/*************************************************************************** * kio-locate: KDE I/O Slave for the locate command * * * * Copyright (C) 2005 by Tobi Vollebregt * * tobivollebregt@gmail.com * * * * Thanks to Google's Summer Of Code Program! * * * * Copyright (C) 2004 by Armin Straub * * linux@arminstraub.de * * * * This program was initially written by Michael Schuerig. * * Although I have completely rewritten it, most ideas are adopted * * from his original work. * * * * Copyright (C) 2002 by Michael Schuerig * * michael@schuerig.de * * * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kio_locate.h" #include "klocateconfig.h" #include "klocateconfigwidget.h" #include "klocateconfigfilterwidget.h" #include "klocateconfiglocatewidget.h" using namespace KIO; static const QString queryQuery = "q"; static const QString queryDirectory = "directory"; static const QString queryCase = "case"; static const QString queryRegExp = "regexp"; static const QString iconToStringTable[] = { "folder", "folder_green", "folder_grey", "folder_orange", "folder_red", "folder_violet", "folder_yellow" }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HELPERS /** * Determines if a string contains unescaped wildcard characters. * Currently, wildcard characters are: * + ? [ ] * For older versions of Konqueror: + behaves identical to * * @param s the string to inspect */ static bool hasWildcards(const QString& s) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) { if ((s[i] == '*' || s[i] == '+' || s[i] == '?' || s[i] == '[' || s[i] == ']') && (i < 1 || s[i-1] != '\\')) return true; } return false; } /** * Converts a string containing shell wildcard characters (globbing characters) * to a regular expression. This function takes care of escaped wildcards and * any regexp special characters which happen to be in the string. * @param s the string to convert * @return the converted string */ static QString convertWildcardsToRegExp(QString s) { bool in_set = false; // No support for regexp searches. // (Konqueror makes passing chars like "/" almost impossible anyway.) // Note that this converts actual wildcards to escaped wildcards (\wildcard), // and escaped wildcards to 'triple'-escaped wildcards (\\\wildcard). s = QRegExp::escape(s); // Walk through the string, converting \wildcard to regexp and // \\\wildcard back to \wildcard. for (unsigned i = 1; i < s.length(); ++i) { //DEBUGSTR << s.left(i+1) << endl; if (i < 3 || s[i-3] != '\\' || s[i-2] != '\\') { // If it was an unescaped character (now possibly escaped once) if (s[i-1] == '\\') { // If it actually was escaped once if (!in_set) { // If it's NOT inside a character set, we need to convert *?[ if (s[i] == '*' || s[i] == '+') { s = s.left(i-1) + "[^/]*" + s.mid(i+1); i += 3; // 3 == strlen("[^/]*")-strlen("\\*") } else if (s[i] == '?') { s = s.left(i-1) + "[^/]" + s.mid(i+1); i += 2; // 2 == strlen("[^/]")-strlen("\\*") } else if (s[i] == '[') { s = s.left(i-1) + s.mid(i); --i; in_set = true; } } else { // If it's inside a character set, we need to convert ]^ // and to unescape everything else. if (s[i] == ']') { s = s.left(i-1) + s.mid(i); --i; in_set = false; } else if (s[i] == '^' && i >= 2 && s[i-2] == '[') { s = s.left(i-1) + s.mid(i); --i; } else { s = s.left(i-1) + s.mid(i); } } } } else { // If it's an escaped character, remove the extra escape characters. s = s.left(i-3) + s.mid(i-1); i -= 2; // 2 == strlen("\\\\")-strlen("") } } return s; } /** * Determines if path includes a trailing slash. * @param path the path to inspect */ static bool hasTrailingSlash(const QString& path) { int n = path.length(); return ((n > 0) && (path[n-1] == '/')); } /** * Strips a trailing slash / from a path. * @param path the path to strip the slash off */ static QString stripTrailingSlash(const QString& path) { int n = path.length(); if ((n > 0) && (path[n-1] == '/')) { return path.left(n-1); } return path; } /** * Add a trailing slash / to a path if there is none yet. * @param path the path to append the slash to */ static QString addTrailingSlash(const QString& path) { int n = path.length(); if ((n > 0) && (path[n-1] == '/')) { return path; } return path + '/'; } static void addAtom(UDSEntry& entry, unsigned int uds, const QString& s) { UDSAtom a; a.m_uds = uds; a.m_str = s; entry.append(a); } static void addAtom(UDSEntry& entry, unsigned int uds, long l) { UDSAtom a; a.m_uds = uds; a.m_long = l; entry.append(a); } static const UDSEntry pathToUDSEntry(const QString& path, const QString& display, const QString& url = QString::null, const QString& icon = QString::null) { UDSEntry entry; addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_NAME, display); if (!path.isEmpty()) { struct stat info; lstat(path.local8Bit(), &info); addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_SIZE, info.st_size); addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_ACCESS, info.st_mode); addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME, info.st_mtime); addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_ACCESS_TIME, info.st_atime); addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_CREATION_TIME, info.st_ctime); struct passwd * user = getpwuid(info.st_uid); struct group * group = getgrgid(info.st_gid); addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_USER, ((user != NULL) ? user->pw_name : "???" )); addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_GROUP, ((group != NULL) ? group->gr_name : "???" )); if (url.isEmpty()) { // List an existing file. addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_URL, "file:" + path); mode_t type = info.st_mode; if (S_ISLNK(type)) { QString slink = QString::null; char buff[1000]; int n = readlink(path, buff, 1000); if (n != -1) { buff[n] = 0; slink = buff; } addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_LINK_DEST, slink); } else { type &= S_IFMT; } addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE, type); #ifdef HAVE_UDS_HIDDEN if (path.contains("/.")) { addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_HIDDEN, 1); } #endif } else { // List a locate link. addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_URL, url); addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE, S_IFDIR); } } else { addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_URL, url); } if (!icon.isEmpty()) { addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_ICON_NAME, icon); } return entry; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INITIALIZATION LocateProtocol::LocateProtocol(const QCString &pool_socket, const QCString &app_socket) : SlaveBase("kio_locate", pool_socket, app_socket) { DEBUGSTR << "LocateProtocol::LocateProtocol()" << endl; connect(&m_locater, SIGNAL(found(const QStringList&)), this, SLOT(processLocateOutput(const QStringList&))); connect(&m_locater, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(locateFinished())); m_baseDir = NULL; m_curDir = NULL; } LocateProtocol::~LocateProtocol() { DEBUGSTR << "LocateProtocol::~LocateProtocol()" << endl; delete m_baseDir; } const LocateRegExp& LocateProtocol::getRegExp() const { return m_locateRegExp; } int LocateProtocol::getCollapseDirectoryThreshold() const { return m_config.m_collapseDirectoryThreshold; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // KIO STUFF void LocateProtocol::setUrl(const KURL& url) { if (url.protocol() != "locater") { QString pattern = KURL::decode_string(url.url()); pattern = pattern.mid(url.protocol().length() + 1); KURL newUrl; newUrl.setProtocol("locater"); if (pattern.isEmpty() || pattern == "/") { // Give help. newUrl.setPath("help"); } else if (hasTrailingSlash(pattern)) { // Detect auto-completion from within konqueror and "stop" // this search. newUrl.setPath("autosearch"); newUrl.addQueryItem(queryQuery, pattern); } else if (url.protocol() == "rlocate") { // Standard regexp search. newUrl.setPath("search"); newUrl.addQueryItem(queryQuery, pattern); newUrl.addQueryItem(queryRegExp, "1"); } else { // Standard wildcard search. newUrl.setPath("search"); newUrl.addQueryItem(queryQuery, pattern); } m_url = newUrl; DEBUGSTR << "Redirect: " << m_url << endl; } else { m_url = url; } // Perhaps this will be unneccessary most times, but who knows... updateConfig(); } void LocateProtocol::get(const KURL& url) { DEBUGSTR << "LocateProtocol::get(" << url << ")" << endl; setUrl(url); if (isSearchRequest()) { if (m_locater.binaryExists()) { error(KIO::ERR_IS_DIRECTORY, QString::null); } else { QString html = i18n("

\"%1\" could not be started.

Please note that kio-locate can't be used on its own. You need an additional program for doing searches. Typically this is the command line tool locate that can be found in many distributions by default. You can check if the correct tool is used by looking at the setting \"Locate Binary\".

Besides the mentioned tool locate, kio-locate can use any tool that uses the same syntax. In particular, it was reported to work with slocate and rlocate.").arg(m_locater.binary()); outputHtml(html); } } else if (isConfigRequest()) { configRequest(); } else if (isHelpRequest()) { helpRequest(); } else { // What's this? error(KIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, QString::null); } } void LocateProtocol::stat(const KURL& url) { DEBUGSTR << "LocateProtocol::stat(" << url << ")" << endl ; setUrl(url); if (isSearchRequest() || isConfigRequest() || isHelpRequest()) { bool isDir = isSearchRequest() && m_locater.binaryExists(); /// \todo Is UDS_NAME used for anything in stat? If so we should /// at least strip of the protocol part. UDSEntry entry; addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_NAME, url.decode_string(url.url())); addAtom(entry, KIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE, isDir ? S_IFDIR : S_IFREG); statEntry(entry); finished(); /// \todo Somehow locate: and locate:/ is thought to be a directory /// by konqueror anyway. How to change this? } else { // What's this? error(KIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, QString::null); } } void LocateProtocol::listDir(const KURL& url) { DEBUGSTR << "LocateProtocol::listDir(" << url << ")" << endl ; setUrl(url); if (isSearchRequest()) { searchRequest(); } else if (isConfigRequest() || isHelpRequest()) { error(KIO::ERR_IS_FILE, QString::null); } else { // What's this? error(KIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, QString::null); } } void LocateProtocol::mimetype(const KURL& url) { DEBUGSTR << "LocateProtocol::mimetype(" << url << ")" << endl ; setUrl(url); if (isSearchRequest()) { if (m_locater.binaryExists()) { mimeType("inode/directory"); } else { mimeType("text/html"); } } else if (isConfigRequest() || isHelpRequest()) { mimeType("text/html"); } finished(); } void LocateProtocol::outputHtml(const QString& body) { mimeType("text/html"); QString theData = "" + body + ""; data(theData.local8Bit()); finished(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SEARCHING bool LocateProtocol::isSearchRequest() { return m_url.path() == "search"; } void LocateProtocol::searchRequest() { // Reset old values. m_caseSensitivity = caseAuto; m_useRegExp = false; m_locatePattern = QString::null; m_locateDirectory = QString::null; m_regExps.clear(); m_pendingPath = QString::null; delete m_baseDir; m_baseDir = NULL; m_curDir = NULL; updateConfig(); QString query = m_url.queryItem(queryQuery); m_locateDirectory = addTrailingSlash(m_url.queryItem(queryDirectory)); QString caseSensitivity = m_url.queryItem(queryCase); if (caseSensitivity == "sensitive") { m_caseSensitivity = caseSensitive; } else if (caseSensitivity == "insensitive") { m_caseSensitivity = caseInsensitive; } QString useRegExp = m_url.queryItem(queryRegExp); if (!useRegExp.isEmpty() && useRegExp != "0") { m_useRegExp = true; } // Split query into components. The first component is the query // for locate. The others are filtering regular expressions. They are // delimited by (not escaped) whitespace. // If the last component starts with two backslahes \\, then the search // is only to be done within the directory following them. query = query.simplifyWhiteSpace(); int s = 0; int n = query.length(); bool regexp; QString display; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { if ((i == n) || ((query[i] == ' ') && (i > 0) && (query[i-1] != '\\') && (i-s > 0))) { QString temp = query.mid(s, i-s); QString part = partToPattern(temp, s==0); if (s == 0) { // We don't want to show the escaped regexpified string to // the user, so we store the string we get in for later display. display = temp; // This is the same check as in partToPattern. // ie. regexp is used if locate pattern contains wildcards, // or regexp searching was enabled. regexp = hasWildcards(temp); m_locatePattern = part; } else { // For each regular expression determine if it should be // case sensitive. m_regExps += LocateRegExp(part, !isCaseSensitive(part)); } s = i+1; } } DEBUGSTR << "Pattern: " << m_locatePattern << endl; DEBUGSTR << "Directory: " << m_locateDirectory << endl; // We set up the regexp used to see whether the match was in the // directory part or the filename part of