path: root/kpdf/xpdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kpdf/xpdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.cpp')
1 files changed, 2989 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kpdf/xpdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.cpp b/kpdf/xpdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f18026ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kpdf/xpdf/xpdf/GlobalParams.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2989 @@
+// GlobalParams.cpp
+// Copyright 2001-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
+#include <aconf.h>
+#pragma implementation
+#include <string.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+// KPDF: additional includes for Qt and Xft
+#include <tqstring.h>
+#include <tqregexp.h>
+#include <tqwindowdefs.h>
+// -- gentoo compile fix (XFree 4.3.0, FC 2.2.3, FreeType 2.1.9) --
+// on other distros these 2 lines should't harm
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_FREETYPE_H
+// -- ---------------------------------------------------------- --
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
+#include <X11/Xft/XftCompat.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+# ifndef WIN32
+# include <dlfcn.h>
+# endif
+#ifdef WIN32
+# include <shlobj.h>
+#include <paper.h>
+#include "gmem.h"
+#include "GString.h"
+#include "GList.h"
+#include "GHash.h"
+#include "gfile.h"
+#include "Error.h"
+#include "NameToCharCode.h"
+#include "CharCodeToUnicode.h"
+#include "UnicodeMap.h"
+#include "CMap.h"
+#include "BuiltinFontTables.h"
+#include "FontEncodingTables.h"
+# include "XpdfPluginAPI.h"
+#include "GlobalParams.h"
+#include <tqstring.h>
+#include <tqregexp.h>
+#include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+# define strcasecmp stricmp
+# define lockGlobalParams gLockMutex(&mutex)
+# define lockUnicodeMapCache gLockMutex(&unicodeMapCacheMutex)
+# define lockCMapCache gLockMutex(&cMapCacheMutex)
+# define unlockGlobalParams gUnlockMutex(&mutex)
+# define unlockUnicodeMapCache gUnlockMutex(&unicodeMapCacheMutex)
+# define unlockCMapCache gUnlockMutex(&cMapCacheMutex)
+# define lockGlobalParams
+# define lockUnicodeMapCache
+# define lockCMapCache
+# define unlockGlobalParams
+# define unlockUnicodeMapCache
+# define unlockCMapCache
+#include "NameToUnicodeTable.h"
+#include "UnicodeMapTables.h"
+#include "UTF8.h"
+# ifdef WIN32
+extern XpdfPluginVecTable xpdfPluginVecTable;
+# endif
+#define cidToUnicodeCacheSize 4
+#define unicodeToUnicodeCacheSize 4
+static struct {
+ char *name;
+ char *t1FileName;
+ char *ttFileName;
+} displayFontTab[] = {
+ {"Courier", "n022003l.pfb", "cour.ttf"},
+ {"Courier-Bold", "n022004l.pfb", "courbd.ttf"},
+ {"Courier-BoldOblique", "n022024l.pfb", "courbi.ttf"},
+ {"Courier-Oblique", "n022023l.pfb", "couri.ttf"},
+ {"Helvetica", "n019003l.pfb", "arial.ttf"},
+ {"Helvetica-Bold", "n019004l.pfb", "arialbd.ttf"},
+ {"Helvetica-BoldOblique", "n019024l.pfb", "arialbi.ttf"},
+ {"Helvetica-Oblique", "n019023l.pfb", "ariali.ttf"},
+ {"Symbol", "s050000l.pfb", NULL},
+ {"Times-Bold", "n021004l.pfb", "timesbd.ttf"},
+ {"Times-BoldItalic", "n021024l.pfb", "timesbi.ttf"},
+ {"Times-Italic", "n021023l.pfb", "timesi.ttf"},
+ {"Times-Roman", "n021003l.pfb", "times.ttf"},
+ {"ZapfDingbats", "d050000l.pfb", NULL},
+#ifdef WIN32
+static char *displayFontDirs[] = {
+ "c:/windows/fonts",
+ "c:/winnt/fonts",
+static char *displayFontDirs[] = {
+ "/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts",
+ "/usr/pkg/share/ghostscript/fonts",
+ "/usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts",
+ "/usr/share/fonts/default/Type1",
+ "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1",
+ "/usr/share/fonts/default/ghostscript",
+ "/usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts",
+ "/usr/share/fonts/Type1",
+GlobalParams *globalParams = NULL;
+// DisplayFontParam
+DisplayFontParam::DisplayFontParam(GString *nameA,
+ DisplayFontParamKind kindA) {
+ name = nameA;
+ kind = kindA;
+ switch (kind) {
+ case displayFontT1:
+ t1.fileName = NULL;
+ break;
+ case displayFontTT:
+ tt.fileName = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+DisplayFontParam::~DisplayFontParam() {
+ delete name;
+ switch (kind) {
+ case displayFontT1:
+ if (t1.fileName) {
+ delete t1.fileName;
+ }
+ break;
+ case displayFontTT:
+ if (tt.fileName) {
+ delete tt.fileName;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+// WinFontInfo
+class WinFontInfo: public DisplayFontParam {
+ GBool bold, italic;
+ static WinFontInfo *make(GString *nameA, GBool boldA, GBool italicA,
+ HKEY regKey, char *winFontDir);
+ WinFontInfo(GString *nameA, GBool boldA, GBool italicA,
+ GString *fileNameA);
+ virtual ~WinFontInfo();
+ GBool equals(WinFontInfo *fi);
+WinFontInfo *WinFontInfo::make(GString *nameA, GBool boldA, GBool italicA,
+ HKEY regKey, char *winFontDir) {
+ GString *regName;
+ GString *fileNameA;
+ char buf[MAX_PATH];
+ DWORD n;
+ char c;
+ int i;
+ //----- find the font file
+ fileNameA = NULL;
+ regName = nameA->copy();
+ if (boldA) {
+ regName->append(" Bold");
+ }
+ if (italicA) {
+ regName->append(" Italic");
+ }
+ regName->append(" (TrueType)");
+ n = sizeof(buf);
+ if (RegQueryValueEx(regKey, regName->getCString(), NULL, NULL,
+ (LPBYTE)buf, &n) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ fileNameA = new GString(winFontDir);
+ fileNameA->append('\\')->append(buf);
+ }
+ delete regName;
+ if (!fileNameA) {
+ delete nameA;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ //----- normalize the font name
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < nameA->getLength()) {
+ c = nameA->getChar(i);
+ if (c == ' ' || c == ',' || c == '-') {
+ nameA->del(i);
+ } else {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ return new WinFontInfo(nameA, boldA, italicA, fileNameA);
+WinFontInfo::WinFontInfo(GString *nameA, GBool boldA, GBool italicA,
+ GString *fileNameA):
+ DisplayFontParam(nameA, displayFontTT)
+ bold = boldA;
+ italic = italicA;
+ tt.fileName = fileNameA;
+WinFontInfo::~WinFontInfo() {
+GBool WinFontInfo::equals(WinFontInfo *fi) {
+ return !name->cmp(fi->name) && bold == fi->bold && italic == fi->italic;
+// WinFontList
+class WinFontList {
+ WinFontList(char *winFontDirA);
+ ~WinFontList();
+ WinFontInfo *find(GString *font);
+ void add(WinFontInfo *fi);
+ static int CALLBACK enumFunc1(CONST LOGFONT *font,
+ DWORD type, LPARAM data);
+ static int CALLBACK enumFunc2(CONST LOGFONT *font,
+ DWORD type, LPARAM data);
+ GList *fonts; // [WinFontInfo]
+ HDC dc; // (only used during enumeration)
+ HKEY regKey; // (only used during enumeration)
+ char *winFontDir; // (only used during enumeration)
+WinFontList::WinFontList(char *winFontDirA) {
+ char *path;
+ fonts = new GList();
+ dc = GetDC(NULL);
+ winFontDir = winFontDirA;
+ version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(version);
+ GetVersionEx(&version);
+ if (version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) {
+ path = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\\";
+ } else {
+ path = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\\";
+ }
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path, 0,
+ &regKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
+ EnumFonts(dc, NULL, &WinFontList::enumFunc1, (LPARAM)this);
+ RegCloseKey(regKey);
+ }
+ ReleaseDC(NULL, dc);
+WinFontList::~WinFontList() {
+ deleteGList(fonts, WinFontInfo);
+void WinFontList::add(WinFontInfo *fi) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < fonts->getLength(); ++i) {
+ if (((WinFontInfo *)fonts->get(i))->equals(fi)) {
+ delete fi;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ fonts->append(fi);
+WinFontInfo *WinFontList::find(GString *font) {
+ GString *name;
+ GBool bold, italic;
+ WinFontInfo *fi;
+ char c;
+ int n, i;
+ name = font->copy();
+ // remove space, comma, dash chars
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < name->getLength()) {
+ c = name->getChar(i);
+ if (c == ' ' || c == ',' || c == '-') {
+ name->del(i);
+ } else {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ n = name->getLength();
+ // remove trailing "MT" (Foo-MT, Foo-BoldMT, etc.)
+ if (!strcmp(name->getCString() + n - 2, "MT")) {
+ name->del(n - 2, 2);
+ n -= 2;
+ }
+ // look for "Italic"
+ if (!strcmp(name->getCString() + n - 6, "Italic")) {
+ name->del(n - 6, 6);
+ italic = gTrue;
+ n -= 6;
+ } else {
+ italic = gFalse;
+ }
+ // look for "Bold"
+ if (!strcmp(name->getCString() + n - 4, "Bold")) {
+ name->del(n - 4, 4);
+ bold = gTrue;
+ n -= 4;
+ } else {
+ bold = gFalse;
+ }
+ // remove trailing "MT" (FooMT-Bold, etc.)
