#!/usr/bin/env kjscmd function list(obj) { println( obj ); for ( var i in obj ) { try { tp = typeof obj[i]; count = 20 - i.length; spc = ''; for ( var s=0; s < count; s++ ) spc = spc + ' '; println( ' ' + i + spc + tp ); } catch(err) { println( ' ' + i + spc + 'Error, ' + err ); } } } function help() { println(); println( 'KJSCmd ' + part.versionString + ' Prompt' ); println( '=======' + '===' + '=======' ); println(); println( "Type 'quit' to exit, and 'help' for this text. Anything else" ); println( 'is evaluated by the KJSCmd engine and the result displayed.' ); println(); } function cmd_prompt() { System.stdout.print( 'kjscmd> ' ); return System.stdin.readLine(); } // // Main // println( "KJSCmd " + part.versionString + " (type 'help' for more information)" ); done = false; do { line = cmd_prompt(); if ( line == 'quit' ) { done = true; } else if ( line == 'help' ) { help(); } else if ( line == '' ) { // DO NOTHING } else if ( line == null ) { done = true; } else { try { output = eval( line ); if ( typeof(output) != 'undefined' ) println( output ); } catch(err) { println( 'Error: ' + err ); } } } while ( !done ); System.exit(0);