a path. m_locateRegExp = LocateRegExp(convertWildcardsToRegExp(m_locatePattern), !isCaseSensitive(m_locatePattern)); // Now perform the search... infoMessage(i18n("Locating %1 ...").arg(display)); bool started = m_locater.locate(m_locatePattern, !isCaseSensitive(m_locatePattern), regexp); if (!started) { DEBUGSTR << "Locate could not be found." << endl; finished(); } } bool LocateProtocol::isCaseSensitive(const QString& text) { if (m_caseSensitivity == caseSensitive) { return true; } else if (m_caseSensitivity == caseInsensitive) { return false; } else if (m_config.m_caseSensitivity == caseSensitive) { return true; } else if (m_config.m_caseSensitivity == caseInsensitive) { return false; } else { return text != text.lower(); } } void LocateProtocol::addHit(const QString& path, int subItems) { // DEBUGSTR << "LocateProtocol::addHit( " << path << ", " << subItems << " )" << endl; if (QFile::exists(path)) { if (subItems > 0) { m_entries += pathToUDSEntry(path, pathToDisplay(path, subItems), makeLocaterUrl(path), iconToStringTable[m_config.m_collapsedIcon]); } else { m_entries += pathToUDSEntry(path, pathToDisplay(path)); } } } void LocateProtocol::addPreviousLocateOutput() { if (m_baseDir == NULL) { return; } // m_baseDir->debugTrace(); if (m_locateDirectory == "/") { // Allow toplevel directories to collapse (e.g. when locating "/usr/"). m_baseDir->prepareListing(this, 0); } else { m_baseDir->prepareListing(this, m_locateDirectory.length()); } m_baseDir->listItems(this); delete m_baseDir; m_baseDir = NULL; m_curDir = NULL; listEntries(m_entries); m_entries.clear(); } void LocateProtocol::processPath(const QString &path, const QString &nextPath) { if (!nextPath) { // We need to know the next path, so we remember this path for later processing. m_pendingPath = path; } else if (!nextPath.startsWith(path + '/')) { if (isMatching(path)) { if ((m_baseDir != NULL) && !path.startsWith(m_baseDir->m_path)) { addPreviousLocateOutput(); } // Add path to current directory. if (m_baseDir == NULL) { int p = path.find('/', 1); QString base = path; if (p >= 0) { base = path.left(p+1); } m_baseDir = new LocateDirectory(NULL, base); m_curDir = m_baseDir; } m_curDir = m_curDir->addPath(path); } } } void LocateProtocol::processLocateOutput(const QStringList& items) { // I don't know if this really necessary, but if we were signaled, we'll // better stop. if (wasKilled()) { m_locater.stop(); return; } // Go through what we have found. QStringList::ConstIterator it = items.begin(); if (m_pendingPath) { processPath(m_pendingPath, *it); m_pendingPath = QString::null; } for (; it != items.end();) { QString path = *it; ++it; processPath(path, it != items.end() ? *it : QString::null); } } void LocateProtocol::locateFinished() { // Add any pending items. if (m_pendingPath) { processPath(m_pendingPath, ""); m_pendingPath = QString::null; } addPreviousLocateOutput(); DEBUGSTR << "LocateProtocol::locateFinished" << endl; infoMessage(i18n("Finished.")); finished(); } QString LocateProtocol::partToPattern(const QString& part, bool forLocate) { DEBUGSTR << "BEG part: " << part << endl; QString pattern = part; // Unescape whitespace. pattern.replace("\\ ", " "); // Unquote quoted pattern. int n = pattern.length(), index; if ((n > 1) && (pattern[0] == '"') && (pattern[n-1] == '"')) { pattern = pattern.mid(1, n-2); } // We can't do regular expression matching on the locate pattern, // the regular expression format used by locate is incompatible // with the format used by QRegExp. if (!m_useRegExp || forLocate) { // Escape regexp characters for filtering pattern, and for locate, // but the latter only if it is actually necessary to pass a regexp to locate. // (ie. the pattern contains wildcards.) if (!forLocate || hasWildcards(pattern)) { pattern = convertWildcardsToRegExp(pattern); } else { // Special case for locate pattern without wildcards: // Unescape all escaped wildcards. pattern.replace("\\*", "*"); pattern.replace("\\+", "+"); pattern.replace("\\?", "?"); pattern.replace("\\[", "["); pattern.replace("\\]", "]"); } } // Special treatment for the pattern used for locate: if (forLocate) { // Replace ~/ and ~user/ at the beginning (as the shell does) if ((pattern.length() > 0) && (pattern[0] == '~')) { index = pattern.find('/'); if (index >= 0) { QString