+ if (!strcmp(name->getCString() + n - 2, "MT")) {
+ name->del(n - 2, 2);
+ n -= 2;
+ }
+ // remove trailing "PS"
+ if (!strcmp(name->getCString() + n - 2, "PS")) {
+ name->del(n - 2, 2);
+ n -= 2;
+ }
+ // search for the font
+ fi = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < fonts->getLength(); ++i) {
+ fi = (WinFontInfo *)fonts->get(i);
+ if (!fi->name->cmp(name) && fi->bold == bold && fi->italic == italic) {
+ break;
+ }
+ fi = NULL;
+ }
+ delete name;
+ return fi;
+int CALLBACK WinFontList::enumFunc1(CONST LOGFONT *font,
+ DWORD type, LPARAM data) {
+ WinFontList *fl = (WinFontList *)data;
+ EnumFonts(fl->dc, font->lfFaceName, &WinFontList::enumFunc2, (LPARAM)fl);
+ return 1;
+int CALLBACK WinFontList::enumFunc2(CONST LOGFONT *font,
+ DWORD type, LPARAM data) {
+ WinFontList *fl = (WinFontList *)data;
+ WinFontInfo *fi;
+ if (type & TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) {
+ if ((fi = WinFontInfo::make(new GString(font->lfFaceName),
+ font->lfWeight >= 600,
+ font->lfItalic ? gTrue : gFalse,
+ fl->regKey, fl->winFontDir))) {
+ fl->add(fi);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+#endif // WIN32
+// PSFontParam
+PSFontParam::PSFontParam(GString *pdfFontNameA, int wModeA,
+ GString *psFontNameA, GString *encodingA) {
+ pdfFontName = pdfFontNameA;
+ wMode = wModeA;
+ psFontName = psFontNameA;
+ encoding = encodingA;
+PSFontParam::~PSFontParam() {
+ delete pdfFontName;
+ delete psFontName;
+ if (encoding) {
+ delete encoding;
+ }
+// KeyBinding
+KeyBinding::KeyBinding(int codeA, int modsA, int contextA, char *cmd0) {
+ code = codeA;
+ mods = modsA;
+ context = contextA;
+ cmds = new GList();
+ cmds->append(new GString(cmd0));
+KeyBinding::KeyBinding(int codeA, int modsA, int contextA,
+ char *cmd0, char *cmd1) {
+ code = codeA;
+ mods = modsA;
+ context = contextA;
+ cmds = new GList();
+ cmds->append(new GString(cmd0));
+ cmds->append(new GString(cmd1));
+KeyBinding::KeyBinding(int codeA, int modsA, int contextA, GList *cmdsA) {
+ code = codeA;
+ mods = modsA;
+ context = contextA;
+ cmds = cmdsA;
+KeyBinding::~KeyBinding() {
+ deleteGList(cmds, GString);
+// Plugin
+class Plugin {
+ static Plugin *load(char *type, char *name);
+ ~Plugin();
+#ifdef WIN32
+ Plugin(HMODULE libA);
+ HMODULE lib;
+ Plugin(void *dlA);
+ void *dl;
+Plugin *Plugin::load(char *type, char *name) {
+ GString *path;
+ Plugin *plugin;
+ XpdfPluginVecTable *vt;
+ XpdfBool (*xpdfInitPlugin)(void);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ void *dlA;
+ path = globalParams->getBaseDir();
+ appendToPath(path, "plugins");
+ appendToPath(path, type);
+ appendToPath(path, name);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ path->append(".dll");
+ if (!(libA = LoadLibrary(path->getCString()))) {
+ error(-1, "Failed to load plugin '%s'",
+ path->getCString());
+ goto err1;
+ }
+ if (!(vt = (XpdfPluginVecTable *)
+ GetProcAddress(libA, "xpdfPluginVecTable"))) {
+ error(-1, "Failed to find xpdfPluginVecTable in plugin '%s'",
+ path->getCString());
+ goto err2;
+ }
+ //~ need to deal with other extensions here
+ path->append(".so");
+ if (!(dlA = dlopen(path->getCString(), RTLD_NOW))) {
+ error(-1, "Failed to load plugin '%s': %s",
+ path->getCString(), dlerror());
+ goto err1;
+ }
+ if (!(vt = (XpdfPluginVecTable *)dlsym(dlA, "xpdfPluginVecTable"))) {
+ error(-1, "Failed to find xpdfPluginVecTable in plugin '%s'",
+ path->getCString());
+ goto err2;
+ }
+ if (vt->version != xpdfPluginVecTable.version) {
+ error(-1, "Plugin '%s' is wrong version", path->getCString());
+ goto err2;
+ }
+ memcpy(vt, &xpdfPluginVecTable, sizeof(xpdfPluginVecTable));
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if (!(xpdfInitPlugin = (XpdfBool (*)(void))
+ GetProcAddress(libA, "xpdfInitPlugin"))) {
+ error(-1, "Failed to find xpdfInitPlugin in plugin '%s'",
+ path->getCString());
+ goto err2;
+ }
+ if (!(xpdfInitPlugin = (XpdfBool (*)(void))dlsym(dlA, "xpdfInitPlugin"))) {
+ error(-1, "Failed to find xpdfInitPlugin in plugin '%s'",
+ path->getCString());
+ goto err2;
+ }
+ if (!(*xpdfInitPlugin)()) {
+ error(-1, "Initialization of plugin '%s' failed",
+ path->getCString());
+ goto err2;
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ plugin = new Plugin(libA);
+ plugin = new Plugin(dlA);
+ delete path;
+ return plugin;
+ err2:
+#ifdef WIN32
+ FreeLibrary(libA);
+ dlclose(dlA);
+ err1:
+ delete path;
+ return NULL;
+#ifdef WIN32
+Plugin::Plugin(HMODULE libA) {
+ lib = libA;
+Plugin::Plugin(void *dlA) {
+ dl = dlA;
+Plugin::~Plugin() {
+ void (*xpdfFreePlugin)(void);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if ((xpdfFreePlugin = (void (*)(void))
+ GetProcAddress(lib, "xpdfFreePlugin"))) {
+ (*xpdfFreePlugin)();
+ }
+ FreeLibrary(lib);
+ if ((xpdfFreePlugin = (void (*)(void))dlsym(dl, "xpdfFreePlugin"))) {
+ (*xpdfFreePlugin)();
+ }
+ dlclose(dl);
+// parsing
+GlobalParams::GlobalParams(char *cfgFileName) {
+ UnicodeMap *map;
+ GString *fileName;
+ FILE *f;
+ int i;
+ gInitMutex(&mutex);
+ gInitMutex(&unicodeMapCacheMutex);
+ gInitMutex(&cMapCacheMutex);
+ initBuiltinFontTables();
+ // scan the encoding in reverse because we want the lowest-numbered
+ // index for each char name ('space' is encoded twice)
+ macRomanReverseMap = new NameToCharCode();
+ for (i = 255; i >= 0; --i) {
+ if (macRomanEncoding[i]) {
+ macRomanReverseMap->add(macRomanEncoding[i], (CharCode)i);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ // baseDir will be set by a call to setBaseDir
+ baseDir = new GString();
+ baseDir = appendToPath(getHomeDir(), ".xpdf");
+ nameToUnicode = new NameToCharCode();
+ cidToUnicodes = new GHash(gTrue);
+ unicodeToUnicodes = new GHash(gTrue);
+ residentUnicodeMaps = new GHash();
+ unicodeMaps = new GHash(gTrue);
+ cMapDirs = new GHash(gTrue);
+ toUnicodeDirs = new GList();
+ displayFonts = new GHash();
+ displayCIDFonts = new GHash();
+ displayNamedCIDFonts = new GHash();
+ char *paperName;
+ const struct paper *paperType;
+ paperinit();
+ if ((paperName = systempapername())) {
+ paperType = paperinfo(paperName);
+ psPaperWidth = (int)paperpswidth(paperType);
+ psPaperHeight = (int)paperpsheight(paperType);
+ } else {
+ error(-1, "No paper information available - using defaults");
+ psPaperWidth = defPaperWidth;
+ psPaperHeight = defPaperHeight;
+ }
+ paperdone();
+ psPaperWidth = defPaperWidth;
+ psPaperHeight = defPaperHeight;
+ psImageableLLX = psImageableLLY = 0;
+ psImageableURX = psPaperWidth;
+ psImageableURY = psPaperHeight;
+ psCrop = gTrue;
+ psExpandSmaller = gFalse;
+ psShrinkLarger = gTrue;
+ psCenter = gTrue;
+ psDuplex = gFalse;
+ psLevel = psLevel2;
+ psFile = NULL;
+ psFonts = new GHash();
+ psNamedFonts16 = new GList();
+ psFonts16 = new GList();
+ psEmbedType1 = gTrue;
+ psEmbedTrueType = gTrue;
+ psEmbedCIDPostScript = gTrue;
+ psEmbedCIDTrueType = gTrue;
+ psPreload = gFalse;
+ psOPI = gFalse;
+ psASCIIHex = gFalse;
+ // KPDF: use always UTF-8 and TQString::fromUtf
+ textEncoding = new GString("UTF-8");
+#if defined(WIN32)
+ textEOL = eolDOS;
+#elif defined(MACOS)
+ textEOL = eolMac;
+ textEOL = eolUnix;
+ textPageBreaks = gTrue;
+ textKeepTinyChars = gFalse;
+ fontDirs = new GList();
+ initialZoom = new GString("125");
+ continuousView = gFalse;
+ enableT1lib = gTrue;
+ enableFreeType = gTrue;
+ antialias = gTrue;
+ vectorAntialias = gTrue;
+ strokeAdjust = gTrue;
+ screenType = screenUnset;
+ screenSize = -1;
+ screenDotRadius = -1;
+ screenGamma = 1.0;
+ screenBlackThreshold = 0.0;
+ screenWhiteThreshold = 1.0;
+ urlCommand = NULL;
+ movieCommand = NULL;
+ mapNumericCharNames = gTrue;
+ mapUnknownCharNames = gFalse;
+ createDefaultKeyBindings();
+ printCommands = gFalse;
+ errQuiet = gFalse;
+ cidToUnicodeCache = new CharCodeToUnicodeCache(cidToUnicodeCacheSize);
+ unicodeToUnicodeCache =
+ new CharCodeToUnicodeCache(unicodeToUnicodeCacheSize);
+ unicodeMapCache = new UnicodeMapCache();
+ cMapCache = new CMapCache();
+#ifdef WIN32
+ winFontList = NULL;
+ plugins = new GList();
+ securityHandlers = new GList();
+ // set up the initial nameToUnicode table
+ for (i = 0; nameToUnicodeTab[i].name; ++i) {
+ nameToUnicode->add(nameToUnicodeTab[i].name, nameToUnicodeTab[i].u);
+ }
+ // set up the residentUnicodeMaps table
+ map = new UnicodeMap("Latin1", gFalse,
+ latin1UnicodeMapRanges, latin1UnicodeMapLen);
+ residentUnicodeMaps->add(map->getEncodingName(), map);
+ map = new UnicodeMap("ASCII7", gFalse,
+ ascii7UnicodeMapRanges, ascii7UnicodeMapLen);
+ residentUnicodeMaps->add(map->getEncodingName(), map);
+ map = new UnicodeMap("Symbol", gFalse,
+ symbolUnicodeMapRanges, symbolUnicodeMapLen);
+ residentUnicodeMaps->add(map->getEncodingName(), map);
+ map = new UnicodeMap("ZapfDingbats", gFalse, zapfDingbatsUnicodeMapRanges,
+ zapfDingbatsUnicodeMapLen);
+ residentUnicodeMaps->add(map->getEncodingName(), map);
+ map = new UnicodeMap("UTF-8", gTrue, &mapUTF8);
+ residentUnicodeMaps->add(map->getEncodingName(), map);
+ map = new UnicodeMap("UCS-2", gTrue, &mapUCS2);
+ residentUnicodeMaps->add(map->getEncodingName(), map);
+ // look for a user config file, then a system-wide config file
+ f = NULL;
+ fileName = NULL;
+ if (cfgFileName && cfgFileName[0]) {
+ fileName = new GString(cfgFileName);
+ if (!(f = fopen(fileName->getCString(), "r"))) {
+ delete fileName;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!f) {
+ fileName = appendToPath(getHomeDir(), xpdfUserConfigFile);
+ if (!(f = fopen(fileName->getCString(), "r"))) {
+ delete fileName;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!f) {
+#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN32__)
+ char buf[512];
+ i = GetModuleFileName(NULL, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if (i <= 0 || i >= sizeof(buf)) {
+ // error or path too long for buffer - just use the current dir
+ buf[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ fileName = grabPath(buf);
+ appendToPath(fileName, xpdfSysConfigFile);
+ fileName = new GString(xpdfSysConfigFile);
+ if (!(f = fopen(fileName->getCString(), "r"))) {
+ delete fileName;
+ }
+ }
+ if (f) {
+ parseFile(fileName, f);
+ delete fileName;
+ fclose(f);
+ }
+void GlobalParams::createDefaultKeyBindings() {
+ keyBindings = new GList();
+ //----- mouse buttons
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeMousePress1, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "startSelection"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeMouseRelease1, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "endSelection",
