dnl AC_SEARCH_LIBS(pgm2asc,Pgm2asc) dnl AC_CHECK_LIB(Pgm2asc,pgm2asc) dnl should define HAVE_LIBPGM2ASC if available AC_ARG_WITH([kadmos], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-kadmos], [Enable the kadmos OCR engine @<:@default=check@:>@])], [], with_kadmos=check) AC_ARG_WITH([kadmos-dir], AC_HELP_STRING([--with-kadmos-dir], [sets the path to the kadmos engine @<:@default=/usr/local@:>@]), [ac_kadmos_value=$withval], [ac_kadmos_value=/usr/local]) KADMOS_INC= KADMOS_LIB= if test "x$with_kadmos" != xno; then if test -r "$ac_kadmos_value/kadmos.h"; then KADMOS_INC="-I$ac_kadmos_value" KADMOS_LIB="$ac_kadmos_value/librep.a" AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_KADMOS, 1, [Defines if your system has the kadmos libraries]) else AC_MSG_WARN([couldn't find kadmos engine header file under $ac_kadmos_value/kadmos.h]) fi if test "x$with_kadmos" != xcheck && test -z "$KADMOS_LIB"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-kadmos was given, but test for kadmos failed]) fi fi AC_SUBST(KADMOS_LIB) AC_SUBST(KADMOS_INC)