name = pattern.mid(1, index-1); QString homeDir; if (name.isEmpty()) { homeDir = KUser(KUser::UseRealUserID).homeDir(); } else { homeDir = KUser(name).homeDir(); } if (!homeDir.isEmpty()) { pattern.replace(0, index, homeDir); } } } pattern.replace("\\~", "~"); } DEBUGSTR << "END part: " << pattern << endl; return pattern; } bool LocateProtocol::isMatching(const QString& path) { // The file has to belong to our directory. if (!path.startsWith(m_locateDirectory)) { return false; } // And it has to match at least one regular expression in the whitelist. if (!m_config.m_whiteList.isMatchingOne(path)) { return false; } // And it may not match any regular expression in the blacklist. if (m_config.m_blackList.isMatchingOne(path)) { return false; } // And it has to match against all regular expressions specified in the URL. if (!m_regExps.isMatchingAll(path)) { return false; } // And it must not solely match m_locateDirectory. return m_locateRegExp.isMatching(path.mid(m_locateDirectory.length())); } QString LocateProtocol::pathToDisplay(const QString& path, int subItems) { // Split off the directory part. If it is not just the minimal '/'. QString display = path; if ((m_locateDirectory != "/") && display.startsWith(m_locateDirectory)) { display = display.mid(m_locateDirectory.length()); } if (subItems > 0) { // Can't use m_collapsedDisplay.arg(subItems).arg(display); here // because user might forget to type %1 or %2, or type it twice. // In both cases the result of arg() is undefined. QString output = m_config.m_collapsedDisplay, temp; temp.setNum(subItems); output.replace("%1", temp); output.replace("%2", display); display = output; } return display; } QString LocateProtocol::makeLocaterUrl(const QString& directory) { KURL url(m_url); url.removeQueryItem(queryDirectory); url.addQueryItem(queryDirectory, directory); return url.url(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONFIG bool LocateProtocol::isConfigRequest() { return m_url.path() == "config"; } void LocateProtocol::configRequest() { // This flag is used to show either a "succesful" or an "unchanged" message // in configFinished(). m_configUpdated = false; // Don't show it twice. During my tests I never got there however. if(KConfigDialog::showDialog("settings")) return; KConfigDialog *dialog = new KConfigDialog(0, "settings", KLocateConfig::self(), KDialogBase::IconList, KDialogBase::Default|KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel|KDialogBase::Help, KDialogBase::Ok, true); dialog->setCaption(i18n("Configure - kio-locate")); dialog->setIcon(SmallIcon("find")); dialog->addPage(new KLocateConfigWidget(), i18n("General"), "package_settings"); dialog->addPage(new KLocateConfigFilterWidget(), i18n("Filters"), "filter"); dialog->addPage(new KLocateConfigLocateWidget(), i18n("Locate"), "find"); // React on user's actions. connect(dialog, SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SLOT(updateConfig())); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(configFinished())); dialog->show(); qApp->enter_loop(); delete dialog; } void LocateProtocol::configFinished() { DEBUGSTR << "LocateProtocol::configFinished" << endl; qApp->exit_loop(); QString html; if (m_configUpdated) { html = i18n("Configuration succesfully updated."); } else { html = i18n("Configuration unchanged."); } outputHtml("

" + html + "

"); } void LocateProtocol::updateConfig() { // It's not needed to update the config if it's still up to date. DEBUGSTR << "LocateProtocol::updateConfig" << endl; KLocateConfig::self()->readConfig(); m_config.m_caseSensitivity = (LocateCaseSensitivity) KLocateConfig::caseSensitivity(); m_config.m_collapseDirectoryThreshold = KLocateConfig::collapseDirectoryThreshold(); m_config.m_collapsedDisplay = KLocateConfig::collapsedDisplay(); m_config.m_collapsedIcon = (LocateCollapsedIcon) KLocateConfig::collapsedIcon(); m_config.m_whiteList = KLocateConfig::whiteList(); m_config.m_blackList = KLocateConfig::blackList(); m_locater.setupLocate(KLocateConfig::locateBinary(), KLocateConfig::locateAdditionalArguments()); m_configUpdated = true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HELP bool LocateProtocol::isHelpRequest() { return m_url.path() == "help"; } void LocateProtocol::helpRequest() { // Redirect the user to our help