+ "followLinkNoSel"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeMousePress2, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "startPan"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeMouseRelease2, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "endPan"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeMousePress3, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "postPopupMenu"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeMousePress4, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny,
+ "scrollUpPrevPage(16)"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeMousePress5, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny,
+ "scrollDownNextPage(16)"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeMousePress6, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "scrollLeft(16)"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeMousePress7, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "scrollRight(16)"));
+ //----- keys
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeHome, xpdfKeyModCtrl,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "gotoPage(1)"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeHome, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "scrollToTopLeft"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeEnd, xpdfKeyModCtrl,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "gotoLastPage"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeEnd, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny,
+ "scrollToBottomRight"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodePgUp, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "pageUp"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeBackspace, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "pageUp"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeDelete, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "pageUp"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodePgDn, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "pageDown"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(' ', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "pageDown"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeLeft, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "scrollLeft(16)"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeRight, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "scrollRight(16)"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeUp, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "scrollUp(16)"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(xpdfKeyCodeDown, xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "scrollDown(16)"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('o', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "open"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('O', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "open"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('r', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "reload"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('R', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "reload"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('f', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "find"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('F', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "find"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('f', xpdfKeyModCtrl,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "find"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('g', xpdfKeyModCtrl,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "findNext"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('p', xpdfKeyModCtrl,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "print"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('n', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextScrLockOff, "nextPage"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('N', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextScrLockOff, "nextPage"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('n', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextScrLockOn,
+ "nextPageNoScroll"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('N', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextScrLockOn,
+ "nextPageNoScroll"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('p', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextScrLockOff, "prevPage"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('P', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextScrLockOff, "prevPage"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('p', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextScrLockOn,
+ "prevPageNoScroll"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('P', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextScrLockOn,
+ "prevPageNoScroll"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('v', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "goForward"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('b', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "goBackward"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('g', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "focusToPageNum"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('0', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "zoomPercent(125)"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('+', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "zoomIn"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('-', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "zoomOut"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('z', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "zoomFitPage"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('w', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "zoomFitWidth"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('f', xpdfKeyModAlt,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny,
+ "toggleFullScreenMode"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('l', xpdfKeyModCtrl,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "redraw"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('w', xpdfKeyModCtrl,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "closeWindow"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('?', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "about"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('q', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "quit"));
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding('Q', xpdfKeyModNone,
+ xpdfKeyContextAny, "quit"));
+void GlobalParams::parseFile(GString *fileName, FILE *f) {
+ int line;
+ char buf[512];
+ line = 1;
+ while (getLine(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, f)) {
+ parseLine(buf, fileName, line);
+ ++line;
+ }
+void GlobalParams::parseLine(char *buf, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ GList *tokens;
+ GString *cmd, *incFile;
+ char *p1, *p2;
+ FILE *f2;
+ // break the line into tokens
+ tokens = new GList();
+ p1 = buf;
+ while (*p1) {
+ for (; *p1 && isspace(*p1); ++p1) ;
+ if (!*p1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*p1 == '"' || *p1 == '\'') {
+ for (p2 = p1 + 1; *p2 && *p2 != *p1; ++p2) ;
+ ++p1;
+ } else {
+ for (p2 = p1 + 1; *p2 && !isspace(*p2); ++p2) ;
+ }
+ tokens->append(new GString(p1, p2 - p1));
+ p1 = *p2 ? p2 + 1 : p2;
+ }
+ // parse the line
+ if (tokens->getLength() > 0 &&
+ ((GString *)tokens->get(0))->getChar(0) != '#') {
+ cmd = (GString *)tokens->get(0);
+ if (!cmd->cmp("include")) {
+ if (tokens->getLength() == 2) {
+ incFile = (GString *)tokens->get(1);
+ if ((f2 = fopen(incFile->getCString(), "r"))) {
+ parseFile(incFile, f2);
+ fclose(f2);
+ } else {
+ error(-1, "Couldn't find included config file: '%s' (%s:%d)",
+ incFile->getCString(), fileName->getCString(), line);
+ }
+ } else {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'include' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ }
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("nameToUnicode")) {
+ parseNameToUnicode(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("cidToUnicode")) {
+ parseCIDToUnicode(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("unicodeToUnicode")) {
+ parseUnicodeToUnicode(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("unicodeMap")) {
+ parseUnicodeMap(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("cMapDir")) {
+ parseCMapDir(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("toUnicodeDir")) {
+ parseToUnicodeDir(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("displayFontT1")) {
+ parseDisplayFont(tokens, displayFonts, displayFontT1, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("displayFontTT")) {
+ parseDisplayFont(tokens, displayFonts, displayFontTT, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("displayNamedCIDFontT1")) {
+ parseDisplayFont(tokens, displayNamedCIDFonts,
+ displayFontT1, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("displayCIDFontT1")) {
+ parseDisplayFont(tokens, displayCIDFonts,
+ displayFontT1, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("displayNamedCIDFontTT")) {
+ parseDisplayFont(tokens, displayNamedCIDFonts,
+ displayFontTT, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("displayCIDFontTT")) {
+ parseDisplayFont(tokens, displayCIDFonts,
+ displayFontTT, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psFile")) {
+ parsePSFile(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psFont")) {
+ parsePSFont(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psNamedFont16")) {
+ parsePSFont16("psNamedFont16", psNamedFonts16,
+ tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psFont16")) {
+ parsePSFont16("psFont16", psFonts16, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psPaperSize")) {
+ parsePSPaperSize(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psImageableArea")) {
+ parsePSImageableArea(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psCrop")) {
+ parseYesNo("psCrop", &psCrop, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psExpandSmaller")) {
+ parseYesNo("psExpandSmaller", &psExpandSmaller,
+ tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psShrinkLarger")) {
+ parseYesNo("psShrinkLarger", &psShrinkLarger, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psCenter")) {
+ parseYesNo("psCenter", &psCenter, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psDuplex")) {
+ parseYesNo("psDuplex", &psDuplex, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psLevel")) {
+ parsePSLevel(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psEmbedType1Fonts")) {
+ parseYesNo("psEmbedType1", &psEmbedType1, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psEmbedTrueTypeFonts")) {
+ parseYesNo("psEmbedTrueType", &psEmbedTrueType,
+ tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psEmbedCIDPostScriptFonts")) {
