#VRML V2.0 utf8 # # VRML highlighting test for Kate's syntax highlighting # # Keywords DEF, EXTERNPROTO, FALSE, IS, NULL, PROTO, ROUTE, TO, TRUE, USE, eventIn, eventOut, exposedField, field # Data types MFColor, MFFloat, MFInt32, MFNode. MFRotation, MFString, MFTime, MFVec2f, MFVec3f, SFBool, SFColor, SFFloat, SFImage, SFInt32, SFNode, SFRotation, SFString, SFTime, SFVec2f, SFVec3f # Predefined nodes Anchor, Appearance, AudioClip, Background, Billboard, Box, Collision, Color, ColorInterpolator, Cone, Coordinate, CoordinateInterpolator, Cylinder, CylinderSensor, DirectionalLight, ElevationGrid, Extrusion, Fog, FontStyle, Group, ImageTexture, IndexedFaceSet, IndexedLineSet, Inline, LOD, Material, MovieTexture, NavigationInfo, Normal, NormalInterpolator, OrientationInterpolator, PixelTexture, PlaneSensor, PointLight, PointSet, PositionInterpolator, ProximitySensor, ScalarInterpolator, Script, Shape, Sound, Sphere, SphereSensor, SpotLight, Switch, Text, TextureCoordinate, TextureTransform, TimeSensor, TouchSensor, Transform, Viewpoint, VisibilitySensor, WorldInfo # Some real VRML constructs to see if highlighting of int, float etc. works NavigationInfo { avatarSize [0.25, 1.6, 0.75] headlight TRUE speed 1 type ["WALK", "ANY"] visibilityLimit 0.0 } # some further testing for strings: linefeeds are allowed within strings Text { string ["some special in-string characters: \" \\ some more text in the next line and yet another line"] }