/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002 Carsten Pfeiffer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kmrml_config.h" #include #if TDE_VERSION < 307 #define TQUOTE( x ) x #else #define TQUOTE( x ) KProcess::quote( x ) #endif using namespace KMrml; // #define DEFAULT_ADDCOLLECTION_CMD "gift-add-collection.pl --thumbnail-dir=%t --local-encoding %d" #define DEFAULT_ADDCOLLECTION_CMD "gift-add-collection.pl --gift-home=%h --thumbnail-dir=%t --local-encoding=%e %d" #define DEFAULT_REMOVECOLLECTION_CMD "gift-add-collection.pl --gift-home=%h --local-encoding=%e --remove-collection %d" #define DEFAULT_MRMLD_CMD "gift --port %p --datadir %d" #define DEFAULT_MRMLD_CMD_AUTOPORT "gift --datadir %d" #define CONFIG_GROUP "MRML Settings" #define DEFAULT_HOST "localhost" #define DEFAULT_USER "kmrml" #define DEFAULT_PASS "none" #define DEFAULT_AUTH false #define DEFAULT_AUTOPORT true const int DEFAULT_PORT = 12789; Config::Config() { m_ownConfig = new KConfig( "kio_mrmlrc", false, false ); m_config = m_ownConfig; init(); } Config::Config( KConfig *config ) : m_config( config ), m_ownConfig( 0L ) { init(); } Config::~Config() { delete m_ownConfig; } void Config::init() { m_config->setGroup( CONFIG_GROUP ); m_defaultHost = m_config->readEntry( "Default Host" ); if ( m_defaultHost.isEmpty() ) m_defaultHost = DEFAULT_HOST; m_hostList = m_config->readListEntry( "Host List" ); if ( m_hostList.isEmpty() ) m_hostList.append( DEFAULT_HOST ); m_serverStartedIndividually = m_config->readBoolEntry( "ServerStartedIndividually", false ); } bool Config::sync() { bool notifySlaves = m_config->isDirty(); m_config->sync(); return notifySlaves; // This moved to kcontrol/MainPage::save() so we don't have to link against // KIO and need a full KApplication instance to work (so that the tiny // mrmlsearch binary can also use this class) // tell the ioslaves about the new configuration // if ( notifySlaves ) // KIO::SlaveConfig::self()->reset(); } void Config::setDefaultHost( const TQString& host ) { m_defaultHost = host.isEmpty() ? TQString::tqfromLatin1(DEFAULT_HOST) : host; m_config->setGroup( CONFIG_GROUP ); m_config->writeEntry( "Default Host", m_defaultHost ); } ServerSettings Config::settingsForLocalHost() const { return settingsForHost( "localhost" ); } ServerSettings Config::settingsForHost( const TQString& host ) const { KConfigGroup config( m_config, settingsGroup( host ) ); ServerSettings settings; settings.host = host; settings.configuredPort = config.readUnsignedNumEntry( "Port", DEFAULT_PORT ); settings.autoPort = (host == "localhost") && config.readBoolEntry("Automatically determine Port", DEFAULT_AUTOPORT ); settings.user = config.readEntry( "Username", DEFAULT_USER ); settings.pass = config.readEntry( "Password", DEFAULT_PASS ); settings.useAuth = config.readBoolEntry( "Perform Authentication", DEFAULT_AUTH ); return settings; } void Config::addSettings( const ServerSettings& settings ) { TQString host = settings.host; if ( m_hostList.find( host ) == m_hostList.end() ) m_hostList.append( host ); m_config->setGroup( CONFIG_GROUP ); m_config->writeEntry( "Host List", m_hostList ); m_config->setGroup( settingsGroup( host ) ); m_config->writeEntry( "Host", host ); m_config->writeEntry( "Port", settings.configuredPort ); m_config->writeEntry( "Automatically determine Port", settings.autoPort ); m_config->writeEntry( "Username", settings.user ); m_config->writeEntry( "Password", settings.pass ); m_config->writeEntry( "Perform Authentication", settings.useAuth ); } bool Config::removeSettings( const TQString& host ) { bool success = m_config->deleteGroup( settingsGroup( host ) ); if ( success ) { m_hostList.remove( host ); m_config->setGroup( CONFIG_GROUP ); } return success; } TQStringList Config::indexableDirectories() const { m_config->setGroup( CONFIG_GROUP ); return m_config->readListEntry( "Indexable