+ parseYesNo("psEmbedCIDPostScript", &psEmbedCIDPostScript,
+ tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psEmbedCIDTrueTypeFonts")) {
+ parseYesNo("psEmbedCIDTrueType", &psEmbedCIDTrueType,
+ tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psPreload")) {
+ parseYesNo("psPreload", &psPreload, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psOPI")) {
+ parseYesNo("psOPI", &psOPI, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("psASCIIHex")) {
+ parseYesNo("psASCIIHex", &psASCIIHex, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("textEncoding")) {
+// Always use UTF-8 and allow TQString do the magic
+// parseTextEncoding(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("textEOL")) {
+ parseTextEOL(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("textPageBreaks")) {
+ parseYesNo("textPageBreaks", &textPageBreaks,
+ tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("textKeepTinyChars")) {
+ parseYesNo("textKeepTinyChars", &textKeepTinyChars,
+ tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("fontDir")) {
+ parseFontDir(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("initialZoom")) {
+ parseInitialZoom(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("continuousView")) {
+ parseYesNo("continuousView", &continuousView, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("enableT1lib")) {
+ parseYesNo("enableT1lib", &enableT1lib, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("enableFreeType")) {
+ parseYesNo("enableFreeType", &enableFreeType, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("antialias")) {
+ parseYesNo("antialias", &antialias, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("vectorAntialias")) {
+ parseYesNo("vectorAntialias", &vectorAntialias,
+ tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("strokeAdjust")) {
+ parseYesNo("strokeAdjust", &strokeAdjust, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("screenType")) {
+ parseScreenType(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("screenSize")) {
+ parseInteger("screenSize", &screenSize, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("screenDotRadius")) {
+ parseInteger("screenDotRadius", &screenDotRadius,
+ tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("screenGamma")) {
+ parseFloat("screenGamma", &screenGamma,
+ tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("screenBlackThreshold")) {
+ parseFloat("screenBlackThreshold", &screenBlackThreshold,
+ tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("screenWhiteThreshold")) {
+ parseFloat("screenWhiteThreshold", &screenWhiteThreshold,
+ tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("urlCommand")) {
+ parseCommand("urlCommand", &urlCommand, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("movieCommand")) {
+ parseCommand("movieCommand", &movieCommand, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("mapNumericCharNames")) {
+ parseYesNo("mapNumericCharNames", &mapNumericCharNames,
+ tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("mapUnknownCharNames")) {
+ parseYesNo("mapUnknownCharNames", &mapUnknownCharNames,
+ tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("bind")) {
+ parseBind(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("unbind")) {
+ parseUnbind(tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("printCommands")) {
+ parseYesNo("printCommands", &printCommands, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("errQuiet")) {
+ parseYesNo("errQuiet", &errQuiet, tokens, fileName, line);
+ } else {
+ error(-1, "Unknown config file command '%s' (%s:%d)",
+ cmd->getCString(), fileName->getCString(), line);
+ if (!cmd->cmp("displayFontX") ||
+ !cmd->cmp("displayNamedCIDFontX") ||
+ !cmd->cmp("displayCIDFontX")) {
+ error(-1, "-- Xpdf no longer supports X fonts");
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("t1libControl") || !cmd->cmp("freetypeControl")) {
+ error(-1, "-- The t1libControl and freetypeControl options have been replaced");
+ error(-1, " by the enableT1lib, enableFreeType, and antialias options");
+ } else if (!cmd->cmp("fontpath") || !cmd->cmp("fontmap")) {
+ error(-1, "-- the config file format has changed since Xpdf 0.9x");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ deleteGList(tokens, GString);
+void GlobalParams::parseNameToUnicode(GList *tokens, GString *fileName,
+ int line) {
+ GString *name;
+ char *tok1, *tok2;
+ FILE *f;
+ char buf[256];
+ int line2;
+ Unicode u;
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 2) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'nameToUnicode' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ name = (GString *)tokens->get(1);
+ if (!(f = fopen(name->getCString(), "r"))) {
+ error(-1, "Couldn't open 'nameToUnicode' file '%s'",
+ name->getCString());
+ return;
+ }
+ line2 = 1;
+ while (getLine(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) {
+ tok1 = strtok(buf, " \t\r\n");
+ tok2 = strtok(NULL, " \t\r\n");
+ if (tok1 && tok2) {
+ sscanf(tok1, "%x", &u);
+ nameToUnicode->add(tok2, u);
+ } else {
+ error(-1, "Bad line in 'nameToUnicode' file (%s:%d)", name, line2);
+ }
+ ++line2;
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+void GlobalParams::parseCIDToUnicode(GList *tokens, GString *fileName,
+ int line) {
+ GString *collection, *name, *old;
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 3) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'cidToUnicode' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ collection = (GString *)tokens->get(1);
+ name = (GString *)tokens->get(2);
+ if ((old = (GString *)cidToUnicodes->remove(collection))) {
+ delete old;
+ }
+ cidToUnicodes->add(collection->copy(), name->copy());
+void GlobalParams::parseUnicodeToUnicode(GList *tokens, GString *fileName,
+ int line) {
+ GString *font, *file, *old;
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 3) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'unicodeToUnicode' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ font = (GString *)tokens->get(1);
+ file = (GString *)tokens->get(2);
+ if ((old = (GString *)unicodeToUnicodes->remove(font))) {
+ delete old;
+ }
+ unicodeToUnicodes->add(font->copy(), file->copy());
+void GlobalParams::parseUnicodeMap(GList *tokens, GString *fileName,
+ int line) {
+ GString *encodingName, *name, *old;
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 3) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'unicodeMap' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ encodingName = (GString *)tokens->get(1);
+ name = (GString *)tokens->get(2);
+ if ((old = (GString *)unicodeMaps->remove(encodingName))) {
+ delete old;
+ }
+ unicodeMaps->add(encodingName->copy(), name->copy());
+void GlobalParams::parseCMapDir(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ GString *collection, *dir;
+ GList *list;
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 3) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'cMapDir' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ collection = (GString *)tokens->get(1);
+ dir = (GString *)tokens->get(2);
+ if (!(list = (GList *)cMapDirs->lookup(collection))) {
+ list = new GList();
+ cMapDirs->add(collection->copy(), list);
+ }
+ list->append(dir->copy());
+void GlobalParams::parseToUnicodeDir(GList *tokens, GString *fileName,
+ int line) {
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 2) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'toUnicodeDir' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ toUnicodeDirs->append(((GString *)tokens->get(1))->copy());
+void GlobalParams::parseDisplayFont(GList *tokens, GHash *fontHash,
+ DisplayFontParamKind kind,
+ GString *fileName, int line) {
+ DisplayFontParam *param, *old;
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ if (tokens->getLength() < 2) {
+ goto err1;
+ }
+ param = new DisplayFontParam(((GString *)tokens->get(1))->copy(), kind);
+ switch (kind) {
+ case displayFontT1:
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 3) {
+ goto err2;
+ }
+ param->t1.fileName = ((GString *)tokens->get(2))->copy();
+ if (stat((param->t1.fileName->getCString)(), &statbuf)) {
+ delete param; // silently ignore non-existing files
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case displayFontTT:
+ if (tokens->getLength() < 3) {
+ goto err2;
+ }
+ param->tt.fileName = ((GString *)tokens->get(2))->copy();
+ if (stat((param->tt.fileName->getCString)(), &statbuf)) {
+ delete param; // silently ignore non-existing files
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tokens->getLength() > 3)
+ param->tt.faceIndex = atoi(((GString *)tokens->get(3))->getCString());
+ else
+ param->tt.faceIndex = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((old = (DisplayFontParam *)fontHash->remove(param->name))) {
+ delete old;
+ }
+ fontHash->add(param->name, param);
+ return;
+ err2:
+ delete param;
+ err1:
+ error(-1, "Bad 'display*Font*' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+void GlobalParams::parsePSPaperSize(GList *tokens, GString *fileName,
+ int line) {
+ GString *tok;
+ if (tokens->getLength() == 2) {
+ tok = (GString *)tokens->get(1);
+ if (!setPSPaperSize(tok->getCString())) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'psPaperSize' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ }
+ } else if (tokens->getLength() == 3) {
+ tok = (GString *)tokens->get(1);
+ psPaperWidth = atoi(tok->getCString());
+ tok = (GString *)tokens->get(2);
+ psPaperHeight = atoi(tok->getCString());
+ psImageableLLX = psImageableLLY = 0;
+ psImageableURX = psPaperWidth;
+ psImageableURY = psPaperHeight;
+ } else {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'psPaperSize' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ }
+void GlobalParams::parsePSImageableArea(GList *tokens, GString *fileName,
+ int line) {
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 5) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'psImageableArea' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ psImageableLLX = atoi(((GString *)tokens->get(1))->getCString());
+ psImageableLLY = atoi(((GString *)tokens->get(2))->getCString());
+ psImageableURX = atoi(((GString *)tokens->get(3))->getCString());
+ psImageableURY = atoi(((GString *)tokens->get(4))->getCString());
+void GlobalParams::parsePSLevel(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ GString *tok;
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 2) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'psLevel' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ tok = (GString *)tokens->get(1);
+ if (!tok->cmp("level1")) {
+ psLevel = psLevel1;
+ } else if (!tok->cmp("level1sep")) {
+ psLevel = psLevel1Sep;
