]> The &atlantik; Handbook Rob Kaper
&FDLNotice; 20022004 &Rob.Kaper; 2005-12-10 0.7.5 &atlantik; is a &kde; client for playing Monopoly-like boardgames on the monopd network. KDE kdegames Atlantik monopd
Introduction Purpose of the &atlantik; board game is to acquire land in major cities in North America and Europe while being a transatlantic traveler. To win the game, players improve monopolized land with profitable buildings in the hopes of bankrupting all other players. All game modes are served by monopd, a dedicated game server designed for &atlantik;. One of the game modes plays like the popular real estate board game known as Monopoly. Connecting to a Server &atlantik; requires a game server to connect to. If you have an Internet connection, you can request a list of public Internet servers and you will not require additional software. If you want to play &atlantik; locally, on a LAN or on a private Internet server, you can enter the hostname and port to connect to. In this case, you will need the monopd server software installed and running on the host you are connecting to. If you have problems connecting to a server, the following troubleshoot notes might help you: Try another server. The public server list is updated every three minutes, and the server you are trying to connect to might not be available any longer. Check your firewall and masquerading settings. Restrictions might be in place preventing you from connecting to servers or receiving reply traffic. By default, monopd servers use TCP port 1234. If you're not sure, contact your system administrator. &atlantik; makes use of KExtendedSocket for network connections, which in turn uses QDns. This might cause issues with IPv6 and/or resolving hostnames. Menu Reference <guimenu>Game</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;L GameShow Event Log Display the event log &Ctrl;Q GameQuit Quits &atlantik;. <guimenu>Move</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;R MoveRoll Dice As you may expect, roll the dice. MoveEnd Turn Let the other player know you have finished moving. &Ctrl;R MoveRoll Dice As you may expect, roll the dice. &Ctrl;B MoveBuy Buy land or buy buildings on your properties. &Ctrl;A MoveAuction Start an auction. MoveUse Card to Leave Jail Use a card to leave jail &Ctrl;P MovePay to Leave Jail Pay money to leave the jail. &Ctrl;J MoveRoll to Leave Jail Roll the dice to leave the jail. <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu Settings Configure Notifications... Displays a standard &kde; notifications configuration dialog to change the audio and visual notifications for &atlantik;. Settings Configure &atlantik;... Opens the configuration dialog which lets you tweak a lot of &atlantik;'s options. <guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu &help.menu.documentation; Reporting Bugs If you think you have found a bug in &atlantik;, please report it. Developers often catch and fix bugs themselves, but you might experience issues not yet known. Not reporting your problems might very well prevent them from being fixed indefinitely. Some bugs might be in the monopd server instead of &atlantik;, but you don't need to worry about that: you can report all bugs under the &atlantik; package on the &kde; bug wizard. Use the HelpReport Bug menu item to visit the bug wizard with some details of your &atlantik; version filled in automatically. Please specify details in your bug report, such as game conditions. For example, a bug might only occur when people are in jail, or during an auction. If possible, save the event log and attach it to the bug report or send it to the author. It might contain vital clues about behavior that could lead to a faster resolution for the bug. Download &atlantik; is part of &kde; releases and as such the recommended releases are those shipped with &kde;, part of the &package; package. Some vendors might have individual packages for &atlantik; based on these releases. Users interested in the development version can likewise use the standard &kde; CVS instructions to acquire &atlantik; from the kdegames module. Bleeding edge development requiring the development version of monopd is done using arch. For more information on this, or releases in general, visit the &atlantik; download page. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions How do I add a computer player? Unfortunately, computer opponents are not yet supported by &atlantik;. Work is in progress to development a network bot that can connect to servers, called Pacifik, but is has not yet reached a useful level. Users are advised to take advantage of the public Internet servers or a private LAN server. How do I trade? Click on a player portfolio or estate with the &RMB; and you can open a trade. There are a two usability issues with trades that can cause confusion. If you in any way include another player in a trade, that player will get the trade window. Any player can reject the terms, which unnecessarily ends the trade session for all other players as well. A trade has to be accepted by all players in it before it can completed, which can be complicated because players remain a participant in deals even when they are no longer involved with tradeable items. Credits and Licenses The program &atlantik; and the documentation are copyright © 1998-2004 Rob Kaper kaper@kde.org. &underFDL; &underGPL; &documentation.index;