#MIN_CONFIG AC_ARG_ENABLE(dnssd, [ --disable-dnssd don't require libdns_sd (browsing and publishing DNS-SD services will not be possible) ], with_dnssd=$enableval, with_dnssd=yes) if test "$with_dnssd" = "yes"; then # Check for pkg-config manually first, as if its not installed the # PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG macro won't be defined. m4_pattern_allow(PKG_CONFIG_MIN_VERSION) AC_CHECK_PROG(have_pkg_config, pkg-config, yes, no) if test x"$have_pkg_config" == xno; then AC_MSG_ERROR(pkg-config is required to install this program) fi PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG PKG_CHECK_MODULES( AVAHI, [ avahi-tqt >= 0.4 , avahi-client >= 0.4 ]) AC_SUBST(AVAHI_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(AVAHI_LIBS) PKG_CHECK_EXISTS( [ avahi-client >= 0.6], AC_DEFINE(AVAHI_API_0_6,1,[Avahi API 0.6] ) ) have_libdns_sd="yes" fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_DNSSD, test "$have_libdns_sd" = "yes")