path: root/ksvg/impl/libs/libtext2path/src/Converter.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'ksvg/impl/libs/libtext2path/src/Converter.cpp')
1 files changed, 505 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ksvg/impl/libs/libtext2path/src/Converter.cpp b/ksvg/impl/libs/libtext2path/src/Converter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7810b417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ksvg/impl/libs/libtext2path/src/Converter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2003 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
+ This file is part of the KDE project
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ aint with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <math.h>
+#include "myboost/shared_ptr.hpp"
+#include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h>
+#include <fribidi/fribidi.h>
+#include <fribidi/fribidi_types.h>
+#include "Font.h"
+#include "Glyph.h"
+#include "Tools.h"
+#include "Rectangle.h"
+#include "Converter.h"
+#include "QtUnicode.h"
+#include "GlyphTracer.h"
+// Macros
+#define FT_TRUNC(x) ((x) >> 6)
+#define FT_TOFLOAT(x) ((x) * (1.0 / 64.0))
+#define FT_FROMFLOAT(x) ((int) floor ((x) * 64.0 + 0.5))
+const double deg2rad = 0.017453292519943295769; // pi/180
+using namespace T2P;
+// Font engine. The core component.
+Converter::Converter(GlyphTracer *tracer) : m_glyphTracer(tracer)
+ m_init = false;
+ m_kerning = true;
+ m_library = 0;
+ if(m_glyphTracer)
+ delete m_glyphTracer;
+ m_fontCache.clear();
+ m_glyphCache.clear();
+ // Close FreeType2 library
+ if(m_library)
+ FT_Done_FreeType(m_library);
+void Converter::init()
+ // Initialize FreeType2
+ m_init = (FT_Init_FreeType(&m_library) == 0);
+bool Converter::ready()
+ return m_init;
+void Converter::setKerning(bool mode)
+ m_kerning = mode;
+// Lookup font in cache or create new font
+SharedFont Converter::requestFont(const FontVisualParams *params)
+ std::string cacheKey = cacheFontKey(params);
+ SharedFont cached = m_fontCache.find(cacheKey);
+ // If not available in cache, create new one and cache it :)
+ if(cached)
+ {
+ delete params;
+ return cached;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Create a new Font
+ SharedFont newFont(new Font(this));
+ // Load the font
+ if(!newFont->load(params))
+ {
+ delete params;
+ return SharedFont();
+ }
+ // Append to cache
+ m_fontCache.insert(cacheKey, newFont);
+ return newFont;
+ }
+GlyphAffinePair *Converter::requestGlyph(GlyphRenderParams *params, Rectangle &bbox, Affine &affine, bool onlyLatin)
+ // 1. Select glyph to have glyphIndex information,
+ // needed to generate the cache lookup key
+ selectGlyph(params);
+ SharedGlyph cached = m_glyphCache.find(cacheGlyphKey(params));
+ // If not available in cache, render new one and cache it :)
+ // If we're mixing ie. japanese and latin characters (TTB layout),
+ // then we also have to re-calculate the glyph again with the appropriate rotation matrix (Niko)
+ if(!cached || !onlyLatin)
+ cached = calcGlyph(params, affine, onlyLatin);
+ // Correct bezier path by setting up the correct scaling matrix
+ // and multiplying with the current glyph affine
+ double fontSize = params->font()->fontParams()->size();
+ T2P::Affine correctAffine;
+ correctAffine.scale(0.001 * fontSize, -0.001 * fontSize);
+ correctAffine *= affine;
+ // Get bbox information
+ Point p1(FT_TRUNC(cached->ftBbox()->xMin), FT_TRUNC(cached->ftBbox()->yMin));
+ Point p2(FT_TRUNC(cached->ftBbox()->xMax), FT_TRUNC(cached->ftBbox()->yMax));
+ bbox.setA(affine.mapPoint(p1));
+ bbox.setB(affine.mapPoint(p2));
+ return new GlyphAffinePair(cached.get(), correctAffine);
+void Converter::selectGlyph(GlyphRenderParams *params)
+ // 1. Select glyph + test if it exists
+ // |
+ // |-> if it doesn't exist, replace by a '?' and check if exists
+ // |-> if it does exist, use it!
+ params->setGlyphIndex(FT_Get_Char_Index(params->font()->fontFace(), (FT_ULong) params->character()));
+ if(params->glyphIndex() == 0)
+ params->setGlyphIndex(FT_Get_Char_Index(params->font()->fontFace(), '?'));
+ // 2. Load glyph into font's glyphSlot, according to the GlyphLayoutParams
+ // 3. Don't pass FT_LOAD_VERTICAL_LAYOUT on TTB layouts when rendering
+ // a latin glyph because it needs to be rotated...