documents. redirection("help:/kio-locate/"); finished(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SEARCH STRUCTURES LocateDirectory::LocateDirectory(LocateDirectory *parent, const QString& path) { m_parent = parent; m_path = path; m_childs.setAutoDelete(true); m_itemsCount = 0; } LocateDirectory *LocateDirectory::addPath(const QString& path) { if (path.startsWith(m_path)) { QString relPath = path.mid(m_path.length()); int p = relPath.findRev('/'); if (p >= 0) { LocateDirectory *child = getSubDirectory(relPath.left(p)); child->addItem(relPath.mid(p+1)); return child; } addItem(relPath); return this; } if (m_parent != NULL) { return m_parent->addPath(path); } // This should not happen return this; } LocateDirectory *LocateDirectory::getSubDirectory(const QString& relPath) { QString base = relPath; int p = relPath.find('/'); if (p >= 0) { base = relPath.left(p); } LocateDirectory *child = m_childs.find(base); if (child == NULL) { child = new LocateDirectory(this, addTrailingSlash(m_path + base)); m_childs.insert(base, child); } if (p >= 0) { return child->getSubDirectory(relPath.mid(p+1)); } return child; } void LocateDirectory::addItem(const QString& path) { m_items += LocateItem(m_path + path, 0); m_itemsCount++; } int LocateDirectory::countMatchingItems(const LocateProtocol* protocol, int skip) { int count = 0; LocateItems::ConstIterator item = m_items.begin(); for (; item != m_items.end(); ++item) { if ((*item).m_subItems) { count += (*item).m_subItems; } else if (protocol->getRegExp().isMatching((*item).m_path.mid(skip))) { ++count; } } return count; } void LocateDirectory::prepareListing(const LocateProtocol* protocol, int skip) { int n = m_path.length(), newSkip = n; if (skip > newSkip) newSkip = skip; // Recursively walk through all childs. LocateDirectoriesIterator child(m_childs); for (; child.current(); ++child) { child.current()->prepareListing(protocol, newSkip); } // Set m_fullCount to the total number of childs matching the pattern. m_fullCount = countMatchingItems(protocol, newSkip); // Collapse if directory part matches. LocateDirectory* parent = m_parent; if (parent == NULL) { parent = this; } if (n > skip && protocol->getRegExp().isMatching(m_path.mid(skip))) { // Directory part matches. m_childs.clear(); m_items.clear(); m_itemsCount = 0; parent->m_items += LocateItem(m_path, m_fullCount); ++parent->m_itemsCount; if (m_fullCount != 0) { parent->m_items += LocateItem(m_path, 0); ++parent->m_itemsCount; } } // Collapse if we got too many hits. int maxHits = protocol->getCollapseDirectoryThreshold(); if (n > skip && maxHits != 0 && m_itemsCount > maxHits) { if (m_parent != NULL) { m_parent->m_items += LocateItem(m_path, m_fullCount); ++m_parent->m_itemsCount; } else { m_items.clear(); m_items += LocateItem(m_path, m_fullCount); ++m_itemsCount; } } else { // Propagate items to parent. // (only root LocateDirectory runs listItems) if (m_parent != NULL) { m_parent->m_items += m_items; m_parent->m_itemsCount += m_itemsCount; } } } void LocateDirectory::listItems(LocateProtocol *protocol) { LocateItems::ConstIterator item = m_items.begin(); for (; item != m_items.end(); ++item) { protocol->addHit(stripTrailingSlash((*item).m_path), (*item).m_subItems); } } void LocateDirectory::debugTrace(int level) { QString ws; ws.fill(' ', level); DEBUGSTR << ws << m_path << endl; LocateItems::ConstIterator item = m_items.begin(); for (; item != m_items.end(); ++item) { DEBUGSTR << ws << "+ " << (*item).m_path << endl; } LocateDirectoriesIterator child(m_childs); for (; child.current(); ++child) { child.current()->debugTrace(level+2); } } LocateItem::LocateItem() { } LocateItem::LocateItem(const QString& path, int subItems) { m_path = path; m_subItems = subItems; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INVOKATION extern "C" { int kdemain(int argc, char **argv) { // We use KApplication instead of KInstance here, because we use a // config dialog and such gui stuff. KApplication app(argc, argv, "kio_locate", false, true); DEBUGSTR << "*** Starting kio_locate " << endl; if (argc != 4) { DEBUGSTR << "Usage: kio_locate protocol domain-socket1 domain-socket2" << endl; exit(-1); } LocateProtocol slave(argv[2], argv[3]); slave.dispatchLoop(); DEBUGSTR << "*** kio_locate Done" << endl; return 0; } } #include "kio_locate.moc"