class MainForm CLIP_AS_HEX = 0 CLIP_AS_NAME = 1 CLIP_AS_RGB = 2 COL_NAME = 0 COL_HEX = 1 COL_WEB = 2 WINDOWS_REGISTRY = "/QtExamples" APP_KEY = "/ColorTool/" def init() @clipboard = Qt::Application.clipboard() if @clipboard.supportsSelection() @clipboard.selectionMode = true end findForm = 0 loadSettings() @filename = nil @changed = false @table_dirty = true @icons_dirty = true @colors = {} @comments = {} clearData( true ) end def clearData( fillWithDefaults ) setCaption( "Color Tool" ) @colors.clear() @comments.clear() if fillWithDefaults @colors["black"] = Qt::black @colors["blue"] = Qt::blue @colors["cyan"] = Qt::cyan @colors["darkblue"] = Qt::darkBlue @colors["darkcyan"] = Qt::darkCyan @colors["darkgray"] = Qt::darkGray @colors["darkgreen"] = Qt::darkGreen @colors["darkmagenta"] = Qt::darkMagenta @colors["darkred"] = Qt::darkRed @colors["darkyellow"] = Qt::darkYellow @colors["gray"] = Qt::gray @colors["green"] = Qt::green @colors["lightgray"] = Qt::lightGray @colors["magenta"] = Qt::magenta @colors["red"] = Qt::red @colors["white"] = Qt::white @colors["yellow"] = Qt::yellow end populate() end def populate() if @table_dirty (0...@colorTable.numRows).each do |r| (0...@colorTable.numCols).each do |c| @colorTable.clearCell( r, c ) end end @colorTable.numRows = @colors.length if ! @colors.empty? pixmap = 22, 22 ) row = 0 @colors.sort.each do |pair| key = pair[0] color = pair[1] pixmap.fill( color ) @colorTable.setText( row, COL_NAME, key ) @colorTable.setPixmap( row, COL_NAME, pixmap ); @colorTable.setText( row, COL_HEX, ) if @show_web item = @colorTable, "" ) item.checked = webColor?( color ) @colorTable.setItem( row, COL_WEB, item ) end row += 1 end @colorTable.setCurrentCell( 0, 0 ) end @colorTable.adjustColumn( COL_NAME ) @colorTable.adjustColumn( COL_HEX ) if @show_web @colorTable.showColumn( COL_WEB ) @colorTable.adjustColumn( COL_WEB ) else @colorTable.hideColumn( COL_WEB ) end @table_dirty = FALSE; end if @icons_dirty @colorIconView.clear() @colors.each do |key, data| @colorIconView, key, colorSwatch(data) ) end @icons_dirty = false end end def colorSwatch( color ) pixmap = 80, 80 ) pixmap.fill( white ) painter = painter.begin( pixmap ) painter.pen = NoPen painter.brush = color painter.drawEllipse( 0, 0, 80, 80 ) painter.end() return pixmap end def fileNew() if okToClear() @filename = nil @changed = false @table_dirty = true @icons_dirty = true clearData( false ) end end def fileOpen() if ! okToClear() return end filename = Qt::FileDialog.getOpenFileName( nil, "Colors (*.txt)", self, "file open", "Color Tool -- File Open" ) if ! filename.nil? load( filename ) else statusBar().message( "File Open abandoned", 2000 ) end end def fileSave() if @filename.nil? fileSaveAs() return end file = @filename ) if Qt::IO_WriteOnly ) stream = file ) if ! @comments.empty? stream << @comments + "\n" << "\n" end @colors.each do |key, color| stream << "%3d %3d %3d \t\t#{key}" % [,,] << "\n" end file.close() setCaption( "Color Tool -- #{@filename}" ) statusBar().message( "Saved #{@colors.length} colors to '#{@filename}'", 3000 ) @changed = false; else statusBar().message( "Failed to save '#{@filename}'", 3000 ) end end def fileSaveAs() filename = Qt::FileDialog.getSaveFileName( nil, "Colors (*.txt)", self, "file save as", "Color Tool -- File Save As" ) if ! filename.nil? ans = 0 if Qt::File.exists( filename ) ans = Qt::MessageBox.warning( self, "Color Tool -- Overwrite File", "Overwrite\n'#{filename}'?" , "&Yes", "&No", nil, 1, 1 ) end if ans == 0 @filename = filename fileSave() return end end statusBar().message( "Saving abandoned", 2000 ) end def load( filename ) clearData( false ) @filename = filename regex = "^\\s*(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\S+.