/* $XConsortium: ICElib.h /main/41 1996/11/29 13:30:19 swick $ */ /* $XFree86: xc/lib/ICE/ICElib.h,v 3.1 1996/12/23 05:58:57 dawes Exp $ */ /****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1993 X Consortium Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium. Author: Ralph Mor, X Consortium ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _ICELIB_H_ #define _ICELIB_H_ #include #include #ifndef SIZEOF #define _SIZEOF(x) sz_##x #define SIZEOF(x) _SIZEOF(x) #endif #define Bool int #define Status int #define True 1 #define False 0 #if NeedFunctionPrototypes typedef void *IcePointer; #else typedef char *IcePointer; #endif typedef enum { IcePoAuthHaveReply, IcePoAuthRejected, IcePoAuthFailed, IcePoAuthDoneCleanup } IcePoAuthStatus; typedef enum { IcePaAuthContinue, IcePaAuthAccepted, IcePaAuthRejected, IcePaAuthFailed } IcePaAuthStatus; typedef enum { IceConnectPending, IceConnectAccepted, IceConnectRejected, IceConnectIOError } IceConnectStatus; typedef enum { IceProtocolSetupSuccess, IceProtocolSetupFailure, IceProtocolSetupIOError, IceProtocolAlreadyActive } IceProtocolSetupStatus; typedef enum { IceAcceptSuccess, IceAcceptFailure, IceAcceptBadMalloc } IceAcceptStatus; typedef enum { IceClosedNow, IceClosedASAP, IceConnectionInUse, IceStartedShutdownNegotiation } IceClosetStatus; typedef enum { IceProcessMessagesSuccess, IceProcessMessagesIOError, IceProcessMessagesConnectionClosed } IceProcessMessagesStatus; typedef struct { unsigned long sequence_of_request; int major_opcode_of_request; int minor_opcode_of_request; IcePointer reply; } IceReplyWaitInfo; typedef struct _IceConn *IceConn; typedef struct _IceListenObj *IceListenObj; typedef void (*IceWatchProc) ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, IcePointer /* clientData */, Bool /* opening */, IcePointer * /* watchData */ #endif ); typedef void (*IcePoProcessMsgProc) ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, IcePointer /* clientData */, int /* opcode */, unsigned long /* length */, Bool /* swap */, IceReplyWaitInfo * /* replyWait */, Bool * /* replyReadyRet */ #endif ); typedef void (*IcePaProcessMsgProc) ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, IcePointer /* clientData */, int /* opcode */, unsigned long /* length */, Bool /* swap */ #endif ); typedef struct { int major_version; int minor_version; IcePoProcessMsgProc process_msg_proc; } IcePoVersionRec; typedef struct { int major_version; int minor_version; IcePaProcessMsgProc process_msg_proc; } IcePaVersionRec; typedef IcePoAuthStatus (*IcePoAuthProc) ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, IcePointer * /* authStatePtr */, Bool /* cleanUp */, Bool /* swap */, int /* authDataLen */, IcePointer /* authData */, int * /* replyDataLenRet */, IcePointer * /* replyDataRet */, char ** /* errorStringRet */ #endif ); typedef IcePaAuthStatus (*IcePaAuthProc) ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, IcePointer * /* authStatePtr */, Bool /* swap */, int /* authDataLen */, IcePointer /* authData */, int * /* replyDataLenRet */, IcePointer * /* replyDataRet */, char ** /* errorStringRet */ #endif ); typedef Bool (*IceHostBasedAuthProc) ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes char * /* hostName */ #endif ); typedef Status (*IceProtocolSetupProc) ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, int /* majorVersion */, int /* minorVersion */, char * /* vendor */, char * /* release */, IcePointer * /* clientDataRet */, char ** /* failureReasonRet */ #endif ); typedef void (*IceProtocolActivateProc) ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, IcePointer /* clientData */ #endif ); typedef void (*IceWriteHandler) ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, unsigned long /* nbytes */, char * /* ptr */ #endif ); typedef void (*IceIOErrorProc) ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); typedef void (*IcePingReplyProc) ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, IcePointer /* clientData */ #endif ); typedef void (*IceErrorHandler) ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, Bool /* swap */, int /* offendingMinorOpcode */, unsigned long /* offendingSequence */, int /* errorClass */, int /* severity */, IcePointer /* values */ #endif ); typedef void (*IceIOErrorHandler) ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); /* * Function prototypes */ _XFUNCPROTOBEGIN #define IceRegisterForProtocolSetup KDE_IceRegisterForProtocolSetup extern int IceRegisterForProtocolSetup ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes char * /* protocolName */, char * /* vendor */, char * /* release */, int /* versionCount */, IcePoVersionRec * /* versionRecs */, int /* authCount */, char ** /* authNames */, IcePoAuthProc * /* authProcs */, IceIOErrorProc /* IOErrorProc */ #endif ); #define IceRegisterForProtocolReply KDE_IceRegisterForProtocolReply extern int IceRegisterForProtocolReply ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes char * /* protocolName */, char * /* vendor */, char * /* release */, int /* versionCount */, IcePaVersionRec * /* versionRecs */, int /* authCount */, char ** /* authNames */, IcePaAuthProc * /* authProcs */, IceHostBasedAuthProc /* hostBasedAuthProc */, IceProtocolSetupProc /* protocolSetupProc */, IceProtocolActivateProc /* protocolActivateProc */, IceIOErrorProc /* IOErrorProc */ #endif ); #define IceOpenConnection KDE_IceOpenConnection extern IceConn IceOpenConnection ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes char * /* networkIdsList */, IcePointer /* context */, Bool /* mustAuthenticate */, int /* majorOpcodeCheck */, int /* errorLength */, char * /* errorStringRet */ #endif ); #define IceGetConnectionContext KDE_IceGetConnectionContext extern IcePointer IceGetConnectionContext ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceListenForConnections KDE_IceListenForConnections extern Status IceListenForConnections ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes int * /* countRet */, IceListenObj ** /* listenObjsRet */, int /* errorLength */, char * /* errorStringRet */ #endif ); #define IceListenForWellKnownConnections KDE_IceListenForWellKnownConnections extern Status IceListenForWellKnownConnections ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes char * /* port */, int * /* countRet */, IceListenObj ** /* listenObjsRet */, int /* errorLength */, char * /* errorStringRet */ #endif ); #define IceGetListenConnectionNumber KDE_IceGetListenConnectionNumber extern int IceGetListenConnectionNumber ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceListenObj /* listenObj */ #endif ); #define IceGetListenConnectionString KDE_IceGetListenConnectionString extern char *IceGetListenConnectionString ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceListenObj /* listenObj */ #endif ); #define IceComposeNetworkIdList KDE_IceComposeNetworkIdList extern char *IceComposeNetworkIdList ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes int /* count */, IceListenObj * /* listenObjs */ #endif ); #define IceFreeListenObjs KDE_IceFreeListenObjs extern void IceFreeListenObjs ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes int /* count */, IceListenObj * /* listenObjs */ #endif ); #define IceSetHostBasedAuthProc KDE_IceSetHostBasedAuthProc extern void IceSetHostBasedAuthProc ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceListenObj /* listenObj */, IceHostBasedAuthProc /* hostBasedAuthProc */ #endif ); #define IceAcceptConnection KDE_IceAcceptConnection extern IceConn IceAcceptConnection ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceListenObj /* listenObj */, IceAcceptStatus * /* statusRet */ #endif ); #define IceSetShutdownNegotiation KDE_IceSetShutdownNegotiation extern void IceSetShutdownNegotiation ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, Bool /* negotiate */ #endif ); #define IceCheckShutdownNegotiation KDE_IceCheckShutdownNegotiation extern Bool IceCheckShutdownNegotiation ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceCloseConnection KDE_IceCloseConnection extern IceClosetStatus IceCloseConnection ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceAddConnectionWatch KDE_IceAddConnectionWatch extern Status IceAddConnectionWatch ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceWatchProc /* watchProc */, IcePointer /* clientData */ #endif ); #define IceRemoveConnectionWatch KDE_IceRemoveConnectionWatch extern void IceRemoveConnectionWatch ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceWatchProc /* watchProc */, IcePointer /* clientData */ #endif ); #define IceProtocolSetup KDE_IceProtocolSetup extern IceProtocolSetupStatus IceProtocolSetup ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, int /* myOpcode */, IcePointer /* clientData */, Bool /* mustAuthenticate */, int * /* majorVersionRet */, int * /* minorVersionRet */, char ** /* vendorRet */, char ** /* releaseRet */, int /* errorLength */, char * /* errorStringRet */ #endif ); #define IceProtocolShutdown KDE_IceProtocolShutdown extern Status IceProtocolShutdown ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, int /* majorOpcode */ #endif ); #define IceProcessMessages KDE_IceProcessMessages extern IceProcessMessagesStatus IceProcessMessages ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, IceReplyWaitInfo * /* replyWait */, Bool * /* replyReadyRet */ #endif ); #define IcePing KDE_IcePing extern Status IcePing ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, IcePingReplyProc /* pingReplyProc */, IcePointer /* clientData */ #endif ); #define IceAllocScratch KDE_IceAllocScratch extern char *IceAllocScratch ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */, unsigned long /* size */ #endif ); #define IceFlush KDE_IceFlush extern void IceFlush ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceGetOutBufSize KDE_IceGetOutBufSize extern int IceGetOutBufSize ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceGetInBufSize KDE_IceGetInBufSize extern int IceGetInBufSize ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceConnectionStatus KDE_IceConnectionStatus extern IceConnectStatus IceConnectionStatus ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceVendor KDE_IceVendor extern char *IceVendor ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceRelease KDE_IceRelease extern char *IceRelease ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceProtocolVersion KDE_IceProtocolVersion extern int IceProtocolVersion ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceProtocolRevision KDE_IceProtocolRevision extern int IceProtocolRevision ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceConnectionNumber KDE_IceConnectionNumber extern int IceConnectionNumber ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceConnectionString KDE_IceConnectionString extern char *IceConnectionString ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceLastSentSequenceNumber KDE_IceLastSentSequenceNumber extern unsigned long IceLastSentSequenceNumber ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceLastReceivedSequenceNumber KDE_IceLastReceivedSequenceNumber extern unsigned long IceLastReceivedSequenceNumber ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceSwapping KDE_IceSwapping extern Bool IceSwapping ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceSetErrorHandler KDE_IceSetErrorHandler extern IceErrorHandler IceSetErrorHandler ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceErrorHandler /* handler */ #endif ); #define IceSetIOErrorHandler KDE_IceSetIOErrorHandler extern IceIOErrorHandler IceSetIOErrorHandler ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceIOErrorHandler /* handler */ #endif ); /* * Multithread Routines */ #define IceInitThreads KDE_IceInitThreads extern Status IceInitThreads ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes void #endif ); #define IceAppLockConn KDE_IceAppLockConn extern void IceAppLockConn ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); #define IceAppUnlockConn KDE_IceAppUnlockConn extern void IceAppUnlockConn ( #if NeedFunctionPrototypes IceConn /* iceConn */ #endif ); _XFUNCPROTOEND #endif /* _ICELIB_H_ */