/** * EvalScheme * * Configuration options for a Evaluation Scheme. * Evaluation Schemes are used for evalution of a Abalone board position * * (C) JW, 2000 */ #ifndef _EVALSCHEME_H_ #define _EVALSCHEME_H_ #include #include "Move.h" class KConfig; /* * The constructor gets a name, and tries to read the scheme * for the Kenolaba configuration file, if nothing found, use * default values */ class EvalScheme { public: EvalScheme(QString); EvalScheme(EvalScheme&); ~EvalScheme() {} void setDefaults(); void read(KConfig*); void save(KConfig*); static EvalScheme* create(QString); QString ascii(); void setName(QString n) { _name = n; } void setRingValue(int ring, int value); void setRingDiff(int ring, int value); void setStoneValue(int stoneDiff, int value); void setMoveValue(int type, int value); void setInARowValue(int stones, int value); QString name() { return _name; } int ringValue(int r) { return (r>=0 && r<5) ? _ringValue[r] : 0; } int ringDiff(int r) { return (r>0 && r<5) ? _ringDiff[r] : 0; } int stoneValue(int s) { return (s>0 && s<6) ? _stoneValue[s] : 0; } int moveValue(int t) { return (t>=0 && t=0 && s