/* This file is part of KDE FAX image library Copyright (c) 2005 Helge Deller based on Frank D. Cringle's viewfax package Copyright (C) 1990, 1995 Frank D. Cringle. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "faxexpand.h" #include "kfaximage.h" static const char FAXMAGIC[] = "\000PC Research, Inc\000\000\000\000\000\000"; static const char littleTIFF[] = "\x49\x49\x2a\x00"; static const char bigTIFF[] = "\x4d\x4d\x00\x2a"; KFaxImage::KFaxImage( const TQString &filename, TQObject *parent, const char *name ) : TQObject(parent,name) { KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue( TQString::fromLatin1("libkfaximage") ); loadImage(filename); } KFaxImage::~KFaxImage() { } bool KFaxImage::loadImage( const TQString &filename ) { reset(); m_filename = filename; m_errorString = TQString(); if (m_filename.isEmpty()) return false; int ok = notetiff(); if (!ok) { reset(); } return ok == 1; } void KFaxImage::reset() { fax_init_tables(); m_pagenodes.setAutoDelete(true); m_pagenodes.clear(); // do not reset m_errorString and m_filename, since // they may be needed by calling application } TQImage KFaxImage::page( unsigned int pageNr ) { if (pageNr >= numPages()) { kdDebug() << "KFaxImage::page() called with invalid page number\n"; return TQImage(); } pagenode *pn = m_pagenodes.at(pageNr); GetImage(pn); return pn->image; } TQPoint KFaxImage::page_dpi( unsigned int pageNr ) { if (pageNr >= numPages()) { kdDebug() << "KFaxImage::page_dpi() called with invalid page number\n"; return TQPoint(0,0); } pagenode *pn = m_pagenodes.at(pageNr); GetImage(pn); return pn->dpi; } TQSize KFaxImage::page_size( unsigned int pageNr ) { if (pageNr >= numPages()) { kdDebug() << "KFaxImage::page_size() called with invalid page number\n"; return TQSize(0,0); } pagenode *pn = m_pagenodes.at(pageNr); GetImage(pn); return pn->size; } pagenode *KFaxImage::AppendImageNode(int type) { pagenode *pn = new pagenode(); if (pn) { pn->type = type; pn->expander = g31expand; pn->strips = NULL; pn->size = TQSize(1728,2339); pn->vres = -1; pn->dpi = KFAX_DPI_FINE; m_pagenodes.append(pn); } return pn; } bool KFaxImage::NewImage(pagenode *pn, int w, int h) { pn->image = TQImage( w, h, 1, 2, TQImage::systemByteOrder() ); pn->image.setColor(0, tqRgb(255,255,255)); pn->image.setColor(1, tqRgb(0,0,0)); pn->data = (TQ_UINT16*) pn->image.bits(); pn->bytes_per_line = pn->image.bytesPerLine(); pn->dpi = KFAX_DPI_FINE; return !pn->image.isNull(); } void KFaxImage::FreeImage(pagenode *pn) { pn->image = TQImage(); pn->data = NULL; pn->bytes_per_line = 0; } void KFaxImage::kfaxerror(const TQString& error) { m_errorString = error; kdError() << "kfaxerror: " << error << endl; } /* Enter an argument in the linked list of pages */ pagenode * KFaxImage::notefile(int type) { pagenode *newnode = new pagenode(); newnode->type = type; newnode->size = TQSize(1728,0); return newnode; } static t32bits get4(unsigned char *p, TQImage::Endian endian) { return (endian == TQImage::BigEndian) ? (p[0]<<24)|(p[1]<<16)|(p[2]<<8)|p[3] : p[0]|(p[1]<<8)|(p[2]<<16)|(p[3]<<24); } static int get2(unsigned char *p, TQImage::Endian endian) { return (endian == TQImage::BigEndian) ? (p[0]<<8)|p[1] : p[0]|(p[1]<<8); } /* generate pagenodes for the images in a tiff file */ int KFaxImage::notetiff() { #define SC(x) (char *)(x) unsigned char header[8]; TQImage::Endian endian; t32bits IFDoff; pagenode *pn = NULL; TQString str; TQFile file(filename()); if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { kfaxerror(i18n("Unable to open file for reading.")); return 