/*************************************************************************** planetviewer.cpp - Display overhead view of the solar system ------------------- begin : Sun May 25 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by Jason Harris email : jharris@30doradus.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include //needed for abs() on some platforms #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "planetviewer.h" #include "kstars.h" #include "kstarsdata.h" #include "ksutils.h" #include "ksnumbers.h" #include "ksplanetbase.h" #include "dms.h" #include "timestepbox.h" #include "libkdeedu/extdate/extdatetimeedit.h" #define AUMAX 48 PlanetViewer::PlanetViewer(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KDialogBase( KDialogBase::Plain, i18n("Solar System Viewer"), Close, Close, parent, name ), PCat( ((KStars*)parent)->data() ), scale(1.0), isClockRunning(false), tmr(this) { QFrame *page = plainPage(); QVBoxLayout *vlay = new QVBoxLayout( page, 0, spacingHint() ); pw = new PlanetViewerUI( page ); pw->map->setLimits( -48.0, 48.0, -48.0, 48.0 ); pw->map->setXAxisLabel( i18n( "axis label for x-coordinate of solar system viewer. AU means astronomical unit.", "X-position (AU)" ) ); pw->map->setYAxisLabel( i18n( "axis label for y-coordinate of solar system viewer. AU means astronomical unit.", "Y-position (AU)" ) ); pw->timeStep->setDaysOnly( true ); pw->timeStep->tsbox()->setValue( 1 ); //start with 1-day timestep pw->RunButton->setPixmap( KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "1rightarrow", KIcon::Toolbar ) ); pw->dateBox->setDate( ((KStars*)parent)->data()->lt().date() ); vlay->addWidget( pw ); resize( 500, 500 ); pw->map->QWidget::setFocus(); //give keyboard focus to the plot widget for key and mouse events pName[0] = "Mercury"; pColor[0] = "SlateBlue1"; pName[1] = "Venus"; pColor[1] = "LightGreen"; pName[2] = "Earth"; pColor[2] = "Blue"; pName[3] = "Mars"; pColor[3] = "Red"; pName[4] = "Jupiter"; pColor[4] = "Goldenrod"; pName[5] = "Saturn"; pColor[5] = "LightYellow2"; pName[6] = "Uranus"; pColor[6] = "LightSeaGreen"; pName[7] = "Neptune"; pColor[7] = "SkyBlue"; pName[8] = "Pluto"; pColor[8] = "gray"; setCenterPlanet(""); PCat.initialize(); ut = ((KStars*)parent)->data()->ut(); KSNumbers num( ut.djd() ); PCat.findPosition( &num, 0, 0 ); //NULL args: don't need geocent. coords. for ( uint i=0; i<9; ++i ) LastUpdate[i] = int( ut.date().jd() ); //The planets' update intervals are 0.25% of one period: UpdateInterval[0] = 0; UpdateInterval[1] = 0; UpdateInterval[2] = 0; UpdateInterval[3] = 1; UpdateInterval[4] = 5; UpdateInterval[5] = 13; UpdateInterval[6] = 38; UpdateInterval[7] = 75; UpdateInterval[8] = 113; QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( initPlotObjects() ) ); connect( &tmr, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( tick() ) ); connect( pw->timeStep, SIGNAL( scaleChanged(float) ), SLOT( setTimeScale(float) ) ); connect( pw->RunButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotRunClock() ) ); connect( pw->dateBox, SIGNAL( valueChanged( const ExtDate & ) ), SLOT( slotChangeDate( const ExtDate & ) ) ); connect( pw->TodayButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slotToday() ) ); } PlanetViewer::~PlanetViewer() { } void PlanetViewer::tick() { //Update the time/date ut.setDJD( ut.djd() + scale*0.1 ); pw->dateBox->setDate( ut.date() ); updatePlanets(); } void PlanetViewer::setTimeScale(float f) { scale = f/86400.; //convert seconds to days } void PlanetViewer::slotRunClock() { isClockRunning = !isClockRunning; if ( isClockRunning ) { pw->RunButton->setPixmap( KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "player_pause", KIcon::Toolbar ) ); tmr.start( 100 ); // pw->dateBox->setEnabled( false ); } else { pw->RunButton->setPixmap( KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "1rightarrow", KIcon::Toolbar ) ); tmr.stop(); // pw->dateBox->setEnabled( true ); } } void PlanetViewer::slotChangeDate( const ExtDate & ) { if ( pw->dateBox->date().isValid() ) { ut.setDate( pw->dateBox->date() ); updatePlanets(); } } void