#!/usr/bin/env kjscmd function exitJavascript(exitValue ) { println("Exiting the javascript now with " + exitValue); exit(exitValue); } function doSomthing( message, maxTimes ) { println( message + " " + maxTimes ); for( var times = 0; times < maxTimes; times++) println(message); return "Javascript said '" + message + "' " + maxTimes + " times."; } function test() { println("this is a test"); return 1; } function pixmap(color) { var pixmap = new Pixmap(); pixmap.resize( 25,25 ); pixmap.fill( color ); return pixmap; } function makeRef() { var client = new DCOPClient(); var ref = new DCOPRef(client.appId(), "someInterface"); return ref; } var dcop = new DCOPInterface(this, "someInterface"); // Create the DCOP object. dcop.publish("void exitJavascript(int)"); // Publish a javascript function. dcop.publish("QString doSomthing(QString,int)"); // Publish another javascript function. dcop.publish("int test()"); dcop.publish("QPixmap pixmap(QString)"); dcop.publish("DCOPRef makeRef()"); application.exec(); // Start the event loop