#!/usr/bin/env kjscmd println( '==============================' ); println( 'Text with newline' ); System.stdout.println( 'Text with newline' ); System.stdout.print( 'There should be an OK after the colon: ' ); System.stdout.println( 'OK' ); System.stdout.println( 'stdin is readable: ' + System.stdin.isReadable() ); System.stdout.println( 'stdin is writable: ' + System.stdin.isWritable() ); System.stdout.println( 'stdout is readable: ' + System.stdout.isReadable() ); System.stdout.println( 'stdout is writable: ' + System.stdout.isWritable() ); System.stdout.println( 'stderr is readable: ' + System.stderr.isReadable() ); System.stdout.println( 'stderr is writable: ' + System.stderr.isWritable() ); System.stdout.println( 'There should be an exception now: ' ); System.stdin.println( 'INVALID' ); System.stdout.println( 'There should be another exception: ' ); System.stdout.readLine( 'INVALID' ); println( '==============================' ); System.stdout.println( dump(System.stdin) ); System.exit(0);