0; } if (file.readBlock(SC(header), 8) != 8) { kfaxerror(i18n("Unable to read file header (file too short).")); return 0; } if (memcmp(header, &littleTIFF, 4) == 0) endian = TQImage::LittleEndian; else if (memcmp(header, &bigTIFF, 4) == 0) endian = TQImage::BigEndian; else { maybe_RAW_FAX: kfaxerror(i18n("This is not a TIFF FAX file.")); // AppendImageNode(FAX_RAW); return 0; } IFDoff = get4(header+4, endian); if (IFDoff & 1) { goto maybe_RAW_FAX; } do { /* for each page */ unsigned char buf[8]; unsigned char *dir = NULL , *dp = NULL; int ndirent; pixnum iwidth = 1728; pixnum iheight = 2339; int inverse = false; int lsbfirst = 0; int t4opt = 0, comp = 0; int orient = TURN_NONE; int yres = 196; /* 98.0 */ struct strip *strips = NULL; unsigned int rowsperstrip = 0; t32bits nstrips = 1; if (!file.at(IFDoff)) { realbad: kfaxerror( i18n("Invalid or incomplete TIFF file.") ); bad: if (strips) free(strips); if (dir) free(dir); file.close(); return 1; } if (file.readBlock(SC(buf), 2) != 2) goto realbad; ndirent = get2(buf, endian); int len = 12*ndirent+4; dir = (unsigned char *) malloc(len); if (file.readBlock(SC(dir), len) != len) goto realbad; for (dp = dir; ndirent; ndirent--, dp += 12) { /* for each directory entry */ int tag, ftype; t32bits count, value = 0; tag = get2(dp, endian); ftype = get2(dp+2, endian); count = get4(dp+4, endian); switch(ftype) { /* value is offset to list if count*size > 4 */ case 3: /* short */ value = get2(dp+8, endian); break; case 4: /* long */ value = get4(dp+8, endian); break; case 5: /* offset to rational */ value = get4(dp+8, endian); break; } switch(tag) { case 256: /* ImageWidth */ iwidth = value; break; case 257: /* ImageLength */ iheight = value; break; case 259: /* Compression */ comp = value; break; case 262: /* PhotometricInterpretation */ inverse ^= (value == 1); break; case 266: /* FillOrder */ lsbfirst = (value == 2); break; case 273: /* StripOffsets */ nstrips = count; strips = (struct strip *) malloc(count * sizeof *strips); if (count == 1 || (count == 2 && ftype == 3)) { strips[0].offset = value; if (count == 2) strips[1].offset = get2(dp+10, endian); break; } if (!file.at(value)) goto realbad; for (count = 0; count < nstrips; count++) { if (file.readBlock(SC(buf), (ftype == 3) ? 2 : 4) <= 0) goto realbad; strips[count].offset = (ftype == 3) ? get2(buf, endian) : get4(buf, endian); } break; case 274: /* Qt::Orientation */ switch(value) { default: /* row0 at top, col0 at left */ orient = 0; break; case 2: /* row0 at top, col0 at right */ orient = TURN_M; break; case 3: /* row0 at bottom, col0 at right */ orient = TURN_U; break; case 4: /* row0 at bottom, col0 at left */ orient = TURN_U|TURN_M; break; case 5: /* row0 at left, col0 at top */ orient = TURN_M|TURN_L; break; case 6: /* row0 at right, col0 at top */ orient = TURN_U|TURN_L; break; case 7: /* row0 at right, col0 at bottom */ orient = TURN_U|TURN_M|TURN_L; break; case 8: /* row0 at left, col0 at bottom */ orient = TURN_L; break; } break; case 278: /* RowsPerStrip */ rowsperstrip = value; break; case 279: /* StripByteCounts */ if (count != nstrips) { str = i18n("In file %1\nStripsPerImage tag 273=%2,tag279=%3\n") .arg(filename()).arg(nstrips).arg(count); kfaxerror(str); goto realbad; } if (count == 1 || (count == 2 && ftype == 3)) { strips[0].size = value; if (count == 2) strips[1].size = get2(dp+10, endian); break; } if (!file.at(value)) goto realbad; for (count = 0; count < nstrips; count++) { if (file.readBlock(SC(buf), (ftype == 3) ? 