+ parent is simpler anyway.
+ @short Embed this part into a host widget.
+ */
+ public native void embed(QWidget parentWidget);
+ /**
+ @return The widget defined by this part, set by setWidget().
+ @short
+ */
+ public native QWidget widget();
+ /**
+ Used by the part manager.
+ @short
+ */
+ public native void setManager(PartManager manager);
+ /**
+ Returns the part manager handling this part, if any (null otherwise).
+ @short Returns the part manager handling this part, if any (0L otherwise).
+ */
+ public native PartManager manager();
+ /**
+ Returns the part (this, or a child part) at the given global position.
+ This is called by the part manager to ask whether a part should be activated
+ when clicking somewhere. In most cases the default implementation is enough.
+ Reimplement this if your part has child parts in some areas (like in khtml or koffice)
+ @param widget the part widget being clicked - usually the same as widget(), except in koffice.
+ @param globalPos the mouse coordinates in global coordinates
+ @short Returns the part (this, or a child part) at the given global position.
+ */
+ public native Part hitTest(QWidget widget, QPoint globalPos);
+ /**
+ @param selectable Indicates whether the part is selectable or not.
+ @short
+ */
+ public native void setSelectable(boolean selectable);
+ /**
+ Returns whether the part is selectable or not.
+ @short Returns whether the part is selectable or not.
+ */
+ public native boolean isSelectable();
+ /**
+ Set the main widget.
+ Call this in the Part-inherited class constructor.
+ @short Set the main widget.
+ */
+ protected native void setWidget(QWidget widget);
+ /**
+ @short
+ */
+ protected native void customEvent(QCustomEvent event);
+ /**
+ Convenience method which is called when the Part received a PartActivateEvent .
+ Reimplement this if you don't want to reimplement event and test for the event yourself
+ or even install an event filter.
+ @short Convenience method which is called when the Part received a PartActivateEvent .
+ */
+ protected native void partActivateEvent(PartActivateEvent event);
+ /**
+ Convenience method which is called when the Part received a
+ PartSelectEvent .
+ Reimplement this if you don't want to reimplement event and
+ test for the event yourself or even install an event filter.
+ @short Convenience method which is called when the Part received a PartSelectEvent .
+ */
+ protected native void partSelectEvent(PartSelectEvent event);
+ /**
+ Convenience method which is called when the Part received a
+ GUIActivateEvent .
+ Reimplement this if you don't want to reimplement event and
+ test for the event yourself or even install an event filter.
+ @short Convenience method which is called when the Part received a GUIActivateEvent .
+ */
+ protected native void guiActivateEvent(GUIActivateEvent event);
+ /**
+ Convenience method for KXMLGUIFactory.container.
+ @return a container widget owned by the Part's GUI.
+ @short Convenience method for KXMLGUIFactory.container.
+ */
+ protected native QWidget hostContainer(String containerName);
+ /**
+ Internal method. Called by KParts.Part to specify the parent object for plugin objects.
+ @short Internal method.
+ */
+ public native void setPartObject(QObject object);
+ public native QObject partObject();
+ /**
+ Set the instance ( KInstance) for this part.
+ Call this first in the inherited class constructor,
+ because it loads the i18n catalogues.
+ @short Set the instance ( KInstance) for this part.
+ */
+ protected native void setInstance(KInstanceInterface instance);
+ /**
+ Set the instance ( KInstance) for this part.
+ Call this first in the inherited class constructor,
+ because it loads the i18n catalogues.
+ @short Set the instance ( KInstance) for this part.
+ */
+ protected native void setInstance(KInstanceInterface instance, boolean loadPlugins);
+ /**
+ Load the Plugins honoring the PluginLoadingMode.
+ If you call this method in an already constructed GUI (like when the user
+ has changed which plugins are enabled) you need to add the new plugins to
+ the KXMLGUIFactory:
+ <pre>
+ if( factory() )
+ {
+ QPtrList<KParts.Plugin> plugins = KParts.Plugin.pluginObjects( this );
+ QPtrListIterator<KParts.Plugin> it( plugins );
+ KParts.Plugin plugin;
+ while( ( plugin = it.current() ) != 0 )
+ {
+ ++it;
+ factory().addClient( plugin );
+ }
+ }
+ </pre>
+ @short Load the Plugins honoring the PluginLoadingMode.
+ */
+ protected native void loadPlugins(QObject parent, KXMLGUIClientInterface parentGUIClient, KInstanceInterface instance);
+ /**
+ For a KParts.Part: call this before setInstance().
+ For a KParts.MainWindow: call this before createGUI().
+ @short For a KParts.Part: call this before setInstance().
+ */
+ // void setPluginLoadingMode(KParts::PartBase::PluginLoadingMode arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED