path: root/kviewshell/simplePageSize.h
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diff --git a/kviewshell/simplePageSize.h b/kviewshell/simplePageSize.h
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+++ b/kviewshell/simplePageSize.h
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+// -*- C++ -*-
+// simplePageSize.h
+// Part of KVIEWSHELL - A framework for multipage text/gfx viewers
+// (C) 2002-2004 Stefan Kebekus
+// Distributed under the GPL
+#include "length.h"
+#include <qsize.h>
+class QString;
+class QStringList;
+/** \brief This class represents phyiscal page sizes.
+This class represents page sizes. It contains nothing but two numbers,
+the page width, and page height, and a few utility functions that
+convert page sizes to pixel sizes and to compute the aspect ratio. A
+page with width<=1mm or height<=1mm is considered invalid. pageSize is
+a more elaborate class that is derived from SimplePageSize and knows
+about standard paper sizes.
+@author Stefan Kebekus <>
+@version 1.0 0
+class SimplePageSize
+ public:
+ /** Constructs an invalid SimplePageSize, with size 0x0mm */
+ SimplePageSize() { pageWidth.setLength_in_mm(0.0); pageHeight.setLength_in_mm(0.0); }
+ /** Constructs a SimplePagesize with given page width and height in
+ mm. Recall that if width or height is less or equal than 1mm,
+ the page size is considered 'invalid' by the isValid()
+ method.
+ @param width
+ @param height
+ */
+ SimplePageSize(const Length& width, const Length& height) { pageWidth = width; pageHeight = height; }
+ /** \brief Sets the page width and height
+ If width or height is less or equal than 1mm, the page size is
+ considered 'invalid' by the isValid() method.
+ @param width
+ @param height
+ */
+ virtual void setPageSize(const Length& width, const Length& height) { pageWidth = width; pageHeight = height; }
+ /** \brief Returns the page width. */
+ Length width() const { return pageWidth; }
+ /** \brief Returns the page height. */
+ Length height() const { return pageHeight; }
+ /** \brief Aspect ratio
+ @returns if the paper size is valid, this method returns the ratio
+ width/height. Returns 1.0 otherwise. */
+ double aspectRatio() const { return isValid() ? (pageWidth/pageHeight) : 1.0; }
+ /** \brief Converts the physical page size to a pixel size
+ @param resolution in dots per inch
+ @returns the pixel size, represented by a QSize. If the page size is
+ invalid, the result is undefined. */
+ QSize sizeInPixel(double resolution) const {return QSize( (int)(resolution*pageWidth.getLength_in_inch() + 0.5),
+ (int)(resolution*pageHeight.getLength_in_inch() + 0.5)); }
+ /** \brief Zoom value required to scale to a certain height
+ If the pageSize is valid, this method returns the zoom value
+ required to scale the page size down to 'height' pixels on the
+ currently used display. The method uses QPaintDevice::x11AppDpiY()
+ to find the resolution of the display. If the pageSize is invalid,
+ an error message is printed, and an undefined value is returned.
+ @param height target height in pixels
+ @returns the zoom value required to scale the page size down to
+ 'height' pixels. If the pageSize is invalid, an undefined value is
+ returned.
+ */
+ double zoomForHeight(Q_UINT32 height) const;
+ /** \brief Zoom value required to scale to a certain height
+ If the pageSize is valid, this method returns the zoom value
+ required to scale the page size down to 'width' pixels on the
+ currently used display. The method uses QPaintDevice::x11AppDpiX()
+ to find the resolution of the display. If the pageSize is invalid,
+ an error message is printed, and an undefined value is returned.
+ @param width target width in pixels
+ @returns the zoom value required to scale the page size down to
+ 'width' pixels. If the pageSize is invalid, an undefined value is
+ returned.
+ */
+ double zoomForWidth(Q_UINT32 width) const;
+ /** \brief Returns a zoom to fit into a certain page size
+ This method computes the larget zoom value such that *this, zoomed
+ by the computed values fits into the page size 'target'. If *this or
+ if target are invalid, or is this->isSmall() is true, an undefined
+ value is returned. If height or width of this is nearly 0.0, a
+ floating point exception may occur.
+ */
+ double zoomToFitInto(const SimplePageSize &target) const;
+ /** \brief Validity check
+ @returns 'True' if the page width and height are both larger than
+ 1mm */
+ bool isValid() const { return ( (pageWidth.getLength_in_mm() > 1.0) && (pageHeight.getLength_in_mm() > 1.0) ); }
+ /** \brief Validity check:
+ @returns 'True' if the page ares is less than 1.0 square mm
+ */
+ bool isSmall() const { return (pageWidth.getLength_in_mm()*pageHeight.getLength_in_mm() < 1.0); }
+ /** \brief Approximate equality
+ @param size pageSize object to compare this object with
+ @returns 'True' if height and width of the two obejcts differ by at
+ most 2mm, 'false' otherwise
+ */
+ bool isNearlyEqual(const SimplePageSize &size) const {return (pageWidth.isNearlyEqual(size.pageWidth) && pageHeight.isNearlyEqual(size.pageHeight)); }
+ /** Test if paper size is higher than wide
+ @returns 'True' if the paper size is higher than wide
+ */
+ bool isPortrait() const { return (pageHeight >= pageWidth);}
+ /** Rotates by 90 degrees
+ @returns a SimplePageSize with height and width swapped. The
+ original instance is unchanged.
+ */
+ SimplePageSize rotate90() const { return SimplePageSize(pageHeight, pageWidth);}
+ protected:
+ Length pageWidth;
+ Length pageHeight;