2 : 4) <= 0) goto realbad; strips[count].size = (ftype == 3) ? get2(buf, endian) : get4(buf, endian); } break; case 283: /* YResolution */ if (!file.at(value) || file.readBlock(SC(buf), 8) != 8) goto realbad; yres = get4(buf, endian) / get4(buf+4, endian); break; case 292: /* T4Options */ t4opt = value; break; case 293: /* T6Options */ /* later */ break; case 296: /* ResolutionUnit */ if (value == 3) yres = (yres * 254) / 100; /* *2.54 */ break; } } IFDoff = get4(dp, endian); free(dir); dir = NULL; if (comp == 5) { // compression type 5 is LZW compression // XXX kfaxerror(i18n("Due to patent reasons LZW (Lempel-Ziv & Welch) " "compressed Fax files cannot be loaded yet.\n")); goto bad; } if (comp < 2 || comp > 4) { kfaxerror(i18n("This version can only handle Fax files\n")); goto bad; } pn = AppendImageNode(FAX_TIFF); pn->nstrips = nstrips; pn->rowsperstrip = nstrips > 1 ? rowsperstrip : iheight; pn->strips = strips; pn->size = TQSize(iwidth,iheight); pn->inverse = inverse; pn->lsbfirst = lsbfirst; pn->orient = orient; pn->dpi.setY(yres); pn->vres = (yres > 150) ? 1:0; /* arbitrary threshold for fine resolution */ if (comp == 2) pn->expander = MHexpand; else if (comp == 3) pn->expander = (t4opt & 1) ? g32expand : g31expand; else pn->expander = g4expand; } while (IFDoff); file.close(); return 1; #undef UC } /* report error and remove bad file from the list */ void KFaxImage::badfile(pagenode *pn) { kfaxerror(i18n("%1: Bad Fax File").arg(filename())); FreeImage(pn); } /* rearrange input bits into t16bits lsb-first chunks */ static void normalize(pagenode *pn, int revbits, int swapbytes, size_t length) { t32bits *p = (t32bits *) pn->data; kdDebug() << "normalize = " << ((revbits<<1)|swapbytes) << endl; switch ((revbits<<1)|swapbytes) { case 0: break; case 1: for ( ; length; length -= 4) { t32bits t = *p; *p++ = ((t & 0xff00ff00) >> 8) | ((t & 0x00ff00ff) << 8); } break; case 2: for ( ; length; length -= 4) { t32bits t = *p; t = ((t & 0xf0f0f0f0) >> 4) | ((t & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 4); t = ((t & 0xcccccccc) >> 2) | ((t & 0x33333333) << 2); *p++ = ((t & 0xaaaaaaaa) >> 1) | ((t & 0x55555555) << 1); } break; case 3: for ( ; length; length -= 4) { t32bits t = *p; t = ((t & 0xff00ff00) >> 8) | ((t & 0x00ff00ff) << 8); t = ((t & 0xf0f0f0f0) >> 4) | ((t & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 4); t = ((t & 0xcccccccc) >> 2) | ((t & 0x33333333) << 2); *p++ = ((t & 0xaaaaaaaa) >> 1) | ((t & 0x55555555) << 1); } } } /* get compressed data into memory */ unsigned char * KFaxImage::getstrip(pagenode *pn, int strip) { size_t offset, roundup; unsigned char *Data; union { t16bits s; unsigned char b[2]; } so; #define ShortOrder so.b[1] so.s = 1; /* XXX */ TQFile file(filename()); if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { badfile(pn); return NULL; } if (pn->strips == NULL) { offset = 0; pn->length = file.size(); } else if (strip < pn->nstrips) { offset = pn->strips[strip].offset; pn->length = pn->strips[strip].size; } else { kfaxerror( i18n("Trying to expand too many strips.") ); return NULL; } /* round size to full boundary plus t32bits */ roundup = (pn->length + 7) & ~3; Data = (unsigned char *) malloc(roundup); /* clear the last 2 t32bits, to force the expander to terminate even if the file ends in the middle of a fax line */ *((t32bits *) Data + roundup/4 - 2) = 0; *((t32bits *) Data + roundup/4 - 1) = 0; /* we expect to get it in one gulp... */ if (!file.at(offset) || (size_t) file.readBlock((char *)Data, pn->length) != pn->length) { badfile(pn); free(Data); return