Directories" ); } void Config::setIndexableDirectories( const TQStringList& dirs ) { m_config->setGroup( CONFIG_GROUP ); m_config->writeEntry( "Indexable Directories", dirs ); } TQString Config::addCollectionCommandLine() const { m_config->setGroup( CONFIG_GROUP ); TQString cmd = m_config->readEntry( "AddCollection Commandline", DEFAULT_ADDCOLLECTION_CMD ); int index = cmd.find( "%h" ); if ( index != -1 ) cmd.replace( index, 2, TQUOTE( mrmldDataDir() ) ); index = cmd.find( "%e" ); if ( index != -1 ) cmd.replace( index, 2, TQTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName() ); return cmd; } void Config::setAddCollectionCommandLine( const TQString& cmd ) { m_config->setGroup( CONFIG_GROUP ); m_config->writeEntry( "AddCollection Commandline", cmd ); } TQString Config::removeCollectionCommandLine() const { m_config->setGroup( CONFIG_GROUP ); TQString cmd = m_config->readEntry( "RemoveCollection Commandline", DEFAULT_REMOVECOLLECTION_CMD ); int index = cmd.find( "%h" ); if ( index != -1 ) cmd.replace( index, 2, TQUOTE( mrmldDataDir() ) ); index = cmd.find( "%e" ); if ( index != -1 ) cmd.replace( index, 2, TQTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName() ); return cmd; } void Config::setRemoveCollectionCommandLine( const TQString& cmd ) { m_config->setGroup( CONFIG_GROUP ); m_config->writeEntry( "RemoveCollection Commandline", cmd ); } TQString Config::mrmldCommandline() const { ServerSettings settings = settingsForLocalHost(); m_config->setGroup( CONFIG_GROUP ); TQString cmd = m_config->readEntry( "MrmmlDaemon Commandline", settings.autoPort ? DEFAULT_MRMLD_CMD_AUTOPORT : DEFAULT_MRMLD_CMD ); // add data directory and port to the commandline int index = cmd.find( "%p" ); if ( index != -1 ) { TQString port = settings.autoPort ? TQString() : TQString::number( settings.configuredPort ); cmd.replace( index, 2, port ); } index = cmd.find( "%d" ); if ( index != -1 ) { cmd.replace( index, 2, TQUOTE( mrmldDataDir() ) ); } qDebug("***** commandline: %s", cmd.latin1()); return cmd; } TQString Config::mrmldDataDir() { TQString dir = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation( "data", "kmrml/mrmld-data/" ); if ( dir.isEmpty() ) // fallback dir = TQDir::homeDirPath() + "/"; return dir; } void Config::setMrmldCommandLine( const TQString& cmd ) { m_config->setGroup( CONFIG_GROUP ); m_config->writeEntry( "MrmmlDaemon Commandline", cmd ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ServerSettings::ServerSettings() : configuredPort( 0 ), autoPort( true ), useAuth( false ) { } ServerSettings::ServerSettings( const TQString& host, unsigned short int port, bool autoPort, bool useAuth, const TQString& user, const TQString& pass ) { this->host = host; this->configuredPort = port; this->autoPort = autoPort; this->useAuth = useAuth; this->user = user; this->pass = pass; } // static ServerSettings ServerSettings::defaults() { return ServerSettings( DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_PORT, (!strcmp(DEFAULT_HOST, "localhost") && DEFAULT_PORT), DEFAULT_AUTH, DEFAULT_USER, DEFAULT_PASS ); } KURL ServerSettings::getUrl() const { KURL url; url.setProtocol( "mrml" ); url.setHost( host ); if ( !autoPort ) url.setPort( configuredPort ); if ( useAuth && user.isEmpty() ) { url.setUser( user ); url.setPass( pass ); } return url; } unsigned short int ServerSettings::port() const { if ( autoPort ) { TQString portsFile = Config::mrmldDataDir() + "gift-port.txt"; TQFile file( portsFile ); if ( file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { TQString line; (void) file.readLine( line, 6 ); // qDebug("**** read: %s", line.latin1()); file.close(); bool ok; unsigned short int p = line.toUShort( &ok ); if ( ok ) return p; } else kdWarning() << "Can't open \"" << portsFile << "\" to automatically determine the gift port" << endl; } return configuredPort; }