//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT. package org.kde.koala; import org.kde.qt.Qt; import org.kde.qt.QtSupport; /** Reference counting for shared objects. If you derive your object from this class, then you may use it in conjunction with KSharedPtr to control the lifetime of your object. Specifically, all classes that derive from KShared have an internal counter keeping track of how many other objects have a reference to their object. If used with KSharedPtr, then your object will not be deleted until all references to the object have been released. You should probably not ever use any of the methods in this class directly -- let the KSharedPtr take care of that. Just derive your class from KShared and forget about it. @author Waldo Bastian @short Reference counting for shared objects. */ public class KShared implements QtSupport { private long _qt; private boolean _allocatedInJavaWorld = true; protected KShared(Class dummy){} /** Standard constructor. This will initialize the reference count on this object to 0. @short Standard constructor. */ public KShared() { newKShared(); } private native void newKShared(); /** Copy constructor. This will not actually copy the objects but it will initialize the reference count on this object to 0. @short Copy constructor. */ public KShared(KShared arg1) { newKShared(arg1); } private native void newKShared(KShared arg1); }