/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2003, Richard J. Moore * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "xmlactionclient.h" #include "xmlactionclient.moc" namespace KJSEmbed { // // XML Tags and Attributes // TQString tag_header("header"); TQString tag_action("action"); TQString tag_type( "type" ); TQString tag_label( "label" ); TQString tag_icons( "icons" ); TQString tag_shortcut( "shortcut" ); TQString tag_name( "name" ); TQString tag_group( "group" ); TQString tag_text( "text" ); TQString tag_statustext( "statustext" ); TQString tag_whatsthis( "whatsthis" ); TQString tag_script( "script" ); TQString tag_data( "data" ); TQString tag_item( "item" ); TQString attr_type( "type" ); TQString attr_src( "src" ); TQString attr_exclusive( "exclusive" ); TQString type_include( "include" ); TQString type_debug( "debug" ); // // Default Runner // bool XMLActionRunner::run( XMLActionClient *client, const XMLActionClient::XMLActionScript &s ) { // kdWarning() << "Runner:run called, type=" << s.type << " text=" << s.text << " src=" << s.src << endl; if ( s.type == type_include ) { kdDebug(80001) << "IncludeAction: " << s.src << endl; return client->load( s.src ); } else if ( s.type == type_debug ) { kdDebug(80001) << "DebugAction: " << s.text << endl; return true; } return false; } // // Main Client Class // XMLActionClient::XMLActionClient( TQObject *parent, const char *name ) : TQObject( parent, name ? name : "XMLActionClient" ), ac(0), actrun(0) { } XMLActionClient::~XMLActionClient() { } bool XMLActionClient::load( const TQString &filename ) { XMLActionHandler h( this ); return load( &h, filename ); } bool XMLActionClient::load( XMLActionHandler *hand, const TQString &filename ) { TQFile f( filename ); TQXmlInputSource src( &f ); TQXmlSimpleReader reader; reader.setContentHandler( hand ); bool ok = reader.parse( src ); if ( !ok ) { kdWarning() << "Loading actionset " << filename << " failed, " << hand->errorString() << endl; } return ok; } bool XMLActionClient::bind( const TQString &name, const XMLActionScript &s ) { // kdWarning() << "Runner:bind called, name=" << name << " type=" << s.type // << " text=" << s.text << " src=" << s.src << endl; scripts[name] = s; return true; } bool XMLActionClient::bind( TDEAction *act, const XMLActionScript &s ) { if ( !act ) return false; // kdWarning() << "Runner:bind called, action=" << act->name() << " type=" << s.type // << " text=" << s.text << " src=" << s.src << endl; connect( act, TQ_SIGNAL( activated() ), this, TQ_SLOT( action_activated() ) ); return bind( act->name(), s ); } bool XMLActionClient::run( const TQString &name ) { if ( scripts.contains( name ) ) return run( scripts[name] ); else return false; } bool XMLActionClient::run( const XMLActionScript &s ) { // kdWarning() << "Client:run called, type=" << s.type << " text=" << s.text << " src=" << s.src << endl; if ( actrun ) return actrun->run( this, s ); else return false; } void XMLActionClient::action_activated() { const TQObject *sender = TQObject::sender(); if ( !sender ) return; run( sender->name() ); } // // SAX Document Handler // XMLActionHandler::XMLActionHandler( XMLActionClient *client ) : TQXmlDefaultHandler(), actclient( client ) { } bool XMLActionHandler::characters( const TQString &chars ) { cdata = cdata + chars; return true; } bool XMLActionHandler::startElement( const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &qn, const TQXmlAttributes &attrs ) { cdata = TQString::null; if ( qn == tag_script ) { ad.script.type = attrs.value( attr_type ); ad.script.src = attrs.value( attr_src ); } else if ( qn == tag_group ) { TQString ex = attrs.value( attr_exclusive ); if ( ex == TQString("true") ) ad.exclusive = true; } else if ( qn == tag_action ) inAction = true; return true; } bool XMLActionHandler::endElement( const TQString &, const TQString &, const TQString &qn ) { if ( qn == tag_action ) { defineAction(); inAction = false; } else if ( qn == tag_type ) { ad.type = cdata; cdata = TQString::null; } else if ( qn == tag_label ) { ad.text = cdata; cdata = TQString::null; } else if ( qn == tag_text ) { // Nothing } else if ( qn == tag_icons ) { ad.icons = cdata; cdata = TQString::null; } else if ( qn == tag_shortcut ) { ad.keys = cdata; cdata = TQString::null; } else if ( qn == tag_name ) { ad.name = cdata.latin1(); cdata = TQString::null; } else if ( qn == tag_group ) { ad.group = cdata.latin1(); cdata = TQString::null; } else if ( qn == tag_whatsthis ) { ad.whatsthis = cdata; cdata = TQString::null; } else if ( qn == tag_statustext ) { ad.status = cdata; cdata = TQString::null; } else if ( qn == tag_script ) { ad.script.text = cdata; cdata = TQString::null; if ( !inAction && ad.script.isValid() ) actclient->run( ad.script ); } else if ( qn == tag_item ) { ad.items += cdata; cdata = TQString::null; } return true; } void XMLActionHandler::defineAction() { if ( ad.name.isEmpty() ) { kdWarning() << "Attempt to create a TDEAction without setting a name" << endl; return; } if ( ad.text.isEmpty() ) ad.text = ad.name; TDEAction *act = createAction( actclient->actionCollection() ); if ( act && ad.script.isValid() ) actclient->bind( act, ad.script ); ad.clear(); cdata = TQString::null; } TDEAction *XMLActionHandler::createAction( TDEActionCollection *parent ) { // kdDebug(80001) << "Creating Action, type is " << type << endl; // kdDebug(80001) << "text=" << text << ", icons=" << icons << endl; // kdDebug(80001) << "keys=" << keys << ", name=" << name << endl; if ( !parent ) { kdWarning() << "Create action called but no parent set" << endl; return 0; } TDEAction *act=0; if ( ad.type.isEmpty() || (ad.type == "TDEAction") ) { act = new TDEAction( ad.text, ad.icons, ad.keys, 0, 0, parent, ad.name.latin1() ); } else if ( ad.type == "TDEToggleAction" ) { act = new TDEToggleAction( ad.text, ad.icons, ad.keys, 0, 0, parent, ad.name.latin1() ); } else if ( ad.type == "TDERadioAction" ) { TDERadioAction *ra = new TDERadioAction( ad.text, ad.icons, ad.keys, 0, 0, parent, ad.name.latin1() ); if ( ad.exclusive ) ra->setExclusiveGroup( ad.group ); act = ra; } else if ( ad.type == "KStdAction" ) { for ( int i = KStdAction::ActionNone ; i < KStdAction::ConfigureNotifications ; i++ ) { if ( KStdAction::stdName(static_cast(i)) == ad.name ) act = KStdAction::create( (KStdAction::StdAction)i, 0, 0, parent ); } } else if ( ad.type == "TDEListAction" ) { TDEListAction *la = new TDEListAction( ad.text, ad.icons, ad.keys, 0, 0, parent, ad.name.latin1() ); la->setItems( ad.items ); ad.items.clear(); act = la; } else if ( ad.type == "TDEActionMenu" ) { TDEActionMenu *am = new TDEActionMenu( ad.text, ad.icons, parent, ad.name.latin1() ); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = ad.items.begin() ; it != ad.items.end() ; ++it ) { TDEAction *a = parent->action( (*it).latin1() ); if ( a ) am->insert( a ); } ad.items.clear(); act = am; } else { kdWarning() << "Unknown ActionType " << ad.type << endl; return 0; } if ( !act ) { kdWarning() << "Unable to create action" << endl; return act; } if ( !ad.group.isEmpty() ) act->setGroup( ad.group ); act->setStatusText( ad.status ); act->setWhatsThis( ad.whatsthis ); TQObject::connect( actclient, TQ_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), act, TQ_SLOT( deleteLater() ) ); return act; } } // namespace KJSEmbed