+ if(params->layout()->tb())
+ {
+ Script script;
+ SCRIPT_FOR_CHAR(script, params->character())
+ if(script != Latin || params->layout()->glyphOrientationVertical() == 0)
+ }
+ FT_Error error = FT_Load_Glyph(params->font()->fontFace(), params->glyphIndex(), flags);
+ if(error)
+ params->setGlyphIndex(0);
+SharedGlyph Converter::calcGlyph(const GlyphRenderParams *params, Affine &affine, bool onlyLatin)
+ // 2. Apply kerning if needed
+ if(m_kerning && params->lastGlyph() != 0 && params->glyphIndex() != 0)
+ {
+ FT_Vector kerningVector;
+ double kx, ky;
+ FT_Get_Kerning(params->font()->fontFace(), params->lastGlyph(), params->glyphIndex(), ft_kerning_default, &kerningVector);
+ kx = FT_TRUNC(kerningVector.x);
+ ky = FT_TRUNC(kerningVector.y);
+ affine.dx() += kx + affine.m21() * ky;
+ // Only apply y kerning in TB mode
+ if(params->layout()->tb())
+ affine.dy() += kx + affine.m22() * ky;
+ }
+ // 3. Prepare path tracing
+ FT_OutlineGlyph ftGlyph;
+ FT_Get_Glyph(params->font()->fontFace()->glyph, reinterpret_cast<FT_Glyph *>(&ftGlyph));
+ // 3a. Prepare tracing matrix
+ Affine traceAffine;
+ traceAffine.scale(1000.0 / params->font()->fontFace()->units_per_EM);
+ // 3b. Enable character rotation, if needed
+ if(params->layout()->tb())
+ {
+ Script script;
+ SCRIPT_FOR_CHAR(script, params->character())
+ if(!onlyLatin && script == Latin)
+ {
+ FT_Matrix matrix;
+ double angle = deg2rad * params->layout()->glyphOrientationVertical();
+ matrix.xx = (FT_Fixed)( cos(angle) * 0x10000L);
+ matrix.xy = (FT_Fixed)(-sin(angle) * 0x10000L);
+ matrix.yx = (FT_Fixed)( sin(angle) * 0x10000L);
+ matrix.yy = (FT_Fixed)( cos(angle) * 0x10000L);
+ FT_Glyph_Transform(reinterpret_cast<FT_Glyph>(ftGlyph), &matrix, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // 4. Begin path tracing
+ // - Setup glyphOutlineing glyph
+ // - Start tracing
+ // - Close path
+ FT_Outline *ftOut = &ftGlyph->outline;
+ SharedGlyph glyphOutline(new Glyph());
+ glyphOutline->setBezierPath(m_glyphTracer->allocBezierPath(ftOut->n_points * 2 + ftOut->n_contours + 1));
+ glyphOutline->setAffine(traceAffine);
+ FT_Outline_Decompose(ftOut, m_glyphTracer->outlineFuncs(), glyphOutline.get());
+ m_glyphTracer->closePath(glyphOutline.get());
+ // 5. Determine bounding box (aka "cbox")
+ FT_Glyph_Get_CBox(reinterpret_cast<FT_Glyph>(ftGlyph), ft_glyph_bbox_unscaled, glyphOutline->ftBbox());
+ // 6. Cache glyph!
+ m_glyphCache.insert(cacheGlyphKey(params), glyphOutline);
+ FT_Done_Glyph(reinterpret_cast<FT_Glyph>(ftGlyph));
+ return glyphOutline;
+GlyphSet *Converter::calcString(Font *font, const unsigned short *text, unsigned int length, Affine &affine, const GlyphLayoutParams *params, BezierPath *bpath)
+ unsigned short *bidi = 0;
+ // 0. Apply BiDi Rules
+ if(params->useBidi())
+ {
+ FriBidiCharType baseDir = FRIBIDI_TYPE_N;
+ FriBidiChar *unicodeIn = new FriBidiChar[length + 1];
+ FriBidiChar *unicodeOut = new FriBidiChar[length + 1];
+ bidi = new unsigned short[length + 1];
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ unicodeIn[i] = text[i];
+ fribidi_log2vis(unicodeIn, length, &baseDir, unicodeOut, 0, 0, 0);
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ bidi[i] = unicodeOut[i];
+ bidi[length] = 0;
+ delete []unicodeIn;
+ delete []unicodeOut;
+ }
+ else
+ bidi = const_cast<unsigned short *>(text);
+ // Detect character rotation if needed,
+ // probably working in 0.1% of the cases :/
+ Script script;
+ bool onlyLatin = true;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ {
+ SCRIPT_FOR_CHAR(script, bidi[i])
+ if(script != Latin)
+ {
+ onlyLatin = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // 1. Set initial font size
+ double fontSize = font->fontParams()->size();
+ FT_Set_Char_Size(font->fontFace(), FT_FROMFLOAT(fontSize), FT_FROMFLOAT(fontSize), 0, 0);
+ // 2. Compute positioning metrics
+ // - See (X = 1 or 2)
+ int pixelHeight = (int) (FT_TOFLOAT(font->fontFace()->size->metrics.ascender - font->fontFace()->size->metrics.descender) * affine.m22());
+ int pixelBaseline = (int) (FT_TOFLOAT(font->fontFace()->size->metrics.ascender) * affine.m22());
+ int pixelUnderlinePosition = (int) (((font->fontFace()->ascender - font->fontFace()->underline_position - font->fontFace()->underline_thickness / 2) * fontSize / font->fontFace()->units_per_EM) * affine.m22());
+ int pixelUnderlineThickness = T2PMAX(1, (int) ((font->fontFace()->underline_thickness * fontSize / font->fontFace()->units_per_EM) * affine.m22()));
+ // 3. Prepare needed variables for the rendering loop
+ // - rendering params (layout, font...)