+ } else if (!tok->cmp("level2")) {
+ psLevel = psLevel2;
+ } else if (!tok->cmp("level2sep")) {
+ psLevel = psLevel2Sep;
+ } else if (!tok->cmp("level3")) {
+ psLevel = psLevel3;
+ } else if (!tok->cmp("level3Sep")) {
+ psLevel = psLevel3Sep;
+ } else {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'psLevel' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ }
+void GlobalParams::parsePSFile(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 2) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'psFile' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (psFile) {
+ delete psFile;
+ }
+ psFile = ((GString *)tokens->get(1))->copy();
+void GlobalParams::parsePSFont(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ PSFontParam *param;
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 3) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'psFont' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ param = new PSFontParam(((GString *)tokens->get(1))->copy(), 0,
+ ((GString *)tokens->get(2))->copy(), NULL);
+ psFonts->add(param->pdfFontName, param);
+void GlobalParams::parsePSFont16(char *cmdName, GList *fontList,
+ GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ PSFontParam *param;
+ int wMode;
+ GString *tok;
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 5) {
+ error(-1, "Bad '%s' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ cmdName, fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ tok = (GString *)tokens->get(2);
+ if (!tok->cmp("H")) {
+ wMode = 0;
+ } else if (!tok->cmp("V")) {
+ wMode = 1;
+ } else {
+ error(-1, "Bad '%s' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ cmdName, fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ param = new PSFontParam(((GString *)tokens->get(1))->copy(),
+ wMode,
+ ((GString *)tokens->get(3))->copy(),
+ ((GString *)tokens->get(4))->copy());
+ fontList->append(param);
+void GlobalParams::parseTextEncoding(GList *tokens, GString *fileName,
+ int line) {
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 2) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'textEncoding' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ delete textEncoding;
+ textEncoding = ((GString *)tokens->get(1))->copy();
+void GlobalParams::parseTextEOL(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ GString *tok;
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 2) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'textEOL' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ tok = (GString *)tokens->get(1);
+ if (!tok->cmp("unix")) {
+ textEOL = eolUnix;
+ } else if (!tok->cmp("dos")) {
+ textEOL = eolDOS;
+ } else if (!tok->cmp("mac")) {
+ textEOL = eolMac;
+ } else {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'textEOL' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ }
+void GlobalParams::parseFontDir(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 2) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'fontDir' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ fontDirs->append(((GString *)tokens->get(1))->copy());
+void GlobalParams::parseInitialZoom(GList *tokens,
+ GString *fileName, int line) {
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 2) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'initialZoom' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ delete initialZoom;
+ initialZoom = ((GString *)tokens->get(1))->copy();
+void GlobalParams::parseScreenType(GList *tokens, GString *fileName,
+ int line) {
+ GString *tok;
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 2) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'screenType' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ tok = (GString *)tokens->get(1);
+ if (!tok->cmp("dispersed")) {
+ screenType = screenDispersed;
+ } else if (!tok->cmp("clustered")) {
+ screenType = screenClustered;
+ } else if (!tok->cmp("stochasticClustered")) {
+ screenType = screenStochasticClustered;
+ } else {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'screenType' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ }
+void GlobalParams::parseBind(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ KeyBinding *binding;
+ GList *cmds;
+ int code, mods, context, i;
+ if (tokens->getLength() < 4) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'bind' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!parseKey((GString *)tokens->get(1), (GString *)tokens->get(2),
+ &code, &mods, &context,
+ "bind", tokens, fileName, line)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < keyBindings->getLength(); ++i) {
+ binding = (KeyBinding *)keyBindings->get(i);
+ if (binding->code == code &&
+ binding->mods == mods &&
+ binding->context == context) {
+ delete (KeyBinding *)keyBindings->del(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ cmds = new GList();
+ for (i = 3; i < tokens->getLength(); ++i) {
+ cmds->append(((GString *)tokens->get(i))->copy());
+ }
+ keyBindings->append(new KeyBinding(code, mods, context, cmds));
+void GlobalParams::parseUnbind(GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ KeyBinding *binding;
+ int code, mods, context, i;
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 3) {
+ error(-1, "Bad 'unbind' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!parseKey((GString *)tokens->get(1), (GString *)tokens->get(2),
+ &code, &mods, &context,
+ "unbind", tokens, fileName, line)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < keyBindings->getLength(); ++i) {
+ binding = (KeyBinding *)keyBindings->get(i);
+ if (binding->code == code &&
+ binding->mods == mods &&
+ binding->context == context) {
+ delete (KeyBinding *)keyBindings->del(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+GBool GlobalParams::parseKey(GString *modKeyStr, GString *contextStr,
+ int *code, int *mods, int *context,
+ char *cmdName,
+ GList * /*tokens*/, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ char *p0;
+ *mods = xpdfKeyModNone;
+ p0 = modKeyStr->getCString();
+ while (1) {
+ if (!strncmp(p0, "shift-", 6)) {
+ *mods |= xpdfKeyModShift;
+ p0 += 6;
+ } else if (!strncmp(p0, "ctrl-", 5)) {
+ *mods |= xpdfKeyModCtrl;
+ p0 += 5;
+ } else if (!strncmp(p0, "alt-", 4)) {
+ *mods |= xpdfKeyModAlt;
+ p0 += 4;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(p0, "space")) {
+ *code = ' ';
+ } else if (!strcmp(p0, "tab")) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeTab;
+ } else if (!strcmp(p0, "return")) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeReturn;
+ } else if (!strcmp(p0, "enter")) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeEnter;
+ } else if (!strcmp(p0, "backspace")) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeBackspace;
+ } else if (!strcmp(p0, "insert")) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeInsert;
+ } else if (!strcmp(p0, "delete")) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeDelete;
+ } else if (!strcmp(p0, "home")) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeHome;
+ } else if (!strcmp(p0, "end")) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeEnd;
+ } else if (!strcmp(p0, "pgup")) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodePgUp;
+ } else if (!strcmp(p0, "pgdn")) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodePgDn;
+ } else if (!strcmp(p0, "left")) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeLeft;
+ } else if (!strcmp(p0, "right")) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeRight;
+ } else if (!strcmp(p0, "up")) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeUp;
+ } else if (!strcmp(p0, "down")) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeDown;
+ } else if (p0[0] == 'f' && p0[1] >= '1' && p0[1] <= '9' && !p0[2]) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeF1 + (p0[1] - '1');
+ } else if (p0[0] == 'f' &&
+ ((p0[1] >= '1' && p0[1] <= '2' && p0[2] >= '0' && p0[2] <= '9') ||
+ (p0[1] == '3' && p0[2] >= '0' && p0[2] <= '5')) &&
+ !p0[3]) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeF1 + 10 * (p0[1] - '0') + (p0[2] - '0') - 1;
+ } else if (!strncmp(p0, "mousePress", 10) &&
+ p0[10] >= '1' && p0[10] <= '7' && !p0[11]) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeMousePress1 + (p0[10] - '1');
+ } else if (!strncmp(p0, "mouseRelease", 12) &&
+ p0[12] >= '1' && p0[12] <= '7' && !p0[13]) {
+ *code = xpdfKeyCodeMouseRelease1 + (p0[12] - '1');
+ } else if (*p0 >= 0x20 && *p0 <= 0x7e && !p0[1]) {
+ *code = (int)*p0;
+ } else {
+ error(-1, "Bad key/modifier in '%s' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ cmdName, fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return gFalse;
+ }
+ p0 = contextStr->getCString();
+ if (!strcmp(p0, "any")) {
+ *context = xpdfKeyContextAny;
+ } else {
+ *context = xpdfKeyContextAny;
+ while (1) {
+ if (!strncmp(p0, "fullScreen", 10)) {
+ *context |= xpdfKeyContextFullScreen;
+ p0 += 10;
+ } else if (!strncmp(p0, "window", 6)) {
+ *context |= xpdfKeyContextWindow;
+ p0 += 6;
+ } else if (!strncmp(p0, "continuous", 10)) {
+ *context |= xpdfKeyContextContinuous;
+ p0 += 10;
+ } else if (!strncmp(p0, "singlePage", 10)) {
+ *context |= xpdfKeyContextSinglePage;
+ p0 += 10;
+ } else if (!strncmp(p0, "overLink", 8)) {
+ *context |= xpdfKeyContextOverLink;
+ p0 += 8;
+ } else if (!strncmp(p0, "offLink", 7)) {
+ *context |= xpdfKeyContextOffLink;
+ p0 += 7;
+ } else if (!strncmp(p0, "outline", 7)) {
+ *context |= xpdfKeyContextOutline;
+ p0 += 7;
+ } else if (!strncmp(p0, "mainWin", 7)) {
+ *context |= xpdfKeyContextMainWin;
+ p0 += 7;
+ } else if (!strncmp(p0, "scrLockOn", 9)) {
+ *context |= xpdfKeyContextScrLockOn;
+ p0 += 9;
+ } else if (!strncmp(p0, "scrLockOff", 10)) {
+ *context |= xpdfKeyContextScrLockOff;
+ p0 += 10;
+ } else {
+ error(-1, "Bad context in '%s' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ cmdName, fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return gFalse;
+ }
+ if (!*p0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*p0 != ',') {
+ error(-1, "Bad context in '%s' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ cmdName, fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return gFalse;
+ }
+ ++p0;
+ }
+ }
+ return gTrue;
+void GlobalParams::parseCommand(char *cmdName, GString **val,
+ GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 2) {
+ error(-1, "Bad '%s' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ cmdName, fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*val) {
+ delete *val;
+ }
+ *val = ((GString *)tokens->get(1))->copy();
+void GlobalParams::parseYesNo(char *cmdName, GBool *flag,
+ GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ GString *tok;
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 2) {
