Cleaning: type Dealer --> Patience type Card::Value --> Card::Rank TODO: - more options (wholeColumn, etc.) kpat already supports a lot, but they aren't accessible via GUI yet - implement support for nice (configurable) backgrounds, like color gradients, background pixmaps (tiled, wallpaper, etc. ). - give feedback in the statusbar if there is no move except draw possible. Open a messagebox when no more moves are possible at all. (ie. Game Over). - separate the dealer and related classed into a library, so that other card games can use it. DONE: - preview on cards that are hidden but faceup (RMB) - animation when a card moves back automatically - nice animation when you win a game - game numbers as in MS freecell (thanks Marcus) - undo - ambigious place - choose one - flip animation - dblclick to put cards directly onto the piles. - more colorful cards (there are some nice with xpat2) same cards as KPoker (shamelessly stolen :-) - better scaling (what about a 640x480 resolution?) - more options (different backgrounds) - kpat still uses the WidgetAt function when dropping cards. That means it is not possible to put the hot spot onto the middle of the dragged cards what would be better. Solutions: #1 Wilson Callan 3a 32 7b 3c 37 37 b7 8b 87 48 82 a8 4a 34 57 54 85 8d 87 c7 d7 b8 38 23 28 32 6b 6c 78 a3 73 7a 7c 74 c7 67 63 56 8h b8 5b 51 b5 24 25 6h 6h 24 26 a4 37 2a 8h 4h 1h 17 1h 1b 8h 4h 4b 4c 4d a2 42 46 3h 7h 13