nuntio (1) accounce nascor (3) be born numero (1) count nam for -ne introduces question neco (1) kill notus known, well-known, famous nuntius (2) messenger, message, news nomen (3) name nec... nec neither... nor numquam never novus new nox (3) night novem nine nemo (irreg) no one, nobody nobilis noble, of noble birth non not nullus not any, no ne quidem not even nescio (4) not know nolo (irreg) not want nihil (irreg) nothing nunc now nusquam nowhere numerus (2) number noster our navigo (1) sail nauta (1) sailor navis (3) ship nonnulli some, several num...? surely not? nonne? surely? narro (1) tell, relate ne that... not, so that... not nisi unless, except nos we, us num whether