+ error(-1, "Bad '%s' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ cmdName, fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ tok = (GString *)tokens->get(1);
+ if (!parseYesNo2(tok->getCString(), flag)) {
+ error(-1, "Bad '%s' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ cmdName, fileName->getCString(), line);
+ }
+GBool GlobalParams::parseYesNo2(char *token, GBool *flag) {
+ if (!strcmp(token, "yes")) {
+ *flag = gTrue;
+ } else if (!strcmp(token, "no")) {
+ *flag = gFalse;
+ } else {
+ return gFalse;
+ }
+ return gTrue;
+void GlobalParams::parseInteger(char *cmdName, int *val,
+ GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ GString *tok;
+ int i;
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 2) {
+ error(-1, "Bad '%s' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ cmdName, fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ tok = (GString *)tokens->get(1);
+ if (tok->getLength() == 0) {
+ error(-1, "Bad '%s' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ cmdName, fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tok->getChar(0) == '-') {
+ i = 1;
+ } else {
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ for (; i < tok->getLength(); ++i) {
+ if (tok->getChar(i) < '0' || tok->getChar(i) > '9') {
+ error(-1, "Bad '%s' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ cmdName, fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ *val = atoi(tok->getCString());
+void GlobalParams::parseFloat(char *cmdName, double *val,
+ GList *tokens, GString *fileName, int line) {
+ GString *tok;
+ int i;
+ if (tokens->getLength() != 2) {
+ error(-1, "Bad '%s' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ cmdName, fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ tok = (GString *)tokens->get(1);
+ if (tok->getLength() == 0) {
+ error(-1, "Bad '%s' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ cmdName, fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tok->getChar(0) == '-') {
+ i = 1;
+ } else {
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ for (; i < tok->getLength(); ++i) {
+ if (!((tok->getChar(i) >= '0' && tok->getChar(i) <= '9') ||
+ tok->getChar(i) == '.')) {
+ error(-1, "Bad '%s' config file command (%s:%d)",
+ cmdName, fileName->getCString(), line);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ *val = atof(tok->getCString());
+GlobalParams::~GlobalParams() {
+ GHashIter *iter;
+ GString *key;
+ GList *list;
+ freeBuiltinFontTables();
+ delete macRomanReverseMap;
+ delete baseDir;
+ delete nameToUnicode;
+ deleteGHash(cidToUnicodes, GString);
+ deleteGHash(unicodeToUnicodes, GString);
+ deleteGHash(residentUnicodeMaps, UnicodeMap);
+ deleteGHash(unicodeMaps, GString);
+ deleteGList(toUnicodeDirs, GString);
+ deleteGHash(displayFonts, DisplayFontParam);
+ deleteGHash(displayCIDFonts, DisplayFontParam);
+ deleteGHash(displayNamedCIDFonts, DisplayFontParam);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if (winFontList) {
+ delete winFontList;
+ }
+ if (psFile) {
+ delete psFile;
+ }
+ deleteGHash(psFonts, PSFontParam);
+ deleteGList(psNamedFonts16, PSFontParam);
+ deleteGList(psFonts16, PSFontParam);
+ delete textEncoding;
+ deleteGList(fontDirs, GString);
+ delete initialZoom;
+ if (urlCommand) {
+ delete urlCommand;
+ }
+ if (movieCommand) {
+ delete movieCommand;
+ }
+ deleteGList(keyBindings, KeyBinding);
+ cMapDirs->startIter(&iter);
+ while (cMapDirs->getNext(&iter, &key, (void **)&list)) {
+ deleteGList(list, GString);
+ }
+ delete cMapDirs;
+ delete cidToUnicodeCache;
+ delete unicodeToUnicodeCache;
+ delete unicodeMapCache;
+ delete cMapCache;
+ delete securityHandlers;
+ deleteGList(plugins, Plugin);
+ gDestroyMutex(&mutex);
+ gDestroyMutex(&unicodeMapCacheMutex);
+ gDestroyMutex(&cMapCacheMutex);
+void GlobalParams::setBaseDir(char *dir) {
+ delete baseDir;
+ baseDir = new GString(dir);
+void GlobalParams::setupBaseFonts(char *dir) {
+ GString *fontName;
+ GString *fileName;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ HMODULE shell32Lib;
+ BOOL (__stdcall *SHGetSpecialFolderPathFunc)(HWND hwndOwner,
+ LPTSTR lpszPath,
+ int nFolder,
+ BOOL fCreate);
+ char winFontDir[MAX_PATH];
+ FILE *f;
+ DisplayFontParamKind kind;
+ DisplayFontParam *dfp;
+ int i, j;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ // SHGetSpecialFolderPath isn't available in older versions of
+ // shell32.dll (Win95 and WinNT4), so do a dynamic load
+ winFontDir[0] = '\0';
+ if ((shell32Lib = LoadLibrary("shell32.dll"))) {
+ if ((SHGetSpecialFolderPathFunc =
+ (BOOL (__stdcall *)(HWND hwndOwner, LPTSTR lpszPath,
+ int nFolder, BOOL fCreate))
+ GetProcAddress(shell32Lib, "SHGetSpecialFolderPathA"))) {
+ if (!(*SHGetSpecialFolderPathFunc)(NULL, winFontDir,
+ winFontDir[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; displayFontTab[i].name; ++i) {
+ fontName = new GString(displayFontTab[i].name);
+ fileName = NULL;
+ kind = displayFontT1; // make gcc happy
+ if (dir) {
+ fileName = appendToPath(new GString(dir), displayFontTab[i].t1FileName);
+ kind = displayFontT1;
+ if ((f = fopen(fileName->getCString(), "rb"))) {
+ fclose(f);
+ } else {
+ delete fileName;
+ fileName = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if (!fileName && winFontDir[0] && displayFontTab[i].ttFileName) {
+ fileName = appendToPath(new GString(winFontDir),
+ displayFontTab[i].ttFileName);
+ kind = displayFontTT;
+ if ((f = fopen(fileName->getCString(), "rb"))) {
+ fclose(f);
+ } else {
+ delete fileName;
+ fileName = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // SHGetSpecialFolderPath(CSIDL_FONTS) doesn't work on Win 2k Server
+ // or Win2003 Server, or with older versions of shell32.dll, so check
+ // the "standard" directories
+ if (displayFontTab[i].ttFileName) {
+ for (j = 0; !fileName && displayFontDirs[j]; ++j) {
+ fileName = appendToPath(new GString(displayFontDirs[j]),
+ displayFontTab[i].ttFileName);
+ kind = displayFontTT;
+ if ((f = fopen(fileName->getCString(), "rb"))) {
+ fclose(f);
+ } else {
+ delete fileName;
+ fileName = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0; !fileName && displayFontDirs[j]; ++j) {
+ fileName = appendToPath(new GString(displayFontDirs[j]),
+ displayFontTab[i].t1FileName);
+ kind = displayFontT1;
+ if ((f = fopen(fileName->getCString(), "rb"))) {
+ fclose(f);
+ } else {
+ delete fileName;
+ fileName = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fileName) {
+ error(-1, "No display font for '%s'", displayFontTab[i].name);
+ delete fontName;
+ continue;
+ }
+ dfp = new DisplayFontParam(fontName, kind);
+ dfp->t1.fileName = fileName;
+ globalParams->addDisplayFont(dfp);
+ }
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if (winFontDir[0]) {
+ winFontList = new WinFontList(winFontDir);
+ }
+// accessors
+CharCode GlobalParams::getMacRomanCharCode(char *charName) {
+ // no need to lock - macRomanReverseMap is constant
+ return macRomanReverseMap->lookup(charName);
+GString *GlobalParams::getBaseDir() {
+ GString *s;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ s = baseDir->copy();
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return s;
+Unicode GlobalParams::mapNameToUnicode(char *charName) {
+ // no need to lock - nameToUnicode is constant
+ return nameToUnicode->lookup(charName);
+UnicodeMap *GlobalParams::getResidentUnicodeMap(GString *encodingName) {
+ UnicodeMap *map;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ map = (UnicodeMap *)residentUnicodeMaps->lookup(encodingName);
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ if (map) {
+ map->incRefCnt();
+ }
+ return map;
+FILE *GlobalParams::getUnicodeMapFile(GString *encodingName) {
+ GString *fileName;
+ FILE *f;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ if ((fileName = (GString *)unicodeMaps->lookup(encodingName))) {
+ f = fopen(fileName->getCString(), "r");
+ } else {
+ f = NULL;
+ }
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return f;
+FILE *GlobalParams::findCMapFile(GString *collection, GString *cMapName) {
+ GList *list;
+ GString *dir;
+ GString *fileName;
+ FILE *f;
+ int i;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ if (!(list = (GList *)cMapDirs->lookup(collection))) {
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < list->getLength(); ++i) {
+ dir = (GString *)list->get(i);
+ fileName = appendToPath(dir->copy(), cMapName->getCString());
+ f = fopen(fileName->getCString(), "r");
+ delete fileName;
+ if (f) {
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return f;
+ }
+ }
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return NULL;
+FILE *GlobalParams::findToUnicodeFile(GString *name) {
+ GString *dir, *fileName;
+ FILE *f;
+ int i;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ for (i = 0; i < toUnicodeDirs->getLength(); ++i) {
+ dir = (GString *)toUnicodeDirs->get(i);
+ fileName = appendToPath(dir->copy(), name->getCString());
+ f = fopen(fileName->getCString(), "r");
+ delete fileName;
+ if (f) {
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return f;
+ }
+ }
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return NULL;
+// KPDF: parse xpdf font name into family and style
+// Helvetica-BoldOblique => name=Helvetica, weight=Bold, slant=Oblique
+void parseStyle(TQString& name, int& weight, int& slant, int& width)
+ if (name.find("MS-") == 0) name = "MS " + name.remove(0,3);
+ if (!name.contains('-') && !name.contains(',')) return;
+ TQString type = name.section(TQRegExp("[-,]"),-1);
+ name = name.section(TQRegExp("[-,]"),0,-2);
+ if (type.contains("Oblique")) slant=FC_SLANT_OBLIQUE;
+ if (type.contains("Italic")) slant=FC_SLANT_ITALIC;
+ if (type.contains("Bold")) weight=FC_WEIGHT_BOLD;
+ if (type.contains("Light")) weight=FC_WEIGHT_LIGHT;
+ if (type.contains("Condensed")) width=FC_WIDTH_CONDENSED;
+DisplayFontParam *GlobalParams::getDisplayFont(GString *fontName) {
+ DisplayFontParam *dfp;
+ FcPattern *p=0,*m=0;
+ FcChar8* s;
+ char * ext;
+ FcResult res;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ dfp = (DisplayFontParam *)displayFonts->lookup(fontName);
+ // KPDF: try to find font using Xft
+ if (!dfp) {
+ TQString name(fontName->getCString());
+ parseStyle(name,weight,slant,width);
+ p = FcPatternBuild(0,FC_FAMILY,FcTypeString, name.ascii(),
+ FC_SLANT, FcTypeInteger, slant, FC_WEIGHT, FcTypeInteger, weight,
+ FC_WIDTH, FcTypeInteger, width, FC_LANG, FcTypeString, "xx", (char*)0);
+ if (!p) goto fin;
+ m = XftFontMatch(tqt_xdisplay(),tqt_xscreen(),p,&res);
+ if (!m) goto fin;
+ res = FcPatternGetString (m, FC_FILE, 0, &s);
+ if (res != FcResultMatch || !s) goto fin;
+ ext = rindex((char*)s,'.');
+ if (!ext) goto fin;
+ if (!strncasecmp(ext,".ttf",4) || !strncasecmp(ext,".ttc",4)) {
+ dfp = new DisplayFontParam(fontName->copy(), displayFontTT);