+ // - bounding box (per glyph, overall)
+ // - glyph matrix (overall)
+ // - resulting glyph sets
+ GlyphRenderParams *renderParams = new GlyphRenderParams();
+ renderParams->setFont(font);
+ renderParams->setLayout(params);
+ renderParams->setLastGlyph(0);
+ renderParams->setGlyphIndex(0);
+ Affine glyphAffine(affine);
+ Rectangle bbox, currentBbox;
+ GlyphSet *result = new GlyphSet();
+ // Align to path start, if bpath != 0
+ Point pathPoint, pathTangent, pathNormal;
+ double pathLength = 0, pathAdvance = 0;
+ double startOffset = params->textPathStartOffset();
+ if(bpath)
+ {
+ pathLength = bpath->length();
+ bpath->pointTangentNormalAt(startOffset, &pathPoint, &pathTangent);
+ glyphAffine.dx() = pathPoint.x();
+ glyphAffine.dy() = pathPoint.y();
+ glyphAffine.rotate(atan2(pathTangent.y(), pathTangent.x()));
+ std::cout << "[T2P] Starting textPath at: " << pathPoint.x() << ", " << pathPoint.y() << std::endl;
+ }
+ // <tspan> elements can have different baseline-shift's
+ // baseline-shift support (Niko)
+ double baseline = 0;
+ if(!params->baselineShift().empty())
+ {
+ if(params->baselineShift() == "sub")
+ baseline += fontSize / 5 + 1;
+ else if(params->baselineShift() == "super")
+ baseline -= fontSize / 3 + 1;
+ else
+ {
+ std::string temp = params->baselineShift();
+ if(temp.find("%") > 0)
+ baseline -= (atof(temp.c_str()) / 100.0) * fontSize;
+ else
+ baseline -= atoi(temp.c_str());
+ }
+ if(!params->tb())
+ glyphAffine.translate(0, baseline);
+ else
+ glyphAffine.translate(-baseline, 0);
+ }
+ // 4. Enter main rendering loop
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ {
+ // 4a. Modify character to render
+ renderParams->setCharacter(bidi[i]);
+ // 4c. Get glyph outline
+ GlyphAffinePair *glyphOutline = requestGlyph(renderParams, currentBbox, glyphAffine, onlyLatin);
+ m_glyphTracer->correctGlyph(glyphOutline);
+ // 4d. Save advance values
+ result->m_glyphXAdvance.push_back((font->fontFace()->glyph->advance.x * fontSize / font->fontFace()->units_per_EM) * affine.m11());
+ result->m_glyphYAdvance.push_back((font->fontFace()->glyph->advance.y * fontSize / font->fontFace()->units_per_EM) * affine.m22());
+ // 4e. Misc
+ // - union current + overall bounding box
+ // - add glyph to list of glyphs
+ // - apply letter & word spacing
+ if(renderParams->glyphIndex() != 0)
+ {
+ // Remember last glyph for kerning
+ renderParams->setLastGlyph(renderParams->glyphIndex());
+ // Union current + overall bounding box
+ bbox.bboxUnion(bbox, currentBbox);
+ // Move glyph locations for the next glyph to be
+ // rendered apply letter & word spacing
+ bool addGlyph = true;
+ if(!params->tb())
+ {
+ if(bpath)
+ {
+ double advance = startOffset + (pathAdvance / pathLength);
+ if(advance < 0.0 || advance > 1.0) // dont render off-path glyphs
+ addGlyph = false;
+ pathAdvance += (result->m_glyphXAdvance.back() + params->letterSpacing() * affine.m11()) + ((bidi[(i + 1)] == ' ') ? params->wordSpacing() * affine.m11() : 0);
+ std::cout << "[T2P] Adjusting textPath advance: " << pathAdvance << " Path Length: " << pathLength << " StartOffset: " << startOffset << " Position in Path (relative 0-1): " << pathAdvance/pathLength << " Adjusted by offset: " << startOffset + (pathAdvance / pathLength) << std::endl;
+ bpath->pointTangentNormalAt(startOffset + (pathAdvance / pathLength), &pathPoint, &pathTangent, &pathNormal);
