path: root/kpdf/xpdf/xpdf/Page.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kpdf/xpdf/xpdf/Page.h')
1 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kpdf/xpdf/xpdf/Page.h b/kpdf/xpdf/xpdf/Page.h
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index 00000000..111554c7
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+++ b/kpdf/xpdf/xpdf/Page.h
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+// Page.h
+// Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
+#ifndef PAGE_H
+#define PAGE_H
+#include <aconf.h>
+#pragma interface
+#include "Object.h"
+class Dict;
+class XRef;
+class OutputDev;
+class Links;
+class Catalog;
+class PDFRectangle {
+ double x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ PDFRectangle() { x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0; }
+ PDFRectangle(double x1A, double y1A, double x2A, double y2A)
+ { x1 = x1A; y1 = y1A; x2 = x2A; y2 = y2A; }
+ GBool isValid() { return x1 != 0 || y1 != 0 || x2 != 0 || y2 != 0; }
+ void clipTo(PDFRectangle *rect);
+// PageAttrs
+class PageAttrs {
+ // Construct a new PageAttrs object by merging a dictionary
+ // (of type Pages or Page) into another PageAttrs object. If
+ // <attrs> is NULL, uses defaults.
+ PageAttrs(PageAttrs *attrs, Dict *dict);
+ // Destructor.
+ ~PageAttrs();
+ // Accessors.
+ PDFRectangle *getMediaBox() { return &mediaBox; }
+ PDFRectangle *getCropBox() { return &cropBox; }
+ GBool isCropped() { return haveCropBox; }
+ PDFRectangle *getBleedBox() { return &bleedBox; }
+ PDFRectangle *getTrimBox() { return &trimBox; }
+ PDFRectangle *getArtBox() { return &artBox; }
+ int getRotate() { return rotate; }
+ GString *getLastModified()
+ { return lastModified.isString()
+ ? lastModified.getString() : (GString *)NULL; }
+ Dict *getBoxColorInfo()
+ { return boxColorInfo.isDict() ? boxColorInfo.getDict() : (Dict *)NULL; }
+ Dict *getGroup()
+ { return group.isDict() ? group.getDict() : (Dict *)NULL; }
+ Stream *getMetadata()
+ { return metadata.isStream() ? metadata.getStream() : (Stream *)NULL; }
+ Dict *getPieceInfo()
+ { return pieceInfo.isDict() ? pieceInfo.getDict() : (Dict *)NULL; }
+ Dict *getSeparationInfo()
+ { return separationInfo.isDict()
+ ? separationInfo.getDict() : (Dict *)NULL; }
+ Dict *getResourceDict()
+ { return resources.isDict() ? resources.getDict() : (Dict *)NULL; }
+ GBool readBox(Dict *dict, char *key, PDFRectangle *box);
+ PDFRectangle mediaBox;
+ PDFRectangle cropBox;
+ GBool haveCropBox;
+ PDFRectangle bleedBox;
+ PDFRectangle trimBox;
+ PDFRectangle artBox;
+ int rotate;
+ Object lastModified;
+ Object boxColorInfo;
+ Object group;
+ Object metadata;
+ Object pieceInfo;
+ Object separationInfo;
+ Object resources;
+// PageTransition
+class PageTransition {
+ enum Type {
+ Replace,
+ Split,
+ Blinds,
+ Box,
+ Wipe,
+ Dissolve,
+ Glitter,
+ Fly,
+ Push,
+ Cover,
+ Uncover,
+ Fade
+ };
+ enum Alignment {
+ Horizontal,
+ Vertical
+ };
+ enum Direction {
+ Inward,
+ Outward
+ };
+ // Construct a new PageTransition object from a page dictionary.
+ PageTransition( Dict *dict );
+ // Destructor
+ ~PageTransition();
+ // Get type of the transition.
+ Type getType() const { return type; }
+ // Get duration of the transition in seconds.
+ int getDuration() const { return duration; }
+ // Get dimension in which the transition effect
+ // occurs.
+ Alignment getAlignment() const { return alignment; }
+ // Get direction of motion of the transition effect.
+ Direction getDirection() const { return direction; }
+ // Get direction in which the transition effect moves.
