/*************************************************************************** modcalcapcoord.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Wed Apr 10 2002 copyright : (C) 2002 by Pablo de Vicente email : vicente@oan.es ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "modcalcapcoord.h" #include "modcalcapcoord.moc" #include "modcalcprec.h" #include "dms.h" #include "dmsbox.h" #include "skypoint.h" #include "kstars.h" #include "kstarsdata.h" #include "kstarsdatetime.h" #include "libkdeedu/extdate/extdatetimeedit.h" #include #include #include //needed for QTimeEdit #include #include #include #include #include //#include ..already included in modcalcapcoord.h modCalcApCoord::modCalcApCoord(QWidget *parentSplit, const char *name) : modCalcApCoordDlg(parentSplit,name) { showCurrentTime(); ra0Box->setDegType(FALSE); rafBox->setDegType(FALSE); show(); } modCalcApCoord::~modCalcApCoord(){ } SkyPoint modCalcApCoord::getEquCoords (void) { dms raCoord, decCoord; raCoord = ra0Box->createDms(FALSE); decCoord = dec0Box->createDms(); SkyPoint sp = SkyPoint (raCoord, decCoord); return sp; } void modCalcApCoord::showCurrentTime (void) { KStars *ks = (KStars*) parent()->parent()->parent(); KStarsDateTime dt = ks->data()->geo()->LTtoUT( KStarsDateTime::currentDateTime() ); datBox->setDate( dt.date() ); timBox->setTime( dt.time() ); } KStarsDateTime modCalcApCoord::getDateTime (void) { return KStarsDateTime( datBox->date() , timBox->time() ); } double modCalcApCoord::getEpoch (QString eName) { bool ok = false; double epoch = eName.toDouble(&ok); if ( ok ) return epoch; else { kdDebug() << i18n( "Could not parse epoch string; assuming J2000" ) << endl; return 2000.0; } } void modCalcApCoord::showEquCoords ( SkyPoint sp ) { rafBox->show( sp.ra() , FALSE); decfBox->show( sp.dec() ); } void modCalcApCoord::slotClearCoords(){ ra0Box->clearFields(); dec0Box->clearFields(); rafBox->clearFields(); decfBox->clearFields(); epoch0Name->setText(""); datBox->setDate(ExtDate::currentDate()); timBox->setTime(QTime(0,0,0)); } void modCalcApCoord::slotComputeCoords(){ long double jd = getDateTime().djd(); KStarsDateTime dt; dt.setFromEpoch( getEpoch( epoch0Name->text() ) ); long double jd0 = dt.djd(); SkyPoint sp; sp = getEquCoords(); sp.apparentCoord(jd0, jd); showEquCoords( sp ); } void modCalcApCoord::slotUtCheckedBatch(){ if ( utCheckBatch->isChecked() ) utBoxBatch->setEnabled( false ); else { utBoxBatch->setEnabled( true ); } } void modCalcApCoord::slotDateCheckedBatch(){ if ( dateCheckBatch->isChecked() ) dateBoxBatch->setEnabled( false ); else { dateBoxBatch->setEnabled( true ); } } void modCalcApCoord::slotRaCheckedBatch(){ if ( raCheckBatch->isChecked() ) raBoxBatch->setEnabled( false ); else { raBoxBatch->setEnabled( true ); } } void modCalcApCoord::slotDecCheckedBatch(){ if ( decCheckBatch->isChecked() ) decBoxBatch->setEnabled( false ); else { decBoxBatch->setEnabled( true ); } } void modCalcApCoord::slotEpochCheckedBatch(){ if ( epochCheckBatch->isChecked() ) epochBoxBatch->setEnabled( false ); else { epochBoxBatch->setEnabled( true ); } } void modCalcApCoord::slotInputFile() { QString inputFileName; inputFileName = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( ); InputLineEditBatch->setText( inputFileName ); } void modCalcApCoord::slotOutputFile() { QString outputFileName; outputFileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( ); OutputLineEditBatch->setText( outputFileName ); } void modCalcApCoord::slotRunBatch() { QString inputFileName; inputFileName = InputLineEditBatch->text(); // We open the input file and read its content if ( QFile::exists(inputFileName) ) { QFile f( inputFileName ); if ( !f.open( IO_ReadOnly) ) { QString message = i18n( "Could not open file %1.").arg( f.name() ); KMessageBox::sorry( 0, message, i18n( "Could Not Open File" ) ); inputFileName = ""; return; } // processLines(&f); QTextStream istream(&f); processLines(istream); // readFile( istream ); f.close(); } else { QString message = i18n( "Invalid file: %1" ).arg( inputFileName ); KMessageBox::sorry( 0, message, i18n( "Invalid file" ) ); inputFileName = ""; InputLineEditBatch->setText( inputFileName ); return; } } //void modCalcApCoord::processLines( const QFile * fIn ) { void modCalcApCoord::processLines( QTextStream &istream ) { // we open the output file // QTextStream istream(&fIn); QString outputFileName; outputFileName = OutputLineEditBatch->text(); QFile fOut( outputFileName ); fOut.open(IO_WriteOnly); QTextStream ostream(&fOut); QString line; QString space = " "; int i = 0; long double jd, jd0; SkyPoint sp; QTime utB; ExtDate dtB; dms raB, decB; double epoch0B; while ( ! istream.eof() ) { line = istream.readLine(); line.stripWhiteSpace(); //Go through the line, looking for parameters QStringList fields = QStringList::split( " ", line ); i = 0; // Read Ut and write in ostream if corresponds if(utCheckBatch->isChecked() ) { utB = QTime::fromString( fields[i] ); i++; } else utB = utBoxBatch->time(); if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << utB.toString() << space; else if(utCheckBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << utB.toString() << space; // Read date and write in ostream if corresponds if(dateCheckBatch->isChecked() ) { dtB = ExtDate::fromString( fields[i] ); i++; } else dtB = dateBoxBatch->date(); if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << dtB.toString().append(space); else if(dateCheckBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << dtB.toString().append(space); // Read RA and write in ostream if corresponds if(raCheckBatch->isChecked() ) { raB = dms::fromString( fields[i],FALSE); i++; } else raB = raBoxBatch->createDms(FALSE); if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << raB.toHMSString() << space; else if(raCheckBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << raB.toHMSString() << space; // Read DEC and write in ostream if corresponds if(decCheckBatch->isChecked() ) { decB = dms::fromString( fields[i], TRUE); i++; } else decB = decBoxBatch->createDms(); if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << decB.toDMSString() << space; else if(decCheckBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << decB.toHMSString() << space; // Read Epoch and write in ostream if corresponds if(epochCheckBatch->isChecked() ) { epoch0B = fields[i].toDouble(); i++; } else epoch0B = getEpoch( epochBoxBatch->text() ); if ( allRadioBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << epoch0B; else if(decCheckBatch->isChecked() ) ostream << epoch0B; KStarsDateTime dt; dt.setFromEpoch( epoch0B ); jd = KStarsDateTime(dtB,utB).djd(); jd0 = dt.djd(); sp = SkyPoint (raB, decB); sp.apparentCoord(jd0, jd); ostream << sp.ra()->toHMSString() << sp.dec()->toDMSString() << endl; } fOut.close(); }