+ glyphAffine.m11() = affine.m11();
+ glyphAffine.m12() = affine.m12();
+ glyphAffine.m21() = affine.m21();
+ glyphAffine.m22() = affine.m22();
+ glyphAffine.dx() = pathPoint.x();
+ glyphAffine.dy() = pathPoint.y();
+ glyphAffine.rotateAround(atan2(pathTangent.y(), pathTangent.x()), Point(result->m_glyphXAdvance.back() / 2, result->m_glyphYAdvance.back() / 2));
+ std::cout << "[T2P] Aligning textPath to: " << pathPoint.x() << ", " << pathPoint.y() << std::endl;
+ if(!params->tb())
+ glyphAffine.translate(0, baseline);
+ else
+ glyphAffine.translate(-baseline, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ glyphAffine.dx() += (result->m_glyphXAdvance.back() + params->letterSpacing() * affine.m11()) + ((bidi[(i + 1)] == ' ') ? params->wordSpacing() * affine.m11() : 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double advy = result->m_glyphYAdvance.back();
+ Script script;
+ SCRIPT_FOR_CHAR(script, bidi[i])
+ if(!onlyLatin && script == Latin && params->glyphOrientationVertical() != 0)
+ advy = result->m_glyphXAdvance.back();
+ glyphAffine.dy() += (advy + params->letterSpacing() * affine.m22()) + ((bidi[(i + 1)] == ' ') ? params->wordSpacing() * affine.m22() : 0);
+ }
+ // Copy bezier path/affine pair
+ if(addGlyph)
+ {
+ result->m_set.push_back(glyphOutline);
+ result->m_glyphCount++;
+ }
+ else
+ delete glyphOutline;
+ }
+ }
+ // 5. Fill out resulting data structures
+ result->m_underlinePosition = pixelUnderlinePosition;
+ result->m_overlinePosition = pixelHeight - pixelUnderlinePosition;
+ result->m_strikeThroughPosition = (result->m_underlinePosition + result->m_overlinePosition) / 2;
+ result->m_pixelBaseline = pixelBaseline;
+ result->m_underlineThickness = pixelUnderlineThickness;
+ result->m_xpen = glyphAffine.dx() - affine.dx();
+ result->m_ypen = glyphAffine.dy() - affine.dy();
+ result->m_bboxX = T2PMAX(1, int(bbox.a().x()));
+ result->m_bboxY = T2PMAX(1, int(bbox.a().y() - int(pixelHeight / 2)));
+ result->m_height = T2PMAX(1, int(bbox.b().y() - bbox.a().y()));
+ // Correct bounding box information also on
+ // vertical layouts! (Niko)
+ if(!params->tb())
+ {
+ if(bpath)
+ result->m_width = int(pathAdvance);
+ else
+ result->m_width = T2PMAX(1, int(bbox.b().x() - bbox.a().x()));
+ }
+ else
+ result->m_width = T2PMAX(1, pixelHeight);
+ // 6. Cleanup memory
+ if(text != bidi)
+ delete []bidi;
+ delete renderParams;
+ // 7. Eventually, dump cache statistics
+ // m_glyphCache.dump();
+ // m_fontCache.dump();
+ return result;
+std::string Converter::cacheFontKey(const FontVisualParams *params) const
+ // TODO: Tune the key
+ std::string key;
+ key += Tools::joinList('|', const_cast<FontVisualParams *>(params)->fontList());
+ key += Tools::a2str(params->weight());
+ key += Tools::a2str(params->slant());
+ key += Tools::a2str(params->size());
+ // std::cout << "Font cache key: " << key << std::endl;
+ return key;
+std::string Converter::cacheGlyphKey(const GlyphRenderParams *params) const
+ // TODO: Tune the key
+ std::string key;
+ key += params->font()->fontFile();
+ key += Tools::a2str(params->character());
+ key += Tools::a2str(params->glyphIndex());
+ key += Tools::a2str(params->font()->fontParams()->size());
+ key += Tools::a2str(params->font()->fontParams()->weight());
+ key += Tools::a2str(params->font()->fontParams()->slant());
+ // std::cout << "Glyph cache key: " << key << std::endl;
+ return key;
+// vim:ts=4:noet