PlanetViewer::updatePlanets() { KSNumbers num( ut.djd() ); bool changed(false); //Check each planet to see if it needs to be updated for ( unsigned int i=0; i<9; ++i ) { if ( abs( int(ut.date().jd()) - LastUpdate[i] ) > UpdateInterval[i] ) { KSPlanetBase *p = PCat.findByName( pName[i] ); p->findPosition( &num ); double s, c, s2, c2; p->helEcLong()->SinCos( s, c ); p->helEcLat()->SinCos( s2, c2 ); planet[i]->point(0)->setX( p->rsun()*c*c2 ); planet[i]->point(0)->setY( p->rsun()*s*c2 ); planetLabel[i]->point(0)->setX( p->rsun()*c*c2 ); planetLabel[i]->point(0)->setY( p->rsun()*s*c2 ); if ( centerPlanet() == pName[i] ) { double xc = (pw->map->x2() + pw->map->x())*0.5; double yc = (pw->map->y2() + pw->map->y())*0.5; double dx = planet[i]->point(0)->x() - xc; double dy = planet[i]->point(0)->y() - yc; pw->map->setLimits( pw->map->x() + dx, pw->map->x2() + dx, pw->map->y() + dy, pw->map->y2() + dy ); } LastUpdate[i] = int(ut.date().jd()); changed = true; } } if ( changed ) pw->map->update(); } void PlanetViewer::slotToday() { KStars *ks = (KStars*)parent(); pw->dateBox->setDate( ks->data()->lt().date() ); } void PlanetViewer::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ) { pw->map->update(); } void PlanetViewer::initPlotObjects() { // Planets ksun = new KPlotObject( "Sun", "yellow", KPlotObject::POINTS, 12, KPlotObject::CIRCLE ); ksun->addPoint( new DPoint( 0.0, 0.0 ) ); pw->map->addObject( ksun ); //Read in the orbit curves KPlotObject *orbit[9]; for ( unsigned int i=0; i<9; ++i ) { orbit[i] = new KPlotObject( "", "white", KPlotObject::CURVE, 1, KPlotObject::SOLID ); QFile orbitFile; if ( KSUtils::openDataFile( orbitFile, pName[i].lower() + ".orbit" ) ) { QTextStream orbitStream( &orbitFile ); double x, y, z; while ( !orbitStream.eof() ) { orbitStream >> x >> y >> z; orbit[i]->addPoint( new DPoint( x, y ) ); } } pw->map->addObject( orbit[i] ); } for ( unsigned int i=0; i<9; ++i ) { planet[i] = new KPlotObject( pName[i], pColor[i], KPlotObject::POINTS, 6, KPlotObject::CIRCLE ); planetLabel[i] = new KPlotObject( i18n(pName[i].local8Bit()), pColor[i], KPlotObject::LABEL ); double s, c; KSPlanetBase *p = PCat.findByName( pName[i] ); p->helEcLong()->SinCos( s, c ); planet[i]->addPoint( new DPoint( p->rsun()*c, p->rsun()*s ) ); planetLabel[i]->addPoint( new DPoint( p->rsun()*c, p->rsun()*s ) ); pw->map->addObject( planet[i] ); pw->map->addObject( planetLabel[i] ); } update(); } void PlanetViewer::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) { switch ( e->key() ) { case Key_Escape: close(); break; default: e->ignore(); break; } } PVPlotWidget::PVPlotWidget( double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, QWidget *par, const char *name ) : KStarsPlotWidget( x1, x2, y1, y2, par, name ), mouseButtonDown(false), oldx(0), oldy(0) { setFocusPolicy( QWidget::StrongFocus ); setMouseTracking (true); pv = (PlanetViewer*)topLevelWidget(); } PVPlotWidget::PVPlotWidget( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KStarsPlotWidget( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, parent, name ), mouseButtonDown(false), oldx(0), oldy(0) { setFocusPolicy( QWidget::StrongFocus ); setMouseTracking (true); pv = (PlanetViewer*)topLevelWidget(); } PVPlotWidget::~ PVPlotWidget() {} void PVPlotWidget::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) { double xc = (x2() + x())*0.5; double yc = (y2() + y())*0.5; double xstep = 0.01*(x2() - x()); double ystep = 0.01*(y2() - y()); double dx = 0.5*dataWidth(); double dy = 0.5*dataHeight(); switch ( e->key() ) { case Key_Left: if ( xc - xstep > -AUMAX ) { setLimits( x() - xstep, x2() - xstep, y(), y2() ); pv->setCenterPlanet(""); update(); } break; case Key_Right: if ( xc + xstep < AUMAX ) { setLimits( x() + xstep, x2() + xstep, y(), y2() ); pv->setCenterPlanet(""); update(); } break; case Key_Down: if ( yc - ystep > -AUMAX ) { setLimits( x(), x2(), y() - ystep, y2() - ystep ); pv->setCenterPlanet(""); update(); } break; case Key_Up: if ( yc + ystep < AUMAX ) { setLimits( x(), x2(), y() + ystep, y2() + ystep ); pv->setCenterPlanet(""); update(); } break; case