//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT. package org.kde.koala; import org.kde.qt.Qt; import org.kde.qt.TQMetaObject; import org.kde.qt.QtSupport; import org.kde.qt.TQWidget; import org.kde.qt.TQDialog; /** A dialog for the options to rename two files. @short A dialog for renaming files. */ public class RenameDlg extends TQDialog { protected RenameDlg(Class dummy){super((Class) null);} public native TQMetaObject metaObject(); public native String className(); /** Construct a "rename" dialog. @param parent parent widget (often 0) @param caption the caption for the dialog box @param src the url to the file/dir we're trying to copy, as it's part of the text message @param dest the path to destination file/dir, i.e. the one that already exists @param mode parameters for the dialog (which buttons to show...), @param sizeSrc size of source file @param sizeDest size of destination file @param ctimeSrc creation time of source file @param ctimeDest creation time of destination file @param mtimeSrc modification time of source file @param mtimeDest modification time of destination file @param modal set to true for a modal dialog @short Construct a "rename" dialog. @see RenameDlg_Mode */ public RenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode, long sizeSrc, long sizeDest, int ctimeSrc, int ctimeDest, int mtimeSrc, int mtimeDest, boolean modal) { super((Class) null); newRenameDlg(parent,caption,src,dest,mode,sizeSrc,sizeDest,ctimeSrc,ctimeDest,mtimeSrc,mtimeDest,modal); } private native void newRenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode, long sizeSrc, long sizeDest, int ctimeSrc, int ctimeDest, int mtimeSrc, int mtimeDest, boolean modal); public RenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode, long sizeSrc, long sizeDest, int ctimeSrc, int ctimeDest, int mtimeSrc, int mtimeDest) { super((Class) null); newRenameDlg(parent,caption,src,dest,mode,sizeSrc,sizeDest,ctimeSrc,ctimeDest,mtimeSrc,mtimeDest); } private native void newRenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode, long sizeSrc, long sizeDest, int ctimeSrc, int ctimeDest, int mtimeSrc, int mtimeDest); public RenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode, long sizeSrc, long sizeDest, int ctimeSrc, int ctimeDest, int mtimeSrc) { super((Class) null); newRenameDlg(parent,caption,src,dest,mode,sizeSrc,sizeDest,ctimeSrc,ctimeDest,mtimeSrc); } private native void newRenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode, long sizeSrc, long sizeDest, int ctimeSrc, int ctimeDest, int mtimeSrc); public RenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode, long sizeSrc, long sizeDest, int ctimeSrc, int ctimeDest) { super((Class) null); newRenameDlg(parent,caption,src,dest,mode,sizeSrc,sizeDest,ctimeSrc,ctimeDest); } private native void newRenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode, long sizeSrc, long sizeDest, int ctimeSrc, int ctimeDest); public RenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode, long sizeSrc, long sizeDest, int ctimeSrc) { super((Class) null); newRenameDlg(parent,caption,src,dest,mode,sizeSrc,sizeDest,ctimeSrc); } private native void newRenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode, long sizeSrc, long sizeDest, int ctimeSrc); public RenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode, long sizeSrc, long sizeDest) { super((Class) null); newRenameDlg(parent,caption,src,dest,mode,sizeSrc,sizeDest); } private native void newRenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode, long sizeSrc, long sizeDest); public RenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode, long sizeSrc) { super((Class) null); newRenameDlg(parent,caption,src,dest,mode,sizeSrc); } private native void newRenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode, long sizeSrc); public RenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode) { super((Class) null); newRenameDlg(parent,caption,src,dest,mode); } private native void newRenameDlg(TQWidget parent, String caption, String src, String dest, int mode); /** @return the new destination valid only if RENAME was chosen @short */ public native KURL newDestURL(); public native void b0Pressed(); public native void b1Pressed(); public native void b2Pressed(); public native void b3Pressed(); public native void b4Pressed(); public native void b5Pressed(); public native void b6Pressed(); public native void b7Pressed(); public native void b8Pressed(); /** Given a directory path and a filename (which usually exists already), this function returns a suggested name for a file that doesn't exist in that directory. The existence is only checked for local urls though. The suggested file name is of the form foo_1 foo_2 etc. @short Given a directory path and a filename (which usually exists already), this function returns a suggested name for a file that doesn't exist in that directory. */ public static native String suggestName(KURL baseURL, String oldName); protected native void enableRenameButton(String arg1); }