NULL; } file.close(); pn->data = (t16bits *) Data; if (pn->strips == NULL && memcmp(Data, FAXMAGIC, sizeof(FAXMAGIC)-1) == 0) { /* handle ghostscript / PC Research fax file */ if (Data[24] != 1 || Data[25] != 0){ kfaxerror( i18n("Only the first page of the PC Research multipage file will be shown.") ); } pn->length -= 64; pn->vres = Data[29]; pn->data += 32; roundup -= 64; } normalize(pn, !pn->lsbfirst, ShortOrder, roundup); if (pn->size.height() == 0) pn->size.setHeight( G3count(pn, pn->expander == g32expand) ); if (pn->size.height() == 0) { kfaxerror( i18n("No fax found in file.") ); badfile(pn); free(Data); return NULL; } if (pn->strips == NULL) pn->rowsperstrip = pn->size.height(); return Data; } static void drawline(pixnum *run, int LineNum, pagenode *pn) { t32bits *p, *p1; /* p - current line, p1 - low-res duplicate */ pixnum *r; /* pointer to run-lengths */ t32bits pix; /* current pixel value */ t32bits acc; /* pixel accumulator */ int nacc; /* number of valid bits in acc */ int tot; /* total pixels in line */ int n; LineNum += pn->stripnum * pn->rowsperstrip; if (LineNum >= pn->size.height()) { if (LineNum == pn->size.height()) kdError() << "Height exceeded\n"; return; } p = (t32bits *) pn->image.scanLine(LineNum*(2-pn->vres)); p1 =(t32bits *)( pn->vres ? 0 : pn->image.scanLine(1+LineNum*(2-pn->vres))); r = run; acc = 0; nacc = 0; pix = pn->inverse ? ~0 : 0; tot = 0; while (tot < pn->size.width()) { n = *r++; tot += n; /* Watch out for buffer overruns, e.g. when n == 65535. */ if (tot > pn->size.width()) break; if (pix) acc |= (~(t32bits)0 >> nacc); else if (nacc) acc &= (~(t32bits)0 << (32 - nacc)); else acc = 0; if (nacc + n < 32) { nacc += n; pix = ~pix; continue; } *p++ = acc; if (p1) *p1++ = acc; n -= 32 - nacc; while (n >= 32) { n -= 32; *p++ = pix; if (p1) *p1++ = pix; } acc = pix; nacc = n; pix = ~pix; } if (nacc) { *p++ = acc; if (p1) *p1++ = acc; } } int KFaxImage::GetPartImage(pagenode *pn, int n) { unsigned char *Data = getstrip(pn, n); if (Data == 0) return 3; pn->stripnum = n; (*pn->expander)(pn, drawline); free(Data); return 1; } int KFaxImage::GetImage(pagenode *pn) { if (!pn->image.isNull()) return 1; int i; if (pn->strips == 0) { kdDebug() << "Loading RAW fax file " << m_filename << " size=" << pn->size << endl; /* raw file; maybe we don't have the height yet */ unsigned char *Data = getstrip(pn, 0); if (Data == 0){ return 0; } if (!NewImage(pn, pn->size.width(), (pn->vres ? 1:2) * pn->size.height())) return 0; (*pn->expander)(pn, drawline); } else { /* multi-strip tiff */ kdDebug() << "Loading MULTI STRIP TIFF fax file " << m_filename << endl; if (!NewImage(pn, pn->size.width(), (pn->vres ? 1:2) * pn->size.height())) return 0; pn->stripnum = 0; kdDebug() << "has " << pn->nstrips << " strips.\n"; for (i = 0; i < pn->nstrips; i++){ int k = GetPartImage(pn, i); if ( k == 3 ){ FreeImage(pn); kfaxerror( i18n("Fax G3 format not yet supported.") ); return k; } } } // byte-swapping the image on little endian machines #if defined(Q_BYTE_ORDER) && (Q_BYTE_ORDER == Q_LITTLE_ENDIAN) for (int y=pn->image.height()-1; y>=0; --y) { TQ_UINT32 *source = (TQ_UINT32 *) pn->image.scanLine(y); TQ_UINT32 *dest = source; for (int x=(pn->bytes_per_line/4)-1; x>=0; --x) { TQ_UINT32 dv = 0, sv = *source; for (int bit=32; bit>0; --bit) { dv <<= 1; dv |= sv&1; sv >>= 1; } *dest = dv; ++dest; ++source; } } #endif kdDebug() << filename() << "\n\tsize = " << pn->size << "\n\tDPI = " << pn->dpi << "\n\tresolution = " << (pn->vres ? "fine" : "normal") << endl; return 1; } #include "kfaximage.moc"