Key_Plus: case Key_Equal: slotZoomIn(); break; case Key_Minus: case Key_Underscore: slotZoomOut(); break; case Key_0: //Sun setLimits( -dx, dx, -dy, dy ); pv->setCenterPlanet( "Sun" ); update(); break; case Key_1: //Mercury { DPoint *p = object(10)->point(0); setLimits( p->x() - dx, p->x() + dx, p->y() - dy, p->y() + dy ); pv->setCenterPlanet( "Mercury" ); update(); break; } case Key_2: //Venus { DPoint *p = object(12)->point(0); setLimits( p->x() - dx, p->x() + dx, p->y() - dy, p->y() + dy ); pv->setCenterPlanet( "Venus" ); update(); break; } case Key_3: //Earth { DPoint *p = object(14)->point(0); setLimits( p->x() - dx, p->x() + dx, p->y() - dy, p->y() + dy ); pv->setCenterPlanet( "Earth" ); update(); break; } case Key_4: //Mars { DPoint *p = object(16)->point(0); setLimits( p->x() - dx, p->x() + dx, p->y() - dy, p->y() + dy ); pv->setCenterPlanet( "Mars" ); update(); break; } case Key_5: //Jupiter { DPoint *p = object(18)->point(0); setLimits( p->x() - dx, p->x() + dx, p->y() - dy, p->y() + dy ); pv->setCenterPlanet( "Jupiter" ); update(); break; } case Key_6: //Saturn { DPoint *p = object(20)->point(0); setLimits( p->x() - dx, p->x() + dx, p->y() - dy, p->y() + dy ); pv->setCenterPlanet( "Saturn" ); update(); break; } case Key_7: //Uranus { DPoint *p = object(22)->point(0); setLimits( p->x() - dx, p->x() + dx, p->y() - dy, p->y() + dy ); pv->setCenterPlanet( "Uranus" ); update(); break; } case Key_8: //Neptune { DPoint *p = object(24)->point(0); setLimits( p->x() - dx, p->x() + dx, p->y() - dy, p->y() + dy ); pv->setCenterPlanet( "Neptune" ); update(); break; } case Key_9: //Pluto { DPoint *p = object(26)->point(0); setLimits( p->x() - dx, p->x() + dx, p->y() - dy, p->y() + dy ); pv->setCenterPlanet( "Pluto" ); update(); break; } default: e->ignore(); break; } } void PVPlotWidget::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) { mouseButtonDown = true; oldx = e->x(); oldy = e->y(); } void PVPlotWidget::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * ) { mouseButtonDown = false; update(); } void PVPlotWidget::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) { if ( mouseButtonDown ) { //Determine how far we've moved double xc = (x2() + x())*0.5; double yc = (y2() + y())*0.5; double xscale = dataWidth()/( width() - leftPadding() - rightPadding() ); double yscale = dataHeight()/( height() - topPadding() - bottomPadding() ); xc += ( oldx - e->x() )*xscale; yc -= ( oldy - e->y() )*yscale; //Y data axis is reversed... if ( xc > -AUMAX && xc < AUMAX && yc > -AUMAX && yc < AUMAX ) { setLimits( xc - 0.5*dataWidth(), xc + 0.5*dataWidth(), yc - 0.5*dataHeight(), yc + 0.5*dataHeight() ); update(); kapp->processEvents(20); } oldx = e->x(); oldy = e->y(); } } void PVPlotWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) { double xscale = dataWidth()/( width() - leftPadding() - rightPadding() ); double yscale = dataHeight()/( height() - topPadding() - bottomPadding() ); double xc = x() + xscale*( e->x() - leftPadding() ); double yc = y2() - yscale*( e->y() - topPadding() ); if ( xc > -AUMAX && xc < AUMAX && yc > -AUMAX && yc < AUMAX ) { setLimits( xc - 0.5*dataWidth(), xc + 0.5*dataWidth(), yc - 0.5*dataHeight(), yc + 0.5*dataHeight() ); update(); } pv->setCenterPlanet( "" ); for ( unsigned int i=0; i<9; ++i ) { double dx = ( pv->planetObject(i)->point(0)->x() - xc )/xscale; if ( dx < 4.0 ) { double dy = ( pv->planetObject(i)->point(0)->y() - yc )/yscale; if ( sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy ) < 4.0 ) { pv->setCenterPlanet( pv->planetName(i) ); } } } } void PVPlotWidget::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent *e ) { if ( e->delta() > 0 ) slotZoomIn(); else slotZoomOut(); } void PVPlotWidget::slotZoomIn() { double size( x2() - x() ); if ( size > 0.8 ) { setLimits( x() + 0.02*size, x2() - 0.02*size, y() + 0.02*size, y2() - 0.02*size ); update(); } } void PVPlotWidget::slotZoomOut() { double size( x2() - x() ); if ( (x2() - x()) < 100.0 ) { setLimits( x() - 0.02*size, x2() + 0.02*size, y() - 0.02*size, y2() + 0.02*size ); update(); } } #include "planetviewer.moc"