+ dfp->tt.fileName = new GString((char*)s);
+ FcPatternGetInteger(m, FC_INDEX, 0, &(dfp->tt.faceIndex));
+ } else if (!strncasecmp(ext,".pfa",4) || !strncasecmp(ext,".pfb",4)) {
+ dfp = new DisplayFontParam(fontName->copy(), displayFontT1);
+ dfp->t1.fileName = new GString((char*)s);
+ } else goto fin;
+ displayFonts->add(dfp->name,dfp);
+ }
+fin: unlockGlobalParams;
+ if (m) FcPatternDestroy(m);
+ if (p) FcPatternDestroy(p);
+ return dfp;
+DisplayFontParam *GlobalParams::getDisplayCIDFont(GString *fontName,
+ GString *collection) {
+ DisplayFontParam *dfp;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ if (!fontName ||
+ !(dfp = (DisplayFontParam *)displayNamedCIDFonts->lookup(fontName))) {
+ dfp = (DisplayFontParam *)displayCIDFonts->lookup(collection);
+ }
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ if (!dfp) dfp = getDisplayFont(fontName);
+ return dfp;
+GString *GlobalParams::getPSFile() {
+ GString *s;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ s = psFile ? psFile->copy() : (GString *)NULL;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return s;
+int GlobalParams::getPSPaperWidth() {
+ int w;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ w = psPaperWidth;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return w;
+int GlobalParams::getPSPaperHeight() {
+ int h;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ h = psPaperHeight;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return h;
+void GlobalParams::getPSImageableArea(int *llx, int *lly, int *urx, int *ury) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ *llx = psImageableLLX;
+ *lly = psImageableLLY;
+ *urx = psImageableURX;
+ *ury = psImageableURY;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+GBool GlobalParams::getPSCrop() {
+ GBool f;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ f = psCrop;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return f;
+GBool GlobalParams::getPSExpandSmaller() {
+ GBool f;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ f = psExpandSmaller;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return f;
+GBool GlobalParams::getPSShrinkLarger() {
+ GBool f;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ f = psShrinkLarger;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return f;
+GBool GlobalParams::getPSCenter() {
+ GBool f;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ f = psCenter;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return f;
+GBool GlobalParams::getPSDuplex() {
+ GBool d;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ d = psDuplex;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return d;
+PSLevel GlobalParams::getPSLevel() {
+ PSLevel level;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ level = psLevel;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return level;
+PSFontParam *GlobalParams::getPSFont(GString *fontName) {
+ PSFontParam *p;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ p = (PSFontParam *)psFonts->lookup(fontName);
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return p;
+PSFontParam *GlobalParams::getPSFont16(GString *fontName,
+ GString *collection, int wMode) {
+ PSFontParam *p;
+ int i;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ p = NULL;
+ if (fontName) {
+ for (i = 0; i < psNamedFonts16->getLength(); ++i) {
+ p = (PSFontParam *)psNamedFonts16->get(i);
+ if (!p->pdfFontName->cmp(fontName) &&
+ p->wMode == wMode) {
+ break;
+ }
+ p = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!p && collection) {
+ for (i = 0; i < psFonts16->getLength(); ++i) {
+ p = (PSFontParam *)psFonts16->get(i);
+ if (!p->pdfFontName->cmp(collection) &&
+ p->wMode == wMode) {
+ break;
+ }
+ p = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return p;
+GBool GlobalParams::getPSEmbedType1() {
+ GBool e;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ e = psEmbedType1;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return e;
+GBool GlobalParams::getPSEmbedTrueType() {
+ GBool e;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ e = psEmbedTrueType;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return e;
+GBool GlobalParams::getPSEmbedCIDPostScript() {
+ GBool e;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ e = psEmbedCIDPostScript;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return e;
+GBool GlobalParams::getPSEmbedCIDTrueType() {
+ GBool e;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ e = psEmbedCIDTrueType;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return e;
+GBool GlobalParams::getPSPreload() {
+ GBool preload;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ preload = psPreload;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return preload;
+GBool GlobalParams::getPSOPI() {
+ GBool opi;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ opi = psOPI;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return opi;
+GBool GlobalParams::getPSASCIIHex() {
+ GBool ah;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ ah = psASCIIHex;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return ah;
+GString *GlobalParams::getTextEncodingName() {
+ GString *s;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ s = textEncoding->copy();
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return s;
+EndOfLineKind GlobalParams::getTextEOL() {
+ EndOfLineKind eol;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ eol = textEOL;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return eol;
+GBool GlobalParams::getTextPageBreaks() {
+ GBool pageBreaks;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ pageBreaks = textPageBreaks;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return pageBreaks;
+GBool GlobalParams::getTextKeepTinyChars() {
+ GBool tiny;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ tiny = textKeepTinyChars;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return tiny;
+GString *GlobalParams::findFontFile(GString *fontName, char **exts) {
+ GString *dir, *fileName;
+ char **ext;
+ FILE *f;
+ int i;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ for (i = 0; i < fontDirs->getLength(); ++i) {
+ dir = (GString *)fontDirs->get(i);
+ for (ext = exts; *ext; ++ext) {
+ fileName = appendToPath(dir->copy(), fontName->getCString());
+ fileName->append(*ext);
+ if ((f = fopen(fileName->getCString(), "rb"))) {
+ fclose(f);
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return fileName;
+ }
+ delete fileName;
+ }
+ }
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return NULL;
+GString *GlobalParams::getInitialZoom() {
+ GString *s;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ s = initialZoom->copy();
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return s;
+GBool GlobalParams::getContinuousView() {
+ GBool f;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ f = continuousView;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return f;
+GBool GlobalParams::getEnableT1lib() {
+ GBool f;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ f = enableT1lib;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return f;
+GBool GlobalParams::getEnableFreeType() {
+ GBool f;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ f = enableFreeType;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return f;
+GBool GlobalParams::getAntialias() {
+ GBool f;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ f = antialias;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return f;
+GBool GlobalParams::getVectorAntialias() {
+ GBool f;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ f = vectorAntialias;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return f;
+GBool GlobalParams::getStrokeAdjust() {
+ GBool f;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ f = strokeAdjust;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return f;
+ScreenType GlobalParams::getScreenType() {
+ ScreenType t;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ t = screenType;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return t;
+int GlobalParams::getScreenSize() {
+ int size;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ size = screenSize;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return size;
+int GlobalParams::getScreenDotRadius() {
+ int r;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ r = screenDotRadius;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return r;
+double GlobalParams::getScreenGamma() {
+ double gamma;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ gamma = screenGamma;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return gamma;
+double GlobalParams::getScreenBlackThreshold() {
+ double thresh;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ thresh = screenBlackThreshold;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return thresh;
+double GlobalParams::getScreenWhiteThreshold() {
+ double thresh;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ thresh = screenWhiteThreshold;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return thresh;
+GBool GlobalParams::getMapNumericCharNames() {
+ GBool map;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ map = mapNumericCharNames;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return map;
+GBool GlobalParams::getMapUnknownCharNames() {
+ GBool map;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ map = mapUnknownCharNames;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return map;
+GList *GlobalParams::getKeyBinding(int code, int mods, int context) {
+ KeyBinding *binding;
+ GList *cmds;
+ int modMask;
+ int i, j;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ cmds = NULL;
+ // for ASCII chars, ignore the shift modifier
+ modMask = code <= 0xff ? ~xpdfKeyModShift : ~0;
+ for (i = 0; i < keyBindings->getLength(); ++i) {
+ binding = (KeyBinding *)keyBindings->get(i);
+ if (binding->code == code &&
+ (binding->mods & modMask) == (mods & modMask) &&
+ (~binding->context | context) == ~0) {
+ cmds = new GList();
+ for (j = 0; j < binding->cmds->getLength(); ++j) {
+ cmds->append(((GString *)binding->cmds->get(j))->copy());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return cmds;
+GBool GlobalParams::getPrintCommands() {
+ GBool p;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ p = printCommands;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return p;
+GBool GlobalParams::getErrQuiet() {
+ // no locking -- this function may get called from inside a locked
+ // section
+ return errQuiet;
+CharCodeToUnicode *GlobalParams::getCIDToUnicode(GString *collection) {
+ GString *fileName;
+ CharCodeToUnicode *ctu;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ if (!(ctu = cidToUnicodeCache->getCharCodeToUnicode(collection))) {