*)$" ) file = filename ) if Qt::IO_ReadOnly ) statusBar().message( "Loading '#{filename}'..." ) stream = file ) while ! stream.eof() line = stream.readLine() m = regex.match( line ) if m.nil? @comments += line else @colors[m[4]] =[1].to_i,m[2].to_i,m[3].to_i ) end end file.close() @filename = filename setCaption( "Color Tool -- #{@filename}" ) statusBar().message( "Loaded '#{@filename}'", 3000 ) visible = @colorWidgetStack.visibleWidget() @icons_dirty = ! ( @table_dirty = ( visible == @tablePage ) ) populate() @icons_dirty = ! ( @table_dirty = ( visible != @tablePage ) ) @changed = false else statusBar().message( "Failed to load '#{@filename}'", 3000 ) end end def okToClear() if @changed if @filename.nil? msg = "Unnamed colors " else msg = "Colors '#{@filename}'\n" end msg += "has been changed." ans = Qt::MessageBox.information( self, "Color Tool -- Unsaved Changes", msg, "&Save", "Cancel", "&Abandon", 0, 1 ) if ans == 0 fileSave() elsif ans == 1 return false end end return true end def closeEvent( e ) fileExit() end def fileExit() if okToClear() saveSettings() Qt::Application.exit( 0 ) end end def editCut() visible = @colorWidgetStack.visibleWidget() statusBar().message( "Deleting '#{name}'" ) if visible == @tablePage && @colorTable.numRows() > 0 row = @colorTable.currentRow() name = @colorTable.text( row, 0 ) @colorTable.removeRow( @colorTable.currentRow() ) if row < @colorTable.numRows() @colorTable.setCurrentCell( row, 0 ) elsif @colorTable.numRows() > 0 @colorTable.setCurrentCell( @colorTable.numRows() - 1, 0 ) end @icons_dirty = true elsif visible == @iconsPage && @colorIconView.currentItem() item = colorIconView.currentItem() name = item.text() if @colorIconView.count() == 1 @colorIconView.clear() else current = item.nextItem() if ! current current = item.prevItem() end item.dispose if current @colorIconView.currentItem = current end @colorIconView.arrangeItemsInGrid() end @table_dirty = true end if ! name.nil? @colors.delete( name ) @changed = true statusBar().message( "Deleted '#{name}'", 5000 ) else statusBar().message( "Failed to delete '#{name}'", 5000 ) end end def editCopy() visible = @colorWidgetStack.visibleWidget() if visible == @tablePage && @colorTable.numRows() row = @colorTable.currentRow() text = @colorTable.text( row, 0 ) elsif visible == @iconsPage && ! @colorIconView.currentItem().nil? item = @colorIconView.currentItem() text = item.text() end if ! text.nil? color = @colors[text] case @clip_as when CLIP_AS_HEX then text = when CLIP_AS_NAME then when CLIP_AS_RGB text = "#{},#{},#{}" end @clipboard.text = text statusBar().message( "Copied '" + text + "' to the clipboard" ) end end def editFind() if ! @findForm @findForm = self ) connect( @findForm, SIGNAL( 'lookfor(const QString&)' ), self, SLOT( 'lookfor(const QString&)' ) ) end end def lookfor( text ) if text.empty? return end ltext = text.downcase() visible = colorWidgetStack.visibleWidget() found = false if visible == @tablePage && @colorTable.numRows() > 0 row = @colorTable.currentRow() (row+1...@colorTable.numRows).each do |i| if @colorTable.text( i, 0 ).downcase().include?( ltext ) @colorTable.setCurrentCell( i, 0 ) @colorTable.clearSelection() @colorTable.selectRow( i ) found = true break end end if ! found @colorTable.setCurrentCell( row, 0 ) end elsif visible == @iconsPage start = @colorIconView.currentItem() item = start.nextItem() unless start.nil? while !item.nil? if item.text().downcase().include?( ltext ) @colorIconView.currentItem = item @colorIconView.ensureItemVisible( item ) found = true break end item = item.nextItem() end if ! found && !start.nil? @colorIconView.currentItem = start end end if ! found statusBar().message( "Could not find '#{text}' after here" ) @findForm.notfound() end end def helpIndex() end def helpContents() end def helpAbout() end def changedTableColor( row, i ) changedColor( @colorTable.text( row, COL_NAME ) ) end def changedIconColor( item ) changedColor( item.text() ) end def changedColor( name ) color = @colors[name] r = g = b = statusBar().message( "%s \"%s\" (%d,%d,%d) %s {%.3f %.3f %.3f}" % [name,, r, g, b, webColor?