//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT. package org.kde.koala; import org.kde.qt.Qt; import org.kde.qt.QtSupport; /** TDEConfig variant using shared memory KSharedConfig provides a reference counted, shared memory variant of TDEConfig. @short TDEConfig variant using shared memory */ public class KSharedConfig extends TDEConfig { protected KSharedConfig(Class dummy){super((Class) null);} /** Returns a ref-counted pointer to a shared read-write config object. @param fileName the name of the file to use for the configuration @param immutable if true, force the config object to be read-only. @param bUseKDEGlobals Toggle reading the global KDE configuration file. @short Returns a ref-counted pointer to a shared read-write config object. */ // KSharedConfig::Ptr openConfig(const TQString& arg1,bool arg2,bool arg3); >>>> NOT CONVERTED // KSharedConfig::Ptr openConfig(const TQString& arg1,bool arg2); >>>> NOT CONVERTED // KSharedConfig::Ptr openConfig(const TQString& arg1); >>>> NOT CONVERTED }