//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT. package org.kde.koala; import org.kde.qt.Qt; import org.kde.qt.TQMetaObject; import org.kde.qt.QtSupport; import org.kde.qt.TQWidget; /** The KKeyDialog class is used for configuring dictionaries of key/action associations for KActionCollection, KAccel, and KGlobalAccel. It uses the KKeyChooser widget and offers buttons to set all keys to defaults and invoke on-line help. Several static methods are supplied which provide the most convenient interface to the dialog. The most common and most encouraged use is with KActionCollection.
 KKeyDialog.configure( actionCollection() );
@author Nicolas Hadacek @short Dialog for configuration of KActionCollection, KAccel, and KGlobalAccel. */ public class KKeyDialog extends KDialogBase { protected KKeyDialog(Class dummy){super((Class) null);} public native TQMetaObject metaObject(); public native String className(); /** Constructs a KKeyDialog called name as a child of parent. Set bAllowLetterShortcuts to false if unmodified alphanumeric keys ('A', '1', etc.) are not permissible shortcuts. @short Constructs a KKeyDialog called name as a child of parent. */ public KKeyDialog(boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts, TQWidget parent, String name) { super((Class) null); newKKeyDialog(bAllowLetterShortcuts,parent,name); } private native void newKKeyDialog(boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts, TQWidget parent, String name); public KKeyDialog(boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts, TQWidget parent) { super((Class) null); newKKeyDialog(bAllowLetterShortcuts,parent); } private native void newKKeyDialog(boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts, TQWidget parent); public KKeyDialog(boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts) { super((Class) null); newKKeyDialog(bAllowLetterShortcuts); } private native void newKKeyDialog(boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts); public KKeyDialog() { super((Class) null); newKKeyDialog(); } private native void newKKeyDialog(); /** Insert an action collection, i.e. add all its actions to the ones displayed by the dialog. This method can be useful in applications following the document/view design, with actions in both the document and the view. Simply call insert with the action collections of each one in turn. @return true :) @short Insert an action collection, i. */ public native boolean insert(KActionCollection arg1); /** Insert an action collection, i.e. add all its actions to the ones displayed by the dialog. This method can be useful in applications following the document/view design, with actions in both the document and the view. Simply call insert with the action collections of each one in turn. @param title the title associated with the collection (if null, the TDEAboutData.progName() of the collection's instance is used) @return true :) @short Insert an action collection, i. */ public native boolean insert(KActionCollection arg1, String title); /** Run the dialog and call commitChanges() if bSaveSettings is true. @short Run the dialog and call commitChanges() if bSaveSettings is true. */ public native boolean configure(boolean bSaveSettings); public native boolean configure(); /** Commit key setting changes so that changed settings actually become active. This method is implicitly called from configure(boolean) if bSaveSettings is true. @short Commit key setting changes so that changed settings actually become active. */ public native void commitChanges(); /** Pops up a modal dialog for configuring key settings. The new shortcut settings will be active if the user presses OK. If bSaveSettings if true, the settings will also be saved back to the uirc file which they were intially read from. @return Accept if the dialog was closed with OK, Reject otherwise. @short Pops up a modal dialog for configuring key settings. */ public static native int configure(KActionCollection coll, TQWidget parent, boolean bSaveSettings); public static native int configure(KActionCollection coll, TQWidget parent); public static native int configure(KActionCollection coll); /** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function, except that settings are saved to a .rc file using KConfig. @short This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. */ public static native int configure(KAccel keys, TQWidget parent, boolean bSaveSettings); public static native int configure(KAccel keys, TQWidget parent); public static native int configure(KAccel keys); /** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function. @short This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. */ public static native int configure(KGlobalAccel keys, TQWidget parent, boolean bSaveSettings); public static native int configure(KGlobalAccel keys, TQWidget parent); public static native int configure(KGlobalAccel keys); /** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function. @param coll the KActionCollection to configure @param bAllowLetterShortcuts Set to false if unmodified alphanumeric keys ('A', '1', etc.) are not permissible shortcuts. @param parent the parent widget to attach to @param bSaveSettings if true, the settings will also be saved back to the uirc file which they were intially read from. @short This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. */ public static native int configure(KActionCollection coll, boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts, TQWidget parent, boolean bSaveSettings); public static native int configure(KActionCollection coll, boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts, TQWidget parent); public static native int configure(KActionCollection coll, boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts); /** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function. @short This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. */ public static native int configure(KAccel keys, boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts, TQWidget parent, boolean bSaveSettings); public static native int configure(KAccel keys, boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts, TQWidget parent); public static native int configure(KAccel keys, boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts); /** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function. @short This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. */ public static native int configure(KGlobalAccel keys, boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts, TQWidget parent, boolean bSaveSettings); public static native int configure(KGlobalAccel keys, boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts, TQWidget parent); public static native int configure(KGlobalAccel keys, boolean bAllowLetterShortcuts); /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */ protected native void finalize() throws InternalError; /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */ public native void dispose(); /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */ public native boolean isDisposed(); }