ImageListDialog Matthias Kretz <> ImageListDialog 0 0 724 409 Image List true unnamed URL true true Size true true Dimensions true true m_pListView 400 0 true true true true Layout4 unnamed Layout2 unnamed m_pPrevious &Previous false m_pNext &Next false m_pShuffle Shu&ffle false Spacer3 Vertical Fixed 16 20 m_pSlideshow Start &Slideshow true false m_pInterval Slideshow interval: 5000 ms This is the interval the program will wait before showing the next image in the slideshow. Spacer4 Vertical MinimumExpanding 20 80 m_pCloseAll &Close All false Layout4 unnamed m_pSave Sa&ve List... false m_pLoad &Load List... false m_pListView aboutToMove() ImageListDialog noSort() kdialog.h kdebug.h kimageviewer/viewer.h kio/netaccess.h kurl.h kfiledialog.h qstring.h kmessagebox.h imagelistitem.h imagelistdialog.ui.h class KURL init() noSort() kdialog.h klistview.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h knuminput.h knuminput.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h