# config.make -- autoconf rules to remake the Makefile, c-auto.h, etc. ##ifdef HOSTNAME ##ac_dir = $(gnu)/share/autoconf ##autoconf = $(ac_dir)/acspecific.m4 $(ac_dir)/acgeneral.m4 $(ac_dir)/acsite.m4 ##autoheader = $(ac_dir)/acconfig.h ## ### I define $(autoconf) to acgeneral.m4 and the other Autoconf files, so ### configure automatically gets remade in the sources with a new Autoconf ### release. But it would be bad for installers with Autoconf to remake ### configure (not to mention require Autoconf), so I take out the variable ### $(autoconf) definition before release. ##configure_in = $(srcdir)/configure.in $(kpathsea_srcdir)/common.ac ##$(srcdir)/configure: $(configure_in) $(autoconf) ## cd $(srcdir) && autoconf ##endif config.status: $(srcdir)/configure $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/configure --no-create --verbose Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in config.status $(SHELL) config.status # This rule isn't used for web2c or the top-level Makefile, but it # doesn't hurt. We don't depend on config.status because configure # always rewrites config.status, even when it doesn't change. Thus it # might be newer than c-auto.h when we don't need to remake the latter. c-auto.h: $(srcdir)/stamp-auto $(srcdir)/stamp-auto: $(srcdir)/c-auto.h.in $(SHELL) config.status touch $(srcdir)/stamp-auto ##ifdef HOSTNAME ### autoheader reads acconfig.h (and c-auto.h.top) automatically. ##$(srcdir)/c-auto.h.in: $(srcdir)/stamp-auto.in ##$(srcdir)/stamp-auto.in: $(configure_in) $(autoheader) $(srcdir)/acconfig.h ## cd $(srcdir) && autoheader ## touch $(srcdir)/stamp-auto.in ##endif