import org.trinitydesktop.qt.*; import org.trinitydesktop.koala.*; /** * Class KSimpleBrowser is the main application window. * * Taken from KDE 2.0 Development book * * Rendering HTML Files * * A Simple Web Browser - A feature-limited Web Browser. * * @see TDEMainWindow * @see TDEApplication * @see TDEHTMLPart * * @author java translation Kenneth J. Pouncey, * @version 0.1 */ public class KSimpleBrowser extends TDEMainWindow { static final int URLLined = 1; TDEHTMLPart tdehtmlpart; public KSimpleBrowser (String name) { super(null,name,0); toolBar().insertLined( "", URLLined, SIGNAL("returnPressed()"), this, SLOT ("slotNewURL()")); toolBar().setItemAutoSized(URLLined); tdehtmlpart = new TDEHTMLPart(this); tdehtmlpart.begin(); tdehtmlpart.write("


" + "

To load a web page, type its URL in the line " + "edit box and press enter,

" + ""); tdehtmlpart.end(); setCaption("KDE 2 Development book example - KSimpleBrowser"); setCentralWidget(tdehtmlpart.view()); } public void slotNewURL () { tdehtmlpart.openURL(new KURL(this.toolBar().getLinedText(URLLined))) ; } static { qtjava.initialize(); tdejava.initialize(); } }