//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT. package org.kde.koala; import org.kde.qt.Qt; import org.kde.qt.QtSupport; import org.kde.qt.TQPixmap; import org.kde.qt.TQImage; import org.kde.qt.TQPixmap; /** Off-screen paint device with extended features. KPixmap has two new color modes, WebColor and LowColor, applicable to 8bpp displays. In WebColor mode all images are dithered to the Netscape palette, even when they have their own color table. WebColor is the default mode for KPixmap so that standard applications can share the Netscape palette across the desktop. In LowColor mode images are checked to see if their color table matches the KDE icon palette. If the color tables do not match, the images are dithered to a minimal 3x3x3 color cube. LowColor mode can be used to load icons, background images etc. so that components of the desktop which are always present use no more than 40 colors. @author Mark Donohoe (donohoe@kde.org) @version $Id$ @short Off-screen paint device with extended features. */ public class KPixmap extends TQPixmap { protected KPixmap(Class dummy){super((Class) null);} /** This enumeration provides a color pallete specification @short This enumeration provides a color pallete specification @see KPixmap#convertFromImage @see KPixmap#load */ public static final int Auto = 0; public static final int Color = 1; public static final int Mono = 2; public static final int LowColor = 3; public static final int WebColor = 4; /** This enumeration provides a gradient mode specification @short This enumeration provides a gradient mode specification */ public static final int Horizontal = 0; public static final int Vertical = 1; public static final int Diagonal = 2; public static final int CrossDiagonal = 3; /** Constructs a null pixmap. @short Constructs a null pixmap. */ public KPixmap() { super((Class) null); newKPixmap(); } private native void newKPixmap(); /** Copies the TQPixmap pix. @short Copies the TQPixmap pix. */ public KPixmap(TQPixmap pix) { super((Class) null); newKPixmap(pix); } private native void newKPixmap(TQPixmap pix); /** Converts an image and sets this pixmap. The conversion_flags argument is a bitwise-OR from the following choices. The options marked (default) are the choice if no other choice from the list is included (they are zero): Color/Mono preference
  • WebColor - If the image has depth 1 and contains only black and white pixels then the pixmap becomes monochrome. If the pixmap has a depth of 8 bits per pixel then the Netscape palette is used for the pixmap color table.
  • LowColor - If the image has depth 1 and contains only black and white pixels then the pixmap becomes monochrome. If the pixmap has a depth of 8 bits per pixel and the image does not posess a color table that matches the Icon palette a 3x3x3 color cube is used for the pixmap color table.
  • AutoColor (default) - If the image has depth 1 and contains only black and white pixels, then the pixmap becomes monochrome.
  • ColorOnly - The pixmap is dithered/converted to the native display depth.
  • MonoOnly - The pixmap becomes monochrome. If necessary, it is dithered using the chosen dithering algorithm.
  • Dithering mode preference, for RGB channels
  • DiffuseDither (default) - A high quality dither.
  • OrderedDither - A faster more ordered dither.
  • ThresholdDither - No dithering, closest color is used.
  • Dithering mode preference, for alpha channel
  • DiffuseAlphaDither - A high quality dither.
  • OrderedAlphaDither - A faster more ordered dither.
  • ThresholdAlphaDither (default) - No dithering.
  • Color matching versus dithering preference
  • PreferDither - Always dither 32-bit images when the image is being converted to 8-bits. This is the default when converting to a pixmap.
  • AvoidDither - Only dither 32-bit images if the image has more than 256 colors and it is being converted to 8-bits. This is the default when an image is converted for the purpose of saving to a file.
  • Passing 0 for conversion_flags gives all the default options. @param img the image to convert @param conversion_flags bitmask, described above @return true if successful. @short Converts an image and sets this pixmap. */ public native boolean convertFromImage(TQImage img, int conversion_flags); public native boolean convertFromImage(TQImage img); /** Loads a pixmap from the file fileName. If format is specified, the loader attempts to read the pixmap using the specified format. If format is not specified (default), the loader reads a few bytes from the header to guess the file format. The TQImageIO documentation lists the supported image formats and explains how to add extra formats. @param fileName the name of the file to load the image from @param format the format for the image @param conversion_flags a bitmask, as described in convertFromImage() @return true if successful, or false if the pixmap could not be loaded. @short Loads a pixmap from the file fileName. */ public native boolean load(String fileName, String format, int conversion_flags); public native boolean load(String fileName, String format); public native boolean load(String fileName); /** Returns true if the image posesses a color table that matches the Icon palette or false otherwise. An image with one color not found in the Icon palette is considered to be a match, since this extra color may be a transparent background. @param image the image to test @short Returns true if the image posesses a color table that matches the Icon palette or false otherwise. */ public native boolean checkColorTable(TQImage image); /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */ protected native void finalize() throws InternalError; /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */ public native void dispose(); /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */ public native boolean isDisposed(); }