+ if ((fileName = (GString *)cidToUnicodes->lookup(collection)) &&
+ (ctu = CharCodeToUnicode::parseCIDToUnicode(fileName, collection))) {
+ cidToUnicodeCache->add(ctu);
+ }
+ }
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return ctu;
+CharCodeToUnicode *GlobalParams::getUnicodeToUnicode(GString *fontName) {
+ CharCodeToUnicode *ctu;
+ GHashIter *iter;
+ GString *fontPattern, *fileName;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ fileName = NULL;
+ unicodeToUnicodes->startIter(&iter);
+ while (unicodeToUnicodes->getNext(&iter, &fontPattern, (void **)&fileName)) {
+ if (strstr(fontName->getCString(), fontPattern->getCString())) {
+ unicodeToUnicodes->killIter(&iter);
+ break;
+ }
+ fileName = NULL;
+ }
+ if (fileName) {
+ if (!(ctu = unicodeToUnicodeCache->getCharCodeToUnicode(fileName))) {
+ if ((ctu = CharCodeToUnicode::parseUnicodeToUnicode(fileName))) {
+ unicodeToUnicodeCache->add(ctu);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ctu = NULL;
+ }
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return ctu;
+UnicodeMap *GlobalParams::getUnicodeMap(GString *encodingName) {
+ return getUnicodeMap2(encodingName);
+UnicodeMap *GlobalParams::getUnicodeMap2(GString *encodingName) {
+ UnicodeMap *map;
+ if (!(map = getResidentUnicodeMap(encodingName))) {
+ lockUnicodeMapCache;
+ map = unicodeMapCache->getUnicodeMap(encodingName);
+ unlockUnicodeMapCache;
+ }
+ return map;
+CMap *GlobalParams::getCMap(GString *collection, GString *cMapName) {
+ CMap *cMap;
+ lockCMapCache;
+ cMap = cMapCache->getCMap(collection, cMapName);
+ unlockCMapCache;
+ return cMap;
+UnicodeMap *GlobalParams::getTextEncoding() {
+ return getUnicodeMap2(textEncoding);
+// functions to set parameters
+void GlobalParams::addDisplayFont(DisplayFontParam *param) {
+ DisplayFontParam *old;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ if ((old = (DisplayFontParam *)displayFonts->remove(param->name))) {
+ delete old;
+ }
+ displayFonts->add(param->name, param);
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSFile(char *file) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ if (psFile) {
+ delete psFile;
+ }
+ psFile = new GString(file);
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+GBool GlobalParams::setPSPaperSize(char *size) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ if (!strcmp(size, "match")) {
+ psPaperWidth = psPaperHeight = -1;
+ } else if (!strcmp(size, "letter")) {
+ psPaperWidth = 612;
+ psPaperHeight = 792;
+ } else if (!strcmp(size, "legal")) {
+ psPaperWidth = 612;
+ psPaperHeight = 1008;
+ } else if (!strcmp(size, "A4")) {
+ psPaperWidth = 595;
+ psPaperHeight = 842;
+ } else if (!strcmp(size, "A3")) {
+ psPaperWidth = 842;
+ psPaperHeight = 1190;
+ } else {
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return gFalse;
+ }
+ psImageableLLX = psImageableLLY = 0;
+ psImageableURX = psPaperWidth;
+ psImageableURY = psPaperHeight;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return gTrue;
+void GlobalParams::setPSPaperWidth(int width) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psPaperWidth = width;
+ psImageableLLX = 0;
+ psImageableURX = psPaperWidth;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSPaperHeight(int height) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psPaperHeight = height;
+ psImageableLLY = 0;
+ psImageableURY = psPaperHeight;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSImageableArea(int llx, int lly, int urx, int ury) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psImageableLLX = llx;
+ psImageableLLY = lly;
+ psImageableURX = urx;
+ psImageableURY = ury;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSCrop(GBool crop) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psCrop = crop;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSExpandSmaller(GBool expand) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psExpandSmaller = expand;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSShrinkLarger(GBool shrink) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psShrinkLarger = shrink;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSCenter(GBool center) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psCenter = center;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSDuplex(GBool duplex) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psDuplex = duplex;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSLevel(PSLevel level) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psLevel = level;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSEmbedType1(GBool embed) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psEmbedType1 = embed;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSEmbedTrueType(GBool embed) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psEmbedTrueType = embed;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSEmbedCIDPostScript(GBool embed) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psEmbedCIDPostScript = embed;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSEmbedCIDTrueType(GBool embed) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psEmbedCIDTrueType = embed;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSPreload(GBool preload) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psPreload = preload;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSOPI(GBool opi) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psOPI = opi;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPSASCIIHex(GBool hex) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ psASCIIHex = hex;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setTextEncoding(char *encodingName) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ delete textEncoding;
+ textEncoding = new GString(encodingName);
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+GBool GlobalParams::setTextEOL(char *s) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ if (!strcmp(s, "unix")) {
+ textEOL = eolUnix;
+ } else if (!strcmp(s, "dos")) {
+ textEOL = eolDOS;
+ } else if (!strcmp(s, "mac")) {
+ textEOL = eolMac;
+ } else {
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return gFalse;
+ }
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return gTrue;
+void GlobalParams::setTextPageBreaks(GBool pageBreaks) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ textPageBreaks = pageBreaks;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setTextKeepTinyChars(GBool keep) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ textKeepTinyChars = keep;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setInitialZoom(char *s) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ delete initialZoom;
+ initialZoom = new GString(s);
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setContinuousView(GBool cont) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ continuousView = cont;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+GBool GlobalParams::setEnableT1lib(char *s) {
+ GBool ok;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ ok = parseYesNo2(s, &enableT1lib);
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return ok;
+GBool GlobalParams::setEnableFreeType(char *s) {
+ GBool ok;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ ok = parseYesNo2(s, &enableFreeType);
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return ok;
+GBool GlobalParams::setAntialias(char *s) {
+ GBool ok;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ ok = parseYesNo2(s, &antialias);
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return ok;
+GBool GlobalParams::setVectorAntialias(char *s) {
+ GBool ok;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ ok = parseYesNo2(s, &vectorAntialias);
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return ok;
+void GlobalParams::setScreenType(ScreenType t) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ screenType = t;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setScreenSize(int size) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ screenSize = size;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setScreenDotRadius(int r) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ screenDotRadius = r;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setScreenGamma(double gamma) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ screenGamma = gamma;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setScreenBlackThreshold(double thresh) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ screenBlackThreshold = thresh;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setScreenWhiteThreshold(double thresh) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ screenWhiteThreshold = thresh;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setMapNumericCharNames(GBool map) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ mapNumericCharNames = map;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setMapUnknownCharNames(GBool map) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ mapUnknownCharNames = map;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setPrintCommands(GBool printCommandsA) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ printCommands = printCommandsA;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::setErrQuiet(GBool errQuietA) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ errQuiet = errQuietA;
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+void GlobalParams::addSecurityHandler(XpdfSecurityHandler *handler) {
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ securityHandlers->append(handler);
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ (void)handler;
+XpdfSecurityHandler *GlobalParams::getSecurityHandler(char *name) {
+ XpdfSecurityHandler *hdlr;
+ int i;
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ for (i = 0; i < securityHandlers->getLength(); ++i) {
+ hdlr = (XpdfSecurityHandler *)securityHandlers->get(i);
+ if (!strcasecmp(hdlr->name, name)) {
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return hdlr;
+ }
+ }
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ if (!loadPlugin("security", name)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ for (i = 0; i < securityHandlers->getLength(); ++i) {
+ hdlr = (XpdfSecurityHandler *)securityHandlers->get(i);
+ if (!strcmp(hdlr->name, name)) {
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return hdlr;
+ }
+ }
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ (void)name;
+ return NULL;
+// plugins
+GBool GlobalParams::loadPlugin(char *type, char *name) {
+ Plugin *plugin;
+ if (!(plugin = Plugin::load(type, name))) {
+ return gFalse;
+ }
+ lockGlobalParams;
+ plugins->append(plugin);
+ unlockGlobalParams;
+ return gTrue;