//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT. package org.kde.koala; import org.kde.qt.Qt; import org.kde.qt.QMetaObject; import org.kde.qt.QtSupport; import org.kde.qt.QObject; /** The command history stores a (user) configurable amount of Commands. It keeps track of its size and deletes commands if it gets too large. The user can set a maximum undo and a maximum redo limit (e.g. max. 50 undo / 30 redo commands). The KCommandHistory keeps track of the "borders" and deletes commands, if appropriate. It also activates/deactivates the undo/redo actions in the menu and changes the text according to the name of the command. See {@link KCommandHistorySignals} for signals emitted by KCommandHistory @short The command history stores a (user) configurable amount of Commands. */ public class KCommandHistory extends QObject { protected KCommandHistory(Class dummy){super((Class) null);} public native QMetaObject metaObject(); public native String className(); /** Creates a command history, to store commands. This constructor doesn't create actions, so you need to call #undo and #redo yourself. @short Creates a command history, to store commands. */ public KCommandHistory() { super((Class) null); newKCommandHistory(); } private native void newKCommandHistory(); /** Creates a command history, to store commands. This also creates an undo and a redo action, in the actionCollection, using the standard names ("edit_undo" and "edit_redo"). @param withMenus if true, the actions will display a menu when plugged into a toolbar. @param actionCollection the parent collection @short Creates a command history, to store commands. */ public KCommandHistory(KActionCollection actionCollection, boolean withMenus) { super((Class) null); newKCommandHistory(actionCollection,withMenus); } private native void newKCommandHistory(KActionCollection actionCollection, boolean withMenus); public KCommandHistory(KActionCollection actionCollection) { super((Class) null); newKCommandHistory(actionCollection); } private native void newKCommandHistory(KActionCollection actionCollection); /** Erases all the undo/redo history. Use this when reloading the data, for instance, since this invalidates all the commands. @short Erases all the undo/redo history. */ public native void clear(); /** Adds a command to the history. Call this for each command you create. Unless you set execute to false, this will also execute the command. This means, most of the application's code will look like MyCommand cmd = new MyCommand(i18n("Capitalized Name"), parameters); m_historyCommand.addCommand( cmd ); @short Adds a command to the history. */ public native void addCommand(KCommand command, boolean execute); public native void addCommand(KCommand command); /** @return the maximum number of items in the undo history @short */ public native int undoLimit(); /** Sets the maximum number of items in the undo history. @short Sets the maximum number of items in the undo history. */ public native void setUndoLimit(int limit); /** @return the maximum number of items in the redo history @short */ public native int redoLimit(); /** Sets the maximum number of items in the redo history. @short Sets the maximum number of items in the redo history. */ public native void setRedoLimit(int limit); /** Enable or disable the undo and redo actions. This isn't usually necessary, but this method can be useful if you disable all actions (to go to a "readonly" state), and then want to come back to a readwrite mode. @short Enable or disable the undo and redo actions. */ public native void updateActions(); /** Undoes the last action. Call this if you don't use the builtin KActions. @short Undoes the last action. */ public native void undo(); /** Redoes the last undone action. Call this if you don't use the builtin KActions. @short Redoes the last undone action. */ public native void redo(); /** Remembers when you saved the document. Call this right after saving the document. As soon as the history reaches the current index again (via some undo/redo operations) it will emit documentRestored If you implemented undo/redo properly the document is the same you saved before. @short Remembers when you saved the document. */ public native void documentSaved(); protected native void slotUndoAboutToShow(); protected native void slotUndoActivated(int arg1); protected native void slotRedoAboutToShow(); protected native void slotRedoActivated(int arg1); /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */ protected native void finalize() throws InternalError; /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */ public native void dispose(); /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */ public native boolean isDisposed(); }