+ int getAngle() const { return angle; }
+ // Get starting or ending scale.
+ double getScale() const { return scale; }
+ // Returns true if the area to be flown is rectangular and
+ // opaque.
+ GBool isRectangular() const { return rectangular; }
+ Type type;
+ int duration;
+ Alignment alignment;
+ Direction direction;
+ int angle;
+ double scale;
+ GBool rectangular;
+// Page
+class Page {
+ // Constructor.
+ Page(XRef *xrefA, int numA, Dict *pageDict, PageAttrs *attrsA);
+ // Destructor.
+ ~Page();
+ // Is page valid?
+ GBool isOk() { return ok; }
+ // Get page parameters.
+ int getNum() { return num; }
+ PDFRectangle *getMediaBox() { return attrs->getMediaBox(); }
+ PDFRectangle *getCropBox() { return attrs->getCropBox(); }
+ GBool isCropped() { return attrs->isCropped(); }
+ double getMediaWidth()
+ { return attrs->getMediaBox()->x2 - attrs->getMediaBox()->x1; }
+ double getMediaHeight()
+ { return attrs->getMediaBox()->y2 - attrs->getMediaBox()->y1; }
+ double getCropWidth()
+ { return attrs->getCropBox()->x2 - attrs->getCropBox()->x1; }
+ double getCropHeight()
+ { return attrs->getCropBox()->y2 - attrs->getCropBox()->y1; }
+ PDFRectangle *getBleedBox() { return attrs->getBleedBox(); }
+ PDFRectangle *getTrimBox() { return attrs->getTrimBox(); }
+ PDFRectangle *getArtBox() { return attrs->getArtBox(); }
+ int getRotate() { return attrs->getRotate(); }
+ GString *getLastModified() { return attrs->getLastModified(); }
+ Dict *getBoxColorInfo() { return attrs->getBoxColorInfo(); }
+ Dict *getGroup() { return attrs->getGroup(); }
+ Stream *getMetadata() { return attrs->getMetadata(); }
+ Dict *getPieceInfo() { return attrs->getPieceInfo(); }
+ Dict *getSeparationInfo() { return attrs->getSeparationInfo(); }
+ // Get resource dictionary.
+ Dict *getResourceDict() { return attrs->getResourceDict(); }
+ // Get annotations array.
+ Object *getAnnots(Object *obj) { return annots.fetch(xref, obj); }
+ // Return a list of links.
+ Links *getLinks(Catalog *catalog);
+ // Get contents.
+ Object *getContents(Object *obj) { return contents.fetch(xref, obj); }
+ // Get transition information.
+ PageTransition *getTransition() const { return transition; }
+ // Display a page.
+ void display(OutputDev *out, double hDPI, double vDPI,
+ int rotate, GBool useMediaBox, GBool crop,
+ GBool printing, Catalog *catalog,
+ GBool (*abortCheckCbk)(void *data) = NULL,
+ void *abortCheckCbkData = NULL);
+ // Display part of a page.
+ void displaySlice(OutputDev *out, double hDPI, double vDPI,
+ int rotate, GBool useMediaBox, GBool crop,
+ int sliceX, int sliceY, int sliceW, int sliceH,
+ GBool printing, Catalog *catalog,
+ GBool (*abortCheckCbk)(void *data) = NULL,
+ void *abortCheckCbkData = NULL);
+ void makeBox(double hDPI, double vDPI, int rotate,
+ GBool useMediaBox, GBool upsideDown,
+ double sliceX, double sliceY, double sliceW, double sliceH,
+ PDFRectangle *box, GBool *crop);
+ void processLinks(OutputDev *out, Catalog *catalog);
+ // Get the page's default CTM.
+ void getDefaultCTM(double *ctm, double hDPI, double vDPI,
+ int rotate, GBool useMediaBox, GBool upsideDown);
+ XRef *xref; // the xref table for this PDF file
+ int num; // page number
+ PageAttrs *attrs; // page attributes
+ PageTransition *transition; // page transition
+ Object annots; // annotations array
+ Object contents; // page contents
+ GBool ok; // true if page is valid