( color ) ? ' web' : '', r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0] ) end def changeView(action) if action == @viewTableAction @colorWidgetStack.raiseWidget( @tablePage ) else @colorWidgetStack.raiseWidget( @iconsPage ) end end def webColor?( color ) r = g = b = return ( ( r == 0 || r == 51 || r == 102 || r == 153 || r == 204 || r == 255 ) && ( g == 0 || g == 51 || g == 102 || g == 153 || g == 204 || g == 255 ) && ( b == 0 || b == 51 || b == 102 || b == 153 || b == 204 || b == 255 ) ) end def editAdd() color = Qt::white if ! @colors.empty? visible = @colorWidgetStack.visibleWidget() if visible == @tablePage color = @colorTable.currentRow(), @colorTable.currentColumn() )) else color = end end color = Qt::ColorDialog.getColor( color, self ) if color.valid? pixmap = 80, 10 ) pixmap.fill( color ) colorForm = self, "color", true ) colorForm.setColors( @colors ) colorForm.colorLabel.setPixmap( pixmap ) if colorForm.exec() name = colorForm.colorLineEdit.text() @colors[name] = color pixmap = 22, 22 ) pixmap.fill( color ) row = @colorTable.currentRow() @colorTable.insertRows( row, 1 ) @colorTable.setText( row, COL_NAME, name ) @colorTable.setPixmap( row, COL_NAME, pixmap ) @colorTable.setText( row, COL_HEX, ) if @show_web item = @colorTable, "" ) item.checked = webColor?( color ) @colorTable.setItem( row, COL_WEB, item ) end @colorTable.setCurrentCell( row, 0 ) @colorIconView, name, colorSwatch( color ) ) @changed = true end end end def editOptions() options = self, "options", true ) case @clip_as when CLIP_AS_HEX options.hexRadioButton.checked = true when CLIP_AS_NAME options.nameRadioButton.checked = true when CLIP_AS_RGB options.rgbRadioButton.checked = true end options.webCheckBox.checked = @show_web if options.exec() if options.hexRadioButton.checked? @clip_as = CLIP_AS_HEX elsif options.nameRadioButton.checked? @clip_as = CLIP_AS_NAME elsif options.rgbRadioButton.checked? @clip_as = CLIP_AS_RGB end @table_dirty = @show_web != options.webCheckBox.checked? @show_web = options.webCheckBox.checked? populate() end end def loadSettings() settings = settings.insertSearchPath( Qt::Settings::Windows, WINDOWS_REGISTRY ) windowWidth = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowWidth", 550 ) windowHeight = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowHeight", 500 ) windowX = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowX", 0 ) windowY = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowY", 0 ) @clip_as = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "ClipAs", CLIP_AS_HEX ) @show_web = settings.readBoolEntry( APP_KEY + "ShowWeb", true ) if ! settings.readBoolEntry( APP_KEY + "View", true ) @colorWidgetStack.raiseWidget( @iconsPage ) @viewIconsAction.on = true end resize( windowWidth, windowHeight ) move( windowX, windowY ) end def saveSettings() settings = settings.insertSearchPath( Qt::Settings::Windows, WINDOWS_REGISTRY ) settings.writeEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowWidth", width() ) settings.writeEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowHeight", height() ) settings.writeEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowX", x() ) settings.writeEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowY", y() ) settings.writeEntry( APP_KEY + "ClipAs", @clip_as ) settings.writeEntry( APP_KEY + "ShowWeb", @show_web ) settings.writeEntry( APP_KEY + "View", @colorWidgetStack.visibleWidget() == @tablePage ) end def aboutToShow() populate() end end