/*************************************************************************** modcalcdaylength.cpp - description ------------------- begin : wed jun 12 2002 copyright : (C) 2002 by Pablo de Vicente email : vicente@oan.es ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "modcalcdaylength.h" #include "modcalcprec.h" #include "dms.h" #include "dmsbox.h" #include "skyobject.h" #include "geolocation.h" #include "kstars.h" #include "timebox.h" #include "kssun.h" #include "ksnumbers.h" #include "kstarsdatetime.h" #include "libkdeedu/extdate/extdatetimeedit.h" #include modCalcDayLength::modCalcDayLength(QWidget *parentSplit, const char *name) : modCalcDayLengthDlg(parentSplit,name) { showCurrentDate(); initGeo(); show(); } modCalcDayLength::~modCalcDayLength() {} void modCalcDayLength::showCurrentDate (void) { KStarsDateTime dt( KStarsDateTime::currentDateTime() ); datBox->setDate( dt.date() ); } void modCalcDayLength::initGeo(void) { KStars *ks = (KStars*) parent()->parent()->parent(); // QSplitter->AstroCalc->KStars geoPlace = ks->geo(); longBox->show( geoPlace->lng() ); latBox->show( geoPlace->lat() ); } void modCalcDayLength::getGeoLocation (void) { geoPlace->setLong( longBox->createDms() ); geoPlace->setLat( latBox->createDms() ); geoPlace->setHeight( 0.0); } KStarsDateTime modCalcDayLength::getDateTime (void) { return KStarsDateTime( datBox->date() , QTime(8,0,0) ); } void modCalcDayLength::slotClearCoords(){ azSetBox->clearFields(); azRiseBox->clearFields(); elTransitBox->clearFields(); // reset to current date datBox->setDate(ExtDate::currentDate()); // reset times to 00:00:00 setTimeBox->clearFields(); riseTimeBox->clearFields(); transitTimeBox->clearFields(); // dayLBox->setTime(time); dayLBox->clearFields(); } QTime modCalcDayLength::lengthOfDay(QTime setQTime, QTime riseQTime){ QTime dL(0,0,0); int dds = riseQTime.secsTo(setQTime); QTime dLength = dL.addSecs( dds ); return dLength; } void modCalcDayLength::slotComputePosTime() { long double jd0 = getDateTime().djd(); getGeoLocation(); KSNumbers * num = new KSNumbers(jd0); KSSun *Sun = new KSSun(((KStars*) parent()->parent()->parent())->data()); Sun->findPosition(num); QTime setQtime = Sun->riseSetTime( jd0 , geoPlace, false ); QTime riseQtime = Sun->riseSetTime( jd0 , geoPlace, true ); QTime transitQtime = Sun->transitTime(jd0 , geoPlace); dms setAz = Sun->riseSetTimeAz(jd0, geoPlace, false); dms riseAz = Sun->riseSetTimeAz(jd0, geoPlace, true); dms transAlt = Sun->transitAltitude(jd0, geoPlace); if (setQtime.isValid() ) { azSetBox->show( setAz ); elTransitBox->show( transAlt ); azRiseBox->show( riseAz ); setTimeBox->showTime( setQtime ); riseTimeBox->showTime( riseQtime ); transitTimeBox->showTime( transitQtime ); QTime dayLQtime = lengthOfDay (setQtime,riseQtime); dayLBox->showTime( dayLQtime ); } else if (transAlt.Degrees() > 0. ) { azSetBox->setDMS(i18n("Circumpolar")); elTransitBox->show( transAlt ); azRiseBox->setDMS(i18n("Circumpolar")); setTimeBox->showTime( setQtime ); riseTimeBox->showTime( riseQtime ); transitTimeBox->showTime( transitQtime ); dayLBox->setEntry("24:00:00"); } else if (transAlt.Degrees() < 0. ) { azSetBox->setDMS("does not rise"); elTransitBox->setDMS("does not rise"); azRiseBox->setDMS("does not rise"); setTimeBox->clearFields(); riseTimeBox->clearFields(); transitTimeBox->clearFields(); dayLBox->showTime( QTime(0,0,0) ); } delete num; } #include "modcalcdaylength.moc"