% LaTeX test file for kate's syntax highlighting and code folding \ordinaryLaTeXcommandwithoption[10pt,a4paper]{article} % BEGIN region %comment, this is all ok % $ \%no comments please \\%comment % END of region \newcommand{\nohighlighting} \section{normal} \ref{blue} \pageref{blue} \cite{blue} \begin{environmentshavespecialcolors} normal \end{environmentshavespecialcolors} $equations are green, \commands somewhat darker$ normal $$equations are green, \commands somewhat darker$$ normal \( \frac{1}{2} \begin{test} \end{test} \) normal \[ %comment displaymath \] normal \begin{equation} green\darkergreen \begin{test} \test \end{test} \end{equation} \begin{equation*} green\darkergreen %comment \begin{test} \test \end{test} \%no comment \end{equation*} \{ %this should be comment \verb%this shouldn't be%and this should be normal text \begin{verbatim} text inside a verbatim environment is also treated special $ %, you can even put a \begin{verbatim} inside \end{verbatim} normal \begin{Verbatim} &@@#^%&^#$ \end{Verbatim} \begin{Verbatim*} @*&^#@*(^#(*@& \end{Verbatim*} normal