//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT. package org.kde.koala; import org.kde.qt.Qt; import org.kde.qt.TQMetaObject; import org.kde.qt.QtSupport; import org.kde.qt.TQPixmap; import org.kde.qt.TQWidget; import org.kde.qt.TQObject; /** Displays messages in the window icon and title. The message is usually transient with the original title and icon being restored automatically after a specified time. The simplest use displays a text message in the window title:
    KWindowInfo.showMessage( this, "Message Body" );
This more complex example changes the window icon, as well as displaying the text. In addition, this example overrides the default timeout to ensure the message is only displayed for 1 second.
    TQPixmap px;
    px.load( "lo16-app-logtracker.png" );
    KWindowInfo.showMessage( this, "Message Body", px, 1000 );
If the parent window inherits KSystemTray then KWindowInfo changes the pixmap and tooltip of the system window to display the message. @author Richard Moore, rich@kde.org @short Displays messages in the window icon and title. */ public class KWindowInfo extends TQObject { protected KWindowInfo(Class dummy){super((Class) null);} public native TQMetaObject metaObject(); public native String className(); /** Creates a KWindowInfo with the specified parent. @short Creates a KWindowInfo with the specified parent. */ public KWindowInfo(TQWidget parent, String name) { super((Class) null); newKWindowInfo(parent,name); } private native void newKWindowInfo(TQWidget parent, String name); public KWindowInfo(TQWidget parent) { super((Class) null); newKWindowInfo(parent); } private native void newKWindowInfo(TQWidget parent); /** Returns true iff the object should delete itself when it resets. @short Returns true iff the object should delete itself when it resets. */ public native boolean autoDelete(); /** Set to true if you want the object to delete itself when the message timeout occurs. @short Set to true if you want the object to delete itself when the message timeout occurs. */ public native void setAutoDelete(boolean enable); /** Shows the specified text in the window title. @short Shows the specified text in the window title. */ public native void message(String text); /** Shows the specified text in the window title, and sets the window icon. @short Shows the specified text in the window title, and sets the window icon. */ public native void message(String text, TQPixmap pix); /** Shows the specified text in the window title for the specified time. @short Shows the specified text in the window title for the specified time. */ public native void message(String text, int timeout); /** Shows the specified icon and text in the window title and WM icon, for the specified time. The time is a delay specified in milliseconds, or one of the two special values. The special values are -1 which means the default timeout should be used, and 0 which means the message is permanent. @short Shows the specified icon and text in the window title and WM icon, for the specified time. */ public native void message(String text, TQPixmap pix, int timeout); /** Shows the specified text in the window title with no timeout. @short Shows the specified text in the window title with no timeout. */ public native void permanent(String text); /** Shows the specified text and icon in the window title with no timeout. @short Shows the specified text and icon in the window title with no timeout. */ public native void permanent(String text, TQPixmap pix); /** Utility method to display a title bar message for the specified window. @short Utility method to display a title bar message for the specified window. */ public static native void showMessage(TQWidget window, String text, int timeout); public static native void showMessage(TQWidget window, String text); /** Utility method to display a title bar message and icon for the specified window. @short Utility method to display a title bar message and icon for the specified window. */ public static native void showMessage(TQWidget window, String text, TQPixmap pix, int timeout); public static native void showMessage(TQWidget window, String text, TQPixmap pix); /** Displays the message in the titlebar/icon. @short Displays the message in the titlebar/icon. */ protected native void display(String text, TQPixmap pix); /** Saves the window title and icon. @short Saves the window title and icon. */ protected native void save(); /** Resets the window title and icon to the saved values. If auto-delete is enabled then the object is deleted. @short Resets the window title and icon to the saved values. */ protected native void restore(); /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */ protected native void finalize() throws InternalError; /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */ public native void dispose(